1,198 research outputs found

    Positioning Bench Design for Locks Testing

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    Bakalářská práce si klade za úkol optimalizovat zařízení, které by usnadnilo nastavování měřícího přístroje High speed pull. Stávající zařízení je schopno výškově nastavit jen do určitých poloh, což optimalizované zařízení umožní plynulé výškové nastavení v rozsahu 120 mm až 350 mm. Hmotnost měřícího zařízení je 50 kilogramů.Bachelor thesis aims to optimize the device, which would be made easier to adjustment of the measuring instrument High speed pull. Existing equipment is able to be adjusted in height only in certain positions, optimized device allows continuous height adjustment from 120 mm to 350 mm. The weight of measuring device is 50 kg.340 - Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruovánívelmi dobř

    Analysis of red wine phenolics: Comparison of HPLC and spectrophotometric methods

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    A recently developed ion-pair normal phase HPLC method which allows a precise chromatographic evaluation of the whole class of high-molecular-mass phenolics of wine was used in order to check the performance of spectrophotometric methods. Thirty-two monovarietal red wines (vintages 1993 and 1998) were analysed for total high-molecular-mass phenolics, proanthocyanidins with 2-4 units, and proanthocyanidins formed by 5 or more units, by means of the normal phase HPLC method. In addition the following spectrophotometric assays were performed: total phenols by Folin-Ciocalteu, Bate-Smith transformation of proanthocyanidins into cyanidin and catechins and proanthocyanidins reactive to vanillin.

    Role of the variety and some environmental factors on grape stilbenes

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    V. vinifera L. 'Barbera', 'Croatina', 'Malvasia di Candia aromatica', growing in the Piacenza viticultural area (North-West Italy) at four elevations (150, 240, 320, 420 m a.s.l.), were tested at harvest for grape stilbene (trans-resveratrol, trans-piceid, cis-piceid) synthesis over three years (2000-2002). Meteorological data were recorded, as well as vine production and fruit quality parameters. The most significant findings were:trans-piceid was the most abundantly produced stilbene compound (103 μg·kg-1 berry FW), while trans-resveratrol was the least produced (57 μg·kg-1 berry FW);'Barbera' and 'Croatina' had similar trans-resveratrol berry levels (71 μg·kg-1 berry FW and 76 μg·kg-1 berry FW respectively), higher than 'Malvasia di Candia aromatica' (24 μg·kg-1 berry FW);'Barbera' had the highest trans-piceid and cis-piceid concentrations (235 and 136 μg·kg-1 berry FW, respectively) while 'Malvasia di Candia aromatica' had the lowest levels (13 and 1 μg·kg-1 berry FW, respectively);stilbenes increased with elevation up to 320 m, while decreasing at the highest altitude;the vintage year only significantly affected the cis-piceid berry concentration which was positively related to the relative humidity at the end of ripening, and negatively related to degree-days at the end of ripening.

    TWI computation: a comparison of different open source GISs

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    Abstract The opportunities of retrieving geospatial datasets as open data and the reliability of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) GIS increased the possibilities of performing a large number of geospatial analyses. In particular, the worldwide availability of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) permits to compute several topographic indexes able to characterize the land morphology. In this paper, we evaluate the performances of different open source GIS in the calculation of the Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), a widespread index in hydrological analysis that describes the tendency of an area to accumulate water. Nowadays, there is a large number of available open source desktop GIS, maintained as FOSS projects, each of them focusing on developing specific goals. Therefore, from user point of view, the choice of the best software in solving a particular task is influenced by the GIS specific features. The test was performed computing the TWI for the Rio Sinigo basin, in northern Italy. The DEM of the test area has been processed with GRASS GIS, Whitebox GAT and SAGA GIS. In order to identify equal workflows, all the combinations of available algorithms and parameters have been studied for each considered GIS. The final TWI maps produced as output were compared and discussed