2,316 research outputs found

    Analogue model for anti-de Sitter as a description of point sources in fluids

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    We introduce an analogue model for a nonglobally hyperbolic spacetime in terms of a two-dimensional fluid. This is done by considering the propagation of sound waves in a radial flow with constant velocity. We show that the equation of motion satisfied by sound waves is the wave equation on AdS2×S1AdS_2\times S^1. Since this spacetime is not globally hyperbolic, the dynamics of the Klein-Gordon field is not well defined until boundary conditions at the spatial boundary of AdS2AdS_2 are prescribed. On the analogue model end, those extra boundary conditions provide an effective description of the point source at r=0r=0. For waves with circular symmetry, we relate the different physical evolutions to the phase difference between ingoing and outgoing scattered waves. We also show that the fluid configuration can be stable or unstable depending on the chosen boundary condition.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. To appear in Phys Rev

    Comment on Market Discipline and Monetary Policy by Carl Walsh

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    This paper aims at correcting flaws in the way expectations are set in a paper by Walsh (2000) in order to assess with precision the impact of complex market rigidities and market expectations in the optimal choices of inflation in a monetary game between society and central bankers. After setting the expectations right, one of the results achieved indicates that the optimal inflation under any type of central banker is higher than that obtained in the original paper, suggesting that the time inconsistency phenomenon plays a more important role in explaining an inflationary bias than originally interpreted by Walsh (2000). However, if society organizes itself towards shorter tenure wage contracts, inflation will be lower. The results obtained for the output gap of the economy also differ from those achieved by Walsh in the sense that a central banker who is highly committed to previously announced inflation targets will have more opportunities to generate output growth above equilibrium rates and still commit. Finally, the stability of the premises regarding the contractual structure of the economy proposed by Walsh is tested under a game theoretic approach. The outcome of the test is that stability can be guaranteed only under strong assumptions and high symmetry in the sectoral distribution of firms. By using a social welfare function in which price surprises in any direction lead to welfare loss, the results indicate that society is better off by choosing longer tenure wage contracts, moving away from shorter tenure ones, at the cost of higher inflation.

    Challenging the weak cosmic censorship conjecture with charged quantum particles

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    Motivated by the recent attempts to violate the weak cosmic censorship conjecture for near-extreme black-holes, we consider the possibility of overcharging a near-extreme Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole by the quantum tunneling of charged particles. We consider the scattering of spin-0 and spin-1/2 particles by the black hole in a unified framework and obtain analytically, for the first time, the pertinent reflection and transmission coefficients without any small charge approximation. Based on these results, we propose some gedanken experiments that could lead to the violation of the weak cosmic censorship conjecture due to the (classically forbidden) absorption of small energy charged particles by the black hole. As for the case of scattering in Kerr spacetimes, our results demonstrate explicitly that scalar fields are subject to (electrical) superradiance phenomenon, while spin-1/2 fields are not. Superradiance impose some limitations on the gedanken experiments involving spin-0 fields, favoring, in this way, the mechanisms for creation of a naked singularity by the quantum tunneling of spin-1/2 charged fermions. We also discuss the implications that vacuum polarization effects and quantum statistics might have on these gedanken experiments. In particular, we show that they are not enough to prevent the absorption of incident small energy particles and, consequently, the formation of a naked singularity.Comment: 9 pages; Final version to appear in PR

    Synchronized stationary clouds in a static fluid

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    The existence of stationary bound states for the hydrodynamic velocity field between two concentric cylinders is established. We argue that rotational motion, together with a trapping mechanism for the associated field, is sufficient to mitigate energy dissipation between the cylinders, thus allowing the existence of infinitely long lived modes, which we dub stationary clouds. We demonstrate the existence of such stationary clouds for sound and surface waves when the fluid is static and the internal cylinder rotates with constant angular velocity Ω\Omega. These setups provide a unique opportunity for the first experimental observation of synchronized stationary clouds. As in the case of bosonic fields around rotating black holes and black hole analogues, the existence of these clouds relies on a synchronization condition between Ω\Omega and the angular phase velocity of the cloud.Comment: v2: 7 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Human sporotricosis following rat bite

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    SIR model with vaccination: bifurcation analysis

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    There are few adapted SIR models in the literature that combine vaccination and logistic growth. In this article, we study bifurcations of a SIR model where the class of Susceptible individuals grows logistically and has been subject to constant vaccination. We explicitly prove that the endemic equilibrium is a codimension two singularity in the parameter space (R0,p)(\mathcal{R}_0, p), where R0\mathcal{R}_0 is the basic reproduction number and pp is the proportion of Susceptible individuals successfully vaccinated at birth. We exhibit explicitly the Hopf, transcritical, Belyakov, heteroclinic and saddle-node bifurcation curves unfolding the singularity. The two parameters (R0,p)(\mathcal{R}_0, p) are written in a useful way to evaluate the proportion of vaccinated individuals necessary to eliminate the disease and to conclude how the vaccination may affect the outcome of the epidemic. We also exhibit the region in the parameter space where the disease persists and we illustrate our main result with numerical simulations, emphasizing the role of the parameters
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