27 research outputs found

    Optimization study of accessibility of forces and resources of emergency medical service

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    Disertační práce se zabývá optimalizací dostupnosti sil a prostředků zdravotnické záchranné služby. Popisuje současný přístup k řešení problematiky plošného pokrytí území kraje výjezdovými základnami zdravotnické záchranné služby v České republice. Na základě provedené analýzy stávajícího rozmístění výjezdových základen a dat z reálné výjezdové činnosti jsou vytvořeny modely teoretické a reálné dostupnosti. Jejich vzájemnou komparací dojde k identifikaci oblastí se sníženou dostupností za stanovený čas. V rámci optimalizace je navrhnuto nové rozmístění výjezdových základen záchranné služby v kraji, s cílem maximalizace dostupnosti sil a prostředků v daném území.The dissertation thesis deals with optimization of accessibility of forces and resources of emergency medical service. It describes the current approach towards solution of the region surface area coverage issue by ambulance outposts of emergency service in the Czech Republic. Models of theoretical and real accessibility are established based on the performed analysis of current allocation of outposts and data from real intervention activities. Identification of areas with a reduced accessibility within the given time frame is achieved by a mutual comparison of models. New allocation of ambulance outposts of emergency service in the region is proposed in terms of optimization with the objective to maximize accessibility of forces and resources in the given territory.050 - Katedra ochrany obyvatelstvavyhově

    Kinetics of maternal immunity against rabies in fox cubs (Vulpes vulpes)

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    BACKGROUND: In previous experiments, it was demonstrated that maternal antibodies (maAb) against rabies in foxes (Vulpes vulpes) were transferred from the vixen to her offspring. However, data was lacking from cubs during the first three weeks post partum. Therefore, this complementary study was initiated. METHODS: Blood samples (n = 281) were collected from 64 cubs (3 to 43 days old) whelped by 19 rabies-immune captive-bred vixens. Sera was collected up to six times from each cub. The samples were analysed by a fluorescence focus inhibition technique (RFFIT), and antibody titres (nAb) were expressed in IU/ml. The obtained data was pooled with previous data sets. Subsequently, a total of 499 serum samples from 249 cubs whelped by 54 rabies-immune vixens were fitted to a non-linear regression model. RESULTS: The disappearance rate of maAb was independent of the vixens' nAb-titre. The maAb-titre of the cubs decreased exponentially with age and the half-life of the maAb was estimated to be 9.34 days. However, maAb of offspring whelped by vixens with high nAb-titres can be detected for longer by RFFIT than that of offspring whelped by vixens with relatively low nAb-titres. At a mean critical age of about 23 days post partum, maAb could no longer be distinguished from unspecific reactions in RFFIT depending on the amount of maAb transferred by the mother. CONCLUSIONS: The amount of maAb cubs receive is directly proportional to the titre of the vixen and decreases exponentially with age below detectable levels in seroneutralisation tests at a relatively early age

    Rabies and canine distemper virus epidemics in the red fox population of Northern Italy (2006–2010)

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    Since 2006 the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) population in north-eastern Italy has experienced an epidemic of canine distemper virus (CDV). Additionally, in 2008, after a thirteen-year absence from Italy, fox rabies was re-introduced in the Udine province at the national border with Slovenia. Disease intervention strategies are being developed and implemented to control rabies in this area and minimise risk to human health. Here we present empirical data and the epidemiological picture relating to these epidemics in the period 2006-2010. Of important significance for epidemiological studies of wild animals, basic mathematical models are developed to exploit information collected from the surveillance program on dead and/or living animals in order to assess the incidence of infection. These models are also used to estimate the rate of transmission of both diseases and the rate of vaccination, while correcting for a bias in early collection of CDV samples. We found that the rate of rabies transmission was roughly twice that of CDV, with an estimated effective contact between infected and susceptible fox leading to a new infection occurring once every 3 days for rabies, and once a week for CDV. We also inferred that during the early stage of the CDV epidemic, a bias in the monitoring protocol resulted in a positive sample being almost 10 times more likely to be collected than a negative sample. We estimated the rate of intake of oral vaccine at 0.006 per day, allowing us to estimate that roughly 68% of the foxes would be immunised. This was confirmed by field observations. Finally we discuss the implications for the eco-epidemiological dynamics of both epidemics in relation to control measures

    Rozšíření možností vizualizace geodat prostřednictvím WWW s využitím technologie mapového serveru

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologická. Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízení (545

    Identifying and managing conflicts between forest conservation and other human activities in Europe

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    In this paper, circumstances where various human activities and interests clash with the conservation of forest biodiversity are examined, with particular focus on the drivers behind the conflicts. After identifying past and current human-related threats potentially leading to conflicts in forests, the paper will focus on conflict management and monitoring, with an emphasis on inclusionary stakeholder networks and a range of approaches towards sustainable land use. Three dimensions of conflicts are examined: substance (‘how things are’), procedure (‘how things are done’), and relationships (‘how people behave’). These relations will relate to three conflict management approaches: (1) technical, which may contribute to reduce or solve the conflict acting on the ‘substance’ dimension, (2) political, which may influence the ‘procedure’ dimension of the conflict establishing principles or rules, and (3) cultural, which may affect the ‘relationship’ dimension of the conflict. Finally, a general model of adaptive conflict management emphasising communication among the parties and a participatory approach that involves monitoring of the conflict resolution outcomes is proposed. The recognition that strong perceptions among stakeholders have the potential to aggravate conflicts is central to the concept of a inclusionary conflict management framework, improved communication between all stakeholders, and better awareness of the context of the conflicts is emphasised