163 research outputs found

    Nalaz kečige (acipenser ruthenus) u rijeci Savi kod Zagreba

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    U ovom radu se potvrđuje prisustvo dva odrasla primerka kečige, nađenih 20 km jugoistočno od Zagreba u reci Savi. Familija Acipenseridae spada među najstarije zrakoperke. Populacija kečige u reci Savi je doživela značajan pad u toku XX veka, a u delovima reke Dunav koji prolaze kroz Austriju i Nemačku, ova vrsta je skoro izumrla i njen opstanak zavisi samo od kontinuiranog poribljavanja. Tokom marta 2011. godine dva odrasla primerka kečige veličine 431 i 570 mm su ulovljeni u reci Savi. Analizirano je šesnaest morfometrijskih i tri merističke karakteristike. Starost kečiga je procenjivana korišćenjem delova pektoralnog peraja, dok je za analizu crevnog sadržaja korišćena prva trećina ukupne dužine creva. Procena crevnog sadržaja je urađena koristeći frekvenciju pojavljivanja (F%) i brojnost (N%) raličitih komponenti hrane. Iz crevnog sadržaja je evidentno da su glavna hrana vrste Acipenser ruthenus, Chironomidae, kao i različite larve insekata, pre svih Trichoptera i Odonata


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    Differentiation is a complex process by which cells become specialized in their physiological functions. As this process is followed by a decrease in proliferation ability, the induction of differentiation could be an ideal cancer treatment. We analyzed the effects of a common differentiation agent, retinoic acid, on neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells under the conditions of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibition. Namely, PARP1 can be indirectly involved in processes of chromatin remodelling, so the aim was to investigate whether its inhibition can influence the process of differentiation. Cells differentiated after retinoic acid treatment into neural cells, with neurite outgrowth, proliferation arrest and induction of tissue plasminogen activator. PARP inhibition did not influence the process of differentiation. Analysis of gene expression revealed the involvement of several signaling pathways in RA-dependent differentiation. Beside TGFβ and Notch pathways, master transcription factors directing epithelial-mesenchymal transition were shown to also take part in the differentiation process

    Veštački mrest šarana u uslovima subtropske klime

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    Najefikasniji i najpouzdaniji način proizvodnje ikre i ribljeg podmlatka je veštački mrest. Matične jedinke se drže u vodi koja je zasićena sa kiseonikom i čija je temperaura u rasponu 20-24 ºC. Daju im se dve doze injekcije hormona hipofize ili mešavina GnRH/dopamin antagonista da bi se indukovala ovulacija i spermatogeneza. Otkriće da dopamin deluje kao inhibitorni faktor za sintezu gonadotropina dovelo je do revolucije u razvoju veštačkog mresta. Od sredine osamdesetih, hipofizacija je unapređena uvođenjem standardizovanog suvog ekstrakta hipofize šarana u kojem je sadržaj i aktivnost luteinizirajućeg hormona (LH) kalibrisana (cCPE). U suptropskim klimatskim uslovima, šaran sazreva u starosti od šest meseic, a sezona mresta šarana počinje krajem februara i početkom marta, kada temperatura vode dostigne 19-21°C. Ogled je izveden u Gan Shmuel mrestilištu i centru za gajenje riba, u Izraelu, u decembru. Trideset ženki KOI šarana (Cyprinus carpio L.) bilo je smešteno u deset plastičnih bazena, zapremine oko 450 litara. U svakom tanku je bilo po tri matice. Mužjaci su držani odvojeno od matica da bi se sprečila nekontrolisana reprodukcija. U svakom bazenu aeracija i stalno snabdevanje svežom vodom su bili kontrolisani. Pošto je veštački mrest sproveden van sezone, 21 dan pre izvođenja mresta ribe su držane u vodi na temperaturi od 24°C. Urađena je biopsija po jedne ženke iz svake grupe. Anestezija ženki je izvršena sa 99% 2 phenoxyetanolom i biopsija jajnika je urađena preko genitalnog otvora, uvođenjem plastičnog katetera do gonada. Procenat oocista koje su bile u stadijumu I (centralno postavljen GV) i procenat oocista u stadijumu II (ekscentričan GV) je određen posmatranjem pod binokularnim mikroskopom. Pozicija germinalnog vezikula i zrelost matica je određena i broj oocisti u svakon stadijumu je izračunat. Ukupna telesna masa svih matica je izračunata i iznosila je oko 40 kg. cCPE koncentarcije 1 ml/kg je pripremljen za sve jedinke zajedno. Hipofizacija riba je izvršena u dva koraka. Primarna doza je iznosila 20% od ukupne doze, dok je druga doza iznosila 80% od ukupne doze. Deset mužjaka je dobilo po jednu dozu cCPE, 70% doze od one koja je data maticama. Sledećeg dana, došlo je do mrešćenja nešto kasnije, nego što je očekivano. Ovo se može objasniti time što je ogled sproveden izvan sezone mresta. Period latence je takođe visoko zavisan od temparature vode. Tokom ogleda došlo je do malog problema sa sistemom za grejanje, pa je to još jedan od razloga za nešto produžen period latence. Jaja su nežno istisnuta u suvu posudu i oplođena primenom “suve metode”, a adhezivnost jaja je eliminisana korišćenjem mleka ili tretiranjem sa solima uree, a zatim sa kupkom u taninskoj kiselini (“Woynarovich method”). Inkubacija je sprovedena u Cuger bocama. Za statističku obradu podataka korišćen je SPSS za Windows i Excel (MS Office). Uspešnost mresta je iznosila 43 %. Izračunat je Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije između mase ženki i mase dobijene ikre, korelacija između mase riba i broja jaja i korelacija između procenta migriranih oocita i uspešnosti mresta. Uočena je značajna korelacija (F=0,709) između telesne mase matica i mase ikre i značajna korelacija (F=0,642) između telesne mase matica i broja jaja. Negativna korelacija (F=-0,530) između procenta migriranih oocista i uspešnosti mresta je u suprotnosti sa mnogim ranijim istraživanjima. Petpostavka je da bi razlog ovome mogao biti u faktorima okoline, kao i u kvalitetu samih matica. Iako je procenat izmrešćenih matica bio niži od normalnog procenta uspešnosti veštačkog mresta šarana, uspešnost je bila vrlo zadovoljavajuća imajući u vidu da je mrest izvršen van sezone mresta

    Fidelity findings from the arrels foundation housing first programme in Barcelona, Spain

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    Arrels Foundation is one of the oldest homeless service organisations in Barcelona, and is one of the main promoters of Housing First in Catalonia. The programme was launched in 2015 and one year later, Arrels Foundation evaluated programme fidelity for the first time using the selfassessment approach (Stefancic et al., 2013) and one-to-one structured interviews with key stakeholders. Nine staff members participated in the first phase and eleven took part in the qualitative phase. Results indicated higher fidelity scores in the Separation of Housing and Services domain and lower scores in the Service Array domain. Barriers to fidelity were identified in the domains of Services Provision, Team Structure, Housing Processes and Structure. These barriers appeared to be linked to systemic challenges of a difficult housing market, small public sector housing supply, and cultural resistance to the model. Facilitators of fidelity included the quality of public health and mental health services; organisational commitment to the consumer-led, recovery-oriented HF philosophy; and the stability and long-term dedication of Arrels Foundation's workers and volunteers. Analysis also underlined the benefits of local adaptations for programme fidelity. These findings provide context and perspective for comparison with other Housing First implementations and demonstrate how the programme is sufficient, sustainable, and effective in improving quality of life for adults with histories of homelessness and complex support needs

    Processes of social exclusion of homelessness in the city of Barcelona

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    http://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/tsg/article/view/1523/1712En este artículo se abordan los procesos de exclusión social de las personas sin hogar en la ciudad de Barcelona a través de tres apartados. En primer lugar se realiza una aproximación a los procesos de exclusión social presentes en las sociedades europeas, seguidamente se centra la mirada en la dimensión conceptual de las personas sin hogar y en sus principales causas para finalizar con unas conclusiones en donde se sintetizan los temas planteados, así como los retos de futuro que se presentan en este fenómeno. El contenido del artículo forma parte del trabajo de investigación que se está realizando sobre los procesos de inclusión social de las personas sin hogar en Barcelona. Dicha investigación está vinculada al Doctorado “Educación y Sociedad” de la Universidad de Barcelona a través del Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales. El incremento del fenómeno del sinhogarismo responde a procesos macrosociales que han caracterizado a las sociedades postfordistas de las últimas décadas donde la fragilidad de las redes de apoyo y de los sistemas de protección social tienen una importancia crucial.Processes of social exclusion of the homeless people in the city of Barcelona are addressed in this article through three sections. First, an approximation to the processes of social exclusion present in European societies is done, then look focuses on the conceptual dimension of homeless people and its root causes, to end with some conclusions on where the issues raised are synthesized as well as the future challenges that are presented in this phenomenon. This article is part of the research work being done on the processes of social inclusion of homeless people in Barcelona. This research is linked to the Doctorate "Education and Society" at the University of Barcelona through the Department of Social Work and Social Services. The growing phenomenon of homelessness responds to macroprocesses that have characterized the post-Fordist societies in recent decades where the fragility of support networks and systems of social protection are crucial

    Sinhogarismo femenino: una aproximación a la intersección entre género, edad y procesos migratorios.

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    Recientes investigaciones referentes al fenómeno del sinhogarismo han evidenciado la necesidad de la perspectiva feminista en su abordaje, tanto en lo relativo a la investigación como en lo referente a las acciones sociales diseñadas para afrontar dicho fenómeno social. El presente artículo muestra los resultados de aplicar la perspectiva feminista en el estudio del sinhogarismo, centrando la mirada en las trayectorias vitales de mujeres que, en su etapa de adultez madura y /o de vejez, se hallan algunas de las múltiples situaciones tipificadas como sin hogar. A través de una metodología de corte cualitativo que incluye las voces de las propias mujeres, se dilucida el impacto de la intersección entre las variables sinhogarismo femenino, vejez y proceso migratorio. Los resultados concluyen que, en la intersección entre las mencionadas amplifican la situación de discriminación de las personas sin hogar, evidenciando la necesidad de incluir la perspectiva de género en los procesos de construcción de políticas sociales dirigidas a superar esta forma de exclusión social, así como para el diseño de acciones dirigidas a la inmigración

    Aquaponics: the ugly duckling in european organic regulation

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    Aquaponics is an integrated closed-loop multi-trophic food production system that combines elements of a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and hydroponics (Endut et al., 2010; Goddek et al., 2015; Graber and Junge, 2009). Organic agriculture has in principle the same approach defined by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM, September 2005) "Organic Agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic Agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved."N/

    Tejiendo identidades. Autoconocimiento y trabajo social

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    Presentamos en esta comunicación los primeros resultados del proyecto de innovación docente Tejiendo identidades. Autoconocimiento y Trabajo Social, cuyo objetivo es la promoción y desarrollo del autoconocimiento como competencia profesional básica en el alumnado del Grado de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Barcelona. Se trata de una iniciativa interdisciplinar que responde al interés y compromiso del profesorado por innovar la docencia, pero también a las inquietudes manifestadas por los estudiantes en relación a la influencia de sus valores, emociones y sentimientos personales en su práctica profesional. En una primera fase del proyecto hemos realizado un análisis de las actividades de autoconocimiento que a lo largo de los dos últimos cursos académicos se han realizado en nueve asignaturas de la titulación de trabajo social de la Universidad de Barcelona. Este análisis nos ha permitido identificar diferentes enfoques en relación con el autoconocimiento, que incluyen su utilización como instrumento para favorecer el aprendizaje de contenidos y conceptos disciplinares, como reflexión sobre sus valores culturales y como parte del proceso de construcción de su modelo integrado de práctica profesional y de su proyecto de desarrollo profesional. La diversidad de perspectivas que hemos podido identificar al realizar el análisis de estas actividades de autoconocimiento evidencia la necesidad de un planteamiento transversal que pueda garantizar el desarrollo de esta competencia profesional por parte del alumnado.Esta comunicación se ha elaborado en el contexto del Proyecto de innovación docente Teixint identitats professionals. Autoconeixement i Treball Social, 2015PID-UB/026, reconocido y financiado por el Programa de Millora i Innovació Docent del Vicerectorat de Política Docent I Lingüística de la Universitat de Barcelona

    'Life Starts for Me Again.' The Social Impact of Psychology on Programs for Homeless People: Solidarity Networks for the Effectiveness of Interventions

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    The role of psychology in the improvement of people's lives is consistent, according to the scientific literature review. More and more studies within psychology, and other social sciences, are pointing out the importance of the quality of social interactions on physical and mental health and upon perceived wellbeing. When talking about homelessness, psychology has served these individuals mostly by informing intervention programs related to preventing and responding to substance abuse, healthcare, sexual risks, or mental illnesses, and these are key problems that psychology has also studied and found to be connected to homelessness. Such strategies, which were traditionally mostly centered on tackling the weaknesses that homeless people face, are now increasingly considering the role of the social support services. The aim of this study was, on the one hand, to identify evidence on the importance of solidarity as a key factor in the process of overcoming homelessness, and associated substance abuse situations, and the barriers and conditions to achieve it. On another hand, the aim was also to approach the impact of that solidarity on their general wellbeing from the perspective of homeless subjects themselves. To achieve this aim, 20 life stories of people aged 35 to 70 years old were conducted in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. The people interviewed had been homeless in a recent period of their lives and were currently dependent on different services. The communicative methodology allowed deepening into the life stories of these individuals via egalitarian dialogue between the researchers and the participants. The results of the qualitative analysis showed that a strong solidarity network was crucial in the process of overcoming the participants' homelessness situation and to tackle related circumstances (alcoholism and drug abuse among others), and this has had an impact in their general wellbeing and in the development of more solidarity attitudes. These findings are discussed in light of psychological knowledge and other social sciences literature on the importance of quality social environments to support positive developmental trajectories and considering the potential social impact of the intervention programs that take into account the factor of solidarity during their implementation process

    You are not alone: the (in)visible homeless and the role of social workers and related professionals

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    The scientific literature has already shown that health information is a factor that contributes to reduce health disparities, improving the situation of vulnerable groups, such as homeless people. However, less is known about the ways that health information has been spread by social workers and related professionals to homeless people in the first moments of the COVID-19 pandemic. This work analyses some social work actions related to health information addressed to homeless people and to identify its impact during the lockdown in Barcelona. This qualitative study is based on semi-structured interviews with social workers and related professionals involved in developing interventions related to health information with homeless people in Barcelona. The data analysis is based on the communicative methodology to identify exclusionary and transformative dimensions. The results show the improvement in the health information of homeless people during the pandemic through the design and development of actions facilitated and promoted by some social workers and related professionals. The findings demonstrate the role that some social workers and related professionals have played in the improvement of health information of homeless people during the lockdown in Barcelona