41 research outputs found

    Regulated growth of diatom cells on self-assembled monolayers

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    We succeeded in regulating the growth of diatom cells on chemically modified glass surfaces. Glass surfaces were functionalized with -CF(3), -CH(3), -COOH, and -NH(2 )groups using the technique of self-assembled monolayers (SAM), and diatom cells were subsequently cultured on these surfaces. When the samples were rinsed after the adhesion of the diatom cells on the modified surfaces, the diatoms formed two dimensional arrays; this was not possible without the rinsing treatment. Furthermore, we examined the number of cells that grew and their motility by time-lapse imaging in order to clarify the interaction between the cells and SAMs. We hope that our results will be a basis for developing biodevices using living photosynthetic diatom cells

    Response of epilithic diatom communities to environmental gradients in subtropical temperate Brazilian rivers

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    This work aims to analyse the response of epilithic diatom communities to enviranmental gradients in subtropical temperate southern Brazilian rivers to contribute to the development of a widely applicable methodology for water-quality monitoring. Samples for physical, chemical and biological determination were collected monthly, fram December 2001 to November 2002 and fram March 2003 to February 2004, at 9 stations along the rivers Pardo and Pardinho in the hydrographical basin of Rio Pardo, State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. Physical and chemical variables (water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates and total dissolved solids) and biological variables (epilithic diatom communities) were used as parameters for water-quality assessment. The data matrix was examined by means of a multivariate ordination using Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). In total, 270 taxa were identified to specific or infra-specific levels. The results showed that of all the physical and chemical variables used, the main gradient along the DCA first axis was eutraphication, which was indicated by its significant correlation with phosphates (p < 0.00l). Hence, the species' scores on the DCA axis were used as an operational criterion for indicating their tolerance to eutrophication. From this analysis, the 10 taxa that were the most tolerant to eutrophication were: Cyclotella meneghiniana, Fallacia monoculata, Nitzschia acicularis, N. clausii, N. nana, N. palea, Nitzschia sp., Pinnularia sp., Sellaphora pupula sensu lato and Ulnaria acuso The present study showed that epilithic diatom assemblages reflect anthropogenic changes in hydrographic basins in subtropical temperate streams, especially pollution by organic enrichment and eutraphication. Key words: Diatoms, eutrophication, biomonitoring, southern Brazilian rivers.Este trabajo pretende analizar la respuesta de la comunidad de diatomeas epilíticas a gradientes ambientales en ríos brasileños templados subtropicales, con el objetivo de contribuir al desarrollo de una metodología ampliamente aplicable para la monitorización de la calidad del agua. Diversas muestras para determinaciones físicas, químicas y biológicas fueron recogidas mensualmente, de diciembre de 2001 a noviembre de 2002, y de marzo de 2003 afebrero de 2004, en nueve esta­ciones de muestre o distribuidas a lo largo de los ríos Pardo y Pardinho, localizados en la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Río Pardo, Estado del Río Grande del Sur; Brasil. Variables físicas y químicas (temperatura del agua, pH, oxígeno disuelto, demanda bioquímica de oxígeno, demanda química de oxígeno, nitratos, nitritos, fosfato y sólidos totales disueltos) y biológicas (co­munidad de diatomeas epilíticas) fueron usadas como parámetros para evaluar la calidad del agua. El conjunto de datos fue analizado por medio de una ordenación multivariante usando el Análisis de Correspondencias sin Tendencias (DCA). En total, 270 taxones fueron identificados a nivel especifico o infra-especifico. Los resultados indicaron que, entre todas las variables físicas y químicas usadas, el principal gradiente establecido a lo largo del primer eje DCA fue la eutrojización, señalada por su correlación significativa con la concentración de fosfatos (p < 0.001). De esta forma, los valores alcanzados por las especies en el primer eje DCA fueron usados como un criterio operativo para indicar su tolerancia a la eutrojización. Los 10 taxones más tolerantes a la eutrojizaciónfueron: Cyc10tella meneghiniana, Fallacia monoculata, Nitzschia acicularis, N. c1ausii, N. nana, N. palea, Nitzschia sp., Pinnularia sp., Sellaphora pupula sensu lato y Ulnaria acuso El presente estudio muestra que la comunidad de diatomeas epilíticas refleja cambios antropogénicos en ríos templados subtropicales de cuencas hidrográjicas, especialmente la contaminación por enriquecimiento orgánico y eutrofización

    Response of epilithic diatom communities to environmental gradients in subtropical temperate Brazilian rivers

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    P. 323-340This work aims to analyse the response of epilithic diatom communities to environmental gradients in subtropical temperate southern Brazilian rivers to contribute to the development of a widely applicable methodology for water-quality monitoring. Samples for physical, chemical and biological determination were collected monthly, from December 2001 to November 2002 and from March 2003 to February 2004, at 9 stations along the rivers Pardo and Pardinho in the hydrographical basin of Rio Pardo, State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. Physical and chemical variables (water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates and total dissolved solids) and biological variables (epilithic diatom communities) were used as parameters for water-quality assessment. The data matrix was examined by means of a multivariate ordination using Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). In total, 270 taxa were identied to specic or infra-specic levels. The results showed that of all the physical and chemical variables used, the main gradient along the DCA rst axis was eutrophication, which was indicated by its signicant correlation with phosphates ( p < 0.001). Hence, the species’ scores on the DCA axis were used as an operational criterion for indicating their tolerance to eutrophication. From this analysis, the 10 taxa that were the most tolerant to eutrophication were: Cyclotella meneghiniana, Fallacia monoculata, Nitzschia acicularis, N. clausii, N. nana, N. palea, Nitzschia sp., Pinnularia sp., Sellaphora pupula sensu lato and Ulnaria acus. The present study showed that epilithic diatom assemblages reect anthropogenic changes in hydrographic basins in subtropical temperate streams, especially pollution by organic enrichment and eutrophicationS

    Comparative Gene Analysis Focused on Silica Cell Wall Formation: Identification of Diatom-Specific SET Domain Protein Methyltransferases

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    Silica cell walls of diatoms have attracted attention as a source of nanostructured functional materials and have immense potential for a variety of applications. Previous studies of silica cell wall formation have identified numerous involved proteins, but most of these proteins are species-specific and are not conserved among diatoms. However, because the basic process of diatom cell wall formation is common to all diatom species, ubiquitous proteins and molecules will reveal the mechanisms of cell wall formation. In this study, we assembled de novo transcriptomes of three diatom species, Nitzschia palea, Achnanthes kuwaitensis, and Pseudoleyanella lunata, and compared protein-coding genes of five genome-sequenced diatom species. These analyses revealed a number of diatom-specific genes that encode putative endoplasmic reticulum-targeting proteins. Significant numbers of these proteins showed homology to silicanin-1, which is a conserved diatom protein that reportedly contributes to cell wall formation. These proteins also included a previously unrecognized SET domain protein methyltransferase family that may regulate functions of cell wall formation-related proteins and long-chain polyamines. Proteomic analysis of cell wall-associated proteins in N. palea identified a protein that is also encoded by one of the diatom-specific genes. Expression analysis showed that candidate genes were upregulated in response to silicon, suggesting that these genes play roles in silica cell wall formation. These candidate genes can facilitate further investigations of silica cell wall formation in diatoms

    Creating a preliminary checklist for recent freshwater Japanese endemic diatom taxa

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    New and interesting Eunotia (Bacillariophya) taxa from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, tropical central Africa

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    Background and aims - Large-celled Eunotia species from tropical central Africa are documented in order to define morphological variation within species and to describe new or poorly documented taxa. Methods - Samples were collected from the Congo River between Kisangani and Bumba in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These samples were prepared for diatom analysis and examined according to standard methods and documented using both light and scanning electron microscopy. Key results - A single population of Eunotia zygodon is used to demonstrate the high degree of change in gross cell morphology during its life cycle, changes previously observed in cultures of this genus. Cells of this taxon from each extremity of the reproductive cycle could be, and probably often were, placed in discrete taxa during sample analysis, especially as this taxon occurs rather infrequently. We also describe Eunotia leonardii as new to science. It has an undulate valve margin and is closely related to Eunotia serra and Eunotia georgii but differs in respect to overall cell size and the structure of the terminal raphe endings. The bi-undulate Eunotia papilio var. africana is raised to the rank of species and named Eunotia fuseyi as it is clearly a discrete taxon from E. papilio s. str