307 research outputs found

    Hf isotope compositions of northern Luzon arc lavas suggest involvement of pelagic sediments in their source

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    International audienceNew Hf isotopic compositions for island arc basalts from the Luzon arc (Philippines) define a remarkable sub-horizontal trend in Hf-Nd isotopic space with a small range of ΔHf (+5 to +17) associated with a large variation in ΔNd (-7 to +8). The data plot above and barely overlap the terrestrial array defined by oceanic basalts and continental crust. Mixing hyperbola passing through the data intersect fields for depleted mantle and pelagic sediments suggesting that these two components formed the source of the Luzon arc lavas. An exception is the Batan Island where the low ΔNd ratios are associated with low ΔHf values. A mixing hyperbola fitting the Batan samples suggests that their mantle source was modified by subducted material prior to contamination by terrigenous clays. The relationship between Nd and Hf isotopic compositions in the Luzon volcanics show that the type of sediment subducted under an island arc is a determining factor in the control of the two isotopic systems in island arc environments

    Evidence for mantle metasomatism by hydrous silicic melts derived from subducted oceanic crust.

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    The low concentrations of niobium, tantalum and titanium observed in island-arc basalts are thought to result from modification of the sub-arc mantle by a metasomatic agent, deficient in these elements, that originates from within the subducted oceanic crust 1. Whether this agent is an hydrous fluid 2 or a silica-rich melt 3 has been discussed using mainly a trace-element approach 4 and related to variable thermal regimes of subduction zones 5. Melting of basalt in the absence of fluid both requires high temperatures and yields melt compositions unlike those found in most modern or Mesozoic island arcs 6,7. Thus, metasomatism by fluids has been thought to be the most common situation. Here, however, we show that the melting of basalt under both H2O-added and low-temperature conditions can yield extremely alkali-rich silicic liquids, the alkali content of which increases with pressure. These liquids are deficient in titanium and in the elements niobium and tantalum and are virtually identical to glasses preserved in mantle xenoliths found in subduction zones 6 and to veins found in exhumed metamorphic terranes of fossil convergent zones 7. We also found that the interaction between such liquids and mantle olivine produces modal mineralogies that are identical to those observed in metasomatized Alpine-type peridotites 8. We therefore suggest that mantle metasomatism by slab-derived melt is a more common process than previously thought

    A low ÎŽ7Li lower crustal component: Evidence from an alkalic intraplate volcanic series (ChaĂźne des Puys, French Massif Central)

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    International audienceThe intraplate volcanic suite of the Chaüne des Puys (French Massif Central) shows a complete petrologic range, from alkali basalts to trachytes. The significant variations of trace elements and radiogenic isotopes along the series strongly support the occurrence of crustal assimilation associated with fractional crystallization (AFC). The least contaminated basalts are clearly related to a HIMU-type reservoir (206Pb/204Pb > 19.6; 87Sr/86Sr + 4). The behavior of radiogenic isotopes suggests that the most likely crustal contaminants are meta-sediments located in the lower crust. The Li isotopic compositions of the lavas range from high ή7Li (> + 7‰) in basalts to lighter values in more evolved lavas (down to ή7Li ≈ 0‰). The mantle component, expressed in the least evolved lavas, has a heavy Li isotopic signature, in good agreement with previous ή7Li measurements of OIB lavas with HIMU affinities. The evolution of Li isotopic compositions throughout the volcanic series is in agreement with the AFC model suggested by the Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic systems. Although the behavior of Li isotopes during assimilation processes is currently poorly constrained, our calculations suggest that at least a portion of the lower crust beneath the Chaüne des Puys is characterized by a light Li isotopic composition (ή7Li < − 5‰)

    Triassic alkaline magmatism of the Hawasina Nappes: Post-breakup melting of the Oman lithospheric mantle modified by the Permian Neotethyan Plume

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    International audienceMiddle to Late Triassic lavas were sampled within three tectonostratigraphic groups of the Hawasina Nappes in the Oman Mountains. They are predominantly alkali basalts and trachybasalts, associated with minor sub-alkaline basalts, trachyandesites, trachytes and rhyolites. Their major, trace elements and Nd-Pb isotopic compositions are very similar to those of the Permian plume-related high-Ti basalts which also occur in the Hawasina Nappes. The Triassic lavas derive from low-degree melting of an enriched OIB-type mantle source, characterized by ΔNdi = 0.3-5.3 and (206Pb/204Pb)i = 16.96-19.31 (for t = 230 My). With time, melting depths decreased from the garnet + spinel to the spinel lherzolite facies and the degree of melting increased. The oldest are distinguished from the others by unradiogenic Nd and Pb signatures, with ΔNdi = − 4.5 to − 1.2 and (206Pb/204Pb)i = 16.35-17.08, which we attribute to their contamination by Arabo-Nubian lower crust. The lavas likely derived from the Oman lithospheric mantle, the original DMM-HIMU signature of which was overprinted during its pervasive metasomatism by the Permian plume-related melts. We suggest that these lavas were emplaced during post-breakup decompression-triggered melting in the Middle Triassic during global kinematic reorganization of the Tethyan realm

    Offshore Oligo-Miocene volcanic fields within the Corsica-Liguria Basin: Magmatic diversity and slab evolution in the western Mediterranean Sea

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    International audienceThe European and Corsica-Sardinia margins of the Ligurian Sea (western Mediterranean) have been affected by a geochemically diverse igneous activity, offshore and onshore, since the Eocene. This magmatism occurred in a global subduction-related framework. On the European side, the oldest Tertiary magmatism dated at ca. 35 Ma was mainly calc-alkaline. It included the emplacement of plutonic bodies of adakitic affinity, such as the quartz microdiorite laccolith locally referred to as "esterellite". Younger magmatic events on-land within the whole Ligurian domain were mostly medium-K or K-rich calc-alkaline. Miocene volcanic activity was important in Sardinia, where andesites and ignimbrites were erupted during several magmatic cycles. In Corsica, it was minor although it emplaced lamprophyres near Sisco at 15 Ma. Dredging and diving cruises conducted in the Ligurian Sea during the last thirty years allowed us to collect a number of submarine samples. We discuss here their geochemistry (major and trace elements) and their whole-rock K-Ar ages and mineral 40Ar-39Ar plateau ages. Around 15 Ma, minor amounts of adakitic lavas were emplaced off southwestern Corsica, in the deepest part of the Liguria-Corsica Basin. They rested over the thinnest southwestern Corsica Hercynian continental crust. Closer to the coast, contemporaneous calc-alkaline rocks erupted on a less thinned crust. The adakitic events could be indicative of either the final stages of active subduction, or alternatively of a slab tearing linked to the southeastern retreat and steepening of the slab. The latter event could be connected with the end of the Corsica-Sardinia block drifting and its correlative eastern collision. Younger volcanic effusions, dated at 14-6 Ma, occurred mostly northwest and north of Corsica. K-rich calc-alkaline basalts, shoshonites and K-rich trachytes were emplaced during this period, and alkali basalts erupted as early as 12 Ma in Sardinia. In the Toulon area, alkali basalts dated at 7-6 Ma represent the last onshore activity just before the Messinian crisis, and the Pliocene alkali basaltic outpouring in Sardinia. We propose to link these latter volcanic events to the development of a slab window in a post-collisional tectonic framework

    The size of plume heterogeneities constrained by Marquesas isotopic stripes

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    International audienceThe scale and geometry of chemical and isotopic heterogeneities in the source of plumes have important scientific implications on the nature, composition and origin of plumes and on the dynamics of mantle mixing over time. Here, we address these issues through the study of Marquesas Islands, one of the Archipelagoes in Polynesia. We present new Sr, Nd, Pb, Hf isotopes as well as trace element data on lavas from several Marquesas Islands and demonstrate that this archipelago consists of two adjacent and distinct rows of islands with significantly different isotopic compositions. For the entire 5.5 Ma construction period, the northern islands, hereafter called the Ua Huka group, has had systematically higher 87Sr/86Sr and lower 206Pb/204Pb ratios than the southern Fatu Hiva group at any given 143Nd/144Nd value. The shape and curvature of mixing arrays preclude the ambient depleted MORB mantle as one of the mixing end-members. We believe therefore that the entire isotopic heterogeneity originates in the plume itself. We suggest that the two Marquesas isotopic stripes originate from partial melting of two adjacent filaments contained in small plumes or "plumelets" that came from a large dome structure located deep in the mantle under Polynesia. Low-degree partial melting under Marquesas and other "weak" Polynesian hot spot chains (Pitcairn-Gambier, Austral-Cook, Society) sample small areas of the dome and preserve source heterogeneities. In contrast, more productive hot spots build up large islands such as Big Island in Hawaii or RĂ©union Island, and the higher degrees of melting blur the isotopic variability of the plume source

    Influence de la teneur en oxygĂšne sur la microstructure et le comportement mĂ©canique de la phase « ex bĂȘta » rĂ©sultant de l'oxydation Ă  haute tempĂ©rature (1000-1200°C) du zircaloy 4

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    International audienceL'Ă©tude ici illustrĂ©e s'intĂ©resse au comportement thermo - mĂ©tallurgique - mĂ©canique des alliages de Zr des tubes de gainage du combustible des RĂ©acteurs nuclĂ©aires Ă  Eau PressurisĂ©e (REP), lors de transitoires Ă  hautes tempĂ©ratures (HT) en ambiance vapeur d'eau, simulant des conditions hypothĂ©tiques accidentelles (dites APRP). Il apparaĂźt intĂ©ressant d'approfondir la connaissance des phĂ©nomĂšnes mĂ©tallurgiques et thermomĂ©caniques mis en jeu lors de tels transitoires, en particulier vis-Ă -vis du comportement mĂ©canique rĂ©siduel « post oxydation trempe ». DiffĂ©rentes teneurs en oxygĂšne ont Ă©tĂ© incorporĂ©es dans l'alliage Ă©tudiĂ©, pour simuler la diffusion de cet Ă©lĂ©ment dans le substrat mĂ©tallique qui intervient lors de l'oxydation HT. Des caractĂ©risations microstructurales par EBSD, MET, MEB... et des caractĂ©risations mĂ©caniques par essai de traction, mesures de constantes physiques... ont permis de dĂ©crire la microstructure et le comportement mĂ©canique de la phase rĂ©siduelle la plus ductile – phase dite « ex-bĂȘta » - rĂ©sultant de l'oxydation HT des gaines en zircaloy-4
