25 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Ketersediaan lahan non produktif di PP. Al Hikmah merupakan potensi yang harus dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Lahan non-produktif tersebut akan dioptimalkan untuk produksi pangan berbasis pertanian terpadu. Sistem pertanian terpadu yang akan diterapkan adalah metode hidroganik yaitu suatu metode yang menggabungkan budidaya tanaman pangan dengan budidaya ikan air tawar. Tahapan pelaksanaan program disusun berdasarkan skala prioritas terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra. Dalam pelaksaan program, tim pelaksana program melakukan beberapa perubahan tahapan pelaksanaan program. Hal ini disebabkan terjadinya status darurat pandemik Covid-19. Program telah mampu meningkatkan optimalisasi pemanfaatan lahan non produktif seluas 500 m2 atau setara dengan 45,5% dari lahan non produktif milik PP Al Hikmah. Operasionalisasi instalasi hidroganik, memungkinkan mitra memproduksi bahan pangan secara mandiri dan menghemat pengeluaran belanja pangan santri berasal dari produksi tanaman padi dan lele. Taksasi produksi padi mencapai 36 kg / periode produksi, sementara produksi lele mencapai 208 kg dengan nilai total mencapai Rp. 5.015.333,-. Dampak social yang diperoleh mitra dengan adanya peningkatan pemanfaatan lahan non produktif adalah mewujudkan visi mitra yaitu mencetak generasi yang Taqwa, Kreatif dan Mandiri.Abstract: The non-productive arena in PP Al Hikmah is a potential that must be utilized optimally. The non-productive land will be optimized for integrated agriculture-based food production. The integrated agricultural system that will be applied is the hydroganic method, which is a method that combines food crop cultivation with freshwater fish cultivation. The program implementation stages are arranged based on a priority scale on problems related to partners. In the implementation program, the implementing team carries out several stages of the program implementation stages. This was caused by the emergency status of the Covid-19 pandemic. Operationalization of rainwater and hydroganic harvesting installations. The program has been able to increase the optimization of non-productive land use covering an area of 500 m2 or the equivalent of 45.5% of the non-productive land belonging to PP Al Hikmah. Operationalization of hydroganic installations, enabling partners to produce food independently and provide food expenditures for students from rice and catfish production. Piano production of rice reached 36 kg / production period, while production reached 208 kg with a total value of Rp.5,015,333, -. The social impact obtained by partners by increasing the use of non-productive land is realizing a vision that creates a Taqwa, Creative and Independent personality.

    Effect of Biogas Slurry Fertilizer on Dynamics of Soil Consistency and Tillage Power Requirement

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    Biogas slurry (BS) is a waste used as an organic fertilizer that could improve soil properties. This study was aimed to explore the dynamic of soil consistency and tillage power requirement due to BS fertilizer. Soil consistency and tillage power requirement were analyzed by the liquid (LL), plastic (PL), and adhesive (AL) limits, plasticity index (PI), workability range (WR), and liquidity index (LI). The study was conducted with incubation time and the BS type factors that include control (K), liquid BS (P1), and solid BS (P2). The incubation time factors comprised 2 (I1), 4 (I2), 6 (I3), 8 (I4), 10 (I5), and 12 weeks incubation (I6). The ANOVA test showed that BS fertilizer significantly affected LL, PL, AL, PI, and LI but did not significantly impact WR. The liquid BS fertilizer decreased LL and PI by 2%, increased LI 0.022, and decreased tillage power requirement by 1 horse power (HP). The solid BS, increased LL and PL 3%, PL 3% and AL 2%, while LI decreased by 0.074. The mathematic modeling with a first-order kinetic model was acceptable to describe soil consistency and tillage power requirement (R2>80% and X2<X2 table). The rate of AL for K, P1, and P2 were -0.022/day, -0.032/day, and -0.049/day, respectively. The minus is symbol of decreasing rate. The rate of WR for K, P1, and P2 were 0.024/day, 0.046/day, and 0.079/day, respectively. The form of BS fertilizer (liquid, solid) has changed the soil consistency which in turn has an impact on tillage power requirement

    Evaluation of Function Forms based on Polarimetric Variables for Improved Estimation of Precipitation

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    The dataset contain ground rainfall data, radar rainfall grid data, and polarimetric data. These data are taken as an example for analyses of quantitative precipitation estimates by X-band polarimetric weather radar in Yogyakrta Region

    Evaluation of Function Forms based on Polarimetric Variables for Improved Estimation of Precipitation

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    The dataset contain ground rainfall data, radar rainfall grid data, and polarimetric data. These data are taken as an example for analyses of quantitative precipitation estimates by X-band polarimetric weather radar in Yogyakrta Region

    Evaluation of Function Forms based on Polarimetric Variables for Improved Estimation of Precipitation

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    The dataset contain ground rainfall data, radar rainfall grid data, and polarimetric data. These data are taken as an example for analyses of quantitative precipitation estimates by X-band polarimetric weather radar in Yogyakrta Region

    Estimating the volcanic ash fall rate from the mount sinabung eruption on february 19, 2018 using weather radar

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    This paper presents a theoretical method for estimating volcanic ash fall rate from the eruption of Sinabung Volcano on February 19, 2018 using an X-band multi-parameter radar (X-MP radar). The X-MP radar was run in a sectoral range height indicator (SRHI) scan mode for 6° angular range (azimuth of 221°–226°) and at an elevation angle of 7° to 40° angular range. The distance of the radar is approximately 8 km in the Southeastern direction of the vent of Mount Sinabung. Based on a three-dimensional (3-D) image of the radar reflectivity factor, the ash column height was established to be more than 7.7 km, and in-depth information on detectable tephra could be obtained. This paper aims to present the microphysical parameters of volcanic ash measured by X-MP radar, which are the tephra concentration and the fall-out rate. These parameters were calculated in a two-step stepwise approach microphysical model using the scaled gamma distribution. The first step was ash classification based on a set of training data on synthetic ash and its estimated reflectivity factor. Using a naïve Bayesian classification, the measured reflectivity factors from the eruption were classified into the classification model. The second step was estimating the volcanic ash concentration and the fall-out rate by power-law function. The model estimated a maximum of approximately 12.9 g·m-3 of ash concentration from the coarse ash class (mean diameter Dn= 0.1 mm) and a minimum of approximately 0.8 megatons of volcanic ash mass accumulation from the eruption

    Phytochemical Screening Of Ethanol Extract Of Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia Rotunda (L.) Mansf) Rhizome Extract And Testing Of Bilirubin Levels In Male White Mice

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    Liver Disease Is A Deadly Disease That Has Attacked Many People. Liver Disease Is A Disease That Occurs As A Result Of An Unhealthy Lifestyle. Usually, The Patient Will Consume Drugs With Chemical Compounds To Overcome The Problem Of This Disease. The Long-Term Use Of Chemical Drugs Will Certainly Cause Side Effects Or, Even Worse, Cause New Diseases. Therefore, The Latest Treatment Methods Must Be Developed To Minimize Side Effects, Namely The Use Of Traditional Medicines. The Purpose Of This Study Was To Determine The Use Of Temu Kunci Rhizome As An Alternative To Reduce Total Bilirubin Levels In Rats As Experimental Animals. This Study Used Rats As Experimental Animals, Which Were Divided Into 6 Test Groups, Namely Group 1 Without Treatment, Group 2 With 0.5% CMC Suspension, Group 3 With 200 Mg Acetylcysteine, Group 4 With 250 Mg/Kg BW Ethanol Extract Of Temukunci, Group 5 Treated With A 500 Mg/Kg BW Dose Of Ethanol Extract Of Temukunci, And Group 6 With A 750 Mg/Kg BW Ethanol Extract Of Temukunci. From The Results Of The Research Conducted, The Ethanol Extract Of Temu Kunci At A Dose Of 750 Mg/Kg BW Was The Best Treatment For Reducing Total Bilirubin Levels In Rats As Experimental Animals


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    Sugarcane is one of the important commodities in Indonesia. Silicate mineral that is one of the very abundant availability. Silicate is one nutrient that have benefits for plants as especially sugarcane. The research was conducted to reveal sugarcane response to the silicate dosage to absorption of phosphor, plant growth, resistance borer infestation, and yield of two varieties of sugar cane. This research was a field study that had been carried out at the PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI�s fields at Banter, Jatiroto District, Lumajang Regency, The Province of East Java Special Territory within November 2011 to Oktober 2012. The experimental design applied the split plot design. The first factors was the varieties of treatment consisting of 2 levels i.e. R579 and PS864. The second factors was the rate of silicate fertilizer consisting 5 levels, i.e. without silicate, 75 kg/hg of silicate fertilizer, 150 kg/ha of silicate fertilizer, 225 kg/ha of silicate fertilizer, and 300 kg/ha of silicate fertilizer. The collected data then were analyzed by analysis of variance (Anova) applying level of significance α = 5%. Whenever the significant differences among treatments were found, further analysis was carried out by applying a Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) of α = 5%. The results showed that the dosage 150 kg/ha until 300 kg/ha of silicate fertilizer used has revealed increase silicate (Si) and phosphor (P) absorption in PS864 variety of plant cane. Silicate fertilizer used has revealed influence to the growth of root, stem, and shoot two varieties. The dosage 150 kg/ha of silicate fertilizer used has revealed prevent to stem borer and shoot borer infestation two varieties of plant cane. The dosage 300 kg/ha of silicate fertilizer used has revealed inhibit inversion of sucrose as well as increase content of phosphor in the sugarcane juice two varieties. The dosage 75 kg/ha of silicate fertilizer used has revealed increase the weight of plant cane for each hectare as well as the weight of crystal white sugar, but could not increase the content of sucrose in sugar cane