72 research outputs found

    Whole body cryotherapy and recovery from exercise induced muscle damage: A systematic review

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    Introduction Cold therapies are used regularly in medicine for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) involves exposure to air maintained between -110 and -160oC, and is hypothesised to reduce pain, local and systemic inflammation. WBC has recently become popular in an exercise and sporting context as a recovery method after skeletal muscle damage, however, research examining the efficacy of WBC in an athletic context is minimal. This review seeks to summarise the evidence for the effects of WBC on exercise recovery measures. Methods Electronic database searches were conducted from March to April 2013. Six large online databases were used; MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and AMED. The search targeted human studies with an exercise task, and WBC intervention. Results included randomised controlled trials (RCT’s), uncontrolled trials and crossover designs. Results A total of 8 studies were included in the review. Two RCT’s, four crossover trials and two uncontrolled trials were identified. Five studies showed WBC had no effect on markers of muscle damage or inflammation post exercise, while 3 studies show a positive effect. Three out of the eight studies measured maximal muscle force production and subjective pain levels following exercise and WBC, with two showing WBC had a positive effect on muscle force recovery and pain. A meta-analysis was not conducted due to the heterogeneity of the studies. Conclusion The current evidence for the efficacy of WBC on exercise recovery is unclear. Published studies report mixed findings, and the study designs make these results difficult to interpret. As WBC is proposed as an aid to recovery in an athletic population, repeated measures of performance, muscle force production and pain are of importance to the athlete, however, are minimally reported in the literature. Cold water immersion (CWI) is widely used in an athletic setting for recovery, and has much literature supporting its use for the reduction of pain post-exercise. Well-designed RCT’s with controlled exercise interventions targeting performance measures are needed, in particular comparison of WBC with CWI data is needed for evaluation

    Effects of whole body cryotherapy and cold water immersion on immune and inflammatory markers following exercise induced muscle damage

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    Introduction: Cold therapies are used regularly in medicine for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) involves exposure to air maintained between -110 and -160oC, and is hypothesised to reduce pain, local and systemic inflammation. WBC has recently become popular in an exercise and sporting context as a recovery method after skeletal muscle damage. However, research examining the efficacy of WBC in an athletic context is minimal, in particular, studies comparing WBC to currently accepted recovery methods are lacking. Cold water immersion (CWI) is a widely researched and applied method of skeletal muscle recovery in sport science. As yet, no study has compared the proposed new method of WBC and the currently practiced method of CWI. We have designed a randomised control trial to examine the efficacy of WBC, as compared with CWI on recovery from a bout of eccentric muscle damage. Methods: Sixty healthy male subjects will perform skeletal muscle function tests and an eccentric muscle damage protocol of their left quadriceps femoris, using an isokinetic dynamometer. They will then be randomly assigned to one of 3 groups, WBC, CWI or a passive recovery control (PAS). The WBC will expose subjects to -160°C for 3min, using cold air. The CWI condition involves whole body exposure for 3min, in water maintained at 12°C. The PAS will have subjects seated comfortably at room temperature following the exercise protocol. Blood samples, muscle functional measurements and pain reports will be taken before muscle damage, immediately following damage, prior to therapy administration and post therapy. Further follow up measures to be taken 6 h post, 24 h and 7 days post. Blood samples will be analysed for changes in interleukins 6, 8 and 10, creatine kinase and leukocyte population kinetics. Results: Testing is being conducted. Results to be presented at the international society of exercise immunology (ISEI) symposium in September 2013

    Reconciling LCROSS and Orbital Neutron Water Abundance Estimates in Cabeus Crater

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    The Lunar Prospector Neutron Spectrometer (LPNS) first revealed Cabeus crater (84.9 deg S, 35.5degW) as having the highest inferred hydrogen on the Moon. Because of the broad LPNS footprint (approximately 40 km FWHM), the apparent peak water-equivalent hydrogen (WEH) concentration is only approximately 0.25 wt%, but could be much higher in smaller areas than the spectrometer footprint. Earlier image reconstruction work suggested that areas within permanent shadow have abundances approximately 1 wt% WEH. However, the LCROSS impact yielded total water estimates, ice plus vapor, of between 3 and 10 wt%. The large disagreement between LCROSS and apparent orbital values imply that either the ice is buried, by perhaps as much as 50 to 100 cm; or the ice distribution within Cabeus is spatially inhomogeneous, or both. Modeling reveals that the areal extent of a "shallow permafrost zone" is far greater than the area of permanent shadow. Ice can be virtually stable for billions of years within a few tens of centimeters of the surface in these areas. However, the LCROSS impact took place in an area of permanent shadow. If stably-trapped volatiles can be found in locales that receive occasional, oblique sunlight, landed missions may target these sites and eventual resource exploitation may be done more easily. Are orbital neutron data consistent with areally-extensive, volatile-rich cold traps? Orbital epithermal neutron data over the northern half of Cabeus (near the LCROSS impact site) are consistent with 0.2 wt% WEH or less in the "permafrost zone" near the crater. On the other hand, pixon reconstructions that confine the hydrogen enhancements to permanent shadow result in higher abundance estimates -- around 1 wt% if homogeneously mixed. But if the PSR abundance is increased to 10 wt%, consistent with the sum of all H-bearing compounds seen by LCROSS, a much larger-than-observed reduction in neutron count rate would be seen from orbit. It is likely that volatiles are inhomogeneously distributed, due to both impact processes and emplacement history. Two possibilities may bring consistency to the orbital and LCROSS measurements. Inhomogeneous lateral distribution: Consider the extreme case of a bimodal distribution within the crater -- dry and wet. In this case the epithermal leakage flux seen from orbit is a mixture of two different values, weighted according to fractional areas. Two possible outcomes, depending on whether the inferred leakage flux for the PSR or "permafrost" areas are considered. In the first case, approximately 40% of the PSR may be "wet", the remainder dry (and LCROSS was slightly lucky). However, if the whole area of permafrost is considered, then as little as 20% of the area will be as "wet" as the LCROSS results (and LCROSS was quite lucky). Inhomogeneous depth distribution: The leakage flux of thermal and epithermal neutrons depends on depth of burial of an icy layer beneath dry ferroan anorthosite soil (FAn). For the Cabeus PSR, the pixon reconstruction values for the epithermal flux allows a range of abundance and burial depth, while that of the thermal+epi detector constrains this range. (Uncertainties in iron abundance in the FAn can have significant impact on thermal neutron leakage flux estimates.) Between 20% and 40% of the Cabeus floor may be "wet", or alternatively a 5-10 wt% "wet" layer exists between 50 and 100 cm beneath a layer of dry regolith within the PSR. But volatile abundances of 5 wt% or more, distributed uniformly and homogeneously throughout the Cabeus PSR do not agree with orbital measurement

    Thermal Stability of Frozen Volatiles in the North Polar Region of Mercury

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    Earth-based radar observations have revealed the presence on Mercury of anomalously bright, depolarizing features that appear to be localized in the permanently shadowed regions of high-latitude impact craters [1]. Observations of similar radar signatures over a range of radar wavelengths implies that they correspond to deposits that are highly transparent at radar wavelengths and extend to depths of several meters below the surface [1]. Thermal models using idealized crater topographic profiles have predicted the thermal stability of surface and subsurface water ice at these same latitudes [2]. One of the major goals of the MESSENGER mission is to characterize the nature of radar-bright craters and presumed associated frozen volatile deposits at the poles of Mercury through complementary orbital observations by a suite of instruments [3]. Here we report on an examination of the thermal stability of water ice and other frozen volatiles in the north polar region of Mercury using topographic profiles obtained by the Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) instrument [4] in conjunction with a three-dimensional ray-tracing thermal model previously used to study the thermal environment of polar craters on the Moon [5]

    Evidence for Surface Water Ice in the Lunar Polar Regions Using Reflectance Measurements from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter and Temperature Measurements from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment

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    We find that the reflectance of the lunar surface within 5 deg of latitude of theSouth Pole increases rapidly with decreasing temperature, near approximately 110K, behavior consistent with the presence of surface water ice. The North polar region does not show this behavior, nor do South polar surfaces at latitudes more than 5 deg from the pole. This South pole reflectance anomaly persists when analysis is limited to surfaces with slopes less than 10 deg to eliminate false detection due to the brightening effect of mass wasting, and also when the very bright south polar crater Shackleton is excluded from the analysis. We also find that south polar regions of permanent shadow that have been reported to be generally brighter at 1064 nm do not show anomalous reflectance when their annual maximum surface temperatures are too high to preserve water ice. This distinction is not observed at the North Pole. The reflectance excursion on surfaces with maximum temperatures below 110K is superimposed on a general trend of increasing reflectance with decreasing maximum temperature that is present throughout the polar regions in the north and south; we attribute this trend to a temperature or illumination-dependent space weathering effect (e.g. Hemingway et al. 2015). We also find a sudden increase in reflectance with decreasing temperature superimposed on the general trend at 200K and possibly at 300K. This may indicate the presence of other volatiles such as sulfur or organics. We identified and mapped surfaces with reflectances so high as to be unlikely to be part of an ice-free population. In this south we find a similar distribution found by Hayne et al. 2015 based on UV properties. In the north a cluster of pixels near that pole may represent a limited frost exposure

    The Holy Grail: A road map for unlocking the climate record stored within Mars' polar layered deposits

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    In its polar layered deposits (PLD), Mars possesses a record of its recent climate, analogous to terrestrial ice sheets containing climate records on Earth. Each PLD is greater than 2 ​km thick and contains thousands of layers, each containing information on the climatic and atmospheric state during its deposition, creating a climate archive. With detailed measurements of layer composition, it may be possible to extract age, accumulation rates, atmospheric conditions, and surface activity at the time of deposition, among other important parameters; gaining the information would allow us to “read” the climate record. Because Mars has fewer complicating factors than Earth (e.g. oceans, biology, and human-modified climate), the planet offers a unique opportunity to study the history of a terrestrial planet’s climate, which in turn can teach us about our own planet and the thousands of terrestrial exoplanets waiting to be discovered. During a two-part workshop, the Keck Institute for Space Studies (KISS) hosted 38 Mars scientists and engineers who focused on determining the measurements needed to extract the climate record contained in the PLD. The group converged on four fundamental questions that must be answered with the goal of interpreting the climate record and finding its history based on the climate drivers. The group then proposed numerous measurements in order to answer these questions and detailed a sequence of missions and architecture to complete the measurements. In all, several missions are required, including an orbiter that can characterize the present climate and volatile reservoirs; a static reconnaissance lander capable of characterizing near surface atmospheric processes, annual accumulation, surface properties, and layer formation mechanism in the upper 50 ​cm of the PLD; a network of SmallSat landers focused on meteorology for ground truth of the low-altitude orbiter data; and finally, a second landed platform to access ~500 ​m of layers to measure layer variability through time. This mission architecture, with two landers, would meet the science goals and is designed to save costs compared to a single very capable landed mission. The rationale for this plan is presented below. In this paper we discuss numerous aspects, including our motivation, background of polar science, the climate science that drives polar layer formation, modeling of the atmosphere and climate to create hypotheses for what the layers mean, and terrestrial analogs to climatological studies. Finally, we present a list of measurements and missions required to answer the four major questions and read the climate record. 1. What are present and past fluxes of volatiles, dust, and other materials into and out of the polar regions? 2. How do orbital forcing and exchange with other reservoirs affect those fluxes? 3. What chemical and physical processes form and modify layers? 4. What is the timespan, completeness, and temporal resolution of the climate history recorded in the PLD

    The Holy Grail: A road map for unlocking the climate record stored within Mars' polar layered deposits

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    In its polar layered deposits (PLD), Mars possesses a record of its recent climate, analogous to terrestrial ice sheets containing climate records on Earth. Each PLD is greater than 2 ​km thick and contains thousands of layers, each containing information on the climatic and atmospheric state during its deposition, creating a climate archive. With detailed measurements of layer composition, it may be possible to extract age, accumulation rates, atmospheric conditions, and surface activity at the time of deposition, among other important parameters; gaining the information would allow us to “read” the climate record. Because Mars has fewer complicating factors than Earth (e.g. oceans, biology, and human-modified climate), the planet offers a unique opportunity to study the history of a terrestrial planet’s climate, which in turn can teach us about our own planet and the thousands of terrestrial exoplanets waiting to be discovered. During a two-part workshop, the Keck Institute for Space Studies (KISS) hosted 38 Mars scientists and engineers who focused on determining the measurements needed to extract the climate record contained in the PLD. The group converged on four fundamental questions that must be answered with the goal of interpreting the climate record and finding its history based on the climate drivers. The group then proposed numerous measurements in order to answer these questions and detailed a sequence of missions and architecture to complete the measurements. In all, several missions are required, including an orbiter that can characterize the present climate and volatile reservoirs; a static reconnaissance lander capable of characterizing near surface atmospheric processes, annual accumulation, surface properties, and layer formation mechanism in the upper 50 ​cm of the PLD; a network of SmallSat landers focused on meteorology for ground truth of the low-altitude orbiter data; and finally, a second landed platform to access ~500 ​m of layers to measure layer variability through time. This mission architecture, with two landers, would meet the science goals and is designed to save costs compared to a single very capable landed mission. The rationale for this plan is presented below. In this paper we discuss numerous aspects, including our motivation, background of polar science, the climate science that drives polar layer formation, modeling of the atmosphere and climate to create hypotheses for what the layers mean, and terrestrial analogs to climatological studies. Finally, we present a list of measurements and missions required to answer the four major questions and read the climate record. 1. What are present and past fluxes of volatiles, dust, and other materials into and out of the polar regions? 2. How do orbital forcing and exchange with other reservoirs affect those fluxes? 3. What chemical and physical processes form and modify layers? 4. What is the timespan, completeness, and temporal resolution of the climate history recorded in the PLD

    Energy dependence of fission product yields from 235

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    Under a joint collaboration between TUNL-LANL-LLNL, a set of absolute fission product yield measurements has been performed. The energy dependence of a number of cumulative fission product yields (FPY) have been measured using quasi-monoenergetic neutron beams for three actinide targets, 235U, 238U and 239Pu, between 0.5 and 14.8 MeV. The FPYs were measured by a combination of fission counting using specially designed dual-fission chambers and γ-ray counting. Each dual-fission chamber is a back-to-back ionization chamber encasing an activation target in the center with thin deposits of the same target isotope in each chamber. This method allows for the direct measurement of the total number of fissions in the activation target with no reference to the fission cross-section, thus reducing uncertainties. γ-ray counting of the activation target was performed on well-shielded HPGe detectors over a period of two months post irradiation to properly identify fission products. Reported are absolute cumulative fission product yields for incident neutron energies of 0.5, 1.37, 2.4, 3.6, 4.6, 5.5, 7.5, 8.9 and 14.8 MeV. Preliminary results from thermal irradiations at the MIT research reactor will also be presented and compared to present data and evaluations. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Los Alamos National Security, LLC under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344 and by Duke University and Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory through NNSA Stewardship Science Academic Alliance grant No. DE-FG52-09NA29465, DE-FG52-09NA29448 and Office of Nuclear Physics Grant No. DE-FG02-97ER41033