1,068 research outputs found

    Locating precarization: the state, livelihoods and the politics of precarity in contemporary Portugal

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    This article explores the themes of precarity and precarization by looking at specific historical conjunctures in the recent history of Portuguese capitalist development, relevant because of their enduring influence in shaping the mutual constitution of state-led projects of accumulation and development, dominant waged regimes and emergent normative livelihood models and projects. The broader aim is to locate and understand precarization as an ongoing process limiting the options and conditions of ‘wage earning’, and the kin-based, classed and generational structures of feeling through which ordinary people imagine and aspire to be ‘livelihood earners’. It is argued that addressing the dialectic between being a wage earner and a livelihood earner is absolutely central to a deeper understanding of precarization and its multiple manifestations

    Investigation of quinone reductases from Staphylococcus aureus

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    Tese de mestrado, Bioquímica (Bioquímica médica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019Staphylococcus aureus é um dos maiores patógenos oportunistas, sendo responsável por um grande número de infeções. Atualmente, as estirpes de S. aureus resistentes à meticilina (MRSA) são consideradas um grande problema de saúde pública, tanto no controlo da infeção como no seu tratamento. Na verdade, S. aureus é uma das causas mais comuns de infeções em ambiente hospitalar. Por esta razão, não só é importante explorar e perceber os mecanismos por de trás dessa múltipla resistência a antibióticos, mas também compreender melhor os fatores que permitem a este microrganismo viver e sobreviver em diferentes condições. A diversidade metabólica deste organismo permite-lhe sobreviver em diferentes ambientes, fazendo deste um patógeno tão perigoso. Apesar disso e surpreendentemente, a cadeia respiratória deste organismo é muito simples e o seu metabolismo é pouco explorado. Enzimas constituintes da cadeia respiratória apesar de ser identificadas como drug target em diferentes patologias como é o caso da malária, continuam a ser muito pouco estudadas. No caso das enzimas da cadeia respiratória de S.aureus pouca informação pode ser encontrada sobre estas proteínas na literatura. Por isso este trabalho aqui desenvolvido no âmbito desta dissertação pretende contribuir para o alargamento do conhecimento acerca do metabolismo energético desta bactéria. Este projeto de dissertação focou-se na expressão e purificação da Dihidroorotato: quinona oxidorreductase de S. aureus; e na caracterização bioquímica e celular de três quinonas redutases expressas pelo mesmo organismo e que estão envolvidas em diferentes vias metabólicas de produção de energia, a Dihidroorotato: quinona oxidorreductase (DHOQO); a Glicerol-3-fosfato: quinona oxidorreductase (G3PQO) e a Piruvato: quinona oxidorreductase (PQO). Estas enzimas catalisam a oxidação de diferentes substratos e a redução da quinona a quinol, fornecendo eletrões à cadeia respiratória. Estas proteínas são caracterizadas como flavoproteínas uma vez que apresentam flavina como cofator, o que lhes confere não só o espectro UV-visível característico das flavoproteínas com bandas a 375 nm e a 450 nm, mas também a cor amarela às amostras que contêm as proteínas de interesse. A DHOQO, G3PQO e a PQO são também classificadas como enzimas monotópicas, uma vez que estão apenas presentes num lado da membrana e se encontram ligadas a esta através de interações eletrostáticas. A DHOQO é uma enzima que catalisa a oxidação do dihidroorotato a orotato, sendo os eletrões transferidos para a quinona, através do seu cofator FMN. Esta reação enzimática é a única reação de oxidação-redução e corresponde ao quarto passo da via de biossíntese das pirimidinas. A DHOQO expressa em S. aureus é codificada pelo gene pyrD e tem a massa molecular teórica de 39 kDa. No caso da G3PQO, esta catalisa a oxidação do glicerol 3-fosfato a dihidroxiacetona fosfato com transferência de eletrões para a quinona. Em S. aureus esta enzima é codificada pelo gene glpD e é uma enzima com 62 kDa. Ao contrário das outras duas quinona redutases, a PQO apresenta além da flavina, o TPP e o Mg 2+ como cofatores, catalisando a descarboxilação oxidativa do piruvato a acetato e CO2 com transferência de eletrões para a quinona. A PQO expressa em S. aureus é uma enzima com 63 kDa e que é codificada pelo gene CidC. Neste trabalho expressámos e purificámos a DHOQO com sucesso, tendo-se feito a caracterização bioquímica e celular da DHOQO, G3PQO e PQO. Além da caracterização bioquímica, o estudo da DHOQO foi complementado ao nível celular através da comparação do crescimento da estirpe wild type e estirpe mutante knockout da proteína DHOQO. Estas três proteínas em estudo foram caracterizadas espectroscopicamente tendo sido também testada a sua estabilidade térmica e investigado o seu estado de oligomerização. O respetivo grupo prostético foi também identificado. No caso da DHOQO, esta foi funcionalmente caracterizada através de estudos cinéticos, do perfil de pH e de estudos de interação de proteína substratos. A G3PQO e a PQO foram identificadas como enzimas diméricas e que apresentam FAD como cofator. Pelo contrário, a proteína monomérica DHOQO tem como cofator FMN e mostrou ter atividade de dihidroorotato:quinona oxidorreductase, sendo inibida pela presença em solução de HQNO (conhecido inibidor de quinonas redutases). Ensaios de quenching de fluorescência foram feitos para o estudo da interação de proteína e substratos (DMN, duroquinona, os respetivos dadores de eletrões e HQNO). Nestes estudos os resíduos de triptofanos são excitados a 295 nm, sendo observada uma diminuição na emissão de fluorescência dos mesmos. O quenching observado na emissão da proteína deve-se a mudança de ambiente químico dos resíduos de triptofanos causado pela mudança de conformação das proteínas induzida pela interação da enzima e do substrato. Os nossos dados experimentais mostraram que as três quinona redutases apresentam uma maior afinidade para a menaquinona (DMN) do que para a duroquinona (Benzoquinona), estes dados estão de acordo com o facto de S. aureus sintetizar menaquinona naturalmente. Os mesmo estudos de quenching de fluorescência sugerem também que a ligação da quinona (DMN) e do dihidroorotato, no caso da DHOQO, parece ser feita em dois locais de ligação diferentes, uma vez que a presença do inibidor HQNO, afeta apenas a interação da quinona com a proteína. Na caracterização celular, o objetivo principal foi a obtenção de mutantes knockouts da DHOQO, G3PQO e da PQO. Este processo de obtenção de mutantes envolve 5 passos principais: 1) amplificação dos fragmentos up e down (aproximadamente 1300 pares de bases upstream e 1300 pares de bases downtream do gene que codifica para a proteína de interesse, respetivamente); 2) Obtenção de fragmento overlap através de overlapping PCR; 3) Clonagem de fragmento up-down de cada proteína no vector de clonagem pMAD; 4) Electroporação em S. aureus RN4220; 5) Transdução de S. aureus MW2. A recombinação e a integração do plasmídeo no genoma de S. aureus são obtidos através de um processo de recombinação homóloga que envolve dois passos principais, a integração e a excisão. No primeiro passo, os recombinantes são selecionados a uma temperatura não permissiva para a replicação do plasmídeo (43 ºC), usando eritromicina e a cor azul das colónias (devido a metabolização de X-gal). Num segundo passo, as células são incubadas a 30 ºC na ausência de seleção por antibiótico. Neste passo, as colónias brancas resultantes são aquelas em que o vector foi excisado com sucesso. No caso da G3PQO e da PQO os mutantes knockout não foram obtidos, enquanto para a DHOQO foi obtido com sucesso. A obtenção destes mutantes para as três quinonas redutases permite-nos a investigação do papel e relevância destas proteínas no metabolismo deste perigoso patógeno, estudando assim o efeito da deleção destas proteínas no crescimento/ metabolismo energético de S. aureus. Para isso, crescimentos das estirpes wild type e mutada para a proteína DHOQO foram realizados. Durante os crescimentos foram monitorizadas a densidade celular óptica a 600 nm e o valor de pH. Crescimentos com estirpe wild type e a estirpe mutante da proteína DHOQO revelaram que DHOQO parece ter um papel relevante no metabolismo de S. aureus, uma vez que foram observadas diferenças tanto no crescimento como no perfil de pH das duas estirpes em estudo.Staphylococcus aureus is a major human opportunistic pathogen that causes a wide range of clinical infections. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have been considered a serious and worldwide problem to public health. The variable metabolic capacities allow S. aureus to adapt to different conditions. However and surprisingly the respiratory chain of S. aureus is quite simple, and the metabolism of this pathogen is still very little explored. This thesis focused on the expression and purification of the Dihydroorotate:quinone oxidoreductase from Staphylococcus aureus; and biochemical and cellular characterization of three quinone reductases from the respiratory chain of the same organism: Dihydroorotate:quinone oxidoreductase (DHOQO), Glycerol-3-phosphate:quinone oxidoreductase (G3PQO) and Pyruvate:quinone oxidoreductase (PQO). These proteins catalyze the oxidation of the different substrates (electron donors) and the reduction of the quinone (electron acceptor) to a quinol form, providing electrons to the respiratory chain. In this work, the expression and purification of DHOQO from S. aureus was achieved and successful biochemical and cellular characterizations of DHOQO, G3PQO and PQO were performed. From the protein biochemical point of view, G3PQO and PQO are identified as dimeric enzymes, presenting FAD as cofactor. By contrast, the monomeric protein, DHOQO was shown to have an FMN molecule as a cofactor and it was shown to be purified in a redox active state. Protein substrate interaction studies showed that the three proteins under study have higher affinity to DMN, a menaquinone analogue (which is the physiological quinone found in the membranes of Staphylococcus aureus). These studies also suggested that the binding of quinone and dihydroorotate (the electron donor of DHOQO) seem to take place at different binding sites, since the presence of the inhibitor HQNO only affected the interaction of the protein with the quinone. For a cellular role characterization, we aimed to construct knockout mutants for the three quinone reductases. The knockout mutant of the DHOQO (ΔDHOQO) was successfully obtained and growth studies of ΔDHOQO revealed that DHOQO is relevant and impacting in the metabolism of the S. aureus

    Plasma membrane-specific interactome analysis reveals calpain 1 as a druggable modulator of rescued Phe508del-CFTR cell surface stability

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease caused by mutations in the gene encoding CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a chloride channel normally expressed at the surface of epithelial cells. The most frequent mutation, resulting in Phe-508 deletion, causes CFTR misfolding and its premature degradation. Low temperature or pharmacological correctors can partly rescue the Phe508del-CFTR processing defect and enhance trafficking of this channel variant to the plasma membrane (PM). Nevertheless, the rescued channels have an increased endocytosis rate, being quickly removed from the PM by the peripheral protein quality-control pathway. We previously reported that rescued Phe508del-CFTR (rPhe508del) can be retained at the cell surface by stimulating signaling pathways that coax the adaptor molecule ezrin (EZR) to tether rPhe508del–Na+/H+-exchange regulatory factor-1 (NHERF1) complexes to the actin cytoskeleton, thereby averting the rapid internalization of this channel variant. However, the molecular basis for why rPhe508del fails to recruit active EZR to the PM remains elusive. Here, using a proteomics approach, we characterized and compared the core components of wt-CFTR– or rPhe508del–containing macromolecular complexes at the surface of human bronchial epithelial cells. We identified calpain 1 (CAPN1) as an exclusive rPhe508del interactor that prevents active EZR recruitment, impairs rPhe508del anchoring to actin, and reduces its stability in the PM. We show that either CAPN1 downregulation or its chemical inhibition dramatically improves the functional rescue of Phe508del-CFTR in airway cells. These observations suggest that CAPN1 constitutes an attractive target for pharmacological intervention, as part of CF combination therapies restoring Phe508del-CFTR function.This work was supported by a center grant UID/MULTI/04046/2019 to BioISI and project PTDC/BIA-CEL/28408/2017 and IF2012 to PM, both from FCT, Portugal. AMM was recipient of fellowship SFRH/BD/52490/2014 from BioSYS PhD programme PD65-2012, and PB of fellowship SFRH/BPD/94322/2013.N/

    Images of Africa? Portuguese films and documentaries related to the former colonies in Africa (first half of the 20th century)

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    This paper analyses films and documentaries produced in Portugal based or inspired on the former African colonies. During the Estado Novo, the creation of a positive image of the “empire” and of the colonial policy led to the prohibition of films that depicted physical abuse of African-origin individuals, the struggle between “white” (colonisers) and “black” (colonised), movements that fought for the ascension of the Afro-American population in the U.S.A. or exalted pacifist or antimilitarist concepts. Many documentaries emphasise Africa’s potential (natural and human). Some deal with the creation of structures that would allow the education and evangelization of the African people, while others try to portray its “uses and customs”. Others show evidence of the African people’s work strength in the construction of a promising future. That work is always guided by the “white”, that is, the technical knowledge of the “white” is added to the strength of the African. Africans are represented as examples of a unified whole (they are all called “indígenas”), but there is an attempt to identify distinctive characteristics between them. Images that denote an idea of modernization, in cities such as Luanda or Lourenço Marques, overshadow the “colonised”. These films are often a tool of propaganda rather than a means of information, or an ethnographical document, and their objective is to convey a colonial conscience

    Building new horizons of value, care and freedom

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    In this brief piece, I want to pay tribute to David Graeber for how he articulated the relation between value, care and freedom as a path toward more equal and fair livelihood horizons. I will consider the broad contribution of one of his most widely read books about value and some of his public interventions on care and freedom.Con questo omaggio a David Graeber voglio ricordare il modo originale in cui egli ha articolato la relazione tra valore, cura e libertà come un percorso verso orizzonti di sussistenza più equi e più giusti. Prenderò in considerazione l’ampio contributo di uno dei suoi libri più letti sul valore e alcuni suoi interventi pubblici su cura e libertà

    Racial and Social Prejudice in the Colonial Empire

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    This article analyses the issue of miscegenation in Portugal, which is directly associated with the context of its colonial empire, from late nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries. The analysis considers sources from both literary and scientific fields. Subsequently, aspects such as interracial marriage, degeneration and segregation as well as the changes brought about by the end of World War II and the social revolutions of the 1960s are considered. The 1980s brought several changes in the attitude towards Portuguese identity and nationality, which had meanwhile cut loose from its colonial context. Crossbreeding was never actually praised in the Portuguese colonial context, and despite still having strong repercussions in the present day, lusotropicalism was based on a fallacious rhetoric of politically motivated propaganda.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inclusions and exclusions in the production and circulation of scientific knowledge: the case of the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) and the Portuguese Society of Anthropology and Ethnology (SPAE)

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    This text examines and demonstrates why the activity of two European scientific societies carried out approximately from 1918 to 1960 (although both are still active today) enables us to study inclusion and exclusion dynamics.1 These dynamics will be analysed based on the study of the relationship between the Royal Anthropological Institute (rai) – created in 1871 and still recognised and renowned internationally today – and the Portuguese Society of Anthropology and Ethnology (spae, Sociedade Portuguesa de Antropologia e Etnologia) – founded in 1918 and whose activity is nowadays considered peripheral. Nevertheless, during the first half of the 20th century, these societies shared some of their members, exchanged ideas, research and publications, and cooperated in the organisation of several international events.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Power and identity: the exhibition of human beings in the Portuguese great exhibitions

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    This article reflects on the inclusion of human beings in the colonial representations of the great exhibitions that Portugal organised or took part in during the first half of the twentieth century. It analyses the role played by the natives (from the Portuguese colonies), as well as the way they were represented and treated, based on various documents and interviews and on the study of the exhibition creation process. These exhibitions revealed some underlying tensions. On the one hand, they provided evidence of the differences between the ‘civilised’ and the ‘uncivilised’, of the diversity of ‘races’ and of their places in a hierarchy of civilisation. On the other, they extolled the way colonised peoples adopted Portuguese models. The ways those human beings have asserted their existence, under the power of the exhibition’s organisers, provides a means to understand how they forged and assumed their identities in a context of rules

    Colonial representations of Macao and the Macanese: Circulation, knowledge, identities and challenges for the future

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    This article intends to contribute towards the study of harbour cities, reflecting on the circulation of things and people, matters associated with national borders and multiple identities that cross paths there. Considering the history of Macao, its relationship with the Portuguese colonial empire and the challenges posed to the Macanese identity, this article intends to analyse representations of Macao and the Macanese produced in Portugal during the colonial period, considering some of them may still have repercussions today. Representations in generally accessed documents, such as the periodical press, will be analysed, as will events, such as great exhibitions, that were directed to a broader audience and which were frequently incorporated into colonial propaganda. By realizing that even today the movement towards the internationalization of Macao and China itself also involves Portugal, one concludes this is an interesting place for reflecting on power strategies, the circulation of individuals and the formation of identities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio