94 research outputs found

    Bulbos úmidos a partir da irrigação por gotejamento subsuperficial com água de abastecimento e efluente de esgoto tratado

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    The use of treated sewage effluent (TSE) combined with the subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) method in agriculture can decrease the costs of agricultural production, in attempts to fertigate crops more efficiently. In this study it was compared the dimensions of the wet bulb formed by the application of TSE and municipal water supply (MWS) in an Oxisoil. We have evaluated the effect of water quality and discharge between drippers used in sugarcane crop. Three trenches were opened and 21 three-rod TDR probes were setup in a mesh and a dripper was buried at 0.30 m, for each constant discharge of 1.0 L h-1and 1.6 L h-1. Comparing results from different wetted soil profiles it was observed that the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the wet bulb are similar for both MWS and TSE, being peculiars according to the discharges used and volume applied. Regardless the water quality, an increase of 60% in discharge decreased the deepest infiltration.352242253O uso de efluente de esgoto tratado (EET), combinado com o método de irrigação por gotejamento subsuperfical (IGS) na agricultura, pode reduzir os custos de produção agrícola, fertirrigando de maneira eficiente as culturas. Neste artigo, compararam-se as dimensões do bulbo úmido formado pela aplicação de EET e água de abastecimento municipal (AAM), em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. Avaliou-se o efeito da qualidade da água e da vazão entre gotejadores utilizados na cultura da cana-de-açúcar. Três trincheiras foram abertas e 21 sondas de TDR com três hastes foram instaladas em malha, e um gotejador foi enterrado a 0,30 m, para cada vazão constante de 1,0 Lh-1 e 1,6 Lh-1. Comparando os resultados de diferentes perfis de umidade do solo, sugere-se que as dimensões vertical e horizontal do bulbo úmido sejam similares para a AAM e para o EET, sendo peculiares de acordo com as vazões utilizadas e o volume aplicado. Independentemente da qualidade da água, o aumento de 60% na vazão reduziu a infiltração em profundidade

    Distribuição do sistema radicular da cana-de-açúcar irrigada com efluente de esgoto doméstico por gotejamento subsuperficial

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    Irrigation with domestic sewage effluent (DSE) has been recommended by subsurface dripping, as it can obtain a high rate of irrigation efficiency and faster use of salts in comparison with other irrigation methods. The study aimed at evaluating the area, the length and the effective depth of the root system of sugarcane irrigated with DSE by subsurface drip system and with different irrigation rates at depths of 0.00-0.20, 0.20-0.40, 0.40-0.60 and 0.60-0.80m. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Piracicaba, in the state of São Paulo (SP), Brazil, in a sugarcane area irrigated with DSE in a completely randomized blocks set up in furrows, with three replications and four treatments, which are: one area without irrigation (AWI) and three irrigated areas meeting 50% (T50%), 100% (T100%) and 200% (T200%) of the crop's water need between each round of irrigation. T100% and T200% provided smaller areas and lengths of roots in the two deepest layers, as compared to AWI and T50%, which stimulated the development of deeper roots due to the water stress. TWI, T100% and T200% presented 80% of the roots up to a depth of 0.40m and T50% treatment presented 76.43% of roots total.A irrigação com efluente de esgoto doméstico (EED) tem sido recomendada para aplicação por gotejamento subsuperficial, podendo-se obter elevados índices de eficiência de irrigação e mais rápido aproveitamento dos sais em comparação com outros métodos de irrigação. O trabalho objetivou avaliar a área de raiz, o comprimento e a profundidade efetiva do sistema radicular da cana-de-açúcar irrigada com EED aplicado por gotejamento subsuperficial e com diferentes lâminas de irrigação, nas camadas de solo de 0,00-0,20; 0,20-0,40; 0,40-0,60 e 0,60-0,80 m. O experimento foi realizado em Piracicaba-SP, numa área de cana-de-açúcar irrigada com EED, em um delineamento de blocos casualizados dispostos no esquema de faixas, com três repetições e quatro tratamentos, sendo estes: uma área sem irrigação (TSI) e três áreas irrigadas, atendendo a 50% (T50%), 100% (T100%) e 200% (T200%) da necessidade hídrica da cultura entre cada turno de rega. O T100% e o T200% proporcionaram menores áreas e comprimento de raízes nas duas camadas mais profundas, quando comparados ao TSI e ao T50%, que devido ao estresse hídrico, proporcionado à cultura, estimularam o desenvolvimento de raízes mais profundas. O TSI, T100% e T200% apresentaram 80% das raízes até 0,40 m e, nessa mesma profundidade, o tratamento T50% apresentou 76,43% do total de raízes.64765

    An evolutionary catalogue of Galactic post-AGB and related objects

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    With the ongoing AKARI infrared sky survey, of much greater sensitivity than IRAS, a wealth of post-AGB objects may be discovered. It is thus time to organize our present knowledge of known post-AGB stars in th galaxy with a view to using it to search for new post-AGB objects among AKARI sources. We searched the literature available on the NASA Astrophysics Data System up to 1 October 2006, and defined criteria for classifying sources into three categories: "very likely", "possible" and "disqualified" post-AGB objects. The category of "very likely" post-AGB objects is made up of several classes. We have created an evolutionary, on-line catalogue of Galactic post-AGB objects, to be referred to as "The Torun catalogue of Galactic post-AGB and related objects". The present version of the catalogue contains 326 "very likely", 107 "possible" and 64 "disqualified" objects. For the very likely post-AGB objects, the catalogue gives the available optical and infrared photometry, infrared spectroscopy and spectral types, and links to finding charts and bibliography.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Higgs-Boson Decay to Four Fermions Including a Single Top Quark Below ttˉt \bar t Threshold

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    The rare decay modes Higgs \rightarrow four light fermions, and Higgs \rightarrow single top-quark + three light fermions for mt<MH<2mtm_t<M_H<2m_t, are presented, and phenomenologically interpreted. The angular correlation between fermion planes is presented as a test of the spin and intrinsic parity of the Higgs particle. In Higgs decay to single top, two tree-level graphs contribute in the standard model (SM); one couples the Higgs to W+W(gMW)W^+W^-(\sim gM_W), and one to t\bar t(\sim g_{top\;yukawa}=m_t/246\GeV). The large Yukawa coupling for m_t>100\GeV makes the second amplitude competitive or dominant for most MH,mtM_H,m_t values. Thus the Higgs decay rate to single top directly probes the SM universal mechanism generating both gauge boson and fermion masses, and offers a means to infer the Higgs-ttˉt \bar t Yukawa coupling when HttˉH\rightarrow t \bar t is kinematically disallowed. We find that the modes ppXttˉ(HtbˉW())pp\rightarrow Xt\bar t(H\rightarrow t\bar b W^{(*)}) at the SSC, and e+eZorννˉ+(HtbˉW())e^+ e^-\rightarrow Z\,or\,\nu\bar{\nu} + (H\rightarrow t\bar b W^{(*)}) at future high energy, high luminosity colliders, may be measureable if 2mt2m_t is not too far above MHM_H. We classify non-standard Higgses as gaugeo-phobic, fermio-phobic or fermio-philic, and discuss the Higgs\rightarrow single top rates for these classes.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures (figures available upon request); VAND-TH-93/

    Melatonin inhibira lipidnu peroksidaciju u jetri štakora uzrokovanu benzenom

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    We studied the antioxidative role of melatonin against benzene toxicity in rat liver. The inhibition of mitochondrial and microsomal lipid peroxidation differed between 24-hour (single-dose), 15-day, and 30-day treatments. Inhibition of mitochondrial lipid peroxidation was the highest after the single dose of melatonin, whereas highest microsomal inhibition was recorded after 30 days of melatonin treatment. No signifi cant difference was recorded between 15-day and 30-day treatments. Cytochrome P4502E1 (CYP4502E1) activity declined after the single-dose and 15-day melatonin treatment in the benzenetreated group, but it rose again, though not signifi cantly after 30 days of treatment. Liver histopathology generally supported these fi ndings. Phenol concentration in the urine samples declined in melatonin and benzene-treated rats. Our results show that melatonin affects CYP4502E1, which is responsible for benzene metabolism. Inhibition of its metabolism correlated with lower lipid peroxidation. In conclusion, melatonin was found to be protective against lipid peroxidation induced by benzene.Istražena je antioksidacijska uloga melatonina u zaštiti protiv toksičnoga djelovanja benzena u jetri štakora. Utvrđeno je da kratkoročno odnosno dugoročnije liječenje štakora melatoninom u različitoj mjeri štiti štakore istodobno izložene benzenu. Inhibicija lipidne peroksidacije mitohondrija i mikrosoma bila je različita nakon 24 h, 15 dana, odnosno 30 dana liječenja melatoninom. Najveća inhibicija lipidne peroksidacije mitohondrija zamijećena je nakon primjene jednokratne doze melatonina, dok je najizraženija inhibicija u mikrosomima zamijećena nakon 30 dana liječenja melatoninom. Slična istraživanja pokazuju da razina glutationa (GSH) najviše raste nakon 24 h liječenja melatoninom. Nije zamijećena razlika između liječenja u trajanju od 15 odnosno 30 dana. U štakora koji su uz benzen istodobno primali i melatonin razine citokroma P4502E1 pale su nakon 24 h odnosno 15 dana izloženosti. U štakora koji su primali samo melatonin te su razine nakon 30 dana statistički neznačajno porasle u odnosu na skupinu izloženu samo benzenu. Histopatološka analiza jetre načelno je potvrdila ove nalaze. Koncentracije fenola u mokraći bile su niže u štakora koji su istodobno primali melatonin i benzen. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da melatonin utječe na citokrom P4502E1, koji je odgovoran za metabolizam benzena. Inhibira li se njegov metabolizam, smanjuje se lipidna peroksidacija. Zaključak je da melatonin štiti od lipidne peroksidacije uzrokovane benzenom

    Innate recognition of apoptotic cells:novel apoptotic cell-associated molecular patterns revealed by crossreactivity of anti-LPS antibodies

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    Cells dying by apoptosis are normally cleared by phagocytes through mechanisms that can suppress inflammation and immunity. Molecules of the innate immune system, the pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), are able to interact not only with conserved structures on microbes (pathogen-associated molecular patterns, PAMPs) but also with ligands displayed by apoptotic cells. We reasoned that PRRs might therefore interact with structures on apoptotic cells-apoptotic cell-associated molecular patterns (ACAMPs)-that are analogous to PAMPs. Here we show that certain monoclonal antibodies raised against the prototypic PAMP, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), can crossreact with apoptotic cells. We demonstrate that one such antibody interacts with a constitutively expressed intracellular protein, laminin-binding protein, which translocates to the cell surface during apoptosis and can interact with cells expressing the prototypic PRR, mCD14 as well as with CD14-negative cells. Anti-LPS cross reactive epitopes on apoptotic cells colocalised with annexin V-and C1q-binding sites on vesicular regions of apoptotic cell surfaces and were released associated with apoptotic cell-derived microvesicles (MVs). These results confirm that apoptotic cells and microbes can interact with the immune system through common elements and suggest that anti-PAMP antibodies could be used strategically to characterise novel ACAMPs associated not only with apoptotic cells but also with derived MVs

    Aneuploidy and prognosis of non-small-cell lung cancer: a meta-analysis of published data

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    In lung cancer, DNA content abnormalities have been described as a heterogeneous spectrum of impaired tumour cell DNA histogram patterns. They are merged into the common term of aneuploidy and probably reflect a high genotypic instability. In non-small-cell lung cancer, the negative effect of aneuploidy has been a subject of controversy inasmuch as studies aimed at determining the survival–DNA content relationship have reported conflicting results. We made a meta-analysis of published studies aimed at determining the prognostic effect of aneuploidy in surgically resected non-small-cell lung cancer. 35 trials have been identified in the literature. A comprehensive collection of data has been constructed taking into account the following parameters: quality of specimen, DNA content assessment method, aneuploidy definition, histology and stage grouping, quality of surgical resection and demographic characteristics of the analysed population. Among the 4033 assessable patients, 2626 suffered from non-small-cell lung cancer with aneuploid DNA content (overall frequency of aneuploidy: 0.65; 95% CI: (0.64–0.67)). The DerSimonian and Laird method was used to estimate the size effects and the Peto and Yusuf method was used in order to generate the odds ratios (OR) of reduction in risk of death for patients affected by a nearly diploid (non-aneuploid) non-small-cell lung cancer. Survivals following surgical resection, from 1 to 5 years, were chosen as the end-points of our meta-analysis. Patients suffering from a nearly diploid tumour benefited from a significant reduction in risk of death at 1, 2, 3 and 4 years with respective OR: 0.51, 0.51, 0.45 and 0.67 (P< 10−4for each end-point). 5 years after resection, the reduction of death was of lesser magnitude: OR: 0.87 (P = 0.08). The test for overall statistical heterogeneity was conventionally significant (P< 0.01) for all 5 end-points, however. None of the recorded characteristics of the studies could explain this phenomenon precluding a subset analysis. Therefore, the DerSimonian and Laird method was applied inasmuch as this method allows a correction for heterogeneity. This method demonstrated an increase in survival at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years for patients with diploid tumours with respective size effects of 0.11, 0.15, 0.20, 0.20 and 0.21 (value taking into account the correction for heterogeneity;P< 10−4for each end-point). Patients who benefit from a surgical resection for non-small-cell lung cancer with aneuploid DNA content prove to have a higher risk of death. This negative prognostic factor decreases the probability of survival by 11% at one year, a negative effect deteriorating up to 21% at 5 years following surgery. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co