44 research outputs found

    Artificial Neural Network (ANN) as a tool to reduce human-animal interaction improves Senegalese sole production

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    El artículo pertenece al special issue Big Data Analysis in Biomolecular Research, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology with Complex Networks and Multi-Label Machine Learning Models[EN] Manipulation is usually required for biomass calculation and food estimation for optimal fish growth in production facilities. However, the advances in computer-based systems have opened a new range of applied possibilities. In this study we used image analysis and a neural network algorithm that allowed us to successfully provide highly accurate biomass data. This developed system allowed us to compare the effects of reduced levels of human-animal interaction on the culture of adult Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) in terms of body weight gain. For this purpose, 30 adult fish were split into two homogeneous groups formed by three replicates (n = 5) each: a control group (CTRL), which was standard manipulated and an experimental group (EXP), which was maintained under a lower human-animal interaction culture using our system for biomass calculation. Visible implant elastomer was, for the first time, applied as tagging technology for tracking soles during the experiment (four months). The experimental group achieved a statistically significant weight gain (p < 0.0100) while CTRL animals did not report a statistical before-after weight increase. Individual body weight increment was lower (p < 0.0100) in standard-handled animals. In conclusion, our experimental approach provides evidence that our developed system for biomass calculation, which implies lower human-animal interaction, improves biomass gain in Senegalese sole individuals in a short period of time.S

    FESTIVAL: towards an intercontinental federation approach

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    In the last years, in both Europe and Japan, several initiatives have been started with the aim of building and testing Internet of Things and Smart ICT architectures and platforms to address specific domain issues through designed solutions. FESTIVAL EU-Japan collaborative project aims at federating these testbeds, making them interoperable, allowing centralized data collection and analyzing societal issues in both cultures, all of it under a user privacy-preserving context. In this sense, FESTIVAL pursues a twofold approach: firstly, the intercontinental federation of testbeds in Japan and Europe using existing tools as well as developing new ones; and secondly, the creation of new services and experiments, to be performed on top of the FESTIVAL testbeds and experimentation facilities, associated to three different smart city domains: smart energy, smart building and smart shopping. Throughout this article the current status of the project (in its first year) is shown, describing the Experimentation as a Service federation approach to be implemented, with a first analysis of the platforms and testbeds that are included within the project. Furthermore, the paper also describes the services and use cases that will be conducted within FESTIVAL lifespan. Finally, next steps to be carried out in the coming years of the project are indicated.This work was funded in part by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme of the FESTIVAL project (Federated Interoperable Smart ICT Services Development and Testing Platforms) under grant agreement 643275, and from the Japanese National Institute of Information and Communications Technolog

    FESTIVAL: heterogeneous testbed federation across Europe and Japan

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    FESTIVAL is an H2020 EU-Japan collaborative project that aims to federate heterogeneous testbeds, making them interoperable and building an “Experimentation as a Service” (EaaS) model. Going beyond the traditional nature of experimental facilities, related to computational and networking large scale infrastructures, FESTIVAL testbeds have heterogeneous nature and in order to be federated they have been clustered in four categories: “Open Data” (i.e. open datasets), “IoT” (i.e. sensors and actuators), “IT” (i.e. computational resources) and “Living Labs” (i.e. people). Considering that every testbed category provides specific resources, the main challenge for FESTIVAL is to develop a platform that can allow experimenters to access very different assets in an homogeneous and transparent way, supporting them in the phases of the experiments. The FESTIVAL architecture, based on a multi-level federation approach, proposes a solution to this problem providing also a set of functionalities to manage and monitor the experiments. FESTIVAL tools, also, include the possibility to access FIWAREGeneric Enablers allowing to deploy predefined components to address specific needs in the experimentation (e.g. data analysis, big data management etc.). The FESTIVAL platform will be tested on three different smart city domains across Japan and Europe: smart energy, smart building and smart shopping.This work was funded in part by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme of the FESTIVALproject (Federated Interoperable Smart ICT Services Development and Testing Platforms) under grant agreement no. 643275, and by the Japanese National Institute of Information and Communications Technology

    DNA Methylation Is Dispensable for the Growth and Survival of the Extraembryonic Lineages

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    SummaryDNA methylation regulates development and many epigenetic processes in mammals [1], and it is required for somatic cell growth and survival [2, 3]. In contrast, embryonic stem (ES) cells can self-renew without DNA methylation [4–6]. It remains unclear whether any lineage-committed cells can survive without DNA-methylation machineries. Unlike in somatic cells, DNA methylation is dispensable for imprinting and X-inactivation in the extraembryonic lineages [7–12]. In ES cells, DNA methylation prevents differentiation into the trophectodermal fate [13]. Here, we created triple-knockout (TKO) mouse embryos deficient for the active DNA methyltransferases Dnmt1, Dnmt3a, and Dnmt3b (TKO) by nuclear transfer (NT), and we examined their development. In chimeric TKO-NT and WT embryos, few TKO cells were found in the embryo proper, but they contributed to extraembryonic tissues. TKO ES cells showed increasing cell death during their differentiation into epiblast lineages, but not during differentiation into extraembryonic lineages. Furthermore, we successfully established trophoblastic stem cells (ntTS cells) from TKO-NT blastocysts. These TKO ntTS cells could self-renew, and they retained the fundamental gene expression patterns of stem cells. Our findings indicated that extraembryonic-lineage cells can survive and proliferate in the absence of DNA methyltransferases and that a cell's response to the stress of epigenomic damage is cell type dependent

    ネットワーク キョウカイエツ ガ カノウ ナ IEEE1888 over Websocket ノ テイアン ト ジッソウ

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    There is a network that restrains communication between inside equipment and outside equipment because of ensuring the security. In this case, each equipment cannot communicate with each other by a traditional IEEE1888 protocol. In this paper, we propose IEEE1888 over WebSocket for communicating across a network boundary. IEEE1888 over WebSocket provides an intercommunication between equipment across a network boundary without changing the system architecture of IEEE1888. We implemented and tested a proposed system.樽谷優弥, 村田修一郎, 松田和浩, 松岡茂登「ネットワーク境界越が可能なIEEE1888over Websocketの提案と実装」『システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集』Vol.60、pp.6、システム制御情報学会、201

    TCP/IP スタック ニ オケル チェックサムケイサン ノ GPU オフロード ニ ヨル セイノウ コウジョウ シュホウ

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    Ethernet Jumbo Frameの登場により、特にデータセンタなどの閉じたネットワーク環境において送受信されるフレームサイズが増大している。フレームサイズの増大に伴い、TCP/IPスタックにおけるチェックサム計算に要するCPU負荷が増大する。本報告では、大きな帯域幅のメモリをもつGraphics Processing Unit (GPU)にチェックサム計算をオフロードすることにより、CPU負荷を削減し、データ転送スループットを向上させる手法を提案する。具体的には、CPU-GPU間のパケット転送効率を向上させるためのパケットキューイング手法、及び、GPU上で複数のパケットを同時処理するためのGPUマルチプロセッサを用いたパケット分散処理手法の2つを提案する。ユーザランドで動作するチェックサム計算の簡易実装により性能を評価し、チェックサム計算のGPUオフロードによって、データ転送性能が最大で13%向上することを示す。The size of ethernet frames is becoming larger and larger due to the utilization of Ethernet Jumbo Frame option, especially in closed network environment such as data center networks. Increasing frame size would cause the large overhead for checksum calculation in TCP /IP protocol processing, that increase the CPU load. In this report we propose the scheme for decreasing CPU load and improving data transmission throughput by offloading checksum calculation to Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Our scheme consists of the following two methods: packet queueing method to improve the packet transmission throughput between CPU and GPU, and the packet processing method exploiting the advantage of GPU's multiprocessor architecture. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme by simple experiments using the user-land implementation and confirm that the proposed scheme can improve the TCP data transmission throughput by 13 %, that is almost the same as the case when the checksum calculation is canceled.坪内佑樹, 長谷川剛, 谷口義明, 中野博隆, 松岡茂登「TCP/IPスタックにおけるチェックサム計算のGPUオフロードによる性能向上手法」『電子情報通信学会技術研究報告』Vol.113, No.244、pp.67-72、電子情報通信学会、201

    AICO, Artificial Intelligent COach

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    Choosing effective strategies before playing against an opponent team is a laborious task and one of the main challenges that American football coaches have to cope with. For this reason, we have developed an artificial intelligent American football coach (AICO), a novel system which helps coaches to decide the best defensive strategies to be used against an opponent. Similar to coaches who prepare a winning game plan based on their vast experience and previously obtained opponents’ statistics, AICO uses power of machine learning and video analysis. Tracking every player of the last recorded matches of the opponent team, AICO learns the strategies used by them and then calculates how successfully their own defensive strategies will perform against them. We have used 7350 videos in our experiments obtaining that AICO can recognize the opponent’s strategies with about 93% accuracy and provides the successful rate of each strategy to be used against them with 94% accuracy

    SmartCities'15:International workshop on smart cities: People, technology and data

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    We propose the First International Workshop on Smart Cities: People, Technology and Data. Cities are not machines, yet too many Smart City projects focus on efficiency and optimization and treat people as mindless users of technology. This workshop focuses on the complex interplay between technologies, data and citizens, exploring how citizens can be engaged to co-design Smart City services and how technology can be harnessed to meet their needs. By soliciting experiences papers from leading Smart City testbeds, and then encouraging detailed discussion by practitioners, we aim to develop guidelines and lessons that grow the Smart City Community