57 research outputs found

    Factores que afectan el desempeño de los alumnos mexicanos en edad de educación secundaria. Un estudio dentro de la corriente de eficacia escolar

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    El presente estudio analiza las tres principales bases de datos disponibles, de pruebas estandarizadas aplicadas a alumnos en edad de educación secundaria, como lo son las pruebas nacionales del INEE, el EXANI I del CENEVAL y PISA de la OCDE. Todas ellas incluyen numerosas variables tanto de los antecedentes de los alumnos, como de la escuela y sus profesores. Gracias a ellas, utilizando modelos jerárquico-lineales, es posible identificar, cuantificar y jerarquizar los diferentes factores que afectan el desempeño académico. Los resultados encontrados en muchos casos son consistentes con lo indicado por la literatura internacional, más existen diferencias que deben resaltarse, en particular para la escuela particular

    Análisis de los resultados obtenidos en estudios de eficacia escolar en México, comparados con los de otros países

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    Gracias a la disponibilidad de información proveniente de evaluaciones estandarizadas de aplicación masiva, durante los últimos años se han generado importantes estudios acerca de eficacia escolar en México, utilizando tanto metodologías tradicionales, modelos jerárquico-lineales y otras innovadoras técnicas. La cantidad de resultados disponibles permite hacer una comparación entre estos productos de la investigación en eficacia escolar en México con los resultados internacionales. Para ello se toman varios meta-análisis internacionales como base. En general, los resultados obtenidos son consistentes con lo que indica el estado del conocimiento internacional, puntualizándose las diferencias

    Methodology for selecting Best Management Practices integrating multiple stakeholders and criteria. Part 2: case study

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    The selection of stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) for mitigating the effects of urbanization on the hydrological cycle could be a complex process due to conflicting stakeholder views, and varying levels of performance of BMPs across a range of criteria (runoff reduction, erosion control, etc.). Part 1 of this article proposed a methodology based on the application of multi-criteria decision aid (MCDA) methods, which was tested here on a residential stormwater network in the Montreal area. The case study considered green roofs, rain gardens, rain barrels and pervious pavement over a range of economic, social, and water quality and quantity criteria by applying 4 MCDA methods under three different stakeholder views. The results indicated Elimination et Choix Traduisant la Realite (ELECTRE) III to be the most appropriate method for the methodology, presenting flexibility concerning threshold values, criteria weights, and showing shared top choices across stakeholders (rain gardens, and rain gardens in combination with pervious pavement). The methodology shows potential for more formal applications and research opportunities. Future work may lie in the inclusion of multiple objective optimization, better stakeholder engagement, estimation of economic benefits, water quality modeling, long-term hydrological simulations, and estimating real BMP pollutant removal rates

    Methodology for selecting Best Management Practices integrating multiple stakeholders and criteria. Part 1: methodology

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    The implementation of stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) could help re-establish the natural hydrological cycle of watersheds after urbanization, with each BMP presenting a different performance across a range of criteria (flood prevention, pollutant removal, etc.). Additionally, conflicting views from the relevant stakeholders may arise, resulting in a complex selection process. This paper proposes a methodology for BMP selection based on the application of multi-criteria decision aid (MCDA) methods, integrating multiple stakeholder priorities and BMP combinations. First, in the problem definition, the MCDA methods, relevant criteria and design guidelines are selected. Next, information from the preliminary analysis of the watershed is used to obtain a list of relevant BMPs. The third step comprises the watershed modeling and analysis of the BMP alternatives to obtain performance values across purely objective criteria. Afterwards, a stakeholder analysis based on survey applications is carried out to obtain social performance values and criteria priorities. Then, the MCDA methods are applied to obtain the final BMP rankings. The last step considers the sensitivity analysis and rank comparisons in order to draw the final conclusions and recommendations. Future improvements to the methodology could explore inclusion of multiple objective analysis, and alternative means for obtaining social performance values

    Solution and Asymptotic Behavior for a Nonlocal Coupled System of Reaction-Diffusion

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    This paper concerns with existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of the solutions for a nonlocal coupled system of reaction-diffusion. We prove the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions by the Faedo-Galerkin method and exponential decay of solutions by the classic energy method. We improve the results obtained by Chipot-Lovato and Menezes for coupled systems. A numerical scheme is presented

    Forgiveness and the Need to Belong

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    People who experience a strong need to belong might be particularly inclined to forgive wrongdoings to preserve social bonds. Three studies that utilized different methods and measures of forgiveness consistently demonstrated this is not the case. The authors found that individuals high in the need to belong report practicing forgiveness with less frequency and value it no more than those low in the need to belong (Study 1). In Study 2, they found that satisfying the need to belong led participants to express greater willingness to forgive hypothetical offenses compared to participants in a control group. Finally, in Study 3, the authors linked the need to belong to forgiveness of specific transgressions and found that this negative relationship was mediated by offense-related anger and perceptions of offense severity. These findings suggest that needing to belong paradoxically interferes with forgiveness, even though forgiving could promote the satisfaction of belongingness needs following transgressions.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    5 years DKMS Chile: approach, results and impact of the first unrelated stem cell donor center in Chile

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    IntroductionAllogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) is performed worldwide to treat blood cancer and other life-threatening blood disorders. As successful transplantation requires an HLA-compatible donor, unrelated donor centers and registries have been established worldwide to identify donors for patients without a family match. Ethnic minorities are underrepresented in large donor registries. Matching probabilities are higher when donors and patients share the same ethnic background, making it desirable to increase the diversity of the global donor pool by recruiting donors in new regions. Here, we report the establishment and the first 5 years of operation of the first unrelated stem cell donor center in Chile, a high-income country in South America with a population of over 19 million.MethodsWe used online and in-person donor recruitment practices through patient appeals and donor drives in companies, universities, the armed forces, and public services. After confirmatory typing donors were subjected to medical work-up and cleared for donation.ResultsWe recruited almost 170,000 donors in 5 years. There were 1,488 requests received for confirmatory typing and donor availability checks, of which 333 resulted in medical work-up, leading to 194 stem cell collections. Products were shipped to Chile (48.5%) and abroad. Even when the COVID-19 pandemic challenged our activities, the number of donors recruited and shipped stem cell products remained steady. In Chile there was an almost 8-fold increase in unrelated donor transplantation activity from 16 procedures in 2016–2018 to 124 procedures in 2019–2021, mainly for pediatric patients following the center’s establishment. We estimate that 49.6% of Chilean patients would find at least one matched unrelated donor in the global DKMS donor pool.DiscussionEstablishing a DKMS donor center in Chile has significantly increased donor availability for Chilean patients and contributed to an increase of unrelated donor stem cell transplant activity

    Eficácia Escolar; Background, principais resultados e futuro

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    Se presenta una breve historia de la corriente de eficacia escolar y las etapas por las que ha pasado, mostrando sus hallazgos más relevantes, como los asociados a los factores de escuela, profesor, alumno, padres de familia y contexto que impactan el desempeño del alumno. Explica la situación actual de la corriente de eficacia escolar, plasmada en el modelo dinámico de Bert Creemers y Leonard Kyriakides (2008), el cual engloba los avances más recientes y presenta los retos que enfrentan los estudios de eficacia escolar, que estarán en función del paradigma que se tenga acerca de escuela eficaz, ya que afecta de forma significativa el enfoque de estos estudios.This article presents a brief history of the school effectiveness research and the stages it has passed, briefly showing its main findings; the factors related to the school, teacher, student, parents and context that affect student's performance. The present situation of the school effectiveness research summarize in the dynamic model developed by Bert Creemers and Leonard Kyriakides (2008). This model includes the recent developments and presents the challenges these researches must face. The approach of these researches will also be significantly affected by the school effectiveness paradigm chosen.On présente dans cet article une courte histoire du courant de l'efficacité scolaire et les étapes par lesquelles ce courant a traversé, on veut montrer aussi les résultats les plus importants, par exemple ceux qui sont en relation directe avec l'école, les professeurs, les élèves, les parents et le contexte qui ont un impact dans le développement des étudiants. On explique aussi la situation actuelle du courant de l'efficacité scolaire, qui se voit dans le modèle dynamique de Bert Creemers et de Leonard Kyriakides (2008), celuici inclut les résultats les plus récentset présente les défis auxquels doivent faire face les études de l'efficacité scolaire, qui seront en fonction du paradigme que l'on ait sur l'école efficace, parce que cela affecte de forme significative l'approche de ces études.Este artigo apresenta um breve histórico da ‘corrente da escola eficaz’ e as etapas atravessadas, mostrando brevemente as conclusões mais relevantes, como os principais aspectos associados aos fatores escola, professor, aluno, pais de familia e contexto, que impactam no desempenho do aluno. O artigo explica a situação atual da ‘corrente da escola eficaz’ com base no modelo dinâmico desenvolvido por Bert Creemers e Leonard Kyriakides (2008), que engloba os avanços mais significativos dos últimos anos, e apresenta os prinicpais desafios enfrentados nos estudos da eficácia escolar. A exposição sera feita em função do paradigma de escola eficaz adotado, já que este afeta de maneira significativa o enfoque dado aos estudos da eficácia escolar

    Análisis de los Resultados Obtenidos en Estudios de Eficacia Escolar en México, Comparados con los de Otros Países

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    Gracias a la disponibilidad de información proveniente de evaluaciones estandarizadas de aplicación masiva, durante los últimos años se han generado importantes estudios acerca de eficacia escolar en México, utilizando tanto metodologías tradicionales, modelos jerárquico-lineales y otras innovadoras técnicas. La cantidad de resultados disponibles permite hacer una comparación entre estos productos de la investigación en eficacia escolar en México con los resultados internacionales. Para ello se toman varios meta-análisis internacionales como base. En general, los resultados obtenidos son consistentes con lo que indica el estado del conocimiento internacional, puntualizándose las diferencias
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