690 research outputs found

    HD 97394: a magnetic Ap star with high cerium overabundance

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    We report a spectroscopic analysis of the chemically peculiar Ap star HD 97394. The stellar spectrum is rich in lines of rare earth elements with large overabundances, especially cerium, gadolinium and europium. Enhancement of the abundances of these rare earths shows this star to be one of the most peculiar stars. Very large overabundances were found for lines of Ce iii and Eu iii. Abundances obtained from second ionization lines of Nd, Ce and Eu are about 2 dex higher than for those of the first ionization. From partially split Zeeman components of the Fe ii 6149.258 Å line and from synthetic modelling, a global magnetic field of 3.1 kG was measured. We tested for pulsation of the star with high time resolution spectroscopy obtained with the ESO Very Large Telescope. We place an upper limit to any pulsation amplitude of 30–40 m s−1 for individual lines of rare earth elements, of 10–20 m s−1 for the combination of several lines, and of 6–10 m s−1 for cross-correlation over large spectral bands

    Magnetic stars from a FEROS cool Ap star survey

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    New magnetic Ap stars with split Zeeman components are presented. These stars were discovered from observations with the Fibre-fed Extended Range Optical Spectrograph (FEROS) spectrograph at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) 2.2-m telescope. 15 new magnetic stars are analysed here. Several stars with very strong magnetic fields were found, including HD 70702 with a 15-kG magnetic field strength, and HD 168767 with a 16.5-kG magnetic field strength measured using split Zeeman components of spectral lines and by comparison with synthetic calculations. The physical parameters of the stars were estimated from photometric and spectroscopic data. Together with previously published results for stars with strong magnetic fields, the relationship between magnetic field strength and rotation period is discussed

    A rival for Babcock's star: the extreme 30-kG variable magnetic field in the Ap star HD 75049

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    The extraordinary magnetic Ap star HD 75049 has been studied with data obtained with the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope and 2.2-m telescopes. Direct measurements reveal that the magnetic field modulus at maximum reaches 30 kG. The star shows photometric, spectral and magnetic variability with a rotation period of 4.049 d. Variations of the mean longitudinal magnetic field can be described to first order by a centred dipole model with an inclination i= 25°, an obliquity β= 60° and a polar field Bp= 42 kG. The combination of the longitudinal and surface magnetic field measurements implies a radius of R= 1.7 R⊙, suggesting that the star is close to the zero-age main sequence. HD 75049 displays moderate overabundances of Si, Ti, Cr, Fe and large overabundances of rare earth elements. This star has the second strongest magnetic field of any main-sequence star after Babcock's star, HD 215441, which it rivals

    Time resolved spectroscopy of the cool Ap star HD 213637

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    We present an analysis of high time resolution spectra of the chemically peculiar Ap star HD 213637. The star shows rapid radial velocity variations with a period close to the photometric pulsation period. Radial velocity pulsation amplitudes vary significantly for different rare earth elements. The highest pulsation amplitudes belong to lines of Tb III (∼360 m s−1), Pr II (∼250 m s−1) and Pr III (∼230 m s−1).We did not detect any pulsations from spectral lines of Eu II and in Hα, in contrast to many other roAp stars. We also did not find radial velocity pulsations using spectral lines of other chemical elements, including Mg, Si, Ca, Sc, Cr, Fe, Ni, Y and Ba. There are phase shifts between the maxima of pulsation amplitudes of different rare earth elements and ions, which is evidence of an outwardly running magneto-acoustic wave propagating through the upper stellar atmosphere

    Spectropolarimetry of the Classical T Tauri Star TW Hydrae

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    We present high resolution (R ~ 60,000) circular spectropolarimetry of the classical T Tauri star TW Hydrae. We analyze 12 photospheric absorption lines and measure the net longitudinal magnetic field for 6 consecutive nights. While no net polarization is detected the first five nights, a significant photospheric field of Bz = 149 \pm 33 G is found on the sixth night. To rule out spurious instrumental polarization, we apply the same analysis technique to several non-magnetic telluric lines, detecting no significant polarization. We further demonstrate the reality of this field detection by showing that the splitting between right and left polarized components in these 12 photospheric lines shows a linear trend with Lande g-factor times wavelength squared, as predicted by the Zeeman effect. However, this longitudinal field detection is still much lower than that which would result if a pure dipole magnetic geometry is responsible for the mean magnetic field strength of 2.6 kG previously reported for TW Hya. We also detect strong circular polarization in the He I 5876 and the Ca II 8498 emission lines, indicating a strong field in the line formation region of these features. The polarization of the Ca II line is substantially weaker than that of the He I line, which we interpret as due to a larger contribution to the Ca II line from chromospheric emission in which the polarization signals cancel. However, the presence of polarization in the Ca II line indicates that accretion shocks on Classical T Tauri stars do produce narrow emission features in the infrared triplet lines of Calcium.Comment: One tar file. The paper has 22 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by AJ on Sep 10, 200

    Phase-resolved far-ultraviolet HST spectroscopy of the peculiar magnetic white dwarf RE J0317-853

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    We present phase resolved FUV HST FOS spectra of the rapidly rotating, highly magnetic white dwarf RE J0317-853. Using these data, we construct a new model for the magnetic field morphology across the stellar surface. From an expansion into spherical harmonics, we find the range of magnetic field strengths present is 180-800MG. For the first time we could identify an absorption feature present at certain phases at 1160A as a ``forbidden'' 1s_0 -> 2s_0 component, due to the combined presence of an electric and magnetic field.Comment: 15 pages including 4 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Theoretical light curves of dipole oscillations in roAp stars

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    Context. The dipole modes are the most common geometry of oscillations in roAp stars inferred from photometric measurements and are therefore of special interest for asteroseismic purposes. Aims. We present a theoretical and analytical study of the light curves associated with dipole (ℓ = 1) pulsations of roAp stars in the framework of the revisited oblique pulsator model. Methods. We describe the light curves in terms of the inclination and polarization of the elliptical displacement vector of the dipole modes. We study the influence of the magnetic field and rotation on the shape of these light curves for both amplitudes and phases. Results. Despite the inclination of dipole mode with respect to the magnetic axis, we find that the dipole mode can have maxima that are in phase with the magnetic maxima. We apply our formalism to the well-known roAp star HR 3831 (HD 83368) to derive its mode properties. Our results are similar to those obtained by time-series spectroscopy. We also consider the cases of three other roAp stars, HD 6532, HD 99563, and HD 128898 (α Cir). Conclusions. We demonstrate that the formalism of the revisited oblique pulsator model is adequate to explain the properties of the photometric light curves associated with dipole modes in roAp stars. In addition, we show that the coincidence of pulsation and magnetic extrema can also occur for inclined modes with respect to the magnetic axis. With the stars considered in this paper, we conclude that the polarization of the modes present in roAp stars are quasi linearly polarized

    New measurements of magnetic fields of roAp stars with FORS1 at the VLT

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    Magnetic fields play a key role in the pulsations of rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) stars since they are a necessary ingredient of all pulsation excitation mechanisms proposed so far. This implies that the proper understanding of the seismological behaviour of the roAp stars requires knowledge of their magnetic fields. However, the magnetic fields of the roAp stars are not well studied. Here we present new results of measurements of the mean longitudinal field of 14 roAp stars obtained from low resolution spectropolarimetry with FORS1 at the VLT.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in A&
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