16 research outputs found

    Funkcje partykuły „no” w dziecięcych wypowiedziach mówionych

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    It was important for the study to determine the frequency of the analysed part of speech. As a result of investigation of the linguistic material it has been demonstrated that nowadays the particles constitute 12.8% of the wordforms used by children. The particle no represented 2.2% of the total of used words. The obtained results have been compared with the data collected during similar research, which was completed thirty years ago (7.5% – all particles, 1.6% – the particle no). On the basis of a comprehensive analysis and the comparison of research results, it can be concluded that in the contemporary spoken Polish of children there occurred a visible increase in the use of particles. This, in turn, may be a symptom of the impoverishment of the Polish language

    Cortical activity in tinnitus patients and its modification by phonostimulation

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    OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to observe spontaneous cortical activity and cortical activity modulated by tinnitus-matched sound in tinnitus patients and healthy subjects with no otoneurologic symptoms. METHOD: Data were prospectively collected from 50 tinnitus patients and 25 healthy subjects. Cortical activity was recorded in all subjects with eyes closed and open and during photostimulation, hyperventilation and acoustic stimulation using 19-channel quantitative electroencephalography. The sound applied in the tinnitus patients was individually matched with the ability to mask or equal the tinnitus. The maximal and mean amplitude of the delta, theta, alpha and beta waves and the type and amount of the pathologic EEG patterns were noted during each recording. Differences in cortical localization and the influence of sound stimuli on spontaneous cortical activity were evaluated between the groups. RESULTS: The tinnitus group exhibited decreased delta activity and increased alpha and beta activity. Hyperventilation increased the intensity of the differences. The tinnitus patients had more sharp-slow waves and increased slow wave amplitude. Sound stimuli modified the EEG recordings; the delta and beta wave amplitudes were increased, whereas the alpha-1 wave amplitude was decreased. Acoustic stimulation only slightly affected the temporal region. CONCLUSION: Cortical activity in the tinnitus patients clearly differed from that in healthy subjects, i.e., tinnitus is not a “phantom” sign. The changes in cortical activity included decreased delta wave amplitudes, increased alpha-1, beta-1 and beta-h wave amplitudes and pathologic patterns. Cortical activity modifications occurred predominantly in the temporal region. Acoustic stimulation affected spontaneous cortical activity only in tinnitus patients, and although the applied sound was individually matched, the pathologic changes were only slightly improved

    Bulky Vehicles Recycling. Part 1 - Conditions for Recycling

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    Recycling of end-of-life passenger vehicles is a well-known topic, and there are many literary reports in this regard. However, little information is available on the recycling of bulky vehicles, which determines the authors’ intention to present this issue. This article describes the loopholes that have prevented end-of-life vehicles from currently being recycled.  The forms of recycling of these types of vehicles has been shown, and they are analogous to those for passenger cars. Also being presented are the causes of design changes in passenger cars and trucks, with the reasons for these changes being slightly different in bulky vehicles, than in passenger cars, and the article will discuss how these changes translate into recycling. Examples of actions taken by large vehicle manufacturers to meet the changes taking place in the economy, and implement the principles of the circular economy, in the field of recycling large-size vehicles, are also outlined

    Natriuretic peptide pathways in heart failure in the context of the analysis of the mechanism of action and potential usages of sacubitril/valsartan

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    Introduction and purpose Heart failure has become a civilization disease, affecting 1-2% of the world's population. It is a condition with various etiologies and phenotypes. The annual mortality rate due to heart failure is approximately 10%, with organ dysfunction caused by hypoperfusion and sudden cardiac death being the leading causes of death. The aim of this study is to present current knowledge of heart failure, focusing on its pathophysiology, and the mechanism of action and applications of sacubitril/valsartan.   Material and methods The following review was based on articles from the PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Key search terms included pathophysiology of heart failure; natriuretic peptide pathways; treatment of heart failure; sacubitril/valsartan.   Conclusions Heart failure is a syndrome marked by the activation of various neurohormonal systems such as the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and natriuretic peptides (NP). Historically, the therapeutic approach has focused on reducing RAAS activity and SNS activity. In recent years, increasing attention has been given to potential benefits associated with the NP system. Following disappointing outcomes from studies involving neprilysin (NEP) inhibitors, administered alone or in conjunction with an ACE inhibitor and vasopeptidase inhibitors, there have been findings with the pharmacological class termed ARNI (angiotensin receptor and NEP inhibitors). Sacubitril/valsartan has proven to be an effective and safe treatment that reduces the need for hospitalization, enhances the quality of life and longevity of patients with chronic HFrEF

    Diagnostic and therapeutic process of respiratory disorders during sleep

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    Introduction and purpose Sleep apnea is a disturbance of sleep that affects about 10% of adult population and is not easily detected due to unspecific symptoms. The aim of this literature review is to present, respectively, obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea symptoms and integrate the available data in the literature regarding the pathogenesis and treatment methods. Materials and methods A review of literature was performed using PubMed and Google Scholar database. The search criteria included keywords such as sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea treatment, central sleep apnea treatment. State of knowledge Sleep disturbances that involve breathing can be categorized as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea. First one is associated with the obstruction of the upper airways and the second one – with malfunctioning breathing generator in the pontomedullary breathing pacemaker. Symptoms are unspecific which makes diagnostic process difficult. However, the right diagnosis and treatment may prevent patients from developing many cardiovascular diseases. Treatment options for OSA include: CPAP, reducing body weight, changing sleep position, braces and surgeries; for CSA: CPAP and acetazolamide. Conclusions OSA and CSA need to be further investigated in order to find more precise ways of diagnosis and treatment, as these diseases remain underreported. It is worth noting, that these conditions predispose to serious diseases, e.g. stroke. Therefore, developing new treatment techniques would beneficial for the health of population

    Diagnostic and therapeutic process of respiratory disorders during sleep

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    Introduction and purpose Sleep apnea is a disturbance of sleep that affects about 10% of adult population and is not easily detected due to unspecific symptoms. The aim of this literature review is to present, respectively, obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea symptoms and integrate the available data in the literature regarding the pathogenesis and treatment methods. Materials and methods A review of literature was performed using PubMed and Google Scholar database. The search criteria included keywords such as sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea treatment, central sleep apnea treatment. State of knowledge Sleep disturbances that involve breathing can be categorized as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea. First one is associated with the obstruction of the upper airways and the second one – with malfunctioning breathing generator in the pontomedullary breathing pacemaker. Symptoms are unspecific which makes diagnostic process difficult. However, the right diagnosis and treatment may prevent patients from developing many cardiovascular diseases. Treatment options for OSA include: CPAP, reducing body weight, changing sleep position, braces and surgeries; for CSA: CPAP and acetazolamide. Conclusions OSA and CSA need to be further investigated in order to find more precise ways of diagnosis and treatment, as these diseases remain underreported. It is worth noting, that these conditions predispose to serious diseases, e.g. stroke. Therefore, developing new treatment techniques would beneficial for the health of population

    The comparison of audio descriptive strategies used in two scripts of the film "Seksmisja"

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    W niniejszej pracy autorka analizuje użycie strategii opisu w audiodeskrypcji filmu "Seksmisja" w odstępie dziesięciu lat. "Seksmisja" to jeden z pierwszych polskich filmów, w którym zastosowano audiodeskrypcję. Poddane analizie zostały dwa, spisane ze słuchu skrypty audiodeskrypcji. Jeden z nich powstał przed rokiem 2006, drugi to przykład skryptu współczesnego. Celem pracy było sprawdzenie czy strategie, których użyto przy tworzeniu skryptu zmieniły się na przestrzeni lat, a jeśli tak, to w jaki sposób. Pierwsza, dłuższa część pracy koncentruje się wyłącznie na teorii. Zgromadzone w niej zostały definicje audiodeskrypcji, obecne kierunki jej rozwoju, opisy elementów filmowych i strategii stosowanych przy tworzeniu audiodeskrypcji. Część po niej następująca poświęcona jest analizie poszczególnych strategii wykorzystywanych w skryptach, w oparciu o strategie opisu audiodeskrypcji zaproponowane przez Chmiel i Mazur.This thesis examines the use of audio description strategies in the film “Seksmisja” over the years. “Seksmisja” is one of the first films in which audio description was used in Poland. Two different scripts of this film are compared. One of them was created before the year 2006, the second one is the example of modern scripts. The aim was to explore if and how the scripts changed over the years. The first longer part is focused solely on theory. It gathers definitions of audio description, the fundamental elements of the film and strategies which are essential while creating audio description. The proceeding part is dedicated to the analysis of the scripts using general audio description strategies proposed by Chmiel and Mazur

    „Będę singielką jak moja mama”, czyli o cywilizacyjnych zmianach w języku dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym

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      „I will be a single-woman like my Mummy”, or about civilization changes in language using by pre-school childrenThe main aim of this paper is to show how two immediately successive generations of pre-school children own — thanks to language — the rules of participation in social life and knowledge of the surrounding world. These two generations were the ones, who in the years 1980–83 were at a pre-school age and are now parents of children of the same age in 2010–2013. The analysis of the lexical score and language consciousness conducted from a thirty years’ perspective gave unexpected results which suggest the need to revise Baudouin de Courtenay’s thesis, according to which children’s language is a kind of projection of adult users language representing the next generation. Made confrontations done show how many new words which were not used by the previous generation, i.e. parents appear in the lexical score and in consciousness of today pre-schools.  „I will be a single-woman like my Mummy”, or about civilization changes in language using by pre-school childrenThe main aim of this paper is to show how two immediately successive generations of pre-school children own — thanks to language — the rules of participation in social life and knowledge of the surrounding world. These two generations were the ones, who in the years 1980–83 were at a pre-school age and are now parents of children of the same age in 2010–2013. The analysis of the lexical score and language consciousness conducted from a thirty years’ perspective gave unexpected results which suggest the need to revise Baudouin de Courtenay’s thesis, according to which children’s language is a kind of projection of adult users language representing the next generation. Made confrontations done show how many new words which were not used by the previous generation, i.e. parents appear in the lexical score and in consciousness of today pre-schools

    Development of Competencies by Students. The Case of the University of Lodz

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    Aim. One of the challenges of the labour market in Poland is to match competences adequately to the needs of employers and to enable future employees, including students, to acquire these competences before they start their careers. The aim of the research was to answer the questions, which methods of developing competencies are known to the students, which are used by them and how do they assess their effectiveness. Methods. The research was carried out by mix-mode method, using quantitative (CAWI, N=352) and qualitative (IDI, N=10) surveys, and the respondents were students of the University of Lodz. Results. The results indicate that the best known and most commonly used methods of developing competencies are: individual self-education, classes at university, professional work, internships, apprenticeships, voluntary work, trainings, workshops, courses. As regards the evaluation of the effectiveness of the indicated methods of developing competencies, the students considered professional work to be the most effective method. Moreover, the results indicate that each of the methods of developing competencies may be effective, and the effectiveness depends on several factors. Conclusion. Therefore, it seems crucial not only for students to know and use various methods of developing competencies, but also for universities to ensure high quality activities, so that they effectively support the development of students' competencies and respond to the needs of the labour market

    Possibilities of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture on the example of a biogas plant

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    The subject of this publication is to determine the impact of biogas plants on the environment, with particular emphasis on greenhouse gasses emissions associated with the production and management of biogas as the main plant product. The environmental impact of the agricultural sector as well as the state of development of the biogas market in European Union are presented as background for consideration of greenhouse gas emissions. One of the economy sectors responsible for GHG emissions is agriculture. One of the solutions of GHG reduction in agriculture is slurry management using biogas technology. It should be emphasized, that biogas not always has favorable emission parameters. The final emission throughout the whole life cycle of this energy carrier depends on many factors. The structure of GHG emissions largely depends on what type of raw material it used for biogas production and in what kind of tanks the digestate sludge is stored. If waste raw materials are used for biogas production, then GHG emission associated with their acquisition is assumed to be zero. On the other hand, if dedicated energy crops are used for biogas production, the emission connected with cultivation of these plants are added to the total GHG emissions. They are directly related to the use of fertilizers and plant protection products, field emissions of nitrous oxide and fuel combustion during the operation of agricultural machinery. Influence on the GHG emission has also the kind id digestate storage tank. If these are closed tanks, there is no emissions to the atmosphere. If tank is open, then methane is emitted directly to the air and is included in the total GHG balance