299 research outputs found

    ADS-B/MLAT surveillance system from high altitude platform systems

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    In this work the potential usage of ADS-Band Wide Area Multilateration(WAM)Surveillance with High Altitude Platform Systems(HAPS)is considered.The paper investigates the possible configuration ofthesystem,thelinkbudget,thege-ometryandthelimitationduetotherandomaccesstothechannelbytheModeSSignals(capacity).ThesurveillanceperformanceoftheproposedarchitectureinaWideAreaMultilaterationcontextisevaluatedbybothsimulationandstatisticalanalysis(CramerRaoLowerBound)

    Os problemas de comunicação na clínica dos distúrbios do desenvolvimento infantil

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    Optimization of graphene-based materials outperforming host epoxy matrices

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    The degree of graphite exfoliation and edge-carboxylated layers can be controlled and balanced to design lightweight materials characterized by both low electrical percolation thresholds (EPT) and improved mechanical properties. So far, this challenging task has been undoubtedly very hard to achieve. The results presented in this paper highlight the effect of exfoliation degree and the role of edge-carboxylated graphite layers to give self-assembled structures embedded in the polymeric matrix. Graphene layers inside the matrix may serve as building blocks of complex systems that could outperform the host matrix. Improvements in electrical percolation and mechanical performance have been obtained by a synergic effect due to finely balancing the degree of exfoliation and the chemistry of graphene edges which favors the interfacial interaction between polymer and carbon layers. In particular, for epoxy-based resins including two partially exfoliated graphite samples, differing essentially in the content of carboxylated groups, the percolation threshold reduces from 3 wt% down to 0.3 wt%, as the carboxylated group content increases up to 10 wt%. Edge-carboxylated nanosheets also increase the nanofiller/epoxy matrix interaction, determining a relevant reinforcement in the elastic modulus

    Physiopathology of Spine Metastasis

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    The metastasis is the spread of cancer from one part of the body to another. Two-thirds of patients with cancer will develop bone metastasis. Breast, prostate and lung cancer are responsible for more than 80% of cases of metastatic bone disease. The spine is the most common site of bone metastasis. A spinal metastasis may cause pain, instability and neurological injuries. The diffusion through Batson venous system is the principal process of spinal metastasis, but the dissemination is possible also through arterial and lymphatic system or by contiguity. Once cancer cells have invaded the bone, they produce growth factors that stimulate osteoblastic or osteolytic activity resulting in bone remodeling with release of other growth factors that lead to a vicious cycle of bone destruction and growth of local tumour

    Study of a Brazilian family presenting non-syndromic hearing loss with mitochondrial inheritance

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever os achados audiológicos e genéticos de nove membros de uma família brasileira que apresenta a mutação no DNA mitocondrial. Todos os nove membros realizaram estudo genético, avaliação foniátrica e audiológica (audiometria tonal e logoaudiometria). O estudo genético revelou a presença de mutação mitocondrial A1555G no gene 12S rRNA (MT-RNR-1) do DNA mitocondrial em todos os sujeitos. Oito sujeitos apresentaram deficiência auditiva e somente um apresentou limiares auditivos normais até o término da realização do estudo. Os resultados audiológicos apontaram para perdas auditivas bilaterais, com prevalência das simétricas, de configurações e graus variados (de moderado a profundo) e pós-linguais. Progressão da perda auditiva foi observada em dois irmãos afetados. Não foi possível afirmar a época do início da perda auditiva por falta de informação dos sujeitos, no entanto, observou-se manifestação da perda em crianças e adultos. As mutações no DNA mitocondrial representam uma causa importante de perda auditiva, sendo imprescindível a realização do diagnóstico etiopatológico, a fim de retardar o início ou evitar a progressão da surdez.We hereby report on the audiological and genetic findings in individuals from a Brazilian family, with the following mitochondrial mutation A1555G in the 12SrRNA gene (MT-RNR-1). Nine individuals underwent speech, audiologic (tonal audiometry and logoaudiometry) and genetic evaluations. Eight individuals among the A1555G carriers were affected by hearing impairment and one person had normal hearing thresholds till the end of the present study. The audiologic evaluation results indicated normal hearing thresholds all the way to bilateral profound hearing loss with post-lingual onset and variable configuration. Two affected siblings presented progressive hearing loss. It was impossible to precise the time of hearing loss onset; however, the impairment was present in both children and adults. The genetic study revealed the A1555G mitochondrial mutation in the 12SrRNA gene. Given the prevalence of mitochondrial mutations as a cause of hearing loss, it is fundamental to perform the etiopathologic diagnosis in order to postpone the onset or avoid hearing impairment progression. This kind of hearing impairment represents a challenge to the professionals since there are no physical traits that indicate genetic transmission

    Changes in click characteristics during ABR recording

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    SummaryManipulation of auditory stimuli affect the ABR evoked potentials and aid the diagnosis, particularly in auditory neuropathy patients. Some patients with auditory neuropathy lose evoked otoacoustic emissions over time; in these cases, comparing responses to rarefaction and condensation clicks, and decreasing the stimulus rate can show an extended cochlear microphonism or yield an improved electric potential record.AimTo analyze the effect of these click manipulations on the records of potentials of patients with hearing loss as a form of improving the diagnosis.Study designA clinical prospective study.Patients and Method59 patients with hearing loss underwent ABR recording using rarefaction and condensation clicks at a stimulus rate of 27.7/sec, and rarefaction clicks at a stimulus rate of 3.3/sec. The records were compared to the otoacoustic evoked emission.ResultsEight (13.53%) patients showed changes in the recorded ABR potentials as a result of manipulating the characteristics of clicks, such as extended cochlear microphonism or an improved record of electric potentials. Five patients had no otoacoustic evoked emissions.ConclusionManipulation of click stimuli can improve the topographic diagnosis of hearing loss, particularly in the group of auditory neuropathy patients with no otoacoustic evoked emissions, where usually, the diagnosis is only possible through the method described above

    Optimization of Graphene-Based Materials Outperforming Host Epoxy Matrices

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    The degree of graphite exfoliation and edge-carboxylated layers can be controlled and balanced to design lightweight materials characterized by both low electrical percolation thresholds (EPT) and improved mechanical properties. So far, this challenging task has been undoubtedly very hard to achieve. The results presented in this paper highlight the effect of exfoliation degree and the role of edge-carboxylated graphite layers to give self-assembled structures embedded in the polymeric matrix. Graphene layers inside the matrix may serve as building blocks of complex systems that could outperform the host matrix. Improvements in electrical percolation and mechanical performance have been obtained by a synergic effect due to finely balancing the degree of exfoliation and the chemistry of graphene edges which favors the interfacial interaction between polymer and carbon layers. In particular, for epoxy-based resins including two partially exfoliated graphite samples, differing essentially in the content of carboxylated groups, the percolation threshold reduces from 3 wt% down to 0.3 wt%, as the carboxylated group content increases up to 10 wt%. Edge-carboxylated nanosheets also increase the nanofiller/epoxy matrix interaction, determining a relevant reinforcement in the elastic modulus