59 research outputs found

    Biodiversity of living, non marine, thrombolites of Lake Clifton, Western Australia

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    <p>Lake Clifton in Western Australia is recognized as a critically endangered ecosystem and the only thrombolite reef in the southern hemisphere. There have been concerns that increases in salinity and nutrient run-off have significantly impacted upon the thrombolite microbial community. Here we used cultivation-independent molecular approaches to characterize the microbial diversity of the thrombolites at Lake Clifton. The most dominant phyla currently represented are the Proteobacteria with significant populations of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. Cyanobacteria, previously invoked as the main drivers of thrombolite growth, represent only a small fraction (∼1–3% relative abundance) of the microbial community. We report an increase in salinity and nitrogen levels at Lake Clifton that may be contributing to a change in dominant microbial populations. This heightens concerns about the long-term health of the Lake Clifton thrombolites; future work is needed to determine if phyla now dominating this system are capable of the required mineral precipitation for continued thrombolite growth.</p

    Contrasting microfossil preservation and lake chemistries within the 1200–1000 Ma Torridonian Supergroup of NW Scotland

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    We acknowledge the Australian Microscopy & Microanalysis Research Facility at the Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation and Analysis, The University of Western Australia, a facility funded by the University, State and Commonwealth Governments. DW acknowledges funding from the European Commission and the Australian Research Council. This is publication number 838 from the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems.Publisher PD

    Timing and mechanism for intratest Mg/Ca variability in a living planktic foraminifer

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    Geochemical observations indicate that planktic foraminifer test Mg/Ca is heterogeneous in many species, thereby challenging its use as a paleotemperature proxy for paleoceanographic reconstructions. We present Mg/Ca and Ba/Ca data collected by laser ablation ICP-MS from the shells of Orbulina universa cultured in controlled laboratory experiments. Test calcite was labeled with Ba-spiked seawater for 12 h day or night calcification periods to quantify the timing of intratest Mg-banding across multiple diurnal cycles. Results demonstrate that high Mg bands are precipitated during the night whereas low Mg bands are precipitated during the day. Data obtained from specimens growing at 20 °C and 25 °C show that Mg/Ca ratios in both high and low Mg bands increase with temperature, and average test Mg/Ca ratios are in excellent agreement with previously published empirical calibrations based on bulk solution ICP-MS analyses. In general, Mg band concentrations decrease with increasing pH and/or [CO2−3] but this effect decreases as experimental temperatures increase from 20 °C to 25 °C. We suggest that mitochondrial uptake of Mg2+ from the thin calcifying fluid beneath streaming rhizopodial filaments may provide the primary locus for Mg2+ removal during test calcification, and that diurnal variations in either mitochondrial density or activity produce Mg banding. These results demonstrate that Mg banding is an inherent component of test biomineralization in O. universa and show that the Mg/Ca paleothermometer remains a fundamental tool for reconstructing past ocean temperatures from fossil foraminifers

    Subcellular tracking reveals the location of dimethylsulfoniopropionate in microalgae and visualises its uptake by marine bacteria

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    Phytoplankton-bacteria interactions drive the surface ocean sulfur cycle and local climatic processes through the production and exchange of a key compound: dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP). Despite their large-scale implications, these interactions remain unquantified at the cellular-scale. Here we use secondary-ion mass spectrometry to provide the first visualization of DMSP at sub-cellular levels, tracking the fate of a stable sulfur isotope (34S) from its incorporation by microalgae as inorganic sulfate to its biosynthesis and exudation as DMSP, and finally its uptake and degradation by bacteria. Our results identify for the first time the storage locations of DMSP in microalgae, with high enrichments present in vacuoles, cytoplasm and chloroplasts. In addition, we quantify DMSP incorporation at the single-cell level, with DMSP-degrading bacteria containing seven times more 34S than the control strain. This study provides an unprecedented methodology to label, retain, and image small diffusible molecules, which can be transposable to other symbiotic systems.This work was supported by ANNiMS (Australian Government, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations), the AMMRF Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation and Analysis (UWA) and by Australian Research Council Grant DE160100636

    Sequestration of Zn into mixed pyrite-zinc sulfide framboids: A key to Zn cycling in the ocean?

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    Zinc (Zn) is an important micronutrient in the ocean, and fixation of Zn into organic, trace element-rich sediments is an important contributor to Zn cycling in the ocean. Framboidal sulfides are considered to be the major host for Zn in such settings. The sequestration of Zn into framboids via biotic or abiotic processes is not fully understood, which presents difficulties for interpretation of Zn isotope values in sediments. In this work, we describe a novel type of framboid with mixed pyrite and zinc sulfide (sphalerite or wurtzite) microcrystals from meta-pelites of the Otago Schist, New Zealand. A combination of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) were utilized to assess the association between Zn, pyrite and organic matter in framboids. The distribution of Zn in framboids is variable. Most pyrite microcrystals include minor amounts of Zn. Trace Zn is also observed to co-locate with organic matter, which occurs on the boundaries of pyrite microcrystals. Finally, Zn is found as single zinc sulfide microcrystals or zinc sulfide rims around pyrite microcrystals within individual framboids. These textures have not been recorded before, to our knowledge. The sequence of events that sequesters Zn into framboids may affect Zn isotope fractionation from seawater to continental margin sediments

    Gold remobilisation and formation of high grade ore shoots driven by dissolution-reprecipitation replacement and Ni substitution into auriferous arsenopyrite

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    Both gold-rich sulphides and ultra-high grade native gold oreshoots are common but poorly understood phenomenon in orogenic-type mineral systems, partly because fluids in these systems are considered to have relatively low gold solubilities and are unlikely to generate high gold concentrations. The world-class Obuasi gold deposit, Ghana, has gold-rich arsenopyrite spatially associated with quartz veins, which have extremely high, localised concentrations of native gold, contained in microcrack networks within the quartz veins where they are folded. Here, we examine selected samples from Obuasi using a novel combination of quantitative electron backscatter diffraction analysis, ion microprobe imaging, synchrotron XFM mapping and geochemical modelling to investigate the origin of the unusually high gold concentrations. The auriferous arsenopyrites are shown to have undergone partial replacement (~15%) by Au-poor, nickeliferous arsenopyrite, during localised crystal-plastic deformation, intragranular microfracture and metamorphism (340-460 °C, 2 kbars). Our results show the dominant replacement mechanism was pseudomorphic dissolution-reprecipitation, driven by small volumes of an infiltrating fluid that had relatively low fS2 and carried aqueous NiCl2. We find that arsenopyrite replacement produced strong chemical gradients at crystal-fluid interfaces due to an increase in fS2 during reaction, which enabled efficient removal of gold to the fluid phase and development of anomalously gold-rich fluid (potentially 10 ppm or more depending on sulphur concentration). This process was facilitated by precipitation of ankerite, which removed CO2 from the fluid, increasing the relative proportion of sulphur for gold complexation and inhibited additional quartz precipitation. Gold re-precipitation occurred over distances of 10 µm to several tens of metres and was likely a result of sulphur activity reduction through precipitation of pyrite and other sulphides. We suggest this late remobilisation process may be relatively common in orogenic belts containing abundant mafic/ultramafic rocks, which act as a source of Ni and Co scavenged by chloride-bearing fluids. Both the preference of the arsenopyrite crystal structure for Ni and Co, rather than gold, and the release of sulphur during reaction, can drive gold remobilisation in many deposits across broad regions