64 research outputs found

    Anne-Élisabeth Halpern, «Il se croit Maldoror» et il n’a pas tort

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    Questo breve articolo prende in esame l’opera di Michaux nella fitta trama di relazioni che legano lo scrittore a Isidore Ducasse, meglio noto sotto lo pseudonimo di Lautréamont: come suggerito nel titolo, l’A. focalizza infatti la propria attenzione sul primo testo della nota trilogia intitolata Cas de folie circulaire (1922), la cui diffusione – esordio dello scrittore sulla scena letteraria – esemplifica in modo inequivocabile l’influenza che l’autore dei Chants de Maldoror ha esercitato n..

    Marie Scarpa, Sauvage, vous avez dit «sauvage»? Lecture ethnocritique de la Mère Sauvage de Maupassant

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    L’A. di questo breve articolo ci propone una lettura “etnocritica” della celebre novella di Maupassant, La Mère Sauvage, ambientata nel tragico contesto del conflitto franco-prussiano del 1870. Il gioco di tensioni e opposizioni che pervadono l’opera – a livello sia formale che tematico – è messo in risalto dall’A. fin dalle prime righe della sua analisi: la valorizzazione della campagna normanna, luogo della giovinezza, della libertà e della “felicità divina”, si scontra con l’opera devastat..

    Moral has no seasons: Using CSR as a key for achieving competitive advantages

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    Firms' new challenges in the 21st century involve innovation and society's request for a more responsible business model. Based on bounded rationality conditions and the important role of externalities, it is analyzed through a case study whether corporate social responsibility strategies are essential for companies to achieve sustainable competitive advantages.No data (2012)UE

    SMEs transformation through usage and understanding of big data case study: Spanish restaurant industry

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    Big Data is being widely used and it is contributing to an enhancement of business' understanding of their consumers and overall economic context. However, SMEs are not always able to invest in complex data management systems, nor do they have the qualified personnel to understand and manage large quantities of data to obtain valuable information. In order to enable SMEs' usage and transforming their business models, it is necessary to understand which factors can contribute. This paper analyzes the case of Spanish Restaurant SMEs and the socio-economic context of Spain as a promoter for SMEs Big Data usage.Sin financiaciónNo data WoSScopus (Conference Paper)No data SPI – ICEE (2018)UE

    IoT as an Enabler for Successful CSR Practices

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    Firms have been increasing their efforts towards sustainable manufacturing and service provision from pollution prevention to integrated approaches. With Internet's expansion, the degree of possibilities has been broadened exponentially. Considering its recent implementation, there is still a lack of understanding regarding the role that technology, specifically Internet of Things (IoT), plays in the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies. The present study provides insights on how firms could leverage on IoT technology to succeed in the implementation of their CSR policies and presents empirical tools being implemented by companies.Sin financiaciónNo data (2020)UE

    Youngsters care: Spanish Millennials‘ perspective on internal and external security

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    The Millennial generation is criticized and portrayed as self-centered and unaware of the context in which they live, due in part to their high use of technology for leisure purposes. One major concern is how they view highly relevant issues, such as terrorism, and how they will face them. The present study assesses the perspective of 110 individuals in Spain and their perceptions regarding ISIL, which were compared with the general results for Spain of the World Value Survey. Results show a polarized generation with some individuals holding high knowledge and being concerned about such matters, while others were not even aware of the existence of such organization.Sin financiaciónNo data (2015)UE

    Innovación e integridad: las claves del éxito empresarial en la economía basada en el conocimiento. El caso español

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    Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Programa de Doctorado en Economía y EmpresaLa tesis titulada ¿Innovación e Integridad: Descubriendo las claves del éxito empresarial en la economía basada en el conocimiento. El caso español¿ tiene como objetivo centrar el estudio de la reputación corporativa de una compañía y su capacidad de capitalizar conocimiento, en relación con su posición competitiva en el mercado. Para ello se ha trabajado sobre las empresas más reputadas en España, atendiendo a sus diferencias en comparación con las firmas extranjeras que operan en el entorno nacional. En este contexto la revisión de literatura realizada, la combinación de la Teoría de los Stakeholders con la Teoría de la Innovación, así como los contrastes empíricos realizados suponen una importante aportación en cuanto concierne a la gestión empresarial y la consecución de ventajas competitivas sostenibles para las empresas. Asimismo, las contribuciones con respecto al rol que juega la responsabilidad social corporativa en el marco de la creación de valor añadido suponen una aportación novedosa en el área de gestión empresarial, posibilitando una mejora en el desarrollo económico-social de las compañías en el mercado local e internacional. [Resumen Teseo]UE