8 research outputs found

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    This paper describes the implementation and configuration of the remote control and wireless sensor network using the Sun SPOT platform. As it is well known, greenhouses have a very extensive surface where the climate conditions can vary at the different points. In the last years, remote control and WSNs are becoming an important solution to this problem. Additional advantages of remote control are the possibility of control and monitoring these applications from remote places and having a system that can provide large amounts of data about those applications for longer periods of time. This large amount of data availability usually allows for new discoveries and further improvements

    WSN Implementation in the Greenhouse Environment Using Mobile Measuring Station

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    Continuous advancements in wireless technology and miniaturization have made the deployment of sensor networks to monitor various aspects of the environment increasingly flexible. The function of a greenhouse is to create the optimal growing conditions for the full life of the plants. Using autonomous measuring systems helps to monitor all the necessary parameters for creating the optimal environment in the greenhouse. The robot equipped with sensors is capable of driving to the end and back along crop rows inside the greenhouse. This paper deals with the implementation of mobile measuring station in greenhouse environment. It introduces a wireless sensor network that was used for the purpose of measuring and controlling the greenhouse application

    Development of IR-based short-range communication techniques for swarm robot applications

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    This paper proposes several designs for a reliable infra-red based communication techniques for swarm robotic applications. The communication system was deployed on an autonomous miniature mobile robot (AMiR), a swarm robotic platform developed earlier. In swarm applications, all participating robots must be able to communicate and share data. Hence a suitable communication medium and a reliable technique are required. This work uses infrared radiation for transmission of swarm robots messages. Infrared transmission methods such as amplitude and frequency modulations will be presented along with experimental results. Finally the effects of the modulation techniques and other parameters on collective behavior of swarm robots will be analyzed

    Desempenho de rede de sensores sem fio em casa de vegetação Performance of wireless sensor network in a greenhouse

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    A potência de sinal é um importante parâmetro a ser considerado em um projeto de implantação de rede de sensores sem fio no meio agrícola. Este trabalho tem como objetivo coletar dados de qualidade de sinal transmitido entre uma estação base e um nó sensor situado no interior de uma casa de vegetação, localizada no campo experimental da Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola - UNICAMP, com o auxílio de ferramentas computacionais. Após a implantação do nó sensor foram realizados experimentos com vista a se verificar alcance e qualidade do sinal de acordo com sua potência. Através desses ensaios foi possível concluir que uma potência de sinal com valor de -12,2 dBm é suficiente para manter a transmissão entre a estação base e nó sensor. Testes também foram realizados com uma potência de sinal de -9,2 dBm e mostraram que a rede possuía qualidade classificada "muito alta" porém, através do teste de duração da bateria, nota-se que existe economia de energia ao se utilizar a potência de sinal de -12,2 dBm. Foi avaliada a influência que o valor da potência de sinal tem sobre a qualidade do sinal de transmissão e recepção, o gasto de bateria e o alcance do sinal.<br>The signal strength is an important parameter to be considered in a project to establish network of wireless sensors in an agricultural environment. This work aims to collect quality data signals transmitted between a base station and a sensor node located inside a greenhouse, which is an experimental field located in the College of Agricultural Engineering - UNICAMP, with the help of computational tools. After sensor node deployment, experiments were performed in order to check range and signal quality. Through these experiments, it was concluded that a radiofrequency power value of -12.2 dBm is sufficient to maintain transmissions between base station and the sensor. Tests were also performed to a radiofrequency power of -9.2 dBm, and showed that the network had quality rated as "very high". However, by testing the battery life, it is noted that there is an energy saving when the radiofrequency power of -12.2 dBm is used. It was shown that the value of the signal strength has an influence on the quality of signal transmission and reception, battery depletion and signal range