182 research outputs found

    Half-sandwich isocyanide, phosphine, methyl and phosphanido pentamethylcyclopentadienylniobium(V) complexes

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    [NbCp★Cl4] Cp★ = ν5-C5Me5) reacts with one molar equivalent of isocyanides and phosphines to give pseudo-octahedral adducts [NbCp★Cl4·L], (Full-size image (<1 K), 4) and the dinuclear complex [∗[NbCp★Cl4∗]2(μ-dmpe)], 5. Reactions of [NbCp★Cl4] with appropriate amounts of MgClMe yield the correspodning dimethyl [NbCp★Cl2Me2], 6, and tetramethyl [NbCp★Me4], 7 derivatives. Similarly, when [∗[NbCp★Cl3∗2(μ-O)] an and 3 are treated with the alkylating magnesium reagent, [∗[NbCp★Me3∗]2(μ-O)], 8, and [NbCp★Cl3Me(PMe2Ph)], 9, are obtained in high yields. A new phosphanido-niobium(V) complex [NbCp★Cl3(PPh2)] 10, is formed in the reaction of the starting tetrachloro complex with one equivalent of LiPPh2. All the complexes were characterized by IR and NMR spectroscopy, and most of them were studied by mass spectrometry

    Magnetic nanoparticles coated with carboxylate-terminated carbosilane dendrons as a reusable and green approach to extract/purify proteins

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    Extraction/purification of proteins, at both analytical and industrial levels, is a limiting step that usually requires the use of organic solvents and involves tedious work and a high cost. This work proposes a more sustainable alternative based on the use of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) coated with carboxylate-terminated carbosilane dendrons. MNPs coated with first- and second-generation carbosilane dendrons and bare MNPs were employed for the extraction of proteins with different molecular weights and charges. Interaction of proteins with MNPs significantly varied with the pH, the protein, and the dendron generation (different sizes and number of charges in the periphery). Optimal dendron:protein molar ratios and suitable conditions for disrupting interactions after protein extraction were also researched. Second-generation dendron-coated MNPs showed 100% retention capability for all proteins when using acidic conditions. They were reused without losing magnetism or interaction capacity after a disruption of protein-dendron interactions with 0.2% SDS at 100 degrees C for 10 min. The capacity of dendron-coated MNPs was successfully applied to the recovery/purification of proteins from two food byproducts, olive seeds and cheese whey

    Biocatálisis y biotecnología

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    Biocatalysis has emerged as a rich field within Biotechnology, enabling the application of enzymes in a wide range of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals to food and energy. This striking development of Biocatalysis is due to novel technologies such as bioinformatics, high-throughput screening (HTS), directed evolution, as well as other well-established techniques such as enzyme immobilization and protein engineering or medium engineering. Sustainable manufacturing is a major driver of Biocatalysis, which will provide many real challenges and opportunities for the future. In this article, some of the main methods in enzyme technology have been reviewed, as well as several biotechnological applications of enzymes in industry. Finally, a brief overview of the situation of Biocatalysis in both Spanish academia and industry has also been reported.<br><br>La Biocatálisis ha surgido como un área de gran riqueza dentro de la Biotecnología, y ha permitido la aplicación de las enzimas en un amplio número de industrias dedicadas a la fabricación de fármacos y otros compuestos químicos, así como alimentos o biocombustibles. Este sorprendente desarrollo de la Biocatálisis se debe a nuevas tecnologías como la bioinformática, el cribado de alta resolución, la evolución dirigida, así como otras técnicas arraigadas como la inmovilización de enzimas y la ingeniería de proteínas o del medio de reacción. La fabricación sostenible de productos de consumo es uno de los objetivos principales de la Biocatálisis, y supondrá muchos desafíos y oportunidades en el futuro. En este artículo, se han revisado algunos de los principales métodos empleados en tecnología enzimática, así como varios ejemplos de aplicaciones de las enzimas en la industria. Finalmente, se indica un breve comentario sobre la situación actual de los grupos de investigación y empresas dedicados a la Biocatálisis en España

    Biocatálisis y biotecnología

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    Biocatalysis has emerged as a rich field within Biotechnology, enabling the application of enzymes in a wide range of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals to food and energy. This striking development of Biocatalysis is due to novel technologies such as bioinformatics, high-throughput screening (HTS), directed evolution, as well as other well-established techniques such as enzyme immobilization and protein engineering or medium engineering. Sustainable manufacturing is a major driver of Biocatalysis, which will provide many real challenges and opportunities for the future. In this article, some of the main methods in enzyme technology have been reviewed, as well as several biotechnological applications of enzymes in industry. Finally, a brief overview of the situation of Biocatalysis in both Spanish academia and industry has also been reported.La Biocatálisis ha surgido como un área de gran riqueza dentro de la Biotecnología, y ha permitido la aplicación de las enzimas en un amplio número de industrias dedicadas a la fabricación de fármacos y otros compuestos químicos, así como alimentos o biocombustibles. Este sorprendente desarrollo de la Biocatálisis se debe a nuevas tecnologías como la bioinformática, el cribado de alta resolución, la evolución dirigida, así como otras técnicas arraigadas como la inmovilización de enzimas y la ingeniería de proteínas o del medio de reacción. La fabricación sostenible de productos de consumo es uno de los objetivos principales de la Biocatálisis, y supondrá muchos desafíos y oportunidades en el futuro. En este artículo, se han revisado algunos de los principales métodos empleados en tecnología enzimática, así como varios ejemplos de aplicaciones de las enzimas en la industria. Finalmente, se indica un breve comentario sobre la situación actual de los grupos de investigación y empresas dedicados a la Biocatálisis en España

    Immobilized enzyme reactors based on nucleoside phosphorylases and 2′-deoxyribosyltransferase for the in-flow synthesis of pharmaceutically relevant nucleoside analogues

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    In this work, a mono- and a bi-enzymatic analytical immobilized enzyme reactors (IMERs) were developed as prototypes for biosynthetic purposes and their performances in the in-flow synthesis of nucleoside analogues of pharmaceutical interest were evaluated. Two biocatalytic routes based on nucleoside 2′-deoxyribosyltransferase from Lactobacillus reuteri (LrNDT) and uridine phosphorylase from Clostridium perfrigens (CpUP)/purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Aeromonas hydrophila (AhPNP) were investigated in the synthesis of 2′-deoxy, 2′,3′-dideoxy and arabinonucleoside derivatives. LrNDT-IMER catalyzed the synthesis of 5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine and 5-iodo-2′-deoxyuridine in 65–59% conversion yield, while CpUP/AhPNP-IMER provided the best results for the preparation of arabinosyladenine (60% conversion yield). Both IMERs proved to be promising alternatives to chemical routes for the synthesis of nucleoside analogues. The developed in-flow system represents a powerful tool for the fast production on analytical scale of nucleosides for preliminary biological tests


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    Illegal logging and associated trade have increased worldwide. Such environmental crimes represent a major threat to forest ecosystems and society, causing distortions in market prices, economic instability, ecological deterioration, and poverty. To prevent illegal imports of forest products, there is a need to develop wood identification methods for identifying tree species regulated by the Convention on International Trade in Species of Wild Fauna andFlora in Trade (CITES) and other look-alike species. In this exploratory study, we applied metabolomic profiling of five species (Swietenia mahagoni, Swietenia macrophylla, Cedrela odorata, Khaya ivorensis, and Toona ciliata) using two-dimensional gas chromatog- raphy combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC3GC-TOFMS). We also performed qualitative, quantitative (based on the measurement of vessel area, tangential vessel lumina diameter,vessel element length, ray height, and ray width), and machine-vision aided (XyloTron) wood anatomy on a subsample of wood specimens to explore thepotential and limits of each approach. Fifty dried xylaria wood specimens were ground, extracted with methanol, and subsequently analyzed by GC3GC-TOFMS. In this study, the four genera could easily be identified using qualitative wood anatomy and chemical profiling. At the spe- cies level, Swietenia macrophylla and Swietenia mahagoni specimens were found to share many major metabolites and could only be differentiated after feature selection guided by cluster resolution (FS-CR) and visualization using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Expectedly, specimens from the two Swiete- nia spp. could not be distinguished based on qualitative wood anatomy. However, significant differences in quantitative anatomical features were obtained for these two species. Excluding T. ciliata that was not included in the reference database of end grain images at the time of testing (2021), the XyloTron could successfully identify the majority of the specimens to the right genus and 50% of the specimens to the right species. The machine-vision tool was particularly successful at identifying Cedrela odorata samples, where all samples were correctly identified. Despite the limited number of specimens available for thisstudy, our preliminary results indicate that GC3GC-TOFMS-based metabolomic profiles could be used as comple- mentary method to differentiate CITES-regulated wood specimens at the genus and species levels.

    Electronic prescription and dispensation pharmaceutical system at the Health Valencian Agency, Spain

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    The electronic prescription and dispensation system is a breakthrough in the use of new technologies in the National Health System. It involves the improvement of processes of prescribing and dispensing pharmacotherapy and the coordination of health professionals. Also, for patients with long-term treatments, the system helps to reduce the frequency of primary care center visits and improves patient safety by reducing mistakes in prescriptions written by hand. The system requires the interconnection and functioning of many information systems to be integrated and work well together with the infrastructure of the data processing center that is responsible for distributing information to all healthcare centers. In this way, improvements of the electronic prescription system on healthcare will be analyzed (decrease of physician visits, reduction in medical errors, increase in therapeutic compliance by patients)

    Dysfuntion of the cocal cords in children and adolescents. Case report.

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    [ES] INTRODUCCIÓN La disfunción de las cuerdas vocales (DCV) o asma laríngeo, se caracteriza por episodios paroxísticos de aducción de las cuerdas vocales durante la inspiración y/o espiración conduciendo a episodios de disnea y estridor. CASO CLÍNICO Mujer de 13 años con historia de asma en relación con el ejercicio. Ingresada en el Servicio de Pediatría por presentar episodios de estridor y disnea. Función pulmonar: aplanamiento de la curva inspiratoria y menor de la curva espiratoria (Figura 1). Fibrolaringoscopia: aducción de las cuerdas vocales tanto durante la inspiración como la espiración, objetivándose abducción con la tos (Figura 2). Evaluación psicológica: adolescente competitiva sin ganancia secundaria. Se instauró tratamiento de terapia de la voz para reducir la tensión de los músculos laríngeos, disminuir la hiperfunción vocal y mejorar el control respiratorio. DISCUSIÓN La DCV puede ocurrir en niños y adolescentes, fundamentalmente en mujeres. El ejercicio es una causa común en el grupo pediátrico, lo que favorece que se diagnostique como asma. Se ha asociado a reflujo gastroesofágico y trastornos psicológicos. La espirometría muestra signos de obstrucción extratorácica durante los síntomas. El diagnostico se confirma mediante fibroendoscopia observando la aducción de las cuerdas vocales durante la inspiración, espiración o ambas. El tratamiento se basa en la eliminación de los factores precipitantes, la psicoterapia y la terapia de la voz. [EN] INTRODUCTION The vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) or laryngeal asthma is characterized by paroxysmal episodes of adduction of the vocal cords during inspiration and / or expiration, leading to episodes of dyspnea and stridor. CASE REPORT A 13 year old female with a history of exercise-related asthma is admitted to Hospital with a episode of stridor and dyspnea. Pulmonary function curve showed flattening of inspiratory and expiratory curve. Fiberoptic laryngoscopy: adducion of both vocal cords during inspiration and expiration, objectifying abduction with the cough. Psychological evaluation: competitive teenager without secondary gain. Following treatment of voice therapy was able to reduce tension in the laryngeal muscles, reduce vocal hyperfunction and improve respiratory control. DISCUSSION The VCD can occur in children and adolescents, mainly in women. Exercise is a common cause in the pediatric group, which favors to be diagnosed as asthma. It has been associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease and psychological disorders. Spirometry shows signs of extrathoracic obstruction during symptoms. The diagnosis is confirmed by observing adduction of the vocal cords during inspiration, expiration, or both. The treatment is based on the elimination of precipitating factors, psychotherapy and speech therapy