403 research outputs found

    Measurement of 139La(p,x) cross sections from 35–60 MeV by stacked-target activation

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    A stacked-target of natural lanthanum foils (99.9119% 139La) was irradiated using a 60 MeV proton beam at the LBNL 88-Inch Cyclotron. 139La(p,x) cross sections are reported between 35–60 MeV for nine product radionuclides. The primary motivation for this measurement was the need to quantify the production of 134Ce. As a positron-emitting analogue of the promising medical radionuclide 225Ac, 134Ce is desirable for in vivo applications of bio-distribution assays for this emerging radio-pharmaceutical. The results of this measurement were compared to the nuclear model codes TALYS, EMPIRE and ALICE (using default parameters), which showed significant deviation from the measured values

    Effect of polygenic risk for schizophrenia on cardiac structure and function: a UK Biobank observational study

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular disease is a major cause of excess mortality in people with schizophrenia. Several factors are responsible, including lifestyle and metabolic effects of antipsychotics. However, variations in cardiac structure and function are seen in people with schizophrenia in the absence of cardiovascular disease risk factors and after accounting for lifestyle and medication. Therefore, we aimed to explore whether shared genetic causes contribute to these cardiac variations. METHODS: For this observational study, we used data from the UK Biobank and included White British or Irish individuals without diagnosed schizophrenia with variable polygenic risk scores for the condition. To test the association between polygenic risk score for schizophrenia and cardiac phenotype, we used principal component analysis and regression. Robust regression was then used to explore the association between the polygenic risk score for schizophrenia and individual cardiac phenotypes. We repeated analyses with fibro-inflammatory pathway-specific polygenic risk scores for schizophrenia. Last, we investigated genome-wide sharing of common variants between schizophrenia and cardiac phenotypes using linkage disequilibrium score regression. The primary outcome was principal component regression. FINDINGS: Of 33 353 individuals recruited, 32 279 participants had complete cardiac MRI data and were included in the analysis, of whom 16 625 (51·5%) were female and 15 654 (48·5%) were male. 1074 participants were excluded on the basis of incomplete cardiac MRI data (for all phenotypes). A model regressing polygenic risk scores for schizophrenia onto the first five cardiac principal components of the principal components analysis was significant (F=5·09; p=0·00012). Principal component 1 captured a pattern of increased cardiac volumes, increased absolute peak diastolic strain rates, and reduced ejection fractions; polygenic risk scores for schizophrenia and principal component 1 were negatively associated (β=-0·01 [SE 0·003]; p=0·017). Similar to the principal component analysis results, for individual cardiac phenotypes, we observed negative associations between polygenic risk scores for schizophrenia and indexed right ventricular end-systolic volume (β=-0·14 [0·04]; p=0·0013, pFDR=0·015), indexed right ventricular end-diastolic volume (β=-0·17 [0·08]); p=0·025; pFDR=0·082), and absolute longitudinal peak diastolic strain rates (β=-0·01 [0·003]; p=0·0024, pFDR=0·015), and a positive association between polygenic risk scores for schizophrenia and right ventricular ejection fraction (β=0·09 [0·03]; p=0·0041, pFDR=0·015). Models examining the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β)-specific and acute inflammation-specific polygenic risk scores for schizophrenia found significant associations with the first five principal components (F=2·62, p=0·022; F=2·54, p=0·026). Using linkage disequilibrium score regression, we observed genetic overlap with schizophrenia for right ventricular end-systolic volume and right ventricular ejection fraction (p=0·0090, p=0·0077). INTERPRETATION: High polygenic risk scores for schizophrenia are associated with decreased cardiac volumes, increased ejection fractions, and decreased absolute peak diastolic strain rates. TGF-β and inflammatory pathways might be implicated, and there is evidence of genetic overlap for some cardiac phenotypes. Reduced absolute peak diastolic strain rates indicate increased myocardial stiffness and diastolic dysfunction, which increases risk of cardiac disease. Thus, genetic risk for schizophrenia is associated with cardiac structural changes that can worsen cardiac outcomes. Further work is required to determine whether these associations are specific to schizophrenia or are also seen in other psychiatric conditions. FUNDING: National Institute for Health Research, Maudsley Charity, Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, Academy of Medical Sciences, Edmond J Safra Foundation, British Heart Foundation

    Rapid Shifts in Bacterial Communities and Homogeneity of Symbiodiniaceae in Colonies of Pocillopora acuta Transplanted Between Reef and Mangrove Environments

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    It has been proposed that an effective approach for predicting whether and how reef-forming corals persist under future climate change is to examine populations thriving in present day extreme environments, such as mangrove lagoons, where water temperatures can exceed those of reef environments by more than 3°C, pH levels are more acidic (pH &amp;lt; 7.9, often below 7.6) and O2 concentrations are regularly considered hypoxic (&amp;lt;2 mg/L). Defining the physiological features of these “extreme” corals, as well as their relationships with the, often symbiotic, organisms within their microbiome, could increase our understanding of how corals will persist into the future. To better understand coral-microbe relationships that potentially underpin coral persistence within extreme mangrove environments, we therefore conducted a 9-month reciprocal transplant experiment, whereby specimens of the coral Pocillopora acuta were transplanted between adjacent mangrove and reef sites on the northern Great Barrier Reef. Bacterial communities associated with P. acuta specimens native to the reef environment were dominated by Endozoicomonas, while Symbiodiniaceae communities were dominated by members of the Cladocopium genus. In contrast, P. acuta colonies native to the mangrove site exhibited highly diverse bacterial communities with no dominating members, and Symbiodiniaceae communities dominated by Durusdinium. All corals survived for 9 months after being transplanted from reef-to-mangrove, mangrove-to-reef environments (as well as control within environment transplants), and during this time there were significant changes in the bacterial communities, but not in the Symbiodiniaceae communities or their photo-physiological functioning. In reef-to-mangrove transplanted corals, there were varied, but sometimes rapid shifts in the associated bacterial communities, including a loss of “core” bacterial members after 9 months where coral bacterial communities began to resemble those of the native mangrove corals. Bacterial communities associated with mangrove-to-reef P. acuta colonies also changed from their original composition, but remained different to the native reef corals. Our data demonstrates that P. acuta associated bacterial communities are strongly influenced by changes in environmental conditions, whereas Symbiodiniaceae associated communities remain highly stable.</jats:p

    Dementia incidence trend over 1992-2014 in the Netherlands: analysis of primary care data

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    Background:\textbf{Background:} Recent reports have suggested declining age-specific incidence rates of dementia in high-income countries over time. Improved education and cardiovascular health in early age have been suggested to bring about this effect. The aim of this study was to estimate the age- specific dementia-incidence trend in primary care records from a large population in the Netherlands. Methods and findings:\textbf{Methods and findings:} A dynamic cohort representative of the Dutch population was composed using primary care records from general practice registration networks (GPRN) across the country. Data regarding dementia incidence were obtained using general practitioner-recorded diagnosis of dementia within the electronic health records. Age-specific dementia incidence rates were calculated for all persons aged 60 years and over; negative binomial regression analysis was used to estimate the time trend. Nine out of eleven GPRNs provided data on more than 800,000 older people between 1992 and 2014, corresponding to over 4 million person- years and 23,186 incident dementia cases. The annual growth in dementia incidence rate was estimated to be 2.1% (95%CI 0.5 to 3.8%), and incidence rates were 1.08 (95%CI 1.04 to 1.13) times higher for women compared to men. There was no significant overall change since the start of a national dementia program in 2003. Despite their relatively low numbers of person years, the highest age groups contributed most to the increasing trend. Increased awareness of dementia by patients and doctors in more recent years may have influenced dementia diagnosis in GPs’ electronic health records, and needs to be taken into account when interpreting the data. Conclusions:\textbf{Conclusions:} Within the clinical records of a large, representative sample of the Dutch population, we found no evidence for a declining incidence trend of dementia in the Netherlands. This could indicate true stability in incidence rates, or a balance between increased detection and a true reduction. Irrespective of the exact rates and mechanisms underlying these findings, they illustrate that the burden of work for physicians and nurses in general practice associated with newly diagnosed dementia has not been subject to substantial change in the past two decades. Hence, with the ageing of Western societies, we still need to anticipate on a dramatic absolute increase of dementia occurrence over the years to come

    Monitoring and modelling landscape dynamics

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    International audienceChanges in land cover and land use are among the most pervasive and important sources of recent alterations of the Earth's land surface.This special issue also presents new directions in modelling landscape dynamics. Agent-based models have primarily been used to simulate local land use and land cover changes processes with a focus on decision making (Le 2008; Matthews et al. 2007; Parker et al. 2003; Bousquet and Le Page 2001)

    Reproductive and hormonal factors and mortality among women with colorectal cancer in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study

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    BACKGROUND: Although use of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) and some reproductive factors have been associated with colorectal cancer (CRC) risk, relations between these factors and survival after CRC diagnosis are unclear. METHODS: Among 2053 post-menopausal women diagnosed with incident CRC in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study, we calculated hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression to test associations between oral contraceptive (OC) use, menarche age, age at first birth, parity, menopausal age, and MHT use with all-cause and CRC-specific mortality. RESULTS: There were 759 deaths (332 CRC-related deaths) over a median follow-up of 7.7 years. We observed no statistically significant associations between OC use, menarche age, age at first birth, parity, menopausal age, and mortality. Compared with never MHT use, former use was not associated with mortality, but we found an inverse association among baseline current users, for both all-cause (HR=0.79, 95% CI 0.66–0.94) and CRC mortality (0.76, 0.59–0.99). CONCLUSION: Future studies should further focus on the mechanisms by which exogenous oestrogen exposure might affect tumour progression and CRC survival

    MCM2 - a promising marker for premalignant lesions of the lung: a cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Because cells progressing to cancer must proliferate, marker proteins specific to proliferating cells may permit detection of premalignant lesions. Here we compared the sensitivities of a classic proliferation marker, Ki-67, with a new proliferation marker, MCM2, in 41 bronchial biopsy specimens representing normal mucosa, metaplasia, dysplasia, and carcinoma in situ. METHODS: Parallel sections were stained with antibodies against MCM2 and Ki-67, and the frequencies of staining were independently measured by two investigators. Differences were evaluated statistically using the two-sided correlated samples t-test and Wilcoxon rank sum test. RESULTS: For each of the 41 specimens, the average frequency of staining by anti-MCM2 (39%) was significantly (p < 0.001) greater than by anti-Ki-67 (16%). In metaplastic lesions anti-MCM2 frequently detected cells near the epithelial surface, while anti-Ki-67 did not. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that MCM2 is detectable in 2-3 times more proliferating premalignant lung cells than is Ki-67. The promise of MCM2 as a sensitive marker for premalignant lung cells is enhanced by the fact that it is present in cells at the surface of metaplastic lung lesions, which are more likely to be exfoliated into sputum. Future studies will determine if use of anti-MCM2 makes possible sufficiently early detection to significantly enhance lung cancer survival rates

    Crystal Structure of a Charge Engineered Human Lysozyme Having Enhanced Bactericidal Activity

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    Human lysozyme is a key component of the innate immune system, and recombinant forms of the enzyme represent promising leads in the search for therapeutic agents able to treat drug-resistant infections. The wild type protein, however, fails to participate effectively in clearance of certain infections due to inherent functional limitations. For example, wild type lysozymes are subject to electrostatic sequestration and inactivation by anionic biopolymers in the infected airway. A charge engineered variant of human lysozyme has recently been shown to possess improved antibacterial activity in the presence of disease associated inhibitory molecules. Here, the 2.04 Å crystal structure of this variant is presented along with an analysis that provides molecular level insights into the origins of the protein's enhanced performance. The charge engineered variant's two mutated amino acids exhibit stabilizing interactions with adjacent native residues, and from a global perspective, the mutations cause no gross structural perturbations or loss of stability. Importantly, the two substitutions dramatically expand the negative electrostatic potential that, in the wild type enzyme, is restricted to a small region near the catalytic residues. The net result is a reduction in the overall strength of the engineered enzyme's electrostatic potential field, and it appears that the specific nature of this remodeled field underlies the variant's reduced susceptibility to inhibition by anionic biopolymers

    Carbohydrate supplementation during prolonged cycling exercise spares muscle glycogen but does not affect intramyocellular lipid use

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    Using contemporary stable-isotope methodology and fluorescence microscopy, we assessed the impact of carbohydrate supplementation on whole-body and fiber-type-specific intramyocellular triacylglycerol (IMTG) and glycogen use during prolonged endurance exercise. Ten endurance-trained male subjects were studied twice during 3 h of cycling at 63 ± 4% of maximal O2 uptake with either glucose ingestion (CHO trial; 0.7 g CHO kg−1 h−1) or without (CON placebo trial; water only). Continuous infusions with [U-13C] palmitate and [6,6-2H2] glucose were applied to quantify plasma free fatty acids (FFA) and glucose oxidation rates and to estimate intramyocellular lipid and glycogen use. Before and after exercise, muscle biopsy samples were taken to quantify fiber-type-specific IMTG and glycogen content. Plasma glucose rate of appearance (Ra) and carbohydrate oxidation rates were substantially greater in the CHO vs CON trial. Carbohydrate supplementation resulted in a lower muscle glycogen use during the first hour of exercise in the CHO vs CON trial, resulting in a 38 ± 19 and 57 ± 22% decreased utilization in type I and II muscle-fiber glycogen content, respectively. In the CHO trial, both plasma FFA Ra and subsequent plasma FFA concentrations were lower, resulting in a 34 ± 12% reduction in plasma FFA oxidation rates during exercise (P < 0.05). Carbohydrate intake did not augment IMTG utilization, as fluorescence microscopy revealed a 76 ± 21 and 78 ± 22% reduction in type I muscle-fiber lipid content in the CHO and CON trial, respectively. We conclude that carbohydrate supplementation during prolonged cycling exercise does not modulate IMTG use but spares muscle glycogen use during the initial stages of exercise in endurance-trained men