78 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah pengaturan pembuatan Kontrak Bisnis Menurut KUHPerdata dan bagaimanakah akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan dalam pembuatan kontrak bisnis.  Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Pembuatan Kontrak Bisnis Menurut KUHPerdata perlu memenuhi kriteria mengenai adanya Adanya Subjek Kontrak, Memenuhi Syarat Sahnya Perjanjian, mengetahui Tahapan Dalam Pembuatan Kontrak Bisnis, kontrak harus dilakukan dengan menggunakan Teknik Penyusunan Kontrak berupa Obyek dan Hakekat suatu kontrak, Kemampuan merancang kontrak, dan Anatomi kontrak. 2. Akibat Hukum Pembuatan Kontrak Bisnis Menurut KUHPerdata adalah akibat hukum bagi kontrak yang sah dan akibat hukum bagi kontrak yang tidak sah. Adapun jenis akibat hukumnya bisa berupa ganti kerugian, batalnya kontrak dan penyelesaian pada ranah pengadilan perdata yang umumnya dilakukan melalui mekanisme arbitrase dan mediasi serta peradilan umum sesuai dengan keinginan para pihak yang terlibat di dalam kontrak bisnis. Kata kunci: Kontrak, bisnis, akibat huku

    Peran Producer Dalam Pembuatan Video Edukasi Online Dalam Praktik Kerja Magang Di PT. Edukita Jaya Global

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    Pada laporan magang ini berisikan mengenai pengalaman penulis menjadi producer saat praktek kerja magang di PT. Edukita Jaya Global. Penulis memilih PT. Edukita Jaya Global karena dirasa perusahaan start-up yang memiliki prospek kerja yang sangat baik untuk masa depan. Perusahaan ini juga sudah mengajarkan penulis bagaimana caranya kerja dengan baik dan profesional meskipun dalam ruang lingkup dan suasana kekeluargaan. Penulis juga menemukan beberapa kendala saat melakukan kerja magang, antara lain yaitu, system kerja yang masih sangat baru dan harus banyak diubah dan juga kekurangan human resource dalam saat kerja magang. Meskipun adanya beberapa kendala saat praktek kerja magang, penulis akhirnya bisa mencari jalan keluar agar seluruh yang terlibat tidak terganggu terlalu banyak

    Accesibilidad en el turismo: la accesibilidad de los sordos a los servicios turísticos de Goiânia - GO

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    This article discusses the accessibility of deaf to the touristic services of the City of Goiânia - Estate of Goiás. Set up as a situation analysis, since is not limited to a specific case (as in a case study), but on the other hand, sees present data and information to enable an understanding of the situation through which passes the deaf in relation to tourism. To that, it employed a literature search in books, scientific articles and official sites, such as Ministry of Tourism and World Tourism Organization (WTO), and database, principally of Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), and a field research (in Brazilian Sign Language) conducted with deaf attached to the: Primeira Igreja Batista de Goiânia; Sistema Educacional Chaplin; and Universidade Federal de Goiás. The research identified that there is touristic demand by deaf respondents and they show great interest for group travel. It was also possible to confirm the hypothesis that the greater difficulty of accessibility for the deaf is in communication, mainly the fact that most employees of touristic enterprises to be unaware of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) or have it superficially.Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la accesibilidad de los sordos a los servicios turísticos en Goiânia – Estado de Goiás. Se configura como un análisis de la situación, ya que no se limita a un caso específico (como en un estudio de caso), pero por otro lado, objetiva presentar datos actuales e información que permitan una comprensión de la situación a cargo del sordo con relación a el turismo. Para tanto, se utilizó una búsqueda en la literatura en libros, en papeles e sitios oficiales, tais como Ministerio de Turismo e Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT), e em base de datos, sobre todo del Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), así como la investigación de campo realizada en libras a los sordos vinculados a la Primeira Igreja Batista de Goiânia, el Sistema Educacional Chaplin y la Universidade Federal de Goiás. La investigación mostró que hay demanda de turismo por los sordos y que muestran un gran interés en viajes en grupo. También fue posible corroborar la hipótesis de que la mayor dificultad de accesibilidad para las personas sordas es en la comunicación, a pesar del hecho de que la mayoría de los empleados de las empresas turísticas no tienen conocimiento de la Lengua Brasileña deSeñales (Libras) o tiene superficialmente.Este artigo é fruto do Trabalho de Conclusão do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Planejamento Turístico, que tem o mesmo título, e objetiva discutir a acessibilidade do surdo aos serviços turísticos de Goiânia-Goiás. Configura-se como uma análise de situação, visto que não se limita a um caso específico (como em um estudo de caso), mas, por outro lado, vislumbra apresentar dados e informações que possibilitem uma percepção da situação pela qual passa o surdo em relação ao turismo. Para tanto, lançou-se mão de pesquisa bibliográfica e em banco de dados, principalmente, do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, bem como de pesquisa de campo realizada em Libras junto a surdos ligados à Primeira Igreja Batista de Goiânia, ao Sistema Educacional Chaplin e à Universidade Federal de Goiás. A pesquisa permitiu identificar que há demanda turística por parte dos surdos pesquisados e que estes demonstram grande interesse por viagens em grupo. Também foi possível corroborar a hipótese de que a maior dificuldade de acessibilidade do surdo está na comunicação, em que se pese o fato de a maioria dos funcionários de empreendimentos turísticos não ter conhecimento da Língua Brasileira de Sinais ou tê-lo superficialmente

    Aanalisis Performa Promosi Film Dilan 1990 Melalui Instagram Account dengan Konsep Marketing AIDA

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    Pada pengkajian ini penulis akan membahas mengenai performa promosi film Dilan 1990 melalui Instagram account. Studi kasus yang akan digunakan adalah film Dilan 1990. Film Dilan 1990 menggunakan alat promosi di social media hanya Instagram saja. Film Dilan 1990 mendapatkan 6,3 juta penonton, yang membuat film ini menjadi film terlaris pada tahun 2018 menurut Film Indonesia (2018). Penulis merasa bahwa data ini menjadi menarik dan harus dibahas karena penulis ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai performa promise film di Instagram. Tinjauan Pustaka yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah film marketing, film marketing mix, digital marketing, promotion mix, social media, dan AIDA. Tinjauan pustaka digunakan untuk mendukung penelitian mengenai performa promosi film Dilan 1990 melalui Instagram account. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah mixed methods. Mixed methods dipilih oleh penulis karena untuk mengukur data performa, mixed methods adalah metode yang paling efektif. Pengumpulan data akan dilakukan dengan cara menganalisis comment pada 3 account Instagram yang sudah ditentukan. Penulis akan menganalisis comment berdasarkan model marketing AIDA

    Cellular and humoral immunity in malaria pre-exposed Tanzanian children and adults following vaccination with RTS,S, the most advanced malaria vaccine, and after whole sporozoite based controlled human malaria infections

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    Introduction Malaria is caused by intracellular organisms that belong to the genus Plasmodium. In 2015, there were an estimated 438,000 deaths and 214 million clinical illnesses due to malaria infection, of which the majority were in sub-Saharan African children below five years of age. Amongst the five species that are known to infect humans, Plasmodium falciparum causes the most severe disease, mostly in children and pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite malaria control programs being operational for many years, malaria elimination in most endemic regions is far from being achieved. Vaccination is considered the most cost effective method of preventing infectious diseases. To date, there are no effective vaccines available for parasitic infections, despite the existence of strong evidence of acquired immunity in most parasitic infections studied. It is therefore highly likely that the addition of an effective tool such as a vaccine to the current malaria control strategy would have a strong positive impact on our ability to control this disease. In the first part of this thesis, we aimed to investigate the vaccine efficacy as well as the cellular and humoral immunity of African paediatric volunteers vaccinated with the most clinically advanced malaria vaccine; the RTS, S/AS01. Meanwhile, novel vaccination and testing approaches are being pursued to improve or replace the recombinant subunit malaria vaccine approach to meet the goals formulated in the Malaria Vaccine Roadmap of WHO (http://www.who.int/immunization/topics/malaria/ vaccine_roadmap/en). These goals strategized that by 2030, licensed vaccines targeting Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax should encompass the following two objectives, for use by the international public health community: i) First, it should have a protective efficacy of at least 75 percent against clinical malaria and be suitable for administration to appropriate at-risk groups in malaria- endemic areas. ii) Secondly, it should reduce transmission of the parasite and thereby substantially reduce the incidence of human malaria infection; enable elimination in multiple settings and be suitable for administration in mass campaigns. Currently, the most promising candidate seems to be the whole malaria sporozoite approach, which is formed of cryopreserved, purified whole live-attenuated (either by irradiation or genetic attenuation) sporozoites. One of the novel tools used to analyze induced vaccine efficacy in sub-Saharan Africa experimentally vaccinated volunteers is controlled human malaria infection (CHMI). Many CHMIs using infectious mosquito bites or purified sporozoites have been successfully conducted in the USA and Europe over many years, but this approach had not been employed in sub-Saharan Africa until 2012. The aim of the second part of this thesis was to describe the potential of using CHMI as a tool to accelerate malaria vaccine development in sub-Saharan Africa and to dissect malaria- specific immunity induced by CHMI based on our trial conducted in 2012 in Bagamoyo. Methods and findings In the first part of this thesis (Chapter 4), the aim was to investigate safety, efficacy, cellular and humoral immunity in RTS,S/AS01 vaccinated Tanzanian paediatric populations. Adverse events were used to determine the safety of the RTS,S/AS01 vaccine in this age group (paper I), ELISA to measure the vaccine-induced CS-specific antibodies and Luminex to measure vaccine-induced cytokine responses (paper II and III). Furthermore, flow cytometry was used to investigate vaccine-induced cellular immune responses (paper III). We also looked into the implications and practicalities of immunological sampling in the African paediatric population. We did community sensitization and collected blood samples from 400 children for immunological study (paper IV). We showed that in 6-12 week old infants, vaccine efficacy against clinical malaria 14 months after first vaccination was 30.1% (95% CI, 23.6 to 36.1) in the intention-to-treat (ITT) and 31.3% (97.5% CI, 23.6 to 38.3) in the per-protocol (PP) population. Furthermore, the vaccine efficacy against severe malaria was 26.0% (95% CI, −7.4 to 48.6) and 36.6% (95% CI, 4.6 to 57.7) in the ITT and PP populations, respectively. The safety of the vaccine in terms of serious adverse events showed similar trends in both study groups. We identified two main RTS,S/AS01 vaccine induced cellular immune mechanisms:- (i) Th1-related responses such as CS-specific IFN-g, GM-CSF and IL-15 are associated with protection and (ii) Th2-related responses mediated by CS-specific IL5 and RANTES are associated with increased odds of malaria. Moreover, antibody avidity alone did not predict protective efficacy in the current study. The induction of RTS, S/AS01 protective Th1 and pro-inflammatory responses was lower in infants compared to children; a scenario that might explain the lower efficacy observed in the infant cohort. Furthermore, we also showed that immunology studies in the paediatric population can feasibly be conducted in African research institutions. In the second part of this thesis (Chapter 5), we conducted in 2012 the first CHMI using cryo-preserved purified non-attenuated sporozoites in Tanzanian adult volunteers with previous malaria exposure (paper V). In this study, the humoral and cellular immune responses elicited following CHMI were evaluated (paper VI and VII). We used adverse events to determine the safety of the CHMI model in malaria pre-exposed volunteers. We also used blood slide microscopy to define sporozoite infectivity rates, Luminex assays to examine the sporozoite-induced antibodies, B-cell Elispot analysis, single cell RNA sequencing, flow cytometry and cell sorting followed by in vitro stimulation assays to investigate and define the affected innate and adaptive immune responses following CHMI (paper VIII). Our studies showed that: (i) CHMI is safe, tolerable and infective when used in malaria endemic regions, (ii) a single dose of intradermal sporozoite (PfSPZ) challenge elicited long-lived merozoite-opsonizing antibodies and long-lasting innate and innate-like lymphocyte populations, (iii) When we compared Dutch (malaria naïve) and Tanzanian (malaria exposed) subjects undergoing the same challenge study, Dutch subjects responded differently to PfSPZ challenge compared to Tanzanian (malaria pre-exposed) subjects. Conclusion Substantial investment in research and development is needed to develop a highly efficacious malaria vaccine. To date, the recombinant subunit vaccines are yet to give the desired levels of protection for malaria elimination but seem to prevent malaria disease in high transmission settings. Large scale manufacturing, storage and distribution of live whole malaria sporozoite-based vaccines for mass administration need further development. So far, data generated from the PfSPZ vaccine trials conducted in the USA, Europe and in African research institutions imply that malaria naive individuals respond better to malaria vaccines than malaria pre-exposed individuals. The question remains to be, “what exactly constitutes the reason for lack of durable protection against malaria infection in endemic areas?” The most important factor in accelerating future vaccine development is a better understanding of the biology and nature of acquired immunity, which will lead to improved vaccine design. We have established the foundation for using CHMI to assess efficacy of new interventions against malaria and to study the mechanisms of the lack of protection conferred by different malaria vaccines in endemic settings. This study has opened new doors in the field of malaria intervention, whereby malaria vaccine and drug efficacy can be easily tested using CHMI in the target population

    Angka Kejadian Luka Bacok Di Rsup. Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado Periode November 2011-desember 2012

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    : Chop wound is a wound caused by sharp or heavy weapon which has at least one sharp cutting edge with powerful energy, so the size of wound same as the length. Generally chop wound happened on region who can be reached by victim hand. This researched purpose to know the description of event rates for chop wound in Surgery Department RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado for period November 2011 to October 2012. The study used a retrospective descriptive method by the medical record study in Plastic Surgery Department of BLU RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado for period November 2011 to October 2012. There is 52 cases chop wound in this researched. Most of cases dominated by man (84.6%), with the largest age group are in 21-30 years old. When we take a look more details usually chop wound caused by machete with locations in extremity and also caused tissue damage in the bone and cartilage. Conclusion: Accidents rate due to chop wound more common in young adults, those happened because of drunk and there is dispute in group. These fact required attention from all parties to realize dangers of alcohol use and pay attention to their own safety, so the incidence can be reduced as small as possible

    Promoting secondary school learners' curiosity towards science through digital public displays

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    This paper contributes to the understanding of how digital public displays can be utilized in schools taking into consideration educational goals. This work is part of a currently on-going research project that aims to promote students' curiosity in science and technology through creative film-making, collaborative editing activities, and content sharing. In order to explore the design space concerning digital public displays for schools' contexts, six workshops with secondary school teachers in two different countries were conducted to elicit sensitivities towards possible features and interaction techniques as well as inquire about expectations and technology adoption. Our findings suggest that teachers are receptive to the technology and were able to generate scenarios that take advantage of the possibilities offered by digital public displays to stimulate learning processes.However, there are several crucial elements regarding management and control of content that need to be carefully crafted/designed in order to accommodate each schools' organizational issues

    Senior High School Teachers Knowledge in the use of Information Communication Technology: A Survey in Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District

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    The purpose of the Study was to examine the use of ICT in teaching and learning among Senior High School teachers in Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District. The descriptive survey design was used for the study. The target population for this study consisted of all Senior High Schools in Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District. Simple random sampling was used to select 169 teachers from all Senior High Schools in Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwas District. A questionnaire was deemed most appropriate for the study. The study found that most of the Senior High School teachers do not have much knowledge when it comes to the use of ICT in facilitating teaching and learning. Results further shows that Senior High School teachers perceive that frequent power cut, limited expertise in computer skills, not having access to a computer at home with software installed for use and inadequate training opportunities for teachers to acquire new computer knowledge/skills for teaching are the challenges they face. Furthermore, the study revealed that male teachers are more knowledgeable in the use of ICT than the female teachers. Notwithstanding, the younger teachers are also more knowledgeable in the use of ICT than the older teachers. The study recommended that Government should organise seminars and workshop for teachers to equip them with skill and knowledge in the use of ICT to facilitate effective teaching and learning. The Government should provide more reliable access to the internet to teachers to facilitate effective teaching and learning. The head teachers of the various senior high schools should also collaborate with Past Students Associations and the Parent Teachers Association to solicit for fund to purchase computers for their school to enhance the use of ICT in teaching. Keywords: Senior High School, Teachers, ICT , Knowledge DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-21-15 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Fundamental of Entrepreneurship ENT300: Loca-Root / Samson Tatim ... [et al.]

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    Today, the government and non- government had given the opportunity to all the people to encourage them and step into the business world to prevent the people for losing job and become an entrepreneur. There were also many local entrepreneurs out there to compete and be successful in their own business. By being an entrepreneur, there will be more job opportunities and reduce unemployment. To begin our business, we had discovered a new recipe that can be selling in the market. This product is random and healthy and can be selling to all people from young to old ages. Our new recipe are call CARROT were we can use carrot as the based for our foods and drinks. We had created carrot juice mix with ice-cream soda soft drink, fritter that mix together with carrot, carrot sushi as we roll the carrot with chicken loaf and carrot meat