4 research outputs found

    De Novo PORCN and ZIC2 mutations in a highly consanguineous family

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    We present a Turkish family with two cousins (OC15 and OC15b) affected with syndromic developmental delay, microcephaly, and trigonocephaly but with some phenotypic traits distinct between them. OC15 showed asymmetrical skeletal defects and syndactyly, while OC15b presented with a more severe microcephaly and semilobal holoprosencephaly. All four progenitors were related and OC15 parents were consanguineous. Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) analysis was performed on patient OC15 as a singleton and on the OC15b trio. Selected variants were validated by Sanger sequencing. We did not identify any shared variant that could be associated with the disease. Instead, each patient presented a de novo heterozygous variant in a different gene. OC15 carried a nonsense mutation (p.Arg95*) in PORCN, which is a gene responsible for Goltz-Gorlin syndrome, while OC15b carried an indel mutation in ZIC2 leading to the substitution of three residues by a proline (p.His404_Ser406delinsPro). Autosomal dominant mutations in ZIC2 have been associated with holoprosencephaly 5. Both variants are absent in the general population and are predicted to be pathogenic. These two de novo heterozygous variants identified in the two patients seem to explain the major phenotypic alterations of each particular case, instead of a homozygous variant that would be expected by the underlying consanguinity

    Cardiac and placental mitochondrial characterization in a rabbit model of intrauterine growth restriction

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    BACKGROUND: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is associated with cardiovascular remodeling persisting into adulthood. Mitochondrial bioenergetics, essential for embryonic development and cardiovascular function, are regulated by nuclear effectors as sirtuins. A rabbit model of IUGR and cardiovascular remodeling was generated, in which heart mitochondrial alterations were observed by microscopic and transcriptomic analysis. We aimed to evaluate if such alterations are translated at a functional mitochondrial level to establish the etiopathology and potential therapeutic targets for this obstetric complication. METHODS: Hearts and placentas from 16 IUGR-offspring and 14 controls were included to characterize mitochondrial function. RESULTS: Enzymatic activities of complexes II, IV and II + III in IUGR-hearts (-11.96 ± 3.16%; -15.58 ± 5.32%; -14.73 ± 4.37%; p < 0.05) and II and II + III in IUGR-placentas (-17.22 ± 3.46%; p < 0.005 and -29.64 ± 4.43%; p < 0.001) significantly decreased. This was accompanied by a not significant reduction in CI-stimulated oxygen consumption and significantly decreased complex II SDHB subunit expression in placenta (-44.12 ± 5.88%; p < 0.001). Levels of mitochondrial content, Coenzyme Q and cellular ATP were conserved. Lipid peroxidation significantly decreased in IUGR-hearts (-39.02 ± 4.35%; p < 0.001), but not significantly increased in IUGR-placentas. Sirtuin3 protein expression significantly increased in IUGR-hearts (84.21 ± 31.58%; p < 0.05) despite conserved anti-oxidant SOD2 protein expression and activity in both tissues. CONCLUSIONS: IUGR is associated with cardiac and placental mitochondrial CII dysfunction. Up-regulated expression of Sirtuin3 may explain attenuation of cardiac oxidative damage and preserved ATP levels under CII deficiency. GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE: These findings may allow the design of dietary interventions to modulate Sirtuin3 expression and consequent regulation of mitochondrial imbalance associated with IUGR and derived cardiovascular remodeling

    Búsqueda de nuevas estrategias y agentes terapéuticos en enfermedades metabólicas hereditarias

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    [spa] Los trastornos lisosomales y la aciduria glutárica tipo I son las enfermedades objeto de este estudio. Dichas enfermedades, pertenecen al numeroso grupo de enfermedades metabólicas hereditarias (EMH) y tienen en común la deficiencia de una enzima y la consiguiente acumulación del sustrato que al no poderse metabolizar resulta tóxico para la célula. En general, estas enfermedades presentan afectación neurológica, debutan en los primeros años de vida y son devastadoras, tanto para el paciente como para su entorno familiar. En la actualidad, la mayoría de tratamientos disponibles son paliativos o bien no tienen un efecto significativo sobre la afectación neurológica. En este trabajo nos hemos propuesto desarrollar y aplicar diferentes estrategias terapéuticas, bajo diferentes enfoques moleculares, para poder aportar nuevas herramientas en el tratamiento de estas enfermedades. Para ello se han cribado compuestos de bajo peso molecular capaces de atravesar la barrera hematoencefálica para poder, si procede, tratar la afectación neurológica. Nos hemos centrado en el desarrollo de tres aproximaciones diferentes: el uso de terapias con agentes antioxidantes, el uso de chaperonas farmacológicas y el uso de compuestos activadores de la sobrelectura de codones de terminación prematuros (PTCs). Hemos demostrado que el tratamiento con diferentes antioxidantes (coenzima Qio o un cóctel de tocoferol, ácido lipoico y N-acetilcisteina) es capaz de rescatar ciertos parámetros bioquímicos característicos del síndrome de Sanfilippo en fibroblastos de pacientes con esta enfermedad. Por lo tanto, esta aproximación terapéutica podría mejorar la sintomatología de dichos pacientes. Hemos desarrollado un método de cribado de chaperonas farmacológicas para la aciduria glutárica tipo I, que nos ha permitido identificar un posible hit. Se ha validado su efectividad mediante estudios in vitro y en fibroblastos de pacientes con esta enfermedad y se ha confirmado su eficacia en una de las mutaciones más prevalentes en población española (p.Val400Met). Además, hemos colaborado en la creación y validación de un modelo neuronal derivado de células iPS para la enfermedad de Gaucher tipo II (forma neuronopática) y se ha comprobado la efectividad del tratamiento con chaperonas farmacológicas en este nuevo modelo celular mediante el uso de análogos de Nojirimicina. La obtención de estas células iPS permitirá a la comunidad científica tener acceso a un modelo celular neuronal de la enfermedad de Gaucher. Hemos identificado diferentes líneas celulares de pacientes con distintas enfermedades lisosomales, causadas por mutaciones “nonsense”, que responden al tratamiento con compuestos que inducen la sobrelectura de PTCs. En colaboración con otros grupos, hemos puesto a punto un método de cribado de pequeñas moléculas capaces de promover la sobrelectura de PTCs y hemos probado los diferentes hits resultantes en las diferentes líneas celulares previamente seleccionadas. De los más de 62.000 compuestos cribados, únicamente uno demostró restaurar los parámetros bioquímicos alterados en las enfermedades lisosomales de estudio: Bicalutamide. Este compuesto es un anti-androgénico utilizado para el tratamiento de cáncer de próstata que se ha relacionado recientemente con el mecanismo de autofagia. El estudio molecular de su mecanismo de acción nos ha permitido determinar que la restauración de los parámetros bioquímicos alterados después del tratamiento con Bicalutamide era debida a un incremento del flujo autofágico y de la exocitosis lisosomal, determinado por la activación del factor de transcripción TFEB. Este descubrimiento nos ha conducido a la realización de una patente de uso del compuesto Bicalutamide y sus derivados para el tratamiento de enfermedades lisosomales (WO 2015/097088 A1). En resumen, en este trabajo se han desarrollado diferentes estrategias terapéuticas mediante diferentes enfoques moleculares que conforman una primera aproximación para el tratamiento de la afectación neurológica de distintas EMH. Se han identificado dos nuevos compuestos procedentes de librerías de reposicionamiento que han demostrado restaurar parcialmente los parámetros bioquímicos alterados. Estos compuestos podrían ser útiles para el tratamiento de las enfermedades objeto de este estudio, tanto a nivel sistémico como neurológico. Sin embargo, previamente se deberá validar la eficacia de los compuestos identificados en modelos animales.[eng] Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) and glutaric aciduria type I (AG-I) are inherited metabolic disorders that arise from the deficiency of an enzyme and the subsequent accumulation of its substrate which is harmful for the cell. Most of these diseases present neurological involvement and start during the first years of life being devastating for both, patients and relatives. Nowadays, most of the available treatments are palliative or have no significant effect in the neurological involvement. In this study, we have developed and applied different therapeutic strategies in order to provide new tools for the treatment of these diseases, focusing particularly in targeting the neurological involvement: use of antioxidants, pharmacological chaperones (PCs) and readthrough compounds. We have demonstrated that treatment with antioxidants (coenzyme Qio or a cocktail with tocopherol, lipoic acid and N-acetylcystein) is able to restore the biochemical alterations in fibroblasts derived from Sanfilippo patients. Thus, this therapeutical approach could ameliorate Sanfilippo's patient phenotype. We have developed a high throughput screening methodology to identify possible PCs for the AG-I. We have validated hits effectiveness using in vitro and primary AG-I patient's cell models and confirmed the chaperone activity of one compound in the most prevalent missense mutation in the Spanish population. Moreover, we have validated a neuronal cell model for Gaucher disease created using iPS cells and proved the effectiveness of already described PCs in this cell type, providing a new neurological model for Gaucher disease to the scientific community. We have identified different cell lines derived from patients with nonsense mutations affected by different LSDs responsive to a readthrough treatment. These cell lines have allowed us to validate possible hits resulting from a HTS performed in collaboration with other groups. Only one compound, Bicalutamide, was able to restore the biochemical alterations observed in patients' fibroblasts. Bicalutamide is an anti-androgenic drug used for the treatment of prostate cancer that has been recently related to the autophagy mechanism. Studying its molecular role, we have elucidated that Bicalutamide acts through the activation of the transcription factor TFEB which in turn induces the autophagy and exocytosis fluxes, removing the lysosomal pathogenic accumulation. We have patented its use in LSDs (WO 2015/097088 Al). In conclusion we have developed different therapeutic strategies through different molecular approximations for the treatment of both, the systemic and neurological involvement of the studied diseases. The discovery of these new drugs has to be validated in animals' models