230 research outputs found
Origin of magnetite- and ilmenite-series granitic rocks in Sulawesi, Indonesia: magma genesis and regional metallogeny
Lateral and spatial variations magnetic susceptibilities of the granitic rocks from Sulawesi, Indonesia were studied for the first time in order to constrain its implication for their magma genesis and regional metallogenic. The magnetic susceptibility of the granitic rocks varies between 0.08 x 10-3 SI to 18.58 x 10-3 SI, corresponding respectively to ilmenite series (< 3x 10-3 SI; oxidized type) and magnetite series (> 3x 10-3 SI; reduced type) granite. This wide range result is due to large variation of rock types within one suite which cause a variety of magnetic minerals content in the rocks. Although regionally, Sulawesi granitic rocks are dominated by ilmenite series granites, the ratio of ilmenite/magnetite series granites decreases substantially from the southern part to the northern part of the island. The occurrence of the ilmenite-series with I-type characteristic granitic rocks in Sulawesi Island may be explained by assimilation process between magma and crustal material that containing a various quantity of reduced C- and S-bearing sediments. The ilmenite series granitic rocks are characterised by the occurrences of ilmenite and hematite, higher Sn ??? W, U ??? Th, V and total REE+Y, whereas the magnetite series are characterized by abundance of hematite and sulphide minerals but lower Sn ??? W, U ??? Th, V and total REE+Y. The absence of Sn and W mineralization in ilmenite-series granitic rocks could be explained by the high oxidation state of the granitic magma
Pengembangan teknologi mobil listrik pada saat ini sangat dibutuhkan demi mencapai tujuan pengganti mesin berbahan bakar minyak. Hal ini dikarenakan semakin menipisnya sumber daya alam khususnya minyak fosil. Penggunaan mobil listrik dirasa efektif selain tidak menimbulkan polusi udara dan konstruksi mesin lebih sederhana. Pada perancangan mobil listrik ini membutuhkan suatu rangka yang kokoh dengan memperhitungkan terhadap kinerja motor BLDC. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat desain rangka yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mobil listrik agar bisa kuat untuk menopang semua komponen yang ada pada rangka ini dan mengetahui kinerja pada motor BLDC. Perancangan desain rangka ini menggunakan beberapa metode yaitu pemilihan bahan, observasi, pembuatan desain. Untuk metode pembuatan desain rangka ini penulis menggunakan software AutoCad 2017, sedangkan metode pemilihan bahan, bahan yang digunakan adalah jenis pipa besi hollow kotak dan bulat berongga yang masing-masing memiliki spesifikasi tegangan ST 36. Dan untuk metode pengujian kinerja motor BLDC penulis menggunakan hasil dari perhitungan dan uji coba beberapa kali menggunakan software run tracker dan speedometer untuk mendapatkan kecepatan maksimum, jarak tempuh maksimum, waktu tempuh maksimum, serta torsi dari motor BLDC ini. Hasil yang didapat dari analisa ini meliputi beban total rangka normal yaitu 43,42 kg yang mampu menahan berat beban total hingga 8 ton. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan kinerja motor BLDC yang ideal untuk menggerakan mobil listrik itu dengan beban ± 120 kg. Motor BLDC ini mampu menggerakan mobil listrik dengan kecepatan maksimum hingga 20 km/jam.
Kata kunci : Perancangan rangka, kinerja motor, mobil listrik.
The development of electric car technology at this time is needed to achieve the goal of replacing oil-fueled engines. This is due to the depletion of natural resources, especially fossil oil. The use of electric cars is considered effective in addition to not causing air pollution and simpler engine construction. In designing this electric car requires a sturdy framework taking into account the performance of the BLDC motor. The purpose of this research to create a framework design to suit the needs of electric car to be sturdy sustain all components attached to this order. The design of this framework design using several methods such as material selection method, observation methode, the method of making the design. For this framework design method, the author uses software AutoCad 2017. The method of selecting materials, the material used is a type of hollow box and round hollow iron pipe, each of which has ST 36 spesification. And for the BLDC motor performance test method the author uses the results af calculation and trials several times using the run tracker and speedometer software to obtain maximum speed, maximum mileage, maximum travel time, and torque from this BLDC motor. The results obtained from this analysis include the total normal frame load of 43.42 kg which is able to withstand a total weight of up to 8 tons. And the results of the calculation for the BLDC motor performance are ideal for moving the electric car itself, namely with a load of ± 120 kg. This BLDC motor is able to drive an electric car with a maximum speed of up to 20 km/hour.
Keywords : Framework design, motor performance, electric car
Type of Gold Hydrothermal Deposits on Metamorphic Rock District Buru, Province Maluku
An investigation on gold occurrence in Buru island is needed to determine type of deposit in the area. This study aims to analyse mineralisation, alteration and metamorphic facies of metamorphic-hosted gold deposit in Buru area by using petrographic method, x-ray flourescense, x-ray diffraction, and polish section. The results reveral that there are two types of metamorphic rocks: schists and phyllite. Greenschist facies are charecterized by muscovite mineral, quartz, chlorite, biotite, clay mineral, and codierite. Phyllite is in the same genetic condition with schist (medium metamorphism), with formation temperature ranges from 300??C to 450??C with a pressure around 1-8 Kbar through a regional metamorphism process. Alteration in quartz veins indicated the nature of proximal zone to ore zone. Silicic alteration (quartz) is also found intensely, and it is generally associated by propylitic alteration (chlorite) and sericitic (muscovite). Mineralisation follows the direction of the distribution of quartz veins with crustiform banding texture. The quartz vein thickness is from 40 cm to 50 cm. The alteration and mineralisation occurrence of the studied area suggests epithermal gold deposits type
Pedoman penyuntingan kamus bahasa Indonesia
Berkat rahmat Tuhan Yang Mahaesa , Tim Penelitian/Penyusunan Pedo-man Penyuntingan Kamus Bahasa Indonesia telah dapat menyelesaikan tugas· nya menyusun naskah "Pedoman Penyuntingan Kamus Bahasa Indonesia" dengan usaha yang maksimal sesuai de ngan waktu dan dana yang tersedia .
Kegiatan ini dimungkinkan atas adanya dana bantuan dari Proyek Penelitian Bahasa dan Sama Indonesia dan Daeral1-Jakarta tahun 1980/ 1981 . Schubung-an dengan itu. kami sampaikan rasa terima kasih kepada Dra. Sn Sukesi Adiwimarta, Pemimp in Proyek Penelitian ,Bahasa• dan Sastra Indonesia · da:i Daerah-Jakarta J 9gQ{l 98 l. yang telah memungkinkan terlaksananya kcgiatan
penelitian/penyusunan Pedoman Penyuntingan Kamus Bahasa lndoncsia. dan selaku Kepala B1dang Perkamusan dan Peristtlahan yang telah memberikari fasilitas buku-buku rujukan dan ruang pengetikan , serta selaku konsultan
yang telah berkenan membenkan kesempatan kepada kami untuk bcrkonsui-tasi
This research aims to reveal Albert Bandura's theory of behaviorism and its implications in learning Arabic. An in-depth study is needed to dissect Bandura's theory of behaviorism, which is a new figure in the development of learning theories that have been long held by these teachers. This research is a library research, relying on bibliographic sources in the form of books and scientific journals from related research, using descriptive analysis methods to read data and analyze the thinking of Bandura theory. The results of this study indicate that observational learning (modeling), better known as social learning theory and personality psychology, and programs that are based on the concept of stimulus-response, proposed by Bandura, have implications in learning Arabic. The implementations that can be used include: the material presentation of many with ḥiwār, imitation of idioms, habituation, by not teaching qawā'id separately. Then, all learning objectives can be achieved by optimizing the environment of the language (bī'ah)
The Effect of the Performance of Micro and Small Companies on the Collectability with Spirituality as Moderating Variable
The government provides a variety of aids to micro and small companies in order to increase the competitiveness of them and their performance and in return their collectability The objectives of the research are (a) to explore and analyze the effect of the performance of micro and small companies on the collectability?; and (b) to explore and analyze the moderation of the spirituality on the relationship between the performance of micro and small companies and their collectability. The location of the research is at southern sumatera and the number of samples are 250 micro and small companies. We use 2 independent varables (ROI and spirituality) and a dependent variable (collecatbility). The results show that the micro and small companies (debtors of PT Pertamina) have increased their performance measured by return on investment (ROI). Their performance do not affects on the collectability. As the owners of micro and small companies have and applicate the spirituality knowledges, the performance of micro and small companies influence on the collectability.Keywords: Performance, spirituality, and collectability
The Effect of the Performance of Micro and Small Companies on the Collectability with Spirituality as Moderating Variable
The government provides a variety of aids to micro and small companies in order to increase the competitiveness of them and their performance and in return their collectability The objectives of the research are (a) to explore and analyze the effect of the performance of micro and small companies on the collectability?; and (b) to explore and analyze the moderation of the spirituality on the relationship between the performance of micro and small companies and their collectability. The location of the research is at southern sumatera and the number of samples are 250 micro and small companies. We use 2 independent varables (ROI and spirituality) and a dependent variable (collecatbility). The results show that the micro and small companies (debtors of PT Pertamina) have increased their performance measured by return on investment (ROI). Their performance do not affects on the collectability. As the owners of micro and small companies have and applicate the spirituality knowledges, the performance of micro and small companies influence on the collectability.Keywords: Performance, spirituality, and collectability
Pembelajaran Naḥwu-Ṣarf di Pesantren dengan Pendekatan Interpretatif: Implikasi Teori Interpretasi Jorge JE Gracia dalam Pembelajaran Kitab Alfiyyah Ibn Mālik
This study aims to reveal and describe the reasons, processes, and implications of learning Naḥwu-Ṣarf from the book Alfiyyah Ibn Mālik with interpretive approach at Pondok Pesantren Al-Luqmaniyyah Yogyakarta. This study used a qualitative approach, where data were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. Data analysis was carried out by reducing, interpreting, presenting, and drawing conclusions. Data testing is done through triangulation. The results of the study show that: (1) The reasons for practicing interpretive learning are because textual understanding of naẓm is the main paradigm of learning, as well as the content behind the textual meaning that is intriguing; (2) the process involves extracting the original meaning of the text, the original meaning intended by the author, extracting the implicit meaning behind textual understanding, and relating it to other things; and (3) It has implications for increasing the students’ interest in learning participation, as well as inculcating the knowledge values to students’ life
Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk membahas seperti apa urgensi dan langkah apasaja yang dilakukan dalam penerapan dukungan kegiatan intelijen pemasyarakatan dalam upaya penanggulangan gangguan keamanan dan ketertiban pada lapas dan rutan. Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan didukung data-data sekunder dari buku-buku, jurnal ilmiah, peraturan perundang-undangan, wawancara, serta materi paparan dari kepala sub bagian intelijen direktorat jenderal pemasyarakatan. Hasil dari kajian ini adalah menggambarkan betapa pentingnya kehadiran dukungan kegiatan intelijen pemasyarakatan sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan akan adanya potensi gangguan keamanan dan ketertiban di dalam lapas dan rutan. Kehadiran dukungan kegiatan intelijen pemasyarakatan pada dasarnya dilakukan sebelum adanya kejadian, dan dilakukan dalam rangka upaya deteksi dini yang dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan meliputi deteksi aksi, peringatan dini dan cegah dini, sehingga kemungkinan adanya potensi gangguan keamanan dan ketertiban dapat ditanggulangi sebelum adanya kejadian.
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