720 research outputs found

    Apparatus for electrical measurements of thin films from 77 to 1000 K

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    A novel method of mounting thin samples for electrical measurements is described. A vacuum chuck holds a mounting plate, which, in turn, holds the sample. Contacts on the mounting plate establish electrical connection to the sample. The attachment of wires directly to the samples is unnecessary. Measurements can be made at temperatures from 77 to 1000 K. As an application of the apparatus, resistivity and Hall measurements of a thin silicon carbide sample are presented

    Compensation in epitaxial cubic SiC films

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    Hall measurements on four n-type cubic SiC films epitaxially grown by chemical vapor deposition on SiC substrates are reported. The temperature dependent carrier concentrations indicate that the samples are highly compensated. Donor ionization energies, E sub D, are less than one half the values previously reported. The values for E sub D and the donor concentration N sub D, combined with results for small bulk platelets with nitrogen donors, suggest the relation E sub D (N sub D) = E sub D(O) - alpha N sub N sup 1/3 for cubic SiC. A curve fit gives alpha is approx 2.6x10/5 meV cm and E sub D (O) approx 48 meV, which is the generally accepted value of E sub D(O) for nitrogen donors in cubic SiC

    Systemic Risk Associated with Households in Chile

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    This paper contributes to our understanding of systemic risk associated with households by presenting a detailed analysis of credit suppliers and users in Chile from 1997 to 2008. It offers the results of an intense effort to collect and harmonize data, followed by a study of this market’s interconnections and underlying risks and an initial assessment of the associated systemic risk. The paper concludes that, though the risk is significant, it is contained, mainly due to aspects of demand and supply and institutional circumstances. Continuous monitoring from both microeconomic and systemic perspectives is important, especially for the Central Bank of Chile.

    Quantum Lattice Fluctuations and Luminescence in C_60

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    We consider luminescence in photo-excited neutral C_60 using the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model applied to a single C_60 molecule. To calculate the luminescence we use a collective coordinate method where our collective coordinate resembles the displacement of the carbon atoms of the Hg(8) phonon mode and extrapolates between the ground state "dimerisation" and the exciton polaron. There is good agreement for the existing luminescence peak spacing and fair agreement for the relative intensity. We predict the existence of further peaks not yet resolved in experiment. PACS Numbers : 78.65.Hc, 74.70.Kn, 36.90+

    Cell wall remodeling mediated by specific PME genes plays a role in grapevine response to Botrytis cinerea

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    Botrytis cinerea (Bc) is one of the main pathogens affecting the cultivated grapevine. A key role in grapevine tissue colonization is played by cell wall (CW) remodeling driven by CW Modifying Enzymes (CWMEs), expressed both by the host and the pathogen. Their action can impact CW integrity and trigger specific immune signaling, thus influencing Bc infection outcome. To further characterize the role of the CW in the grapevine response to Bc, two contrasting genotypes in their resistance to the fungus were artificially inoculated at full bloom. RNA-seq analysis and biochemical characterization of the CW and its modification in samples collected at 24 hours post-inoculation highlighted significant differences between genotypes. A gene set enrichment analysis indicated several over-represented categories upon infection, with a general down-regulation of those genes related to CW organization and pectin modification, mostly in the resistant genotype. Within the down-regulated CWMEs, Pectin Methyl-Esterase (PME) genes were found highly represented. Unlike, VviPME10 was significantly induced upon infection and was further characterized since its putative ortholog in Arabidopsis was associated with resistance to Bc. VviPME10 promoter hosts several predicted binding sites for VviWRKY3, a defense-associated transcription factor, as highlighted by DAP-seq analysis. This evidence is under confirmation by luciferase assays. In addition, the artificial inoculation with Bc of leaves from six VviPME10 knock-out (KO) edited lines showed significantly larger lesion areas when compared to control plants at 5 dpi. Together, these results suggest that pectin modification, mediated by VviPME10, plays an important role in the grapevine response to Bc

    Factorial structure and reliability of the academic satisfaction questionnaire on Chilean medical students

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.El presente estudio analiza la estructura factorial y confiabilidad del cuestionario de satisfacción académica (CSA) en una muestra de 563 estudiantes de medicina, entre 19 y 29 años (media de 20,42); provenientes de cuatro universidades chilenas. Una vez finalizada la traducción al castellano se exploró la validez de contenido de los ítems mediante un juicio de expertos. La estructura factorial del cuestionario se analizó a través de un análisis factorial exploratorio empleando el método Análisis de Ejes Principales (AEP). Los resultados preliminares de la fiabilidad y validez del instrumento han mostrado que la estructura de un factor es viable y adecuada de acuerdo a los requisitos psicométricos establecidos, aunque se recomiendan futuros estudios que evalúen su validez y confiabilidad en otros programas de pregrado.The present study examines the factorial structure and reliability of the academic satisfaction questionnaire (CSA) in a sample of 563 medical students, between 19 and 29 years (average of 20.42); from four Chilean universities. Once translated into Spanish explored the validity of the items content was evaluated through experts opinions. The factorial structure of the scale was analyzed through an exploratory factor analysis using the Principal Axis Analysis method (AEP).The preliminary results of the reliability and validity of the instrument have shown that a factor structure is viable and appropriate according to the established psychometric requirements, although future studies to evaluate its validity and reliability in other undergraduate programs are recommended.http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=45964543200


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    In this article, for the so-called canonical form of a difference scheme under usual positivity conditions on the equation coefficients two-sided estimates for the approximate solution are obtained at the arbitrary non sigh-constant input data of the problem. The obtained results are used both for deriving two-sided estimates of monotone difference schemes, which approximate the initial boundary-value problem for the quasi-linear parabolic convection-diffusion equation, and for studying the correctness of the Gamma equation that is used for describing the option price in financial mathematics.В настоящей работе для так называемой канонической формы записи разностной схемы общего вида при обычных условиях положительности коэффициентов уравнения получены двусторонние оценки сеточного решения при произвольных незнакопостоянных входных данных задачи. Полученные результаты применяются для получения двусторонних оценок конкретных монотонных разностных схем, аппроксимирующих начально-краевую задачу для квазилинейного параболического уравнения типа конвекции диффузии, а также для исследования корректности Гамма уравнения, используемого при описании опционной цены в финансовой математике

    Theory of Superconducting TcT_{c} of doped fullerenes

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    We develop the nonadiabatic polaron theory of superconductivity of MxC60M_{x}C_{60} taking into account the polaron band narrowing and realistic electron-phonon and Coulomb interactions. We argue that the crossover from the BCS weak-coupling superconductivity to the strong-coupling polaronic and bipolaronic superconductivity occurs at the BCS coupling constant λ1\lambda\sim 1 independent of the adiabatic ratio, and there is nothing ``beyond'' Migdal's theorem except small polarons for any realistic electron-phonon interaction. By the use of the polaronic-type function and the ``exact'' diagonalization in the truncated Hilbert space of vibrons (``phonons'') we calculate the ground state energy and the electron spectral density of the C60C_{60}^{-} molecule. This allows us to describe the photoemission spectrum of C60C_{60}^{-} in a wide energy region and determine the electron-phonon interaction. The strongest coupling is found with the high-frequency pinch Ag2A_{g2} mode and with the Frenkel exciton. We clarify the crucial role of high-frequency bosonic excitations in doped fullerenes which reduce the bare bandwidth and the Coulomb repulsion allowing the intermediate and low-frequency phonons to couple two small polarons in a Cooper pair. The Eliashberg-type equations are solved for low-frequency phonons. The value of the superconducting TcT_{c}, its pressure dependence and the isotope effect are found to be in a remarkable agreement with the available experimental data.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, 4 figures available upon reques