174 research outputs found

    What the eye does not see: visualizations strategies for the data collection of personal networks

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    The graphic representation of relational data is one of the central elements of social network analysis. In this paper, the author describe the use of visualization in interview-based data collection procedures designed to obtain personal networks information, exploring four main contributions. First, the author shows a procedure by which the visualization is integrated with traditional name generators to facilitate obtaining information and reducing the burden of the interview process. Second, the author describes the reactions and qualitative interpretation of the interviewees when they are presented with an analytical visualization of their personal network. The most frequent strategies consist in identifying the key individuals, dividing the personal network in groups and classifying alters in concentric circles of relative importance. Next, the author explores how the visualization of groups in personal networks facilitates the enumeration of the communities in which individuals participate. This allows the author to reflect on the role of social circles in determining the structure of personal networks. Finally, the author compares the graphic representation obtained through spontaneous, hand-drawn sociograms with the analytical visualizations elicited through software tools. This allows the author to demonstrate that analytical procedures reveal aspects of the structure of personal networks that respondents are not aware of, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using both modes of data collection. For this, the author presents findings from a study of highly skilled migrants living in Spain (n = 95) through which the author illustrates the challenges, in terms of data reliability, validity and burden on both the researcher and the participants

    Participants and organizational typology of mutual help groups

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    Este trabajo revisa algunos de los estudios recientes que consideran a los grupos estructurados de autoayuda y apoyo mutuo como entidades proveedoras de servicios. Se analiza la investigación que caracteriza al participante modal de dichos grupos como una mujer de mediana edad, con un nivel socioeconómico y educativo elevado, y alto grado de integración social. Se discute la inadecuación categorial de la distinción entre grupos de autoayuda y apoyo mutuo, en comparación con tipologías más exhaustivas basadas en la teoría organizacional. Por último, se sugiere que la investigación futura tendrá que desarrollar un marco de indagación más sistemático, y ubicarse en el contexto de la teoría del apoyo socialIn this paper, several studies considering self-help and mutual support groups as social services providers are reviewed. Recent research shows that participants in these groups are usually women of a high socioeconomic status and well-integrated in the community. The benefits of an organizational-based typology, and the need of a systematic framework grounded on social support theory are also discussed.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) SEC95-023

    Internet, amigos y bacterias: la alargada sombra de Stanley Milgram

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    En busca del mundo perdido (¿El declive de la comunidad o el auge de comunidades personales?)

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    Ecological Settings and Theory of Community Action: “There is Nothing More Practical Than a Good Theory” in Community Psychology

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    "There is nothing more practical than a good theory" (Lewin, 1952, p. 169). Since its inception, community psychology has been characterized by simultaneously pursuing the social utility of scientific knowledge and the theoretical value of practice (Lewin, 1946). Theories contribute to community change, while the lessons learned in community intervention in turn contribute to improve our knowledge of social reality. In terms of action research, theoretical models perform a central role in mediating between science and practice. However, when we ask community psychologists which models they consider essential for community research and action, the picture is very complex. Jason, Stevens, Ram, Miller, Beasley, and Gleason (2016) did this exercise, consulting the electronic mailing list of the Society for Community Research and Action. Both researchers and professionals involved in community intervention participate on this list, and the inquiry resulted in a list of approximately 32 theoretical frames. Without being exhaustive in the inquiry, it is striking the number and diversity of theoretical models mentioned. Some of them are not theoretical models. Others are not even part of psychology. As I will elaborate below, community research of the last several decades provides a basis for proposing a systematic view of community settings and a theory of the processes of community action and change

    Competencies for community psychology practice in Spain: Standards, quality and challenges in social intervention

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    In this paper, competencies for community psychology practice are examined within the Spanish context, based on the experience of a Master in Psychology of Social and Community Intervention in the University of Seville. The list of competencies was developed specifically for monitoring the practicum of master students, and it was developed in a portfolio format, following the usual pattern in the European accreditation process "EuroPsy", designed by the professional associations of psychology. The portfolio consists of 29 generic professional competencies, grouped in seven blocks: needs specification, evaluation, product development and services, psychological intervention, assessment of psychological interventions, communication, and enabling competencies. At the national level, we analyze the impact that the new system of training and accreditation of psychologists who perform health activities is having on the professional recognition and the role of community psychologists. At the international level, we compare the EuroPsy proposal with the list of 18 competences proposed by Dalton and Wolfe (2012) and approved by the Society for Community Research and Action, APA Division 27. Finally, we discuss the advantages and limitations of a generic model of competency assessment, focused on the professional practice of psycholog

    Las prácticas de psicología comunitaria y la implicación de los estudiantes en el contexto social

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    Describimos un proyecto de innovación educativa en las prácticas de Psicología Comunitaria , asignatura del Segundo Ciclo de la licenciatura de Psicología. Las prácticas se diseñaron con el ob- jetivo de (1) implicar a los alumnos en el contexto comunitario , (2) entrenarlos en habilidades de diagnóstico de contextos y planificación de programas, y (3) reflexionar sobre el papel de las pe- queñas agrupaciones comunitarias. Participaron 143 alumnos que elaboraron 55 estudios de caso de organizaciones sociales. Se discute el papel de las organizaciones comunitarias en la política so- cial, y el papel del trabajo de campo en la formación de los estudiantes de psicologí

    Mallas de paisanaje : el entramado de relaciones de los inmigrantes

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    Este artículo resume una parte de nuestro trabajo sobre las redes de apoyo social de los inmigrantes. En él se combina una recopilación de algunos de los resultados de investigación más significativos con la formulación de argumentos de carácter hipotético, aunque basados en las evidencias previas. Para ello desarrollamos tres contenidos fundamentales. Primero, presentamos brevemente el concepto de apoyo social. En segundo lugar, revisamos -con población inmigrante- algunas de las dimensiones de dicho concepto, tales como la multiplicidad de los proveedores, los intercambios de ayuda, el contexto colectivo de las cadenas migratorias, etcétera. Finalmente, en tercer lugar, proponemos una clasificación de los tipos de redes de apoyo de los inmigrantes con menos de diez años de residencia en España.This paper summarises part of our work concerning social support networks among immigrants. It combines a compilation of some of our most significant findings with the formulation of hypothetical arguments that are based on previous evidence. We shall develop three main points: first, we shall briefly present the concept of social support; second, we shall review-with immigrant populations-some dimensions of this concept, such as the multiplicity of providers, help exchanges, and the collective context of migration chains; finally, we shall propose a classification of the types of support chains involving immigrants with less than ten years of residence in Spain

    Sesgos de medida y problemas de muestreo en las encuestas de poblaciones inmigrantes

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    En este trabajo resumimos los problemas de la investigación con inmigrantes en dos áreas fundamentales (1) la validez y fiabilidad de los instrumentos aplicados a las minorías étnicas, y (2) la accesibilidad y representatividad de las muestras de población foránea. En relación a los sesgos de medida, prestamos especial atención a la equivalencia lingüística, conceptual y escalar entre grupos; el estilo de respuesta de la minoría étnica; y el efecto del grupo de pertenencia del investigador, entre otros aspectos. Como estrategias para afrontar dichas dificultades, valoramos el alcance de los estudios pretest y de validación, la traducción y re-traducción de cuestionarios, y la participación de mediadores bilingües, entre otros aspectos. Entre los problemas de muestreo, valoramos las dificultades para conseguir la entrada en la comunidad y lograr tasas elevadas de respuesta; así como, la falta de heterogeneidad demográfica en muchas de las muestras de minorías. Como alternativas metodológicas con las que garantizar la representatividad, se discuten las estrategias de sobremuestreo, utilización de encuestadores bilingües del mismo género y raza que el entrevistado, la difusión previa de la encuesta, y la aplicación de técnicas cualitativas. Por último, se señalan las potencialidades de la selección en cadena (o “bola de nieve”) con grupos inmigrados