717 research outputs found

    A Theory of Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives with Direct selling

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    We build a theoretical model to study a market structure of a marketing cooperative with direct selling, in which many farmers are members of an agricultural marketing cooperative. They can sell their production either to the cooperative or on a local market. We show that the decision to sell to the cooperative induces an anti-competitive effect on the direct selling market. Conversely, direct selling may create a "healthy emulation" among farmers, leading to more production benefiting the cooperative

    A flexible VHF-band aeronautical datalink receiver based on software defined radio

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    In this paper, we show how software defined radio can be used to decode aeronautical datalink communication such as VHF-band aircraft communication addressing and reporting system (ACARS). An academic analysis of the physical and medium access layers enables the specification of a complete discrete-time oriented receiver. The latter receiver is implemented with the help of GNU Radio and released as a free software. A flexible software architecture makes the project suitable for various applications such as teaching, integration testing, safety and security assessment

    Targeted Attacks: Redefining Spear Phishing and Business Email Compromise

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    In today's digital world, cybercrime is responsible for significant damage to organizations, including financial losses, operational disruptions, or intellectual property theft. Cyberattacks often start with an email, the major means of corporate communication. Some rare, severely damaging email threats - known as spear phishing or Business Email Compromise - have emerged. However, the literature disagrees on their definition, impeding security vendors and researchers from mitigating targeted attacks. Therefore, we introduce targeted attacks. We describe targeted-attack-detection techniques as well as social-engineering methods used by fraudsters. Additionally, we present text-based attacks - with textual content as malicious payload - and compare non-targeted and targeted variants

    Intramolecular excimer emission as a blue light source in fluorescent organic light emitting diodes: a promising molecular design

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    International audienceIntramolecular excimer emission arising from organic molecules as a blue light source in fluorescent Small Molecule Organic Light Emitting Diodes (SMOLEDs) is almost absent from the literature. In this work, three aryl-substituted DiSpiroFluorene-IndenoFluorenes (DSF-IFs 1-3) possessing different fluorescent properties due to their different main emitters have been investigated through a structure-property relationship study. Due to its particular geometry, the rigid DSF-IF platform 2 allows an 'aryl/fluorene/aryl' dimer to be preformed in the ground state leading, in the excited state, to a deep blue fluorescent emission through strong π-π intramolecular interactions between the two 'aryl/fluorene/aryl' arms. 2 has been successfully used as an emitting layer in a SMOLED with electroluminescence arising from electrogenerated intramolecular excimers and the properties of these excimer-based OLEDs have been compared to those of two model compounds (1 and 3). The simple and non-optimized double-layer device displays a deep blue colour (CIE coordinates: 0.19; 0.18) exhibiting a luminance of 510 Cd m−2 with a luminous efficiency of ca. 0.1 Cd A−1. This work is, to the best of our knowledge, the first rational and comparative study describing an intramolecular excimer based-SMOLED

    One year OSIRHYS IV project synthesis: mechanical behaviour of 700 bar type iv high pressure vessel code qualification.

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    International audienceIn this paper we present results of the OSIRHYS IV French project which aims to develop andvalidate models and methods for composite high pressure design and optimization withbehavior uncertainties knowledge. Models of the five partners of this project are presentedand burst simulation results are compared for three test temperatures (-40°C, 15°C and85°C)

    Surveillance des intoxications médicamenteuses volontaires aux urgences par capnographie (présentation d une analyse intermédiaire)

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    Introduction : La sévérité des intoxications médicamenteuses volontaires (IMV) est difficilement prévisible, environ 5% des patients admis aux urgences sont transférés en réanimation. La capnographie non invasive (EtCO2) permet d identifier les complications respiratoires lors de la sédation aux urgences et pourrait être utile à la surveillance des patients présentant une IMV. Méthodes : Nous avons évalué, de façon prospective et en aveugle, les performances prédictives de la mesure de l EtCO2 pour la détection des complications précoces chez les patients admis aux urgences pour IMV. Nous présentons une analyse intermédiaire de cette étude. Résultats : Du 20/04/2012 au 20/02/2013, 104 patients ont été inclus dont 94 avec des mesures analysables. La concordance entre EtCO2 et PaCO2 montrait un biais moyen de -2,7 mmHg et des limites d agrément entre -11,8 mmHg et +6,5 mmHg. Quinze patients ont présenté au moins une complication. Une EtCO2>= 50mmHg permettait de prédire la survenue d une complication avec une sensibilité de 46.6% [IC95%: 22,3 ; 72,8] et une spécificité de 75.9 % [IC95%: 64.8 ; 84.6], une valeur prédictive positive de 0,27 [IC95% : 0,19 ; 0,38] et une valeur prédictive négative de 0,88 [IC95% : 0,78 ; 0,94]. L aire sous la courbe ROC (AUC) de l EtCO2 maximale au cours des 30 premières minutes d hospitalisation était de 0,74 [IC95% : 0,62;0,86]. La mesure de l EtCO2 n était pas plus performante que le score de Glasgow initial (AUC : 0,76 [IC95%: 0,61;0,91]). Conclusion : D après ces résultats intermédiaires, la mesure continue de l EtCO2 seule ne permet pas de prédire de façon satisfaisante les complications précoces des patients admis aux urgences pour IMV.Introduction: The severity of drug self-poisoning patients can be difficult to assess, and approximately 5% of patients who are admitted to the emergency department (ED) are secondarily transferred to intensive care unit (ICU). Non-invasive capnography (EtCO2) can identify respiratory complications during procedural sedation in the ED and could be useful in the monitoring of poisoned patients. Methods: This prospective and blind study was conducted in a single ED to evaluate the predictive values of EtCO2 measurements for the detection of complications in adult drug self-poisoning patients. Here we report the preliminary results of this study. Results: From 20/04/2012 to 20/02/2013, 104 patients were enrolled including 94 patients with measurable EtCO2. The correlation between EtCO2 and PaCO2 showed an estimated bias of -2,7 mmHg and limits of agreement between -11.8 mmHg and 6.5 mmHg. 15 patients exhibited at least one complication. EtCO2>=50mmHg predicted the occurrence of a complication with a sensitivity of 46.6% [95% CI: 22.3, 72.8] and a specificity of 75.9% [95% CI: 64.8, 84.6], which lead to a positive predictive value of 0.27 [95% CI: 0.19, 0.38] and a negative predictive value of 0.88 [95% CI: 0.78, 0.94]. The area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUC) of the highest EtCO2 during the first 30 minutes of hospitalization was 0.74 [95% CI: 0.620, 0.864]. Glasgow Coma Scale at admission was as powerful as EtCO2 to detect complications (AUC: 0.76 [95% CI: 0.61, 0.91]). Conclusion: According to these preliminary results, the monitoring of EtCO2 alone cannot adequately predict early complications in self-poisoned patients referred to the ED.GRENOBLE1-BU Médecine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    An open source and flexible ACARS receiver based on software defined radio

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    In this demo, an aeronautical datalink is studied in the scope of a student project. Firstly, a theoretical model of the VHF ACARS transmission system is developed. Secondly, a software defined radio implementation of the former system is realized with GNURadio. Finally, a functional and flexible receiver is distributed to the open source community

    Les effets du TSCG sur la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale et la COCOM

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    La présente évaluation porte sur les effets du Traité sur la stabilité, la coordination et la gouvernance dans l’Union économique et monétaire (TSCG) au sein de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale et de la COCOM. Cette évaluation est prévue dans les ordonnances1 qui ratifient le TSCG et qui transposent les règles budgétaires visées à l’article 3, § 1er du TSCG, adoptée par l’Assemblée réunie de la COCOM et le Parlement bruxellois. L’Institut Bruxellois de Statistique et d’Analyse (IBSA) est chargé d’exécuter cette évaluation pour ces deux instances. Les conséquences générées par la mise en œuvre du volet budgétaire et de la coordination des politiques publiques prévues par le TSCG sont présentées dans ce rapport d’évaluation. L’analyse porte sur la période 2014‑2017, soit presque 4 ans. Cette évaluation est faite au travers des perceptions d’acteurs institutionnels issus d’instances régionales bruxelloises et de la COCOM. Les acteurs interrogés ont ainsi pu partager leurs connaissances sur les dispositions du TSCG et les effets qu’ils ont perçus de l’application de celui‑ci
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