1,140 research outputs found

    An Object-Based Approach to Modelling and Analysis of Failure Properties

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    In protection systems, when traditional technology is replaced by software, the functionality and complexity of the system is likely to increase. The quantitative evidence normally provided for safety certification of traditional systems cannot be relied upon in software-based systems. Instead there is a need to provide qualitative evidence. As a basis for the required qualitative evidence, we propose an object-based approach that allows modelling of both the application and software domains. From the object class model of a system and a formal specification of the failure properties of its components, we generate a graph of failure propagation over object classes, which is then used to generate a graph in terms of object instances in order to conduct fault tree analysis. The model is validated by comparing the resulting minimal cut sets with those obtained from the fault tree analysis of the original system. The approach is illustrated on a case study based on a protection system from..

    Web application to help children learn English

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    Cilj diplomske naloge je bil izdelati spletno aplikacijo, ki bo na zanimiv oz. igriv način omogočala učenje angleškega jezika. Aplikacija je namenjena učenju otrok, saj na zabaven in otroku prilagojen način vodi dogajanje oz. reševanje nalog. Aplikacija ima več težavnostnih stopenj in je tako primerna za otroke z različnimi nivoji znanja angleškega jezika. Izdelava naloge se je začela s pregledom obstoječih načinov učenja, iz katerih smo nato pripravili primere, ki ustrezajo različnim zahtevnostnim nivojem. Razvoj se je začel z izdelavo podatkovne baze v sistemu MySQL in nadaljeval z izdelavo spletne aplikacije, pri kateri je bilo uporabljenih več različnih spletnih tehnologij. Aplikacija ima šest kategorij nalog, od sestavljanja besed, pa do pravilnega tvorjenja stavkov in zapisa nepravilnih glagolov.The goal of this diploma was to create a web application, that will in interesting or playfull way enable learning English. The application is primarily intended for children since it directs the action or task solving in a entertaining way, that is suited to children. There are several difficulty levels so the app is suitable for children or learners with different levels of English knowledge. The process of implementing the task started with going through some of the existing learning techniques and based on that we prepared examples, that are suitable for different levels of difficulty. The first step of the build was to set up a database in MySQL, followed by creating web application using various web technologies. The application contains tasks in six different difficulty levels, starting with word formation, all the way up to the correct creation of sentences and learning irregular verbs

    Identification of hydrocarbons in chalk reservoirs from surface seismic data: South Arne field, North Sea

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    Seismic data are mainly used to map out structures in the subsurface, but are also increasingly used to detect differences in porosity and in the fluids that occupy the pore space in sedimentary rocks. Hydrocarbons are generally lighter than brine, and the bulk density and sonic velocity (speed of pressure waves or P-wave velocity) of hydrocarbon-bearing sedimentary rocks are therefore reduced compared to non-reservoir rocks. However, sound is transmitted in different wave forms through the rock, and the shear velocity (speed of shear waves or S-wave velocity) is hardly affected by the density of the pore fluid. In order to detect the presence of hydrocarbons from seismic data, it is thus necessary to investigate how porosity and pore fluids affect the acoustic properties of a sedimentary rock. Much previous research has focused on describing such effects in sandstone (see Mavko et al. 1998), and only in recent years have corresponding studies on the rock physics of chalk appeared (e.g. Walls et al. 1998; Røgen 2002; Fabricius 2003; Gommesen 2003; Japsen et al. 2004). In the North Sea, chalk of the Danian Ekofisk Formation and the Maastrichtian Tor Formation are important reservoir rocks. More information could no doubt be extracted from seismic data if the fundamental physical properties of chalk were better understood. The presence of gas in chalk is known to cause a phase reversal in the seismic signal (Megson 1992), but the presence of oil in chalk has only recently been demonstrated to have an effect on surface seismic data (Japsen et al. 2004). The need for a better link between chalk reservoir parameters and geophysical observations has, however, strongly increased since the discovery of the Halfdan field proved major reserves outside four-way dip closures (Jacobsen et al. 1999; Vejbæk & Kristensen 2000)

    Characterization of a Pre-Trajan wall by integrated geophysical methods

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    The purpose of this study was to characterize a pre-Trajan mosaic-decorated wall structure located beneath the Cryptoporticus of the 'Baths of Trajan' complex in Rome. The surveyed wall is 15m long, 0.9m wide and 3 to 5m high. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) and P-wave seismic refraction tomography profiles were used to reconstruct the wall's inner structure, generate a map of the fractures and to evaluate the seismic velocities of the building materials. The wall was surveyed with horizontally and vertically dense GPR profiles and two seismic lines. The seismic lines and GPR profiles were capable of detecting a discontinuity between brick and travertine materials that compose the wall. The combined interpretation of the two non-invasive techniques allowed us to locate weak zones and fractures. This rapid, non-destructive and multi-parametric approach has proved to be effective for characterizing the current status of the wall and the results will be used by archaeologists to evaluate the wall's integrity and to preserve the structure in the future archaeological excavations

    RELAP5/MOD3.3 Best Estimate Analyses for Human Reliability Analysis

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    To estimate the success criteria time windows of operator actions the conservative approach was used in the conventional probabilistic safety assessment (PSA). The current PSA standard recommends the use of best-estimate codes. The purpose of the study was to estimate the operator action success criteria time windows in scenarios in which the human actions are supplement to safety systems actuations, needed for updated human reliability analysis (HRA). For calculations the RELAP5/MOD3.3 best estimate thermal-hydraulic computer code and the qualified RELAP5 input model representing a two-loop pressurized water reactor, Westinghouse type, were used. The results of deterministic safety analysis were examined what is the latest time to perform the operator action and still satisfy the safety criteria. The results showed that uncertainty analysis of realistic calculation in general is not needed for human reliability analysis when additional time is available and/or the event is not significant contributor to the risk

    Frequency-dependent anisotropy of porous rocks with aligned fractures

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    Naturally fractured reservoirs are becoming increasingly important for oil and gas exploration in many areas of the world. Because fractures may control the permeability of a reservoir, it is important to be able to find and characterize fractured zones. In fractured reservoirs, the wave-induced fluid flow between pores and fractures can cause significant dispersion and attenuation of seismic waves. For waves propagating normal to the fractures, this effect has been quantified in earlier studies. Here we extend normal incidence results to oblique incidence using known expressions for the stiffness tensors in the low- and high-frequency limits. This allows us to quantify frequency-dependent anisotropy due to the wave-induced flow between pores and fractures and gives a simple recipe for computing phase velocities and attenuation factors of quasi-P and SV waves as functions of frequency and angle. These frequency and angle dependencies are concisely expressed through dimensionless velocity anisotropy and attenuation anisotropy parameters. It is found that, although at low frequencies, the medium is close to elliptical (which is to be expected as a dry medium containing a distribution of penny-shaped cracks is known to be close to elliptical); at high frequencies, the coupling between P-wave and SV-wave results in anisotropy due to the non-vanishing excess tangential compliance

    Time-lapse sonic logs reveal patchy CO2 saturation in-situ

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    Based on time-lapse sonic and neutron porosity logs from the Nagaoka CO2 sequestration experiment, a P-wave velocity-saturation relation at reservoir depth is retrieved. It does not coincide with either of the end-member models of uniform and patchy saturation but falls in between even if realistic error estimates for the host rock properties are considered. Assuming a random distribution of CO2 patches it is shown that the mechanism of wave-induced flow can be evoked to explain this velocity-saturation relation. Characteristic CO2 patch size estimates range from 1 to 5 mm. Such mesoscopic heterogeneity can be responsible for attenuation and dispersion in the well logging frequency band