17 research outputs found

    Factores del Web Experience y la relación con la intención de compra online por millennials en sitios web de las aerolíneas en Lima Metropolitana

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    El contexto de la presente investigación muestra una creciente atracción por los usuarios millennials por realizar compras de tickets aéreos en sitios web de aerolíneas en Lima Metropolitana. Asimismo, se observa un notable cambio en el comportamiento del consumidor, el cual se ve influenciado por distintos factores de la Experiencia Web. Por lo tanto, el objetivo es analizar los factores del Web Experience (usabilidad, interactividad, confianza, estética y marketing mix) influyen en la intención de compra online de tickets aéreos por millenials en los sitios web de aerolíneas en Lima Metropolitana. Se desarrollará una investigación cuantitativa con una muestra no probabilística de 250 jóvenes millennials de Lima Metropolitana que hayan comprado por lo menos un ticket aéreo en un sitio web de aerolínea en el último año.The context of the present research shows a growing attraction for millennial users to make purchases of air tickets on airline websites in Metropolitan Lima. Likewise, a notable change in consumer behavior is observed, which is influenced by different factors of the Web Experience. Therefore, the objective is to analyze the Web Experience factors (usability, interactivity, trust, aesthetics and marketing mix) that influence the online purchase intention of airline tickets by millennials on airline websites in Metropolitan Lima. A quantitative research will be carried out with a non-probabilistic sample of 250 young millennials from Metropolitan Lima who have bought at least one air ticket on an airline website in the last year.Trabajo de investigació

    Efectos de la experiencia web en la intención de compra en línea por millennials en sitios web de retailers minoristas

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    Propósito - El actual contexto evidencia un incremento en la atracción hacia las compras en línea en sitios web de retailers minoristas. Asimismo, se evidencia un cambio en el comportamiento de los usuarios millennials y los factores que afectan su intención de compra. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio es analizar el efecto de los factores de la EW (usabilidad, interactividad, confianza y estética) en la intención de compra en línea de los usuarios en sitios web retail, específicamente en la categoría ropa, en Lima Metropolitana. Los descubrimientos del estudio ayudarían a los retailers minoristas en el diseño de sitios web más efectivos. Diseño / metodología /enfoque - De 486 cuestionarios distribuidos a jóvenes millennials en Lima Metropolitana, se obtuvieron 400 respuestas efectivas. Asimismo, se empleó un muestreo no probabilístico con una técnica de muestreo por conveniencia. La data recolectada fue procesada mediante SPSS. Se utilizó el Alfa de Cronbach para comprobar la fiabilidad de las escalas. Un análisis factorial exploratorio fue ejecutado para la reducción de datos que permitió explorar las variables en estudio. Finalmente, se realizó una regresión lineal múltiple para determinar la estructura de relación entre las variables. Hallazgos - Los resultados muestran que la usabilidad, interactividad, confianza y estética son los factores de la EW que afectan positivamente y significativamente la intención de compra en línea en usuarios millennials en Lima Metropolitana. Se propusieron 4 hipótesis las cuales fueron aceptadas en su totalidad. Originalidad / valor - La presente investigación comparte información relevante acerca de los efectos de los factores de la EW en la intención de compra en línea. Además, amplía el conocimiento respecto a la importancia del diseño de sitios web efectivos integrando los factores más relevantes como usabilidad, interactividad, confianza y estética para mejorar la experiencia del usuario en línea.Purpose - The current context shows an increase in the attraction to online purchases on retail websites. Hence, there is a change in the behavior of millennial users and the factors that seek their purchase intention. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the effect of EW factors (usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics) on the online purchase intention of users on retail websites, specifically in the clothing category, in Lima Metropolitan. The study's findings would aid retail retailers in designing more effective websites. Design / methodology /approach - From 486 questionnaires distributed to millennials in Lima Metropolitana, 400 effective responses were obtained. Likewise, non-probability sampling was used with a convenience sampling technique. The collected data was processed using SPSS. Cronbach's Alpha was used to check the reliability of the scales. An exploratory factor analysis was performed for data reduction that allowed exploring the variables under study. Finally, a multiple linear regression was performed to determine the relationship structure between the variables. Findings - The results show that usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics are the WE factors that positively and significantly affect online purchase intention in millennial users in Lima Metropolitana. 4 hypotheses were proposed which were fully accepted. Originality / value - This research shares relevant information about the effects of Web Experience factors on online purchase intention. In addition, it expands the knowledge regarding the importance of effective website design by integrating the most relevant factors such as usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics to improve the online user experience.TesisP

    Prediction of multi-target networks of neuroprotective compounds with entropy indices and synthesis, assay, and theoretical study of new asymmetric 1,2-rasagiline carbamates

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    In a multi-target complex network, the links (Lij) represent the interactions between the drug (di) and the target (tj), characterized by different experimental measures (Ki, Km, IC50, etc.) obtained in pharmacological assays under diverse boundary conditions (cj). In this work, we handle Shannon entropy measures for developing a model encompassing a multi-target network of neuroprotective/neurotoxic compounds reported in the CHEMBL database. The model predicts correctly >8300 experimental outcomes with Accuracy, Specificity, and Sensitivity above 80%–90% on training and external validation series. Indeed, the model can calculate different outcomes for >30 experimental measures in >400 different experimental protocolsin relation with >150 molecular and cellular OPEN ACCESS Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014, 15 17036 targets on 11 different organisms (including human). Hereafter, we reported by the first time the synthesis, characterization, and experimental assays of a new series of chiral 1,2-rasagiline carbamate derivatives not reported in previous works. The experimental tests included: (1) assay in absence of neurotoxic agents; (2) in the presence of glutamate; and (3) in the presence of H2O2. Lastly, we used the new Assessing Links with Moving Averages (ALMA)-entropy model to predict possible outcomes for the new compounds in a high number of pharmacological tests not carried out experimentallyThe authors thank the Xunta de Galicia for financial support of this work under project 07CSA008203PRS

    Web Experience Effects on Online Purchase Intention by Millennials on Retail Websites in Lima Metropolitan: An Application with Regression Analysis

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    El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado.The current context shows an increase in the attraction to online purchases on retail websites. Hence, there is a change in the behavior of millennial users and the factors that seek their purchase intention. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the effect of WE factors (usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics) on the OPI of users on retail websites, specifically in the clothing category, in Lima Metropolitan. The study’s findings would aid retailers in designing more effective websites. From 486 questionnaires distributed to millennials in Lima Metropolitan, 400 effective responses were obtained. Likewise, non-probability sampling was used with a convenience sampling technique. The collected data was processed using SPSS. Cronbach’s Alpha was used to check the reliability of the scales. An exploratory factor analysis was performed for data reduction that allowed exploring the variables under study. Finally, a multiple linear regression was performed to determine the relationship structure between the variables. The results show that usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics are the WE factors that positively and significantly affect online purchase intention in millennial users in Lima Metropolitan. 4 hypotheses were proposed which were fully accepted. This research shares relevant information about the effects of WE factors on OPI. It expands the knowledge regarding the importance of effective website design by integrating the most relevant factors such as usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics to improve the WE

    In vivo antileishmanial activity of compounds OXO 1 and OXO 13.

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    <p>Reduction in parasite burden in spleens and livers of treated mice (8 animals/group), relative to untreated controls.</p>a<p>Six animals/group.</p>†<p>12.5% mortality.</p>*<p><i>p</i><0.05.</p

    In vitro activity of selected compounds on intracellular amastigotes of <i>L. amazonensis</i> and <i>L. infantum</i>.

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    <p>IC<sub>50</sub>: 50% inhibitory concentration.</p>a<p>Selectivity index: ratio between CC<sub>50</sub> (as recorded in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0077560#pone-0077560-t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>) and IC<sub>50.</sub></p

    Results of LDA and ANN classification models.

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    a<p>Stat. are the statistical parameters of the models in both training and validation series: Sp, Sn, and Ac indicate Specificity, Sensitivity and Accuracy. In addition, the subscripts l and nl indicate whether the models are linear or non-linear and the number in the subscripts indicates the number of the model, so that: Sp<sub>l1</sub>, Sn<sub>l1</sub>, Ac<sub>l1</sub>, and Spn<sub>l1</sub>, Sn<sub>nl1</sub>, Ac<sub>nl1</sub>, are the Specificities, Sensitivities, Accuracies of the first linear and non-linear models.</p