10 research outputs found

    Propuesta de alternativa para la pacificación del tránsito frente a la sede 13 (calle 47 entre las carreras 13 y 14) de la Universidad Católica de Colombia

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEste proyecto busca generar espacios seguros para los peatones, con el fin de reducir los accidentes de tránsito, que al año 2018 según datos del IDECA, en la intersección de la carrera 13 con calle 47 se establecieron en 13. Gracias a las diferentes alternativas de pacificación del tránsito que se encuentran disponibles en la actualidad, se ha logrado disminuir los accidentes de tránsito, es por esto, que en esta investigación se propone diseñar un paso a nivel sobre la calle 47 entre Carreras 13 y 14, con el fin de ampliar las vías peatonales basándose en la cartilla de andenes para Bogotá de la Secretaria Distrital De Planeación y el Decreto 327 del 2004. De igual manera se verifico el nivel de servicio actual del andén del costado norte y el nivel de servicio que se prestará con las alternativas propuestas, finalmente se llevó a cabo una simulación de la condición actual de movilidad del corredor con el fin de determinar cómo se comportara el corredor con la alternativa planteada en la investigación. Todas las conclusiones de la investigación se basan en mejorar las condiciones de movilidad peatonal con el fin de conseguir una movilidad más segura y que no represente conflicto entre los diferentes actores viales del corredor.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. ANTECEDENTES Y JUSTIFICACIÓN 2. PLANTEAMIENTO Y FORMULACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA 3. OBJETIVOS 4. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 5. ALCANCES Y LIMITACIONES 6. METODOLOGÍA 7. VISITA DE CAMPO 8. INSPECCIÓN VISUAL DE SEGURIDAD 9. ESTUDIO DE LA ALTERNATIVA 10. DISEÑO DE LA ALTERNATIVA 11. MODELACIÓN EN PTV VISSIM 2020 VERSIÓN EDUCATIVA 12. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Speed and technology : Different modus of operandi

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    Within Vision Zero as a strategy, it is imbedded the fact that injuries occur when the mechanical energy reaches individuals at rates that entail forces in excess of their thresholds for injury. Therefore, according to Vision Zero, there are three main strategies to eliminate fatalities and severe injuries due to road crashes: protect people from exposure of harmful energy, reduce the risk of events with harmful energy, and protect people from harmful energy in the event of a collision. Controlling speed is therefore of the task of utmost importance in a strategy such as Vision Zero. A traffic enforcement camera, or “speed camera,” system has the possibility to control speed in a road system, and it has the possibility to affect its road users both at a macro and a micro perspective. In a micro perspective, it primarily concerns how effective the cameras are locally at the road sections where the enforcement is focused on, while at a macro perspective it is more focused on how the camera enforcement system and strategies, possibly together with the overall enforcement strategy, affects attitudes and norms related to driving with excessive speed. Experience worldwide has proven the effectiveness of automated speed cameras in reducing speed and, in turn, crashes and injuries. In this chapter, firstly the rationale behind speed limits, speed management, and speed compliance strategies will be explored and analyzed, in particular from a Vision Zero perspective. Secondly, various different approaches to speed camera systems in Europe, in Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, and France, will be analyzed and further explored. Finally, based on similarities and differences in approaches in these countries, in the last section some aspects concerning the setting of speed limits, speed management strategies that underpin the choice of camera technology, and modus of operandi, safety effects of and attitudes toward cameras, will be explored and discussed

    Nollvisioner – från idé till genomförande : Program för implementeringsforskning inom transportområdet

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    Med sina färre än 2.6 dödade/100,000 invånare är Sverige världsledande inom vägtrafiksäkerhet. Sverige har, genom riksdagens antagande av Nollvisionen år 1997, tydligt bundit sig för ett ambitiöst och framåtsträvande inriktat trafiksäkerhetsarbete (Trafikanalys 2015). Nollvisionen är inte bara ett långsiktigt mål som innebär att antalet dödade och allvarligt skadade till följd av trafikolyckor på sikt ska elimineras, utan även ett förhållningssätt angående hur trafiksäkerheten ska ökas. Nollvisionen skiljer sig i förhållande till ett mer traditionell trafiksäkerhetsarbete bland annat i sin holistiska systemsyn på trafiksäkerhetsproblemet, där samhället, industrin och akademin i samverkan spelar en väsentlig roll i möjligheten att åstadkomma långsiktigt hållbara förbättringar

    Säkerhetskulturer i (inter)nationell forskning - med fokus på väg och järnväg : En kunskapsöversikt

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    Fenomenet säkerhetskultur har diskuterats och studerats allt mer, efter att utredningen av reaktorolyckan i Tjernobyl 1986 konstaterade att olyckan orsakades av en bristfällig säkerhetskultur. Syftet med denna kunskapsöversikt är att beskriva den tidigare forskningen kring säkerhetskulturer generellt och inom transportsektorn specifikt. Säkerhetskulturer inrymmer organisationers gemensamma attityder, uppfattningar och värderingar i förhållande till säkerhet, eller i förhållande till trafiksäkerhet inom transportsektorn. I mer utvecklade säkerhetskulturer finns en gemensam positiv inställning till säkerhet, och säkerhet är en viktig norm och värdering som alla involverade aktörers agerande utgår från. Inom transportsektorn kan Nollvisionen ses som en viktig norm och värdering beträffande trafiksäkerheten. Vilka säkerhetskulturer som uppstår och utvecklas i en organisation påverkas framför allt av vilka attityder, uppfattningar och värderingar i förhållande till säkerhet som finns hos ledningen, men även hos övriga medarbetare. Inom transportsektorn handlar det även om vilka värderingar som uttrycks genom lagstiftning och i vad mån politiken prioriterar trafiksäkerhet. Att förändra säkerhetskulturer är svårt och tar tid. Förändringsåtgärder måste utformas för den aktuella kontexten. För såväl säkerhetskulturer generellt som specifikt inom transportsektorn, bör dessa åtgärder i första hand ha systemfokus men även individfokus krävs. För att kunna mäta säkerhetskulturer inom transportsektorn liksom inom andra områden, framhålls vikten av att kombinera kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Framför allt anses kvalitativa metoder krävas. Det finns ett visst empiriskt stöd för att säkerhetskulturer påverkar den faktiska säkerheten och olycksförekomsten, både beträffande organisationer generellt och specifikt inom transportsektorn. Forskning i förhållande till järnvägen visar att privatisering inom området kan ha en negativ inverkan på säkerhetskulturer. Vidare forskning om vad säkerhetskulturer är inom transportsektorn behövs, med fokus på vägtrafiken och järnvägen. Inte minst finns det ett behov av att undersöka Nollvisionens betydelse för säkerhetskulturer inom dessa områden.Säkerhetskultur inom Transportsektorn- inriktning på trafiksäkerhe

    Self-Driving Vehicles : an Ethical Overview

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    The introduction of self-driving vehicles gives rise to a large number of ethical issues that go beyond the common, extremely narrow, focus on improbable dilemma-like scenarios. This article provides a broad overview of realistic ethical issues related to self-driving vehicles. Some of the major topics covered are as follows: Strong opinions for and against driverless cars may give rise to severe social and political conflicts. A low tolerance for accidents caused by driverless vehicles may delay the introduction of driverless systems that would substantially reduce the risks. Trade-offs will arise between safety and other requirement on the road traffic system. Over-reliance on the swift collision-avoiding reactions of self-driving vehicles can induce people to take dangerous actions, such as stepping out in front of a car, relying on its fast braking. Children travelling alone can violate safety instructions such as the use of seatbelts. Digital information about routes and destinations can be used to convey commercial and political messages to car users. If fast passage can be bought, then socio-economic segregation of road traffic may result. Terrorists and other criminals can hack into a vehicle and make it crash. They can also use self-driving vehicles for instance to carry bombs to their designed places of detonation or to wreak havoc on a country’s road system

    Self-Driving Vehicles—an Ethical Overview

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    The introduction of self-driving vehicles gives rise to a large number of ethical issues that go beyond the common, extremely narrow, focus on improbable dilemma-like scenarios. This article provides a broad overview of realistic ethical issues related to self-driving vehicles. Some of the major topics covered are as follows: Strong opinions for and against driverless cars may give rise to severe social and political conflicts. A low tolerance for accidents caused by driverless vehicles may delay the introduction of driverless systems that would substantially reduce the risks. Trade-offs will arise between safety and other requirement on the road traffic system. Over-reliance on the swift collision-avoiding reactions of self-driving vehicles can induce people to take dangerous actions, such as stepping out in front of a car, relying on its fast braking. Children travelling alone can violate safety instructions such as the use of seatbelts. Digital information about routes and destinations can be used to convey commercial and political messages to car users. If fast passage can be bought, then socio-economic segregation of road traffic may result. Terrorists and other criminals can hack into a vehicle and make it crash. They can also use self-driving vehicles for instance to carry bombs to their designed places of detonation or to wreak havoc on a country’s road system

    Swedish Vision Zero Policies for Safety : A Comparative Policy Content Analysis

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    The Vision Zero policy was adopted by the Swedish parliament in 1997 as a new direction for road traffic safety. The aim of the policy is that no one should be killed or seriously injured due to traffic accidents and that the design of the road transport system should be adapted to those requirements. Vision Zero has been described as a policy innovation with a focus on the tolerance of the human body to kinetic energy and that the responsibility for road safety falls on the system designers. In Sweden, the Vision Zero terminology has spread to other safety-related areas, such as fire safety, patient safety, workplace safety and suicide. The purpose of this article is to analyze, through a comparative content analysis, each Vision Zero policy by identifying the policy decision, policy problem, policy goal, and policy measures. How a policy is designed and formulated has a direct effect on implementation and outcome. The similarities and differences between the policies give an indication of the transfer method in each case. The results show that the Vision Zero policies following the Vision Zero for road traffic contain more than merely a similar terminology, but also that the ideas incorporated in Vision Zero are not grounded within each policy area as one would expect. The study shows that it is easier to imitate formulations in a seemingly successful policy and harder to transform Vision Zero into a workable tool in each policy area

    Self-Driving Vehicles—an Ethical Overview

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    The introduction of self-driving vehicles gives rise to a large number of ethical issues that go beyond the common, extremely narrow, focus on improbable dilemma-like scenarios. This article provides a broad overview of realistic ethical issues related to self-driving vehicles. Some of the major topics covered are as follows: Strong opinions for and against driverless cars may give rise to severe social and political conflicts. A low tolerance for accidents caused by driverless vehicles may delay the introduction of driverless systems that would substantially reduce the risks. Trade-offs will arise between safety and other requirement on the road traffic system. Over-reliance on the swift collision-avoiding reactions of self-driving vehicles can induce people to take dangerous actions, such as stepping out in front of a car, relying on its fast braking. Children travelling alone can violate safety instructions such as the use of seatbelts. Digital information about routes and destinations can be used to convey commercial and political messages to car users. If fast passage can be bought, then socio-economic segregation of road traffic may result. Terrorists and other criminals can hack into a vehicle and make it crash. They can also use self-driving vehicles for instance to carry bombs to their designed places of detonation or to wreak havoc on a country’s road system