13 research outputs found

    The analysis of CRM for farms

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    Farming is still an important branch, heavily interlinked with technological development. There are many information systems used in farming, without which we can not imagine modern farming. Information and communication technologies have found an important part in it. They represent invaluable help for farmers, they offer quick access to information and opinion exchange. Market has become ruthless for farmers, so it is very important that the farms are competitive to others. They can benefit from implementing system of customer relationship management, which allows better, easier and more transparent work with all customer, it collects customers' data and it analyses it. Customers, with whom farm is doing business, are numerous, so it is necessary to unify and simplify related processes. Advantages provided by CRM for farm are many, making these field interesting for many farms to use

    The analysis of CRM for farms

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    Farming is still an important branch, heavily interlinked with technological development. There are many information systems used in farming, without which we can not imagine modern farming. Information and communication technologies have found an important part in it. They represent invaluable help for farmers, they offer quick access to information and opinion exchange. Market has become ruthless for farmers, so it is very important that the farms are competitive to others. They can benefit from implementing system of customer relationship management, which allows better, easier and more transparent work with all customer, it collects customers' data and it analyses it. Customers, with whom farm is doing business, are numerous, so it is necessary to unify and simplify related processes. Advantages provided by CRM for farm are many, making these field interesting for many farms to use

    Validation of Geant4-based Radioactive Decay Simulation

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    Radioactive decays are of concern in a wide variety of applications using Monte-Carlo simulations. In order to properly estimate the quality of such simulations, knowledge of the accuracy of the decay simulation is required. We present a validation of the original Geant4 Radioactive Decay Module, which uses a per-decay sampling approach, and of an extended package for Geant4-based simulation of radioactive decays, which, in addition to being able to use a refactored per-decay sampling, is capable of using a statistical sampling approach. The validation is based on measurements of calibration isotope sources using a high purity Germanium (HPGe) detector; no calibration of the simulation is performed. For the considered validation experiment equivalent simulation accuracy can be achieved with per-decay and statistical sampling

    Radioactive Decays in Geant4

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    The simulation of radioactive decays is a common task in Monte-Carlo systems such as Geant4. Usually, a system either uses an approach focusing on the simulations of every individual decay or an approach which simulates a large number of decays with a focus on correct overall statistics. The radioactive decay package presented in this work permits, for the first time, the use of both methods within the same simulation framework - Geant4. The accuracy of the statistical approach in our new package, RDM-extended, and that of the existing Geant4 per-decay implementation (original RDM), which has also been refactored, are verified against the ENSDF database. The new verified package is beneficial for a wide range of experimental scenarios, as it enables researchers to choose the most appropriate approach for their Geant4-based application

    AI4Boundaries: an open AI-ready dataset to map field boundaries with Sentinel-2 and aerial photography

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    Field boundaries are at the core of many agricultural applications and are a key enabler for the operational monitoring of agricultural production to support food security. Recent scientific progress in deep learning methods has highlighted the capacity to extract field boundaries from satellite and aerial images with a clear improvement from object-based image analysis (e.g. multiresolution segmentation) or conventional filters (e.g. Sobel filters). However, these methods need labels to be trained on. So far, no standard data set exists to easily and robustly benchmark models and progress the state of the art. The absence of such benchmark data further impedes proper comparison against existing methods. Besides, there is no consensus on which evaluation metrics should be reported (both at the pixel and field levels). As a result, it is currently impossible to compare and benchmark new and existing methods. To fill these gaps, we introduce AI4Boundaries, a data set of images and labels readily usable to train and compare models on field boundary detection. AI4Boundaries includes two specific data sets: (i) a 10 m Sentinel-2 monthly composites for large-scale analyses in retrospect and (ii) a 1 m orthophoto data set for regional-scale analyses, such as the automatic extraction of Geospatial Aid Application (GSAA). All labels have been sourced from GSAA data that have been made openly available (Austria, Catalonia, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Slovenia, and Sweden) for 2019, representing 14.8 M parcels covering 376 K km2. Data were selected following a stratified random sampling drawn based on two landscape fragmentation metrics, the perimeter/area ratio and the area covered by parcels, thus considering the diversity of the agricultural landscapes. The resulting “AI4Boundaries” dataset consists of 7831 samples of 256 by 256 pixels for the 10 m Sentinel-2 dataset and of 512 by 512 pixels for the 1 m aerial orthophoto. Both datasets are provided with the corresponding vector ground-truth parcel delineation (2.5 M parcels covering 47 105 km2), and with a raster version already pre-processed and ready to use. Besides providing this open dataset to foster computer vision developments of parcel delineation methods, we discuss the perspectives and limitations of the dataset for various types of applications in the agriculture domain and consider possible further improvements. The data are available on the JRC Open Data Catalogue: http://data.europa.eu/89h/0e79ce5d-e4c8-4721-8773-59a4acf2c9c9 (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, 2022).</p

    Research on Mechanism of Formulation and Change of Stereotype: A Case Study of Hero Stereotype in Historical and Revolutionary Movies

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    刻板印象是人们头脑中关于世界的先在图景,是人们对社会某一类群体概括性的知识结构,它在社会互动中规范着人们的价值判断和行为反应。刻板印象一旦形成就具有了很强的稳定性。发源于西方的刻板印象研究已经有80多年的历史,其中,刻板印象的形成与变化研究是学者关注的热点之一。研究结果表明,社会关系、大众媒介以及个人心理结构是影响刻板印象形成与变化的主要因素。新中国成立以来,中国人认识社会的主要依据是革命历史影片塑造的英雄刻板印象。它为中国人民“提供了认识中国近代史的观念、方法和结论,同时也营造了利于浮现的、表象化的历史图景”。[1]本研究从刻板印象生成与变化的角度出发,探讨中国革命历史影片中英雄刻板印象的媒...It has been more than 80 years since the study of stereotyping emerged in western country. Defined as stored general knowledge on characteristics of a social group of people, stereotype is a kind of preconception about the world for people in their mind, which regulates their conduct and value judgment in their social interaction. Once it is formed, stereotype would have a strong stability, which ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院广告学系_传播学学号:1052006115025

    ISICSoo: a class for the calculation of ionization cross sections from ECPSSR and PWBA theory

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    ISICS, originally a C language program for calculating K-, L- and M-shell ionization and X-ray production cross sections from ECPSSR and PWBA theory, has been reengineered into a C++ language class, named ISICSoo. The new software design enables the use of ISICS functionality in other software systems. The code, originally developed for Microsoft Windows operating systems, has been ported to Linux and Mac OS platforms to facilitate its use in a wider scientific environment. The reengineered software also includes some fixes to the original implementation, which ensure more robust computational results and a review of some physics parameters used in the computation. The paper describes the software design and the modifications to the implementation with respect to the previous version; it also documents the test process and provides some indications about the software performance.Comment: Preprint submitted to Computer Physics Communication

    The analysis of CRM for farms

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    Kmetijstvo je še vedno pomembna panoga, močno povezana s tehnološkim razvojem. V kmetijstvu se uporabljajo številni informacijski sistemi, brez katerih si modernega kmetijstva sploh ne moremo predstavljati. Tudi informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije so tu našle svojo pomembno vlogo. Predstavljajo neprecenljivo pomoč kmetom, nudijo hiter dostop do informacij in izmenjave mnenj. Trg je tudi za kmete postal neizprosen, zato je nujno, da so kmetije konkurenčne ostalim. Pomaga jim lahko vpeljava sistema za upravljanje odnosov s strankami, ki omogoča boljše, enostavnejše in preglednejše delo z vsemi strankami, zbira njihove podatke in jih analizira. Stranke, s katerimi sodeluje kmetija, so številne, zato je potrebno procese, ki so povezani z njimi čim bolj poenotiti in poenostaviti. Koristi, ki jih CRM nudi kmetiji so številne, zato je to tehnologija, ki jo uporablja čedalje več kmetij.Farming is still an important branch, heavily interlinked with technological development. There are many information systems used in farming, without which we can not imagine modern farming. Information and communication technologies have found an important part in it. They represent invaluable help for farmers, they offer quick access to information and opinion exchange. Market has become ruthless for farmers, so it is very important that the farms are competitive to others. They can benefit from implementing system of customer relationship management, which allows better, easier and more transparent work with all customer, it collects customers\u27 data and it analyses it. Customers, with whom farm is doing business, are numerous, so it is necessary to unify and simplify related processes. Advantages provided by CRM for farm are many, making these field interesting for many farms to use

    The analysis of CRM for farms

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    Kmetijstvo je še vedno pomembna panoga, močno povezana s tehnološkim razvojem. V kmetijstvu se uporabljajo številni informacijski sistemi, brez katerih si modernega kmetijstva sploh ne moremo predstavljati. Tudi informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije so tu našle svojo pomembno vlogo. Predstavljajo neprecenljivo pomoč kmetom, nudijo hiter dostop do informacij in izmenjave mnenj. Trg je tudi za kmete postal neizprosen, zato je nujno, da so kmetije konkurenčne ostalim. Pomaga jim lahko vpeljava sistema za upravljanje odnosov s strankami, ki omogoča boljše, enostavnejše in preglednejše delo z vsemi strankami, zbira njihove podatke in jih analizira. Stranke, s katerimi sodeluje kmetija, so številne, zato je potrebno procese, ki so povezani z njimi čim bolj poenotiti in poenostaviti. Koristi, ki jih CRM nudi kmetiji so številne, zato je to tehnologija, ki jo uporablja čedalje več kmetij.Farming is still an important branch, heavily interlinked with technological development. There are many information systems used in farming, without which we can not imagine modern farming. Information and communication technologies have found an important part in it. They represent invaluable help for farmers, they offer quick access to information and opinion exchange. Market has become ruthless for farmers, so it is very important that the farms are competitive to others. They can benefit from implementing system of customer relationship management, which allows better, easier and more transparent work with all customer, it collects customers\u27 data and it analyses it. Customers, with whom farm is doing business, are numerous, so it is necessary to unify and simplify related processes. Advantages provided by CRM for farm are many, making these field interesting for many farms to use

    Changes in Floristic Diversity Associated with Sheep Grazing Management on a Karst Pasture

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    Greater plant diversity, richness and lower primary production are more characteristic for karst (calcareous) pastures than for lowland grassland. In relation to the level of animal grazing required, light and moderate levels are usually most appropriate (Hart, 2001). From the conservation point of view grazing intensity should be variable between sites, and between parts of large sites, and timed to provide for the requirements of different species in different seasons (Dolek & Geyer, 2002)