81 research outputs found

    Dynamic Logic for an Intermediate Language: Verification, Interaction and Refinement

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    This thesis is about ensuring that software behaves as it is supposed to behave. More precisely, it is concerned with the deductive verification of the compliance of software implementations with their formal specification. Two successful ideas in program verification are integrated into a new approach: dynamic logic and intermediate verification language. The well-established technique of refinement is used to decompose the difficult task of program verification into two easier tasks

    Chapter Dynamic Dispatch for Method Contracts Through Abstract Predicates

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    Dynamic method dispatch is a core feature of object-oriented programming by which the executed implementation for a polymorphic method is only chosen at runtime. In this paper, we present a specification and verification methodology which extends the concept of dynamic dispatch to design-by-contract specifications. The formal specification language JML has only rudimentary means for polymorphic abstraction in expressions. We promote these to fully flexible specification-only query methods called model methods that can, like ordinary methods, be overridden to give specifications a new semantics in subclasses in a transparent and modular fashion. Moreover, we allow them to refer to more than one program state which give us the possibility to fully abstract and encapsulate two-state specification contexts, i.e., history constraints and method postconditions. Finally, we provide an elegant and flexible mechanism to specify restrictions on specifications in subtypes. Thus behavioural subtyping can be enforced, yet it still allows for other specification paradigms. We provide the semantics for model methods by giving a translation into a first order logic and according proof obligations. We fully implemented this framework in the KeY program verifier and successfully verified relevant examples. We have also implemented an extension to KeY to support permission-based verification of concurrent Java programs. In this context model methods provide a modular specification method to treat code synchronisation through API methods

    A Dual-Engine for Early Analysis of Critical Systems

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    This paper presents a framework for modeling, simulating, and checking properties of critical systems based on the Alloy language -- a declarative, first-order, relational logic with a built-in transitive closure operator. The paper introduces a new dual-analysis engine that is capable of providing both counterexamples and proofs. Counterexamples are found fully automatically using an SMT solver, which provides a better support for numerical expressions than the existing Alloy Analyzer. Proofs, however, cannot always be found automatically since the Alloy language is undecidable. Our engine offers an economical approach by first trying to prove properties using a fully-automatic, SMT-based analysis, and switches to an interactive theorem prover only if the first attempt fails. This paper also reports on applying our framework to Microsoft's COM standard and the mark-and-sweep garbage collection algorithm.Comment: Workshop on Dependable Software for Critical Infrastructures (DSCI), Berlin 201

    Smart Contracts: Application Scenarios for Deductive Program Verification

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    Smart contracts are programs that run on a distributed ledger platform. They usually manage resources representing valuable assets. Moreover, their source code is visible to potential attackers, they are distributed, and bugs are hard to fix. Thus, they are susceptible to attacks exploiting programming errors. Their vulnerability makes a rigorous formal analysis of the functional correctness of smart contracts highly desirable. In this short paper, we show that the architecture of smart contract platforms offers a computation model for smart contracts that yields itself naturally to deductive program verification. We discuss different classes of correctness properties of distributed ledger applications, and show that design-by-contract verification tools are suitable to prove these properties. We present experiments where we apply the KeY verification tool to smart contracts in the Hyperledger Fabric framework which are implemented in Java and specified using the Java Modeling Language

    Dynamic Frames in Java Dynamic Logic. Formalisation and Proofs

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    Modular Verification of JML Contracts Using Bounded Model Checking

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    There are two paradigms for dealing with complex verification targets: Modularization using contract-based specifications and whole-program analysis. In this paper, we present an approach bridging the gap between the two paradigms, introducing concepts from the world of contract-based deductive verification into the domain of software bounded model checking. We present a transformation that takes Java programs annotated with contracts written in the Java Modeling Language and turns them into Java programs that can be read by the bounded model checker JBMC. A central idea of the translation is to make use of nondeterministic value assignments to eliminate JML quantifiers. We have implemented our approach and discuss an evaluation, which shows the advantages of the presented approach

    Inferring Interval-Valued Floating-Point Preconditions

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    Aggregated roundoff errors caused by floating-point arithmetic can make numerical code highly unreliable. Verified postconditions for floating-point functions can guarantee the accuracy of their results under specific preconditions on the function inputs, but how to systematically find an adequate precondition for a desired error bound has not been explored so far. We present two novel techniques for automatically synthesizing preconditions for floating-point functions that guarantee that user-provided accuracy requirements are satisfied. Our evaluation on a standard benchmark set shows that our approaches are complementary and able to find accurate preconditions in reasonable time
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