56 research outputs found

    Adsorption of butanol and water vapors in silicalite-1 films with a low defect density

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    Pure silica zeolites are potentially hydrophobic and have therefore been considered to be interesting candidates for separating alcohols, e.g., 1-butanol, from water. Zeolites are traditionally synthesized at high pH, leading to the formation of intracrystalline defects in the form of silanol defects in the framework. These silanol groups introduce polar adsorption sites into the framework, potentially reducing the adsorption selectivity toward alcohols in alcohol/water mixtures. In contrast, zeolites prepared at neutral pH using the fluoride route contain significantly fewer defects. Such crystals should show a much higher butanol/water selectivity than crystals prepared in traditional hydroxide (OH–) media. Moreover, silanol groups are present at the external surface of the zeolite crystals; therefore, minimizing the external surface of the studied adsorbent is important. In this work, we determine adsorption isotherms of 1-butanol and water in silicalite-1 films prepared in a fluoride (F–) medium using in situ attenuated total reflectance–Fourier transform infrared (ATR–FTIR) spectroscopy. This film was composed of well intergrown, plate-shaped b-oriented crystals, resulting in a low external area. Single-component adsorption isotherms of 1-butanol and water were determined in the temperature range of 35–80 °C. The 1-butanol isotherms were typical for an adsorbate showing a high affinity for a microporous material and a large increase in the amount adsorbed at low partial pressures of 1-butanol. The Langmuir–Freundlich model was successfully fitted to the 1-butanol isotherms, and the heat of adsorption was determined. Water showed a very low affinity for the adsorbent, and the amounts adsorbed were very similar to previous reports for large silicalite-1 crystals prepared in a fluoride medium. The sample also adsorbed much less water than did a reference silicalite-1(OH–) film containing a high density of internal defects.The results show that silicalite-1 films prepared in a F– medium with a low density of defects and external area are very promising for the selective recovery of 1-butanol from aqueous solutions

    ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct pair production of third-generation squarks at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Development of a novel experimental technique for studying zeolites : combining zeolite coated ATR elements and FTIR spectroscopy

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    Thin zeolite films have great potential in several novel application areas such as structured catalysts, membranes and sensors. To fully exploit the advantages of these films it is of great importance to determine the adsorption properties of the films. A powerful technique for studies of phenomena at surfaces or in thin films is FTIR/ATR-spectroscopy (Fourier Transform Infra Red / Attenuated Total Reflection). In this work, MFI zeolite films were prepared on ATR elements using two methods. One method produced 200 nm thick films with small crystals (<200nm). The other method was used for preparing b-oriented ZSM-5 films. These films were discontinuous and ca 420 nm thick and consisted of well intergrown, and substantially larger crystals, ca 1.1 Ïm in diameter. Silicalite-1 coated elements were evaluated as gas sensors and the sensitivity for a hydrocarbon for zeolite-coated elements was compared with a standard 10 cm gas cell. The sensitivity was approximately 85 times higher for the coated elements at low hydrocarbon concentration. The response time was investigated by exposing the coated element to a step increase of an analyte and recording the response as a function of time. The response was relatively fast, equilibrium was achieved after approximately 250 s, but already after a few seconds, a strong signal could be detected. The coated elements were also used for determining single gas adsorption isotherms. The studied systems were n-hexane/silicalite-1, p-xylene/silicalite-1 and p-xylene/ZSM-5. The observed isotherms for temperatures between 323 and 423 K were typical for microporous materials with a fast increase of the amount adsorbed at low partial pressures. p-Xylene isotherms of type I were observed as opposed to the type IV isotherms reported in literature for powders. This difference was assigned to strain in the films and/or to reduced flexibility of the MFI framework when attached to a support. Further, some capillary condensation occurred at higher pressures in the films consisting of smaller crystals, which was assigned to condensation in open grain boundaries. Henry's constants and heats of adsorption determined from low-pressure data agreed well with previous reports. Measurements with polarized radiation revealed that p- xylene molecules are mainly oriented with their long axis in the b- direction of the crystals and it was also observed that some kind of rearrangement of n-hexane occurs with increasing loading, both of these findings were in agreement with previously reported results.GodkÀnd; 2006; 20070314 (evan

    Ett jÀmlikt samtalsklimat : Stamning, normer och strategier i samtalssituationer

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    I föreliggande uppsats avhandlas stamning som en social egenskap i syfte att uppmĂ€rksamma normer omkring tal, kommunikation och funktionalitet. Stamning avhandlas följaktligen som en ”störning” i samspelet mellan individer snarare Ă€n ett individuellt tillkortakommande, som en funktionsnedsĂ€ttning. DĂ€rigenom uppmĂ€rksammas ocksĂ„ hur personer som stammar och deras samtalspartner förhĂ„ller sig till stamningen i syfte att Ă„stadkomma ett fungerande samtal. Studien visar pĂ„ att Ă€ven om stamning ingalunda utgör ett oöverstigligt hinder för ett fungerande samtal finns det emellertid tillfĂ€llen dĂ„ den medför betydande kommunikationsproblem i ett normativt reglerat samtalsklimat. Dessa svĂ„righeter hĂ€rleds till det moderna samhĂ€llets normer om effektivitet, konformitet och sjĂ€lvdisciplin, vilka ger upphov till ett samtalsklimat som stĂ€mplar vissa personers talmönster som avvikande. För att komma till rĂ€tta med de kommunikationsproblem som detta föranleder till anvĂ€nder sig sĂ„vĂ€l personer som stammar som deras samtalspartners av olika strategier, vilka analyserar utifrĂ„n Erving Goffmans dramaturgiska sociologi, konversationsanalytisk teori samt Marcel Mauss gĂ„voteori. Studien visar pĂ„ att i mötet mellan en talare med ett icke-normativt samtalsmönster och en Ă„hörare utan erfarenhet att ta sig till och förstĂ„ detta tal mĂ„ste personer som stammar inta en aktiv roll för att samtalet ska förlöpa utan problem. Dels mĂ„ste de vara uppriktiga med faktum att de stammar, och dels mĂ„ste de försöka instruera deras samtalspartner om hur interaktionen ska gĂ„ tillvĂ€ga för att mötet ska förlöpa utan problem

    Utopin vid vÀrldens Ànde : En teoretisk undersökning om antropocen utifrÄn feministiska, queera och cripa perspektiv

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    Eftersom antropocen och klimatförĂ€ndringen redan tillhör vĂ„rt hĂ€r och nu kan inte det enda svaret pĂ„ dem vara att vilja förhindra eller begrĂ€nsa dem. IstĂ€llet mĂ„ste vi skriva berĂ€ttelser som tillĂ„ter oss att leva och överleva den oerhörda sĂ„rbarhet de konfronterar oss med. I en förhoppning om att kunna formulera sĂ„dana berĂ€ttelser vĂ€nder jag mig till de sĂ„rbara, skadade och döende kroppar som följer i klimatförĂ€ndringens spĂ„r. UtifrĂ„n en teoretisk undersökning av feministisk posthumanism, queer ekologi och Disability Studies tillhandahĂ„ller jag uppslag för att situera dem i antropocen. Uppsatsens syfte Ă€r att med utgĂ„ngspunkt i dessa sĂ„rbara, skadade och döende kroppar skriva kritiska och affirmativa, till och med utopiska, berĂ€ttelser hur vi kan leva och överleva i vĂ„rt hĂ€r och nu - oavsett vilken framtid den utmynnar i. I mina försök att skriva andra och bĂ€ttre berĂ€ttelser om vĂ„rt hĂ€r och nu tvingas jag förhĂ„lla mig till det faktum att antropocen Ă€r en negativ och repressiv berĂ€ttelse som begrĂ€nsar liv och tĂ€nkande genom att underkasta dem ett eller annat normativt vĂ€rde (mĂ€nniskoarten, familjen, individen). Detta tar sig framförallt uttryck i affekter som melankoli och panik inför farhĂ„gan om att klimatförĂ€ndringen innebĂ€r mĂ€nsklighetens och vĂ€rldens slut. Även om det inte Ă€r min avsikt Ă€r att ifrĂ„gasĂ€tta eller förringa klimatförĂ€ndringens mĂ„nga katastrofer vill jag argumentera för att de affekter som omger dem inte kan förstĂ„s Ă„tskilt frĂ„n det faktum att de inte förutsĂ€tts hota vilken mĂ€nniska och vĂ€rld som helst utan en normativ förstĂ„else av mĂ€nniskan och vĂ€rlden. Jag vill hĂ€vda att antropocen framförallt inte bör förstĂ„s som slutet för vare sig mĂ€nniska eller vĂ€rld (Ă€ven om det Ă€r en risk som sĂ„klart inte kan uteslutas) utan snarare som en fortsĂ€ttning pĂ„ makt och normer som feministiskt, queert och cript tĂ€nkande Ă€gnat sig Ă„t att problematisera. IstĂ€llet för att lĂ„ta klimatförĂ€ndringen bli sĂ„ att sĂ€ga en ursĂ€kt för att sluta tĂ€nka - istĂ€llet för att förutsĂ€tta att den enda kropp och vĂ€rld som Ă€r möjliga att leva i Ă€r den kropp och vĂ€rld vi för nĂ€rvarande tar för givna, och istĂ€llet för att förutsĂ€tta att om den kropp och vĂ€rld vi för nĂ€rvarande tar för givna av en eller annan anledning inte kan fortsĂ€tta existera Ă€r ingen kropp eller vĂ€rld möjlig att leva i - föreslĂ„r jag att vi lĂ„ter de traditioner av kritiskt och affirmativt, till och med utopiskt, tĂ€nkande om sĂ„rbara, skadade och döende kroppar som feministisk teori, queerteori och Disability Studies erbjuder vĂ€gleda oss mot andra och bĂ€ttre sĂ€tt att leva i antropocen. Jag vill nĂ€mligen hĂ€vda att det finns bĂ€ttre och sĂ€mre sĂ€tt att leva med den oerhörda sĂ„rbarhet som klimatförĂ€ndringen medför - sĂ„ varför inte vĂ€lja att leva den sĂ„ bra som möjligt

    Grafisk profilering av EM-loppet

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    Consumers donÂŽt buy products, they buy brands. To create a succesful brand, you need a clear identity,and it will be strengthened by for instance a graphic profile. This project includes a theoretical partabout corporate identity and graphic profiling, and a description of the work with the graphic profile ofEM-loppet. The aim with this project is to strengthen the identity of EM-loppet, by making a clear andunified profile. The project has been accomplished by studying literature, searching information on theInternet and via personal contacts. The graphic manual of EM-loppet and examples of its applicationsare enclosed

    Grafisk profilering av EM-loppet

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    Consumers donÂŽt buy products, they buy brands. To create a succesful brand, you need a clear identity,and it will be strengthened by for instance a graphic profile. This project includes a theoretical partabout corporate identity and graphic profiling, and a description of the work with the graphic profile ofEM-loppet. The aim with this project is to strengthen the identity of EM-loppet, by making a clear andunified profile. The project has been accomplished by studying literature, searching information on theInternet and via personal contacts. The graphic manual of EM-loppet and examples of its applicationsare enclosed

    Development of a novel zeolite coated ATR-FTIR sensor

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    Thin zeolite films have great potential in several novel application areas such as: structured catalysts, membranes and sensors. To fully exploit the advantages of these films it is of great importance to determine the properties of the films. A powerful technique for studies of phenomena at surfaces or in thin films is FTIR/ATR-spectroscopy (Fourier Transform Infra Red / Attenuated Total Reflection). Furthermore, thin zeolite films may be utilized for enhanced selectivity and sensitivity for this technique. In this work films with a thickness of 200 nm of the zeolites ZSM-5 and silicalite-1 were grown on ZnSe, ZnS, ZrO2, Si and Ge ATR elements using a method that had been developed previously. The coated elements were evaluated in a gas sensor application by comparing the sensitivity for a hydrocarbon of zeolite-coated elements versus a standard 10 cm gas cell. The sensitivity was approximately 85 times higher for the coated elements compared to the gas cell at low hydrocarbon concentration. The response time was investigated by exposing the coated element to a step increase of an analyte and recording the response as a function of time. The response was relatively fast, equilibrium was achieved after approximately 250 s, but already after a few seconds a strong signal could be detected. The coated elements were also used to determine single gas adsorption isotherms. The systems studied were n-hexane/silicalite-1 and p-xylene/silicalite-1. Adsorption isotherms determined at varying temperatures were typical for microporous materials. Capillary condensation was observed at higher concentration of the adsorbent. Henry constants and heats of adsorption determined from low-pressure data agreed well with previously reported data in the literature.GodkÀnd; 2004; 20070126 (ysko

    Inflationsprognoser i Sverige: Vilket gapmÄtt bör anvÀndas?

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    Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att undersöka huruvida BNP-gap kan förutspÄ inflationen bÀttre jÀmfört med arbetslöshetsgap. Svensk kvartalsdata frÄn 1993 till och med 2005 har anvÀnts. GapmÄtten skapas med tvÄ olika metoder, en linjÀrregression och ett HP-filter. En direkt prognosmodell anvÀnds för alla prognoser med out of sample metodik. Prognoshorisonterna som anvÀnds Àr ett kvartal, fyra kvartal samt Ätta kvartal. BNP-gap visar en bÀttre förmÄga att förutspÄ inflationen vid alla olika prognoshorisonter. Arbetslöshetsgap skapat med ett HP-filter tangerar BNP-gapet i prestation vid en prognoshorisont pÄ fyra kvartal

    Executive Compensation and Firm Performance in Sweden

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    The results obtained from this research indicates that there is no statistical relation between the chosen financial variables and the total compensation to the CEO, except sales. CEO compensation is a highly debated subject in Sweden. The debate concerns whether or not CEOs are paid too much in relation to their results. This research investigates what decides the CEO compensation. Can the CEO compensation be explained by the financial variables ROA, ROE, Sales, Tobin’s q, and the size of the largest shareholder? In this paper companies listed on the Swedish Stock Exchange OMX Stockholm large and mid cap during the years 2003 to 2008 are analyzed by empirically and theoretically adapted models
