20 research outputs found

    Expermental research of the effects of benofilin on the functional renal function in the evalution of ethylene glycol toxic loss

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    Effect of benofilin – a new compound among a new derivative of theophylline and hofitol (70 mg/kg) on functional renal function was studied based on the rat experimental model of acute kidney damage by ethylene glycol. The toxic products of the metabolism of ethylene glycol cause renal tubular damage resulting in acute renal failure (ARF). As a result of the application of benofilin its ability is established to prevent the death of animals in the first day of the experiment. By the ability to prevent impaired kidney function in rats benofilin exceeds the effect of the hofitol

    On Some Nonlinear Control System Problems on a Finite Time Interval

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    In this presentation we evaluate nonlinear control systems on a finite time interval. We also discuss application of the invariance features and weak invariant sets in the procedures of constructing solutions for approach problems. These problems are closely connected with evaluation of reachability sets and integral funnels of control systems. We revise several problems of approaching and one general scheme of constructing solutions for these problems. Scheme consist of two stages: at the first stage we construct approximate reachability set of the approach problem; at the second stage in one way or another we construct control on a given time interval that solves the approach problem. © 201

    Synthesis of Metal Sulfides Nanoparticles by the Solvothermal Techniques.

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    Синтезовано наночастинки сульфідів металів в органічному середовищі сольвотермічним методом. Сульфіди металів одержано взаємодією солей металів із донорами Сульфуру (тіокарбамідом, тіоацетамідом) в етанолі, етиленгліколі, гліцеролі, диметилформаміді, моноетаноламіні, діетаноламіні при низьких темпе- ратурах (80–200 °C). Одержані зразки досліджено методами рентгеноструктурного аналізу (РСА), трансмісійної електронної мікроскопії (ТЕМ, ВРТЕМ) і скануючої електронної мікроскопії (СЕМ). Показано, що зміна параметрів синтезу, таких як сульфуючий агент, розчинник, температура та час синтезу відіграють важливу роль при формуванні кристалітів сульфідів металів. In this paper we report the synthesis of metal sulfides nanoparticles in organic media by the solvothermal techniques. Metal sulfides could be produced by chemical deposition technologies in organic solution at low temperature (80–200 °C), through the reactions between metal salts and sulfur source (thiourea, thioacetamide) in ethanole, ethylene glycol, glycerol, dimethylformamide, monoethanolamine, diethanolamine. The products were characterized by powder X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM, HRTEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that reaction parametrs, such as sulfur source, solvent, reaction temperature and time, play important roles in morphology control of metal sulfides


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    The article describes the content and structure of the discipline “Information and Communication Technologies in Pedagogical Studies”, which was introduced into the curriculum of training future Doctors of Philosophy in the field of knowledge “Education”. The course consists of two modules: 1) theoretical basis of using information and communication technologies in pedagogical studies; 2) using information and communication technologies at different stages of pedagogical study. In addition, the topics of lectures, general content of practical classes and independent work are given. The content of practical classes contains work in cloud services, checking scientific materials for plagiarism, organizing and conducting questionnaires and testing, creating websites, blogs, etc. Among the tasks of independent work: the creation of a distant course in Moodle, work in MS Excel, the statistical recording of the pedagogical experiment data, the creation of presentations (MS Power Point, Prezi). The results of the implementation of the course in the training of future Doctors of Philosophy in the field of education were monitored; the levels of formation of their ICT competence were. The authors used survey methods, testing, creative tasks, etc. In particular, they described the testing procedure, which was conducted in compliance with all the necessary requirements for designing tests, which ensured the reliability and validity of the monitoring. The authors proved the urgency of implementing the mentioned course into the future scholars’ training, which corresponds to the modern tendencies of education informatization. The course “ICT in Pedagogical Studies” reveals a complex of opportunities and prospects of using computer technologies during scientific and pedagogical research, provides quality training of the specialists with a new type of thinking, promotes the efficiency of their research and pedagogical activity, which is confirmed by the results of implementing the course into the training of the future Doctors of Philosophy in the field of knowledge “Education”

    Провісники нафтових потрясінь. Еконофізичний підхід в екологічній науці

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    The instability of the price dynamics of the energy market from a theoretical point of view indicates the inadequacy of the dominant paradigm of the quantitative description of pricing processes, and from a practical point of view, it leads to abnormal shocks and crashes. A striking example is the COVID-stimulated spring drop of spot prices for crude oil by 305% to $36.73 a barrel. The theory of complex systems with the latest complex networking achievements using pragmatically verified econophysical approaches and models can become the basis of modern environmental science. In this case, it is possible to introduce certain measures of complexity, the change in the dynamics of which makes it possible to identify and prevent characteristic types of critical phenomena. In this paper, the possibility of using some econophysical approaches for quantitative assessment of complexity measures: (1) informational (Lempel-Ziv measure, various types of entropies (Shannon, Approximate, Permutation, Recurrence), (2) fractal and multifractal (Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis), (3) recurrent (Recurrence Plot and Recurrence Quantification Analysis), (4) Lévy’s stable distribution properties, (5) network (Visual Graph and Recurrence based) and (6) quantum (Heisenberg uncertainty principle) is investigated. Each of them detects patterns that are general for crisis states. We conclude that these measures make it possible to establish that the socially responsive exhibits characteristic patterns of complexity and the proposed measures of complexity allow us to build indicators-precursors of critical and crisis phenomena. Proposed quantitative measures of complexity classified and adapted for the crude oil market. Their behavior in the face of known market shocks and crashes has been analyzed. It has been shown that most of these measures behave characteristically in the periods preceding the critical event. Therefore, it is possible to build indicators-precursors of crisis phenomena in the crude oil market.Нестабільність динаміки цін на енергетичному ринку з теоретичної точки зору свідчить про неадекватність домінуючої парадигми кількісного опису процесів ціноутворення, а з практичної точки зору це призводить до аномальних потрясінь і крахів. Яскравий приклад-весняне падіння спотових цін на нафту на 305% до 36,73 доларів за барель, викликане COVID-19. Теорія складних систем з найновішими досягненнями в комплексних мережах з використанням прагматично перевірених еконофізичних підходів та моделей може стати основою сучасної екологічної науки. У цьому випадку можна запровадити певні показники складності, зміна динаміки яких дає змогу виявити та запобігти характерним типам критичних явищ. У цій роботі розглядається можливість використання деяких еконофізичних підходів для кількісної оцінки заходів складності: (1) інформаційний (міра Лемпеля-Зіва, різні типи ентропій (Шеннон, наближена, перестановка, повторюваність), (2) фрактальна та мультифрактальна (багатофрактальна) Detrended Fluctuation Analysis), (3) рекуррентні (Recurrence Plot and Recurrence Quantification Analysis), (4) Stability Distribution Properties Lévy, (5) network (Visual Graph and Recurrence based) та (6) квант (принцип невизначеності Гейзенберга). Кожен із них виявляє загальні для кризових станів закономірності. Ми прийшли до висновку, що ці заходи дозволяють встановити, що соціально чутливі прояви характерних моделей складності, а запропоновані показники складності дозволяють будувати показники-попередники критичних та кризових явищ. Запропоновані кількісні показники складності, класифіковані та адаптовані для ринку сирої нафти, їх поведінка в умовах відомих ринків були проаналізовані скачки та аварії. Було показано, що більшість цих заходів поводяться характерно в періоди, що передують критичній події. Тому на ринку сирої нафти можна будувати індикатори-попередники кризових явищ

    Potentiometric Determination of Ketoprofen at a New PVC Electrode Modified with Ionic Associate of Kristal Violet

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    Розроблений кетопрофен-селективний електрод із пластифікованою полівінілхлоридною мембраною, що містить як електродоактивну речовину (ЕАР) іонний асоціат (ІА) кетопрофену (КТ) з кристалічним фіолетовим (КФ). Інтервал лінійності електродної функції розробленого електроду міститься в межах 1×10-5–1×10-2 моль/л кетопрофену, межа виявлення становить 5×10-2 моль/л, крутизна 35,0–56,0 мВ/pC. Робочий інтервал рН елек- трода 7–11. A ketoprofenselective electrode with the plasticized polyvinylchloride membrane has been designed. The electrode contains an ionic associate of ketoprofen with a Kristal Violet and responds to ketoprofen in a linear range of 1×10-5–1×10-2 mol/l with a slope of 35–56 mV/pC. These electrod responds with sensitivity at pH 7–11

    Experimental research of nephroprotective activity benophylline in myoglobinurical acute kidney injury in rats

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    Matviychuk O. P., Matviychuk A. V., Gladchenko O. M., Taran A. V. Experimental research of nephroprotective activity benophylline in myoglobinurical acute kidney injury in rats. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(4):774-786. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.583153 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4477 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 12.04.2017. Revised: 10.04.2017. Accepted: 25.04.2017. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH OF NEPHROPROTECTIVE ACTIVITY BENOPHYLLINE IN MYOGLOBINURICAL ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN RATS O. P. Matviychuk, A. V. Matviychuk, O. M. Gladchenko, A. V. Taran National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine Аbstract The results in this article demonstrate of the dosage of the nephroprotective activity of the newly 7,8-substituted of theophylline are shown: 7-n-methylbenzyl-8-n-bromobenzylidenhydrazinotheophylline (code name benofillin). Nephroprotective activity was supplemented by of acute renal failure, which was called one-time intramuscularly introduced to the thigh 50% water solution of glycerol. Blowing a benofillin on the function of kidneys in rats were given to the minds of the water load. Evaluation of excretory function of kidneys held for the showers of diuresis, glomerular filtration rate, creatinine concentrations, relative reabsorption of water, excretion of potassium and calcium ions, protein content in the urine and it excretion, filtration charge and reabsorption of sodium ions. The result of the dosage was shown that when therapeutic and preventive application of benofillin the quantity of diuresis increased on 1/9 times in comparison with the pathologies. Under the action of benofillin a decrease in the level of urea in blood serum in 1/5 times. The level of creatinin in blood serum slightly increased (1.1 times compared with pathology). The level of contents of urea and creatinine in urine increased in 2.3 and 2.2 times respectively, excretion of these substances by the kidneys has grown 4.6 times that 5 times respectively, which indicates about improvement of the excretory function of the kidneys. The analysis of changes in biochemical indicators in blood and urine in rats demonstrate, hat in the treatment-and-prophylactic use of benofillin the basic parameters of the visible function of kidneys are normalized. On the background of the treatment-and-prophylactic use of benofillin glomerular filtration rate and tubular reabsorption were increased in 4.7 and 1.1 times respectively compared with pathology. The level of sodium in blood serum not changes respectively with control pathology and intact control. The level of sodium in urine decreased in 2.4 times compared with control pathology. Filtration charge and relative reabsorption increased in 7 times each of one decreased in control pathology, relative reabsorption increased in 1.2 times, sodium excretion was has not changed. When applying benofillin the level of protein in the urine was identical to the control. The conducted studies showed the presence of nephroprotektive activity in benofillin, what is expressed in decreasing of proteinuria, excretion of sodium in the urine and retention hyperaemia, increased glomerular filtration rate and diuresis, normalization of acid-forming function of the kidneys. Key words: acute renal failure, nephroprotective activity, diuresis, urea, creatinine, proteinuria, benofillin