35 research outputs found

    Spectrophotometric Folin-Ciocalteu and Aluminium Chloride Method Validation for the Determination of Phenolic Acid, Flavan-3-ol, Flavonol, and Anthocyanin Content

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    Spectrophotometric methods for the determination of total polyphenols and total flavonoids are often used because they are simple, sensitive, and precise. Before using these methods, they must be validated to ensure the quality of the obtained data and to prove that the method is suitable for its purpose. The aim of this study was to validate the spectrophotometric methods for total polyphenols and total flavonoids. The method for total polyphenols has been validated according to polyphenol standards, which belong to the groups of phenolic acids (p-hydroxybenzoic acid, sinapic acid, ferulic acid), flavan-3-ols ((-)-epicatechin), flavonols (myricetin, kaempferol), and anthocyanins (cyanidin-3-glucoside). For the validation of the method for total flavonoids, the same polyphenol standards belonging to flavan-3-ols, flavonols, and anthocyanins have been used. The validation parameters were linearity, sensitivity, limit of detection, limit of quantification, precision, and accuracy. The results of the validation for both methods were in acceptable ranges, except for kaempferol in the method for total flavonoids. In conclusion, these methods can be used for the determination of total polyphenols and total flavonoids by using calibration curves of studied polyphenol standards, except for the kaempferol standard in the method for total flavonoids, due to lower sensitivity

    Intraocular tuberculosis ā€“ case report

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic granulomatous infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. If the affected organ is the eye, the clinical picture is pleomorphic, but it is most often presented with endophthalmitis, iridocyclitis, chorioretinitis, and periphlebitis of the retina

    Development of Social Skills and Habits of Children With Down Syndrome

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    U radu je detaljno opisana razvojna teÅ”koća djece s Down sindromom. Stavljen je naglasak na obitelj, odgojitelje i stručni tim u predÅ”kolskim odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama u cilju njihove međusobne suradnje. Za razvoj socijalne kompetencije djece s Down sindromom veliku ulogu ima inkluzivno uključivanje u redoviti predÅ”kolski sustav odgoja i obrazovanja, Å”to se u radu navodi kroz prednosti i nedostatke takvog uključivanja. Cilj provedenoga istraživanja bio je ispitati važnost inkluzivnog vrtića za razvoj socijalnih navika i vjeÅ”tina djece s Down sindromom te provjeriti kompetentnost i znanje odgojitelja za rad u odgojnoobrazovnoj skupini u kojoj je uključeno, ili bi bilo uključeno, dijete s Down sindromom te njihovu spremnost na to. Kako bi razvoj djeteta bio Å”to veći i uspjeÅ”niji važno mu je pružiti potrebnu pažnju, njegu i brigu kako u obitelji tako i od strane odgojitelja i stručnjaka.The paper describes in detail the development difficulties that children with Down syndrome experience. It emphasises the family, the educators and the expert team in the preschool system of upbringing and education with the goal of their mutual cooperation. Inclusive involvement in the regular preschool system of upbringing and education has a big role for the development of the social competence of children with Down syndrome, which is stated in the paper trough the advantages and disadvantages of such involvement. The goal of the conducted research was to test the importance of the inclusive nursery for the development of social habits and skills of children with Down syndrome and to check the competence and the knowledge of the educators for working in a upbringing-educational group in which a child with a Down syndrome is included, or would be included, and their readiness for it. To make sure that the child's development is as big and successful as possible, it is important that the child gets the necessary attention, care and concern in the family, as well as from the educators and experts

    The Study of Adsorption Kinetics of Flavan-3-Ols, Dihydrochalcones and Anthocyanins onto Barley Ī²-Glucan

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    Polyphenols can interact with dietary fibers and these interactions can affect polyphenols bioactivities. The interactions can be studied with the adsorption process, and adsorptions of flavan-3-ols (procyanidin B1, procyanidin B2), dihydrochalcones (phloretin, phloretin-2-glucoside), and anthocyanins (cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3-galactoside) onto Ī²-D-glucan from barley were studied in this work. The intention was to reveal the kinetics of the adsorption process. Adsorption was carried out using model solutions at room temperature. The results showed that in the flavan-3-ol group procyanidin B1 showed higher adsorption capacity than procyanidin B2. Phloretin showed a higher adsorption capacity than phloretin-2-glucoside in the dihydrochalcone group and anthocyanins showed similar adsorption capacities. Parameter k1 for all polyphenols was in the range from 0.30 hāˆ’1 to 0.93 hāˆ’1. Adsorption capacity qe for all polyphenols ranged from 2.90 mmol gāˆ’1 to 9.76 mmol gāˆ’1, parameter k2 was in the range 70āˆ’ 225 g molāˆ’1 hāˆ’1, and adsorption capacities qe ranged from 3.70 mmol gāˆ’1 to 9.90 mmol gāˆ’1


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    Riječ postura ( položaj, stanje ) označava način držanja tijela tj. suodnos dijelova tijela u određenom vremenu i prostoru. Zdrava posturalna pozicija podrazumijeva dobro položena i stabilna stopala i gležnjeve, dovoljnu pokretljivost koljena, zdjelice s kukovima, kralježnicu te dobru pokretljivost ramenog obruča i glave. Deformacijama posture smatramo sve ono Å”to naruÅ”ava pravilnu poziciju naÅ”eg tijela u bilo kojem položaju. U mehanizmu održavanja pravilne posture sudjeluju miÅ”ići, zglobovi, ligamenti te posturalni refleksi kao neuromuskularna komponenta. Idealna postura služi kao polaziÅ”na točka za procjenu svih odstupanja tj. služi za prepoznavanje nepravilne posture koja može biti funkcionalnog ili strukturalnog karaktera. Kod djece nailazimo na probleme nepravilnog držanja većinom zbog osjetljivosti lokomotornog i živčanog sustava koji se joÅ” razvija, dok je kod odraslih uglavnom problem način života. Postupci procjene posture obuhvaćaju opservaciju statusa posture u stojećem, sjedećem i ležećem položaju, razne testove i metode procjene posture, procjenu miÅ”ićne snage te procjenu razlike u duljini donjih ekstremiteta. Sve postupke procjene nam olakÅ”ava upotreba raznih pomagala i mjernih instrumenata. Važnost održavanja pravilne posture je neupitna jer svaka neravnoteža posturalnog sustava može kompromitirati zdravstveni status osobe.Posture is a position of person's body and limbs. Good posture requires a proper position of feet and anckles, optimal mobility of knees, pelvis, hips, spine, shoulder and head. Postural deformations are outcome of poor body positioning. The mechanism of proper posture includes muscles, joints, ligaments and postural reflex ( neuromuscular component ). Ideal posture is a starting line for every postural assessment. The main purpose of an postural assessment is to help to define poor posture, whether it is functional or structural. Kids mostly develop poor posture because of their immature locomotore and nerve system, while postural problems in elderly adults are usually caused by their way of living. Postural assessment involves postural observation while standing, sitting and lying, different kinds of tests and methods of evaluation, muscular strength assessment and assessment of lower limb length. There are various aids and measurment tools that can be useful during the patient examination. Proper posture is very important, beacuse every disbalance of postural system may lead to serious health problems

    Development of Social Skills and Habits of Children With Down Syndrome

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    U radu je detaljno opisana razvojna teÅ”koća djece s Down sindromom. Stavljen je naglasak na obitelj, odgojitelje i stručni tim u predÅ”kolskim odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama u cilju njihove međusobne suradnje. Za razvoj socijalne kompetencije djece s Down sindromom veliku ulogu ima inkluzivno uključivanje u redoviti predÅ”kolski sustav odgoja i obrazovanja, Å”to se u radu navodi kroz prednosti i nedostatke takvog uključivanja. Cilj provedenoga istraživanja bio je ispitati važnost inkluzivnog vrtića za razvoj socijalnih navika i vjeÅ”tina djece s Down sindromom te provjeriti kompetentnost i znanje odgojitelja za rad u odgojnoobrazovnoj skupini u kojoj je uključeno, ili bi bilo uključeno, dijete s Down sindromom te njihovu spremnost na to. Kako bi razvoj djeteta bio Å”to veći i uspjeÅ”niji važno mu je pružiti potrebnu pažnju, njegu i brigu kako u obitelji tako i od strane odgojitelja i stručnjaka.The paper describes in detail the development difficulties that children with Down syndrome experience. It emphasises the family, the educators and the expert team in the preschool system of upbringing and education with the goal of their mutual cooperation. Inclusive involvement in the regular preschool system of upbringing and education has a big role for the development of the social competence of children with Down syndrome, which is stated in the paper trough the advantages and disadvantages of such involvement. The goal of the conducted research was to test the importance of the inclusive nursery for the development of social habits and skills of children with Down syndrome and to check the competence and the knowledge of the educators for working in a upbringing-educational group in which a child with a Down syndrome is included, or would be included, and their readiness for it. To make sure that the child's development is as big and successful as possible, it is important that the child gets the necessary attention, care and concern in the family, as well as from the educators and experts

    Teachers in Inclusive Education

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    U obrazovnom smislu inkluzija se definira kao aktivno uključivanje učenika s teÅ”koćama u redovni nastavni proces (Subotić, 2014). U tom kontekstu učitelji predstavljaju najvažniju sponu između učenika i Å”kole kao institucije, stoga se upravo oni smatraju jednim od ključnih faktora prilagodbe učenika s teÅ”koćama na pohađanje Å”kolskog programa (Rajović i Jovanović, 2010). Cilj ovog rada ispitati je kako učitelji iz Zadra percipiraju inkluziju djece s teÅ”koćama, kako procjenjuju vlastite kompetencije za taj oblik rada te s kojim se preprekama susreću. U tu svrhu provedeno je pet polustrukturiranih intervjua s učiteljima iz Zadra (OÅ  Stanovi), nakon čega su prikupljeni podatci transkribirani i analizirani. Utvrđeno je da učitelji vide inkluziju kao obrazovnu praksu koja promiče toleranciju i suradničko ponaÅ”anje, procjenjuju je profesionalnim izazovom, ali ujedno i naglaÅ”avaju potrebu za profesionalnim usavrÅ”avanjem i stjecanjem dodatnih kompetencija. Dodatno, učitelji su istaknuli važnost suradnje s asistentima, stručnim suradnicima i roditeljima kako bi inkluzija bila uspjeÅ”na, dok su nedovoljnu podrÅ”ku Å”kolskog sustava (materijalne i financijske resurse) prepoznali kao značajnu prepreku u kvalitetnom radu.In the educational sense inclusion is defined as active inclusion of pupils with disabilities in the regular teaching process (Subotić, 2014). In this context, teachers represent the most important bond between students and the school as an institution, therefore they are considered as one of the key factors in adapting children with disabilities to attend the school program (Rajović and Jovanović, 2010). The aim of this work was to examine how teachers from Zadar perceive the inclusion of children with disabilities, how they perceive their own competences for this form of work and what obstacles they encounter. For this purpose, 5 semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers from Zadar (Primary school Stanovi), after which the collected data were transcribed and analyzed. It was determined that teachers see inclusion as an educational practice that promotes tolerance and cooperative behavior, that they evaluate it as a professional challenge, but at the same time emphasize the need for professional training and the acquisition of additional competences. Moreover, teachers emphasized the importance of cooperation with assistants, professional associates, and parents in order to inclusion to be successful, while they recognized insufficient support from the school system (material and financial resources) as a significant barrier in the quality of work performance

    Coating-Dependent Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Tobacco Seed Germination and Early Growth

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    Silver nanoparticles, AgNPs, are used in a wide range of consumer products because of their excellent antimicrobial properties. AgNPs released into the environment are prone to transformations such as aggregation, oxidation, or dissolution so they are often stabilised by coatings that a ect their physico-chemical properties and change their e ect on living organisms. In this study we investigated the stability of polyvinylpyrrolidone PVP and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide CTAB coated AgNPs in an exposure medium, as well as their e ect on tobacco germination and early growth. AgNP-CTAB was found to be more stable in the solid Murashige and Skoog MS medium compared to AgNP-PVP. The uptake and accumulation of silver in seedlings was equally effcient after exposure to both types of AgNPs. However, AgNP-PVP induced only mild toxicity on seedlings growth, while AgNP-CTAB caused severe negative e ects on all parameters, even compared to AgNO3. Moreover, CTAB coating itself exerted negative e ects on growth. Cysteine addition generally alleviated AgNP-PVP-induced negative e ects, while it failed to improve germination and growth parameters after exposure to AgNP-CTAB. These results suggest that the toxic e ects of AgNP-PVP are mainly a consequence of release of Ag+ ions, while phytotoxicity of AgNP-CTAB can rather be ascribed to surface coating itself

    Liability for damages of the sporting competition organizer

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    Sport je vrlo raÅ”irena i uznapredovala djelatnost koja zahvaća velik broj ljudi. Sportska natjecanja su sve posjećenija i popularnija. Rizik za nastankom Å”tete, sukladno tome, sve je veći. Na organizatorima sportskih natjecanja velika je odgovornost i oni su dužni obavljati svoje obaveze savjesno kako bi spriječili nastanak mogućih Å”teta. Zakon o sportu, iako opsežan, ne uređuje odgovornost za Å”tetu organizatora sportskih natjecanja pa se, stoga, primjenjuje Zakon o obveznim odnosima. Radom se navode situacije u kojima može doći do Å”tete koju uzrokuje organizator natjecanja, protupravnost Å”tetne radnje te kad se protupravnost isključuje, a napose se obrađuje odgovornost organizatora sportskog natjecanja za nastale Å”tete, prema gledateljima i sportskim natjecateljima. Vezano za nastanak Å”tete, pa tako i eventualne zahtjeva za popravljanje istih, preporuča se sklapanje ugovora o osiguranju od odgovornosti organizatora sportskog natjecanja. Radom se navode sportska pravila kao vrlo važan izvor sportskog prava. Sportskim pravilima, koja ne donosi zakonodavna vlast, već klubovi, savezi i drugi u samostalno uređenom postupku, uređuje se suÅ”tina svake sportske discipline. Sportska pravila čak mogu derogirati zakonske propise Å”to ih čini specifičnim autonomnim pravom. Ovim radom pomalo se kritizira takva važnost tih pravila, ne zbog njih samih, već zbog nedostatne zakonske regulacije kojom se mora dati kvalitetan okvir njihovom donoÅ”enju i reguliranju vrlo bitnih i često rizičnih situacija

    The Welcoming Museum: A Place of Integrative Practices

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    U 21. stoljeću, druÅ”tvo i muzeji prolaze kroz promjene koje od njih zahtijevaju transformaciju. Kroz preglede terminologije koja se koristi za izbjeglice i druge migrante, teorija i kritika integracije, integracijske politike Republike Hrvatske, ideja postkolonijalnog, participativnog, uključivog i konstitutivnog muzeja te dobrih praksi za rad s izbjeglicama i drugim migrantima istražuje se susret muzejske djelatnosti i rada s novim članovima druÅ”tva. Rad istražuje integracijske prakse u hrvatskim i europskim muzejima kroz participativno akcijsko istraživanje projekata ā€œNikola Tesla. Migrant.ā€ i ā€œMuzeji kao mjesta susreta i dijalogaā€ i komparativnu studiju slučaja koja obuhvaća projekte Multaka u Berlinu i Oxfordu, Muzeji kao arene integracije u Å vedskoj te Werksalon u Muzeju Van Abbe. Muzej dobrodoÅ”lice je muzej koji prihvaća i odražava vrijednost svih članova zajednice, globalan je i povezan, samokritičan, fleksibilan, dostupan, viÅ”ejezičan, uključiv i koristan.The 21st century brings change to both society and museums, forcing them to undergo transformation. The meeting of museum work and work with new members of society is researched based on reviews of terminology used for refugees and other migrants, theories and critical views of integration, integration policy of the Republic of Croatia, ideas of postcolonial, participatory, inclusive and constituent museum, and best practices for working with refugees and other migrants. This thesis explores integration practices in Croatian and European museums through participatory action research of projects ā€œNikola Tesla. Migrant.ā€ and ā€œMuseums as Places of Encounter and Dialogueā€, and a comparative case study including the projects Multaka in Berlin and Oxford, Museums as arenas of integration in Sweden, and Werksalon in Van Abbe Museum. The welcoming museum is a museum that accepts and reflects the values of all the community members. It is global and connected, self-critical, flexible, accessible, multilingual, inclusive, and useful