118 research outputs found

    Facility Location Modeling in Multi-Echelon Distribution System: a Case Study of Indonesian Liquefied Petroleum Gas Supply Chain

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    -This paper presents model of Indonesian LPG supply chain by opening new facilities (new echelon) taking into account the current facilities. The objective is to investigate the relation between distribution costs such as transportation, inventory cost and facility location in Indonesian multi-echelon LPG supply chain. Fixed-charged capacitated facility location problem is used to determine the optimal solution of the proposed model. In the sensitivity analysis, it is reported that the trade-offs between facility locations and distribution costs are exist. Results report that as the number of facility increases, total transportation and inventory cost also increase

    Food Cold Chain in Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Current Situation and Mitigation

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    The spread of the corona virus (COVID-19) has had a massive impact on all business sectors in Indonesia. Food cold supply chain is a business sector that is quite badly affected. This is because the food cold chain requires special treatment to maintain its quality, has a relatively short life and cannot be returned. This article discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social impacts such as social restrictions and area lockdown on the business of food cold chain. It also discusses mitigation that needs to be done to anticipate related issues such as food supply-demand, food safety and some transportation challenge


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    PT. XYZ is one of some cigarette companies in Indonesia. In producing cigarette, the firm requires a material named “etiket” which is produced by printing division for internal consumers of PT. XYZ. merupakan salah satu dari beberapa produsen rokok di Indonesia yang telah dikenal masyarakat. In order to produce “etiket”, there are some wastes occurred. One of wastes occurred in printing division is product defects. This paper attempts to identify wastes in the division of printing using Lean Manufacturing approach by applying Value Stream Mapping (VSM) method. The results from Cause Root analysis found that the problems caused the defects in production process. It shows that the most wastes occurs in the printing division are product defect and waiting time. The product defects are caused because there is no standard applied in processing the product and poor inspections by management, while the causes of waiting time wastes is because of lack of carrier and no standard in each process. The recommendation can be suggested to the company are adding some carrier (product’s transporter), creating process standard in each process. Keywords : Lean Manufacturing, Value Stream Mapping, Value Stream Analysis
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