188 research outputs found


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    AbstractThe aim of this study was to assess the influence of some operational variables on the forwarder productivity and production cost in thinned Pinus taeda L. stands by means of mathematical modeling. This study was carried out in a forest company located at Quedas do Iguaçu, state of Paraná, Brazil. Two stands at 9 and 10 years old from sites with high productivity and similar soil and relief features were studied. A time-motion study was applied to determine the operational cycle time, operational efficiency, productivity, and production costs. By means of mathematical modeling, we verified the influence of the variables: age of stand; cycle time; load volume; and extraction distance on the forwarder productivity and production costs. Models were fitted for estimating the forwarder productivity using cycle time, load volume, and extraction distance. Thus, we obtained the determination adjusted coefficients of 0.88 and 0.94, with an estimate standard error between 6.9% and 13.5%. Models for estimating production cost through the load volume variable presented a determination coefficient of 0.64 and 0.86, with an estimate standard error of 23.1% and 26.7%. Such results have shown the possibility of using mathematical models to estimate the performance of forest machines as a tool for planning the timber harvesting operations


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    The expansion of the biodiesel industry has created opportunities for crude glycerol use in beef cattle diets. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of substituting sorghum grain with crude glycerol on dry matter intake (DMI), growth performance and feed intake pattern of 28 non-castrated Nelore males with initial body weight (BW) of 441 kg and 21.5 months of age housed in individual or collective pens. Crude glycerol was included at 15% of the ration dry matter as a replacement for sorghum grain. Orts were collected and weighed daily, and DMI was calculated by difference between feed offered and feed refused. Feed intake pattern was determined every two weeks after the beginning of the study in three intervals relative to feed delivery (0-4, 4-10, and 10-24 hours post-feeding). Animals’ BW was obtained on days 1, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, and 84 days of the trial after a 12-hour solid fasting. Crude glycerol did not alter (P>0.05) DMI, growth performance, hot carcass weight and dressing percentage compared with the control diet. A treatment × days of experiment response (P<0.05) occurred due to a decreased DMI in animals fed crude glycerol during the first 14 days of the trial. Crude glycerol-fed animals decreased (P<0.05) the NDF intake pattern in individual and collective pens. Crude glycerol can be used as a substitute for sorghum grain in beef cattle diets


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     O Instituto Federal Catarinense (IFC – Campus Ibirama), nesses primeiros anos de existência, tem investido no oferecimento de práticas esportivas para a comunidade interna e externa ao campus. Foram desenvolvidos projetos de extensão incluindo treinamentos, participações em eventos esportivos, compra de materiais e equipamentos.


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    This study aims to evaluate the fuel properties of forest residues recovered from Eucalyptus saligna and E. urophylla × E. grandis stands at seven years old in five chip production scenarios. A forest inventory was conducted to estimate the dry biomass, followed by full-tree harvesting with minimum stem diameters equal to 8, 10, 12, and 14 cm for pulpwood, as well as the full trees for energy purposes (treatments). Moisture, volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash contents, and higher and lower heating values of chips were evaluated. The dry biomass was compared between stands by the t-test (α = 0.05) and the fuel properties were assessed between minimum stem diameters in the same forest stand by the Tukey’s test (α = 0.05). Higher chip moisture was obtained in the larger minimum stem diameter, since it showed an increased up to 88% in moisture for the E. urophylla × E. grandis stand. Volatile matter, fixed carbon, and ash results showed that the recovered residues of E. saligna were more susceptible to variations in minimum stem diameters, with up to 53% reduction in ash content between the smallest diameter and full trees. Higher and lower heating values showed non-statistical differences between the minimum stem diameters in Eucalyptus stands


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    Wood harvesting should be planned to reduce environmental impacts by minimizing machine traffic, increase productivity and reduce costs. In this context, the aim of this study was evaluate the effect of working range on operational performance of a harvester and forwarder in a Eucalyptus saligna stand under a clear cutting regime. The study was carried out in Paraná State, Brazil, in a cut‐to‐length system in cutting and wood extraction operations in two working ranges: T1 - width of 12 m with a cut of four planting lines; and T2 - width of 18 m with a cut of six planting lines. A time and motion study was performed to determine work cycle times, productivity, production costs, and machine traffic, with working ranges compared by the t-test (α = 0.05) for independent samples. The results showed that the wood processing and loading elements consumed the longest operating cycle time in cutting and wood extraction. The harvester machine presented higher productivity (61.05 m³ PMH0-1) in the T1 working range, while the forwarder was superior (48.32 m³ PMH0-1) in the T2 working range. Regarding the wood harvesting system, it was observed that the T2 working range enabled a reduction of 1% in production costs, which is important when considering the large scale production of the company, while there was a 33.4% reduction in traffic. Therefore, an increase in machines’ working range can provide operational and environmental benefits to wood harvesting operations in forest plantations.Wood harvesting should be planned to reduce environmental impacts by minimizing machine traffic, increase productivity and reduce costs. In this context, the aim of this study was evaluate the effect of working range on operational performance of a harvester and forwarder in a Eucalyptus saligna stand under a clear cutting regime. The study was carried out in Paraná State, Brazil, in a cut‐to‐length system in cutting and wood extraction operations in two working ranges: T1 - width of 12 m with a cut of four planting lines; and T2 - width of 18 m with a cut of six planting lines. A time and motion study was performed to determine work cycle times, productivity, production costs, and machine traffic, with working ranges compared by the t-test (α = 0.05) for independent samples. The results showed that the wood processing and loading elements consumed the longest operating cycle time in cutting and wood extraction. The harvester machine presented higher productivity (61.05 m³ PMH0-1) in the T1 working range, while the forwarder was superior (48.32 m³ PMH0-1) in the T2 working range. Regarding the wood harvesting system, it was observed that the T2 working range enabled a reduction of 1% in production costs, which is important when considering the large scale production of the company, while there was a 33.4% reduction in traffic. Therefore, an increase in machines’ working range can provide operational and environmental benefits to wood harvesting operations in forest plantations

    Intake pattern and feed sorting of two beef cattle genetic groups fed different nutritional strategies / Padrão de alimentação e consumo seletivo de dois grupos genéticos de bovinos de corte alimentados com diferentes estratégias nutricionais

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    Feed sorting consists in the natural behavior of cattle to selectively consume the various feeds of the diet according to the particle size. The objective of this work was to determine the intake pattern and feed sorting of 36 non-castrated males (18 Nellore and 18 F1 Angus × Nellore) fed diets containing either fixed or variable nutritional levels, and house in individual or collective pens. Intake pattern and feed sorting were measured on days 13, 27, 41, 55, 69, and 83 days after the beginning of the experiment in three times post-feeding (4, 10, and 24 hours). The experimental design utilized was completely randomized in a factorial scheme 2 × 2 × 2 (two genetic groups, two diets, and two types of housing). Animals belonged to the F1 genetic group and housed in collective pens increased (P&lt;0.05) the intake pattern from 0-4, 4-10, and 10-24 hours post-feeding compared with Nellore animals. Likewise, F1 Angus × Nellore animals increased (P&lt;0.05) the preference for the fine particles (&lt;4 mm) of the diet (101.13 vs. 112.76 ± 2.65% for the Nellore vs. F1 Angus × Nellore, respectively), whereas Nellore animals sorted for (P&lt;0.05) the medium particles (&lt;19, &gt;8 mm) of the ration (127.70%) and the F1 genetic group sorted against (P&lt;0.05) this same particle class (79.89%). The F1 Angus × Nellore genetic group increase feed intake pattern and the preference for the smaller particles of the ration. The use of a variable diet is not recommended to beef cattle finished in feedlot.       

    A hipertrofia muscular e o consumo de álcool

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    Muscle hypertrophy provides the improvement of physical aptitudes, health conditions, physical conditioning and longevity. Furthermore, alcohol consumption is a common practice in society, becoming an obstacle when individuals seek weight loss, improvement of physical or aesthetic condition. This is because alcohol consumption impairs muscle gain, as its intake breaks the balance, thus affecting homeostasis. In this context, the work aimed at alcohol consumption and vulnerabilities to hypertrophy in non-athletes. The study is a theoretical reflection of a qualitative approach, on the effects of the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the process of hypertrophy of the skeletal muscles of the human body. However, changes in habits favor the increase of lean mass, and many people who have their goals restrained by the use of alcohol seek in anabolic steroids the income that was lost in diet, metabolism or in the indisposition to practice caused by excess alcohol. Finally, moderate alcohol consumption is not an impediment to hypertrophy in non-athletes, and its use is highly prevalent in physically active individuals.A hipertrofia muscular proporciona a melhoria das aptidões físicas, condições de saúde, do condicionamento físico e na longevidade. Outrossim, o consumo de álcool é uma prática comum na sociedade, tornando-se empecilho quando os indivíduos buscam: perda de peso, melhoria da condição física ou estética. Isso porque, o consumo de álcool prejudica no ganho de músculo, visto que sua ingestão quebra o equilíbrio, afetando assim a homeostase. Nesse contexto, o trabalho objetivou sobre o consumo de álcool e as vulnerabilidades frente a hipertrofia em pessoas não atletas. O estudo se trata de uma reflexão teórica de abordagem qualitativa, sobre os efeitos do consumo de bebidas alcóolicas no processo de hipertrofia da musculatura esquelética do corpo humano. Todavia, mudanças de hábitos favorecem o aumento de massa magra, e muitas das pessoas que tem seus objetivos refreados pelo uso de álcool buscam em anabolizantes o rendimento que se perdeu na dieta, no metabolismo ou na indisposição para a prática causada pelo excesso de álcool. Por fim, o consumo moderado de álcool não é um fator impeditivo da hipertrofia em pessoas não atletas, e seu uso é evidenciado em grande prevalência em indivíduos fisicamente ativos

    A hipertrofia muscular e o consumo de álcool

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    Muscle hypertrophy provides the improvement of physical aptitudes, health conditions, physical conditioning and longevity. Furthermore, alcohol consumption is a common practice in society, becoming an obstacle when individuals seek weight loss, improvement of physical or aesthetic condition. This is because alcohol consumption impairs muscle gain, as its intake breaks the balance, thus affecting homeostasis. In this context, the work aimed at alcohol consumption and vulnerabilities to hypertrophy in non-athletes. The study is a theoretical reflection of a qualitative approach, on the effects of the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the process of hypertrophy of the skeletal muscles of the human body. However, changes in habits favor the increase of lean mass, and many people who have their goals restrained by the use of alcohol seek in anabolic steroids the income that was lost in diet, metabolism or in the indisposition to practice caused by excess alcohol. Finally, moderate alcohol consumption is not an impediment to hypertrophy in non-athletes, and its use is highly prevalent in physically active individuals.A hipertrofia muscular proporciona a melhoria das aptidões físicas, condições de saúde, do condicionamento físico e na longevidade. Outrossim, o consumo de álcool é uma prática comum na sociedade, tornando-se empecilho quando os indivíduos buscam: perda de peso, melhoria da condição física ou estética. Isso porque, o consumo de álcool prejudica no ganho de músculo, visto que sua ingestão quebra o equilíbrio, afetando assim a homeostase. Nesse contexto, o trabalho objetivou sobre o consumo de álcool e as vulnerabilidades frente a hipertrofia em pessoas não atletas. O estudo se trata de uma reflexão teórica de abordagem qualitativa, sobre os efeitos do consumo de bebidas alcóolicas no processo de hipertrofia da musculatura esquelética do corpo humano. Todavia, mudanças de hábitos favorecem o aumento de massa magra, e muitas das pessoas que tem seus objetivos refreados pelo uso de álcool buscam em anabolizantes o rendimento que se perdeu na dieta, no metabolismo ou na indisposição para a prática causada pelo excesso de álcool. Por fim, o consumo moderado de álcool não é um fator impeditivo da hipertrofia em pessoas não atletas, e seu uso é evidenciado em grande prevalência em indivíduos fisicamente ativos

    Desempenho e análise econômica de dois grupos genéticos de bovinos de corte alimentados com diferentes estratégias nutricionais.

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    Genetic resources and well-balanced diets are relevant for improving the performance and profitability of beef cattle finished in feedlots. The objective of the present paper was to determine the performance and economic analysis of36 non-castrated males (18 Nellore and 18 F1 Angus × Nellore) fed diets containing either fixed or variable nutritional levels. Animals were fedad libitum once a day. Dry matter intake (DMI) was determined daily by the difference between feed offered and feed refused. Body weight (BW) was recorded every two weeks after a twelve-hour solid fasting. Data ofeconomic analysis (diet cost, feeding cost, average productivity, average cost, marginal productivity, marginal cost, total revenue, profit, and marginal revenue) were standardized in 14-day intervals likewise BW recording. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial scheme 2 × 2 × 2 (two genetic groups, two diets, and two housing types). F1 Angus × Nellore animals increased (p 0.05) ofdiet (fixed or variable) was detected on performance and economic indicators; therefore the use of a variable diet is not recommended for beef cattle feeding. F1 Angus × Nellore may be indicated in feedlot finishing systems with a high supply of forage and dietary feeds, whereas Nellore may be recommended in feedlot finishing systems with certain limitations for forage and grain production.Recursos genéticos e dietas bem balanceadas são relevantes na melhoria do desempenho e lucratividade de bovinos de corte confinados. Objetivou-se no presente trabalho determinar o desempenho e a análise econômica de 36 machos não castrados (18 Nelore e 18 F1 Angus × Nelore) alimentados com dietas contendo níveis nutricionais fixos ou variáveis. Os animais foram alimentados ad libitum uma vez ao dia. O consumo de matéria seca (CMS) foi determinado diariamente pela diferença entre o alimento oferecido do recusado. O peso corporal (PC) foi registrado a cada duas semanas após jejum de sólidos de doze horas. Os dados da análise econômica (custo da dieta, custo com alimentação, produtividade média, custo médio, produtividade marginal, custo marginal, receita total, lucro e receita marginal) foram padronizados em intervalos de 14 dias assim como o PC. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 × 2 × 2 (dois grupos genéticos, duas dietas e dois tipos de alojamento). F1 Angus × Nelore aumentou (p 0,05) de dieta (fixa ou variável) sobre o desempenho e indicadores econômicos, portanto não se recomenda o uso da dieta variável na alimentação de bovinos de corte. F1 Angus × Nelore pode ser indicado em sistemas de terminação em confinamento com alta oferta de forragem e concentrados, ao passo que Nelore pode ser recomendado em sistemas de terminação em confinamento com certa limitação para a produção de forragem e grãos