55 research outputs found


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    PPID is a government official in charge of managing and disseminating public records in accordance with Law no. 14 of 2008. This research is focused on Optimizing Public Information Disclosure by Information and Documentation Management Officers (PPID) in the Office of Communication, Informatics and Statistics of Nagan Raya Regency which is the subject of this research. This study aims to determine the performance of information and documentation management officials in terms of public information services carried out in Nagan Raya Regency and this research uses a qualitative descriptive method, the results of this study state that the Office of Communication, Informatics and Statistics is the main PPID of Nagan Raya Regency. And the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) is an auxiliary PPID. Officers in charge of managing information and documentation (PPID) play an important role in the delivery of public information services. the Nagan Raya District Communication, Informatics and Statistics service has implemented services in person and online, but there are still obstacles experienced by the PPID, one of which is that there are still people who do not know and understand about PPID and there are still regional/office officials within the Government. Nagan Raya District has not yet provided public information services to the public optimally and in accordance with PPID principles, due to limited knowledge, so to overcome all these problems a thorough and periodic socialization is needed in each sector by the main PPID. Keywords: Public Information Disclosure, PPI


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    Growing media is one of the important factors that determine the success of the acclimatization of plantlets from in vitro culture. Several media combinations were tried in this study with the aim of 1) Knowing the effect of media combinations on the success of plantlet acclimatization and seedling growth at the enlargement stage, 2) Getting the best media combination for the successful acclimation and enlargement of banana seedlings, and 3) Seeing the possible use of media husk in acclimatization and enlargement of banana seedlings as a result of tissue culture. The study was conducted at the Lampung State Polytechnic net home from May to August 2019. The research was carried out in a Randomized Block Design. Six media combinations were tried, namely: P1: Topsoil + Husk (1: 1); P2: Top Soil + husk (1: 2); P3: Topsoil + husk charcoal (1: 1); P4: Topsoil + Husk charcoal (1: 2); P5: Top Soil + compost (1: 1); P6: Topsoil + compost (1: 2). In acclimatization (planting until the plantlet is 4 weeks old) each treatment planted 30 plantlets, each with 5 replications, while on the enlargement of the seeds each treatment was tried with 15 replications. Observed variables included: Seed height, leaf width, number of leaves, and wet weight. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and continued with the BNJ test at a 5% level. The results showed: 1) the combination treatment of media had no effect on the percentage of plantlets that grew, and the growth of the number of seedling leaves at the enlargement stage, but markedly affected the growth of seedling height, leaf width, and seedling wet weight, 2) the best combination of media for success plantlet acclimatization and seedling growth rate (seedling height and wet weight) at the enlargement stage are P5 media (Topsoil + 1: 1 compost), then followed by P6 media (Topsoil + Compost 1: 2), and 3). Use of husk media for additional acclimatization media, it can still be used with the success rate of plantlets still reaching 70%, but it is not good to be used at the stage of seedling enlargement until it is ready for planting into the fiel


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    E-Kinerja is an electronic system arising from the accelerated development of increasingly sophisticated communication and technology. This study aims to identify, analyze and assess the application of new technology as an effort to increase the effectiveness and productivity of PNS/ASN performance in work activities through the use of e-performance. This research is a type of qualitative research with a case study method presented with descriptive data in the form of interviews from informants, field observations and studies of documents related to objects. The results showed that the implementation of E-Kinerja to increase the productivity of civil servants' performance in BAPPEDA Nagan Raya Regency was not yet effective in increasing the productivity of employee performance, but only to increase the level of discipline on time with the level of adaptation to the use of sustainable E-Kinerja applications. In accordance with the concept used by researchers, namely the criteria for successful implementation of the aspect of ensuring productivity and performance analysts. The implementation of e-Kinerja is also faced with several obstacles, including the lack of ability of employees to adopt new innovations or, lack of IT/ICT experts, lack of facilities and infrastructure, and the absence of regulations governing the implementation of E-Kinerja specifically. Therefore, periodic technical guidance is needed with a focus on routine discussions, appointing one of the experts as E-Kinerja admin and providing a more stable internet network.E-Kinerja is an electronic system arising from the accelerated development of increasingly sophisticated communication and technology. This study aims to identify, analyze and assess the application of new technology as an effort to increase the effectiveness and productivity of PNS/ASN performance in work activities through the use of e-performance. This research is a type of qualitative research with a case study method presented with descriptive data in the form of interviews from informants, field observations and studies of documents related to objects. The results showed that the implementation of E-Kinerja to increase the productivity of civil servants' performance in BAPPEDA Nagan Raya Regency was not yet effective in increasing the productivity of employee performance, but only to increase the level of discipline on time with the level of adaptation to the use of sustainable E-Kinerja applications. In accordance with the concept used by researchers, namely the criteria for successful implementation of the aspect of ensuring productivity and performance analysts. The implementation of e-Kinerja is also faced with several obstacles, including the lack of ability of employees to adopt new innovations or, lack of IT/ICT experts, lack of facilities and infrastructure, and the absence of regulations governing the implementation of E-Kinerja specifically. Therefore, periodic technical guidance is needed with a focus on routine discussions, appointing one of the experts as E-Kinerja admin and providing a more stable internet network

    Peranan Kejaksaan dalam Penanganan Perkara Pelecehan Seksual Anak Dibawah Umur Di Kabupaten Aceh Barat

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    This research is entitled "The role of the prosecutor in handling cases of sexual abuse of minors in Aceh Regency. The method used is empirical and the data analysis used is qualitative, the data collection technique is conducted interviews and documentation, the type of data used is primary data, secondary data, based on the results of research on proving that in Aceh Province, especially in West Aceh, there are cases of child abuse under This age and the indictment dropped by the public pros ecutor are in accordance with the Aceh Qanun law, in the process of handling cases of sexual abuse of minors, the application or working method of the public prosecutor is in accordance with the prosecutor's law, although there are tips and certain tricks contained in the m legislation used by the prosecutor's office

    Kultur Embrio Kelapa Kopyor Menggunakan Beberapa Konsentrasi BA Dan Air Kelapa

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    Coconut Kopyor is an abnormal fruit, the ordinary coconut flesh is attached to the shell and separated from coconut water while Coconut Kopyor, fruit flesh is not attached to the shell but is mixed with coconut water. Kopyor coconut cannot be used as a seed (seed). The growth of kopyor coconut embryos can only be done in a laboratory with embryo culture technology. Embryo culture is the only way to produce true to type coconut kopyor seeds that can produce 80% kopyor coconut in one kopyor coconut plant, kopyor coconut seedlings produced can support government programs in increasing the productivity of kopyor coconut through the provision of quality seeds. Research on kopyor coconut embryo culture was carried out at the Laboratory of Tissue Culture at Lampung State Polytechnic. The experiment was carried out using a RAL, with 15 treatment combinations of BA media formulations (0, 2, and 4) with coconut water (0 ml / l, 100, 150, 200, 250 ml / l). The observed variables were the percentage of embryos sprouting, when the shoot appeared, shoot height, number of roots, and number of leaves. The results showed that the use of BA 4 mg / l without the addition of coconut water increased the percentage of sprouts, faster time for shoots, and highest shoot height.    Kelapa kopyor merupakan buah abnormal, kelapa biasa daging buahnya melekat pada tempurung dan terpisah dari air kelapa sedangkan kelapa kopyor, daging buah tidak melekat pada tempurung melainkan tercampur pada air kelapa. Kelapa kopyor tidak bisa dijadikan benih (bibit). Penumbuhan embrio kelapa kopyor hanya bisa dilakukan dalam laboratorium dengan teknologi embrio kultur. Kultur embrio merupakan satu-satunya cara untuk menghasilkan bibit kelapa kopyor true to type yang dapat menghasilkan 80% buah kelapa kopyor dalam satu tanaman kelapa kopyor, bibit kelapa kopyor yang dihasilkan dapat mendukung program pemerintah dalam peningkatan produktivitas kelapa kopyor melalui penyediaan bibit yang berkualitas. Penelitian kultur embrio kelapa kopyor dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Politeknik Negeri Lampung.  Percobaan dilaksanakan rancangan acak lengkap,  dengan 15 kombinasi perlakuan formulasi media BA (0, 2, dan 4) dengan air kelapa (0 ml/l, 100, 150, 200, 250 ml/l).  Peubah yang diamati persentase embrio bertunas, waktu muncul tunas dan tinggi tunas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan BA 4 mg/l tanpa penambahan air kelapa meningkatkan persentase daya kecambah, waktu muncul tunas lebih cepat, dan tinggi tunas tertinggi


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    Relapse adalah perilaku penggunaan kembali narkoba oleh pecandu pasca rehabilitasi, ditandai dengan adanya perasaan adiktif setelah putus zat. Relapse pada pecandu disebabkan oleh dua faktor, yaitu internal dan eksternal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana kejadian relapse pada pecandu pasca menjalankan rehabilitasi serta untuk mengidentifikasi faktor internal dan eksternal yang menjadi pemicu pecandu kembali menggunakan narkoba pasca rehabilitasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan tipe deskriptif sebagai pendekatan penelitian, dimana penelitian ini dilakukan di tempat rehabilitasi narkoba YAKITA Aceh. Dimana informan berjumlah 6 orang, 4 merupakan pecandu yang sedang menjalankan rehabilitasi dengan kasus relapse, dan 2 lainnya adalah manager area dan koselor adiksi YAKITA Aceh. Data primer penelitian ini diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi, sedangkan data sekunder melalui buku, jurnal dan bacaan yang terkait dengan penelitian. Untuk menganalisis penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan Teori Labelling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kejadian relapse pada pecandu dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor, yaitu internal dan eksternal pecandu, dua faktor ini yang akhirnya menjadi pemicu pecandu untuk kembali relapse. Faktor internal meliputi karakteristik pribadi pecandu terhadap tekanan negatif yang diterima seperti pengelolaan emosi, dan juga program rehabilitasi yang dijalankannya. Sedangkan faktor eksternal meliputi bagaimana penerimaan keluarga, teman dan juga lingkungan pecandu pasca pecandu menjalankan rehabilitasi. Adanya stigma negatif dari eksternal pecandu membuat pecandu semakin besar kemungkinan untuk relaspe. Kata Kunci: Relapse, Pecandu, Pasca-Rehabilitas


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    The length of time needed to produce orchids both in the laboratory and to produce mature flowering plants is an obstacle in the development of orchids. Generally, it takes a long time to get the first flowers from plants that are propagated. This study aims: 1) to determine whether BAP growth regulators can stimulate flowering and growth of Phalaenopsis orchid plants, 2) whether the influence of BAP zpt depends on air temperature, 3) get the best concentration to stimulate flowering and plant growth. The research was carried out at the Lampung State Polytechnic net house from June to August 2019. The research was a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design. As factor I is BAP concentration (0, 50,100,150, 200 mg / l) and factor II is night air temperature (26 / 180C and 32/260 C). There were 10 treatment combinations were tried, with 5 replications. Observed variables include data analyzed by analysis of variance, then followed by a 5% LSD test. The results showed: From the results of this study the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) BAP concentrations can significantly stimulate flowering (spike emergence) & height growth of Phalaenopsis orchid seedlings, and significantly affect leaf length and number of leaves; 2) The effect of BAP concentration interacts/depends on air temperature; 3) The number of spikes per plant is markedly better / more formed at normal temperatures. At normal temperatures, a good concentration of BAP in producing spikes is 100 mg / l, whereas at low temperatures the amount of spike is most when given the addition of BAP 50 mg / l; and 4) At normal temperature the BAP concentration that is good for seedling growth (seedling height, leaf length, leaf width, and number of leaves) is 100 mg / l, whereas at low temperatures BAP concentration is good for seedling growth (seedling height, leaf width, and the number of leaves) is 50 mg / l

    Zikir Tarekat Qodiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah sebagai psikoterapi santri korban bullying verbal di Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Qulub Polagan Pamekasan

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    Skripsi ini mengkaji tentang penerapan Zikir Tarekat Qosiriyah Wa Naqsyabandiyah terhadap santri korban bullying verbal di Pondok Pesantren Mifathul Qulub Polagan-Pamekasan. Praktik bullying yang terjadi di suatu pondok pesantren sudah menjadi rahasia umum yang bahkan dianggap biasa oleh sebagian orang. Apalagi perihal dampak buruk dari bullying verbal yang notabenenya tidak bisa terlihat secara jelas sehingga hal itu membuat bullying verbal terjadi secara terus-menerus. Oleh karena itu, terkadang korban memilih diam dan memendam semuanya sendirian karena mereka merasa tidak ada yang berada di pihaknya. Dampak buruk akibat bullying verbal tentu saja tidak boleh disepelekan, karena banyak literatur terdahulu yang menerangkan bahwa korban bisa menjadi seorang yang abussive; stress, kecemasan, hingga depresi; pernurunan prestasi akademik; bahkan bunuh diri. Mayoritas korban biasanya mengatasi masalahnya dengan cara menangis, bercerita dengan teman yang dipercaya, dan lain-lain. Namun, dalam penelitian ini dengan cara menggunakan kekuatan spiritual, yakni zikir jahr nafi isbat dan zikir khafi ismu zat (zikir TQN) untuk membantu korban mengatasi permasalahannya tersebut. Dengan begitu, ada tiga rumusan masalah yang diangkat yakni: 1) Bagaimana makna dan konsep zikir TQN? 2) Bagaimana penerapan zikir TQN terhadap santri korban bullying verbal di Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Polagan-Pamekasan? dan 3) Bagaimana dampak dari zikir TQN terhadap santri korban bullying verbal di Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Qulub Polagan-Pamekasan? Maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan konsep dan makna zikir TQN dan bagaimana zikir TQN dalam menjadi psikoterapi bagi korban bullying verbal di pondok pesantren tersebut. Dalam menjalankan penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Adapun sumber datanya yakni sumber data primer yang diperoleh dari enam santri korban bullying verbal yang menerapkan zikir TQN selama sepuluh hari; sedangkan sumber data sekunder diperoleh dari kajian kepustakaan berupa buku-buku, jurnal, dan karya lainnya yang relevan dengan topik penelitian. Dari data inilah kemudian dianalisis lalu dijadikan dalam bentuk deskripsi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ternyata zikir TQN dapat menjadi psikoterapi bagi korban bullying verbal (para subjek penelitian) jika diamalkan dengan sungguh-sungguh

    Pengaruh Kesalahan Entri pada Laporan Keuangan Koperasi Karyawan Citra Niaga Medan

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    Persoalan mendasar dari peran koperasi adalah kesejahteraan anggota melalui program-program pengurus dan mendekatkan antara kebijakan pengurus dengan kebutuhan anggota. Koperasi Karyawan Citra Niaga dalam menjalankan usahanya mempunyai laporan keuangan dengan menggunakan program sistem informasi akuntansi e-solution yang fungsinya sebagai informasi neraca dan laporan laba/rugi perusahaan. Namun pada tahun 2007 dan tahun 2008 terjadi kejanggalan pada hasil laporan keuangan yang dientry pada program e-solution yang dilakukan oleh staff administrasi accountin