65 research outputs found

    2-Amino-1,3-thia­zolium dihydrogen phosphate

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    In the title compound, C3H5N2S+·H2PO4 −, the dihydrogen phosphate anions form infinite chains along [001] via short O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. The 2-amino­thia­zolium cations inter­connect these chains into a three-dimensional network by short linear or bifurcated N—H⋯O and weak C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    4-Amino-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ium nitrate

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    The non-centrosymmetric crystal structure of the novel semi-organic title compound, C2H5N4 +·NO3 −, is based on alternating layers of 4-amino-1H-1,2,4-triazolinium cations (formed by parallel chains of cations mediated by weak C—H⋯N hydrogen bonds) and nitrate anions inter­connected via linear and bifurcated N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds and weak C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds link the anions and cations

    Bis(2-phenyl­biguanidium) adipate tetra­hydrate

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    In the title salt, 2C8H12N5 +·C6H8O4 2−·4H2O, the anion is located on a centre of symmetry. The observed supra­molecular network of the crystal structure is produced by ten different hydrogen bonds of the N—H⋯N, N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O types. One additional O—H group is not connected to an acceptor site

    Tris(2-amino-1,3-thia­zolium) hydrogen sulfate sulfate monohydrate

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    The centrosymmetric crystal structure of the novel semi-organic compound, 3C3H5N2S+·HSO4 −·SO4 2−·H2O, is based on chains of alternating anions and water mol­ecules (formed by O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds). The chains are inter­connected with the 2-amino-1,3-thia­zolium cations via strong N—H⋯O and weak C—H⋯O hydrogen-bonding inter­actions into a three-dimensional network

    Influence of leaf age on the Rubisco content

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    V bakalářské práci je popsán vliv stárnutí listů na obsah enzymu Rubisco u buku lesního rostoucího za normální a zvýšené atmosférické koncentrace oxidu uhličitého. Odběr vzorků probíhal na Experimentální ekologické stanici Ústavu systémové biologie a ekologie AVČR Bílý Kříž v Moravskoslezských Beskydech.Ke stanovení byly odebrány tři sady vzorků – první 22. 5. 2007, druhá 24. 7. 2007 a třetí pak 4. 9. 2007. Obsah enzymu Rubisco v listech byl stanoven metodou SDS-PAGE. U buků pěstovaných při zvýšené koncentraci oxidu uhličitého došlo v průběhu vegetačního období k aklimační depresi obsahu enzymu Rubisco. Naopak u buků rostoucích za normální koncentrace oxidu uhličitého se obsah enzymu Rubisco v listech zvyšoval.The bachelor’s thesis describes the influence of leaf senescence on the Rubisco enzyme content in Fagus sylvatica, grown both in normal and elevated athmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. Tha samples were collected at the Station of experimental ecology, Institute of systems biology and ecology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, White Cross in Moravian-Silesian Beskydy. To specify the determination three series of samples were taken in following order - the first one on 22nd May 2007, the second one on 24th July 2007, and the third one then on 4th September 2007.The Rubisco enzyme content in leafs was measured by the SDS-PAGE method. In Fagus species grown in elevated carbon dioxide concentration we observed the depression of Rubisco enzyme content during the vegetation period. Reversely in Fagus species grown in normal carbon dioxide concentration the Rubisco enzyme content was increasing.

    Diurnal changes of Rubisco content and its activity under ambient and elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide

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    V této diplomové práci je popsán denní chod počáteční a celkové aktivity a obsahu enzymu Rubisco u buku lesního (Fagus sylvatica) v podmínkách normální, tj. 350 µmol.mol-1 (A-ambient) a zvýšené, tj. 700 µmol.mol-1 (E-elevated) koncentrace CO2 v průběhu dne. Vzorky byly odebírány 8.7.2009 (10:00-21:30), 9.7.2009 (4:00-12:00) a 22.7.2009 (4:00-21:30). Spektrofotometrickou metodou byla stanovena počáteční a celková aktivita a z poměru počátečních a celkových aktivit byl vypočítán stupeň aktivace. Obsah enzymu Rubisco byl stanoven metodou SDS-PAGE a z poměru počátečních a celkových aktivit a obsahu enzymu Rubisco byla vypočítána hodnota počáteční a celkové specifické aktivity. V našem experimentu nebyl zjištěn statisticky významný rozdíl mezi aktivitami u buků kultivovaných v atmosféře s normální a zvýšenou koncentrací CO2, nedošlo tedy k aklimační depresi aktivity Rubisco vlivem zvýšené koncentrace CO2. Denní chod aktivit vykazoval pouze statisticky nevýznamné kolísání. Po rozednění nedošlo k významnému vzestupu celkové aktivity Rubisco, což svědčí o nepřítomnosti nebo zanedbatelném vlivu nočního inhibitoru CA1P u buku. Silné kolísání stupně aktivace (40–90 %) svědčí o regulaci fotosyntézy v průběhu dne prostřednictvím karbamylace enzymu Rubisco. Obsah enzymu Rubisco u buků kultivovaných ve zvýšené koncentraci CO2 byl nižší než u buků rostoucích při normální koncentraci CO2. V podmínkách zvýšené koncentrace CO2 lze tedy konstatovat existenci aklimační deprese na úrovni obsahu Rubisco. Před rozedněním vykazoval obsah enzymu Rubisco na hranici statistické významnosti nevýrazné minimum, v průběhu dne bylo zaznamenáno pouze jeho nevýznamné kolísání.In this diploma thesis, the diurnal changes of initial and total Rubisco activity and Rubisco enzyme content in beech (Fagus sylvatica) were studied under conditions of ambient (A) CO2 concentration (350 µmol.mol-1) and elevated (E) CO2 concentration (700 µmol.mol-1) during the day. Samples were taken on July 8th (from 10:00 to 21:30), on July 9th (from 04:00 to 12:00) and then on July 22th (from 04:00 to 21:30). The initial and total activity were measured spectrophotometrically and the activation level was calculated from the ratio of initial and total activities. Rubisco enzyme content was determined by SDS-PAGE method and the initial and total specific activity were calculated from the ratio of initial or total activity and Rubisco enzyme content. In our experiment no statistically significant difference was found between Rubisco activities in beeches cultivated under conditions of ambient CO2 concentration and elevated CO2 concentration, so any down-regulation of Rubisco activity did not appear under the influence of ambient CO2 concentration. Diurnal changes of Rubisco activities showed only statistically nonsignificant fluctuation. After daylight no significant increase of total Rubisco activity was observed, which demonstrates the absence or the immaterial effect of CA1P night inhibitor in beech. Intensive fluctuation of the activation level (40–90 %) proves the regulation of photosynthesis during the day via Rubisco enzyme carbamylation. Rubisco enzyme content in beech cultivated under conditions of ambient CO2 concentration was lower than that one in beech cultivated under conditions of elevated CO2 concentration. Then down-regulation of Rubisco enzyme content is presented under conditions of ambient CO2 concentration. Before daylight Rubisco enzyme content showed an indistinctive minimum on the level of statistical significance, during the day only nonrelevant fluctuation was noticed.

    1,1-Dimethyl­biguanidium(2+) dinitrate

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, C4H13N5 2+·2NO3 −, the main inter­molecular inter­actions are the N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds between the cationic amino groups and the O atoms of the nitrate ions. All amino H atoms and nitrate O atoms are involved in the three-dimensional hydrogen-bond network. There are two graph-set motifs R 2 2(8), which include the amino groups connected to the N atoms in the biguanide 3-, 4- and 5-positions, and the O atoms of a nitrate ion. They are extended along the a axis. An O atom of the second nitrate ion is involved in a graph-set motif C(4) that is a part of a helix-like N—H⋯O⋯H—N—H⋯O⋯ chain oriented along the b axis. There are also two weak C—H⋯O inter­actions in the crystal structure

    Crystal structure of 5-amino-4H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ium pyrazine-2-carboxylate: an unexpected salt arising from the decarboxylation of both precursors

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    Both the 3-amino-2H,4H-1,2,4-triazolium cation and the pyrazine-2-carboxylate anion in the title salt, C2H5N4+center dot C5H3N2O2-, were formed by an unexpected decarboxylation reaction, from 5-amino-1H-1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxylic acid and pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylic acid, respectively. The dihedral angle between the pyrazine ring (r.m.s. deviation = 0.008 angstrom) and the carboxylate group in the anion is 3.7 (3)degrees. The extended structure of the salt contains a supramolecular zigzag tape in which cations and anions are engaged in strong and highly directional N-H center dot center dot center dot N,O hydrogen bonds, forming R-2(2)(8) and R-2(2)(9) graph-set motifs. The packing between the tapes is mediated by pi-pi stacking interactions between the triazole and pyrazine rings