1,596 research outputs found

    Pancreati acute da farmaci: risultati del primo studio italiano prospettico multicentrico.

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    I fattori eziopatogenetici della PA sono molteplici, ma i meccanismi attraverso cui tali fattori scatenano l’infiammazione non sono ancora ben noti. Tra le cause più importanti ricordiamo la litiasi biliare e l’eccessivo consumo di alcool che insieme costituiscono circa l‘80% dei casi; altri fattori rilevanti includono iperlipidemia, ipercalcemia, tumori pancreatici, e tra le causee iatrogene ricordiamo la colangiopancreatografia retrograda endoscopica, interventi chirurgici e traumi. Sebbene sino a pochi anni or sono, la genesi farmacologica delle PA veniva considerata evenienza assai rara (1-2%), ultimamente si stà assistendo ad una inversione di tendenza certamente determinata alla maggiore attenzione che viene dedicata alla problematica sino a raggiungere un incremento di circa 4 volte secondo le stime più recenti. Ciò grazie anche all’esponenziale numero di segnalazioni di cui progressivamente si arricchisce la letteratura internazionale, con associata netta riduzione dei casi di pancreatite cosidetta idiopatica. In accordo con alcuni studi più recenti, nell’analisi da noi condotta abbiamo rilevato un’incidenza che si aggira attorno al 7%. Nei pazienti da noi osservati e quindi sottoposti alle più moderne tecniche di imaging radiografiche, ecotomografe, TC, ERCP, e recentemente con l’introduzione della CPRM con stimolo alla secretina, non è stata riscontrata la presenza di alcun tipo di alterazione morfologica o funzionale a carico del sistema dei dotti epato-bilio-pancreatici. Inoltre nei pazienti da noi arruolati, nessun fattore di rischio noto era stato anamnesticamente ed obiettivamente riscontrato

    Plants expressing murine pro-apoptotic protein Bid do not have enhanced PCD

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    The purpose of this study was to explore whether plant programmed cell death (PCD) cascade can sense the presence of the animal-only BH3 protein Bid, a BCL-2 family protein known to play a regulatory role in the signaling cascade of animal apoptosis

    Combining next-generation pyrosequencing with microarray for large scale expression analysis in non-model species

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The next generation sequencing technologies provide new options to characterize the transcriptome and to develop affordable tools for functional genomics. We describe here an innovative approach for this purpose and demonstrate its potential also for non-model species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The method we developed is based on 454 sequencing of 3' cDNA fragments from a normalized library constructed from pooled RNAs to generate, through <it>de novo </it>reads assembly, a large catalog of unique transcripts in organisms for which a comprehensive collection of transcripts or the complete genome sequence, is not available. This "virtual transcriptome" provides extensive coverage depth, and can be used for the setting up of a comprehensive microarray based expression analysis. We evaluated the potential of this approach by monitoring gene expression during berry maturation in <it>Vitis vinifera </it>as if no other sequence information was available for this species. The microarray designed on the berries' transcriptome derived from half of a 454 run detected the expression of 19,609 genes, and proved to be more informative than one of the most comprehensive grape microarrays available to date, the GrapeArray 1.2 developed by the Italian-French Public Consortium for Grapevine Genome Characterization, which could detect the expression of 15,556 genes in the same samples.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This approach provides a powerful method to rapidly build up an extensive catalog of unique transcripts that can be successfully used to develop a microarray for large scale analysis of gene expression in any species, without the need for prior sequence knowledge.</p

    Contribution of precipitation and reference evapotranspiration to drought indices under different climates

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    In this study we analyzed the sensitivity of four drought indices to precipitation (P) and reference evapotranspiration (ETo) inputs. The four drought indices are the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), the Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI), the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and the Standardized Palmer Drought Index (SPDI). The analysis uses long-term simulated series with varying averages and variances, as well as global observational data to assess the sensitivity to real climatic conditions in different regions of the World. The results show differences in the sensitivity to ETo and P among the four drought indices. The PDSI shows the lowest sensitivity to variation in their climate inputs, probably as a consequence of the standardization procedure of soil water budget anomalies. The RDI is only sensitive to the variance but not to the average of P and ETo. The SPEI shows the largest sensitivity to ETo variation, with clear geographic patterns mainly controlled by aridity. The low sensitivity of the PDSI to ETo makes the PDSI perhaps less apt as the suitable drought index in applications in which the changes in ETo are most relevant. On the contrary, the SPEI shows equal sensitivity to P and ETo. It works as a perfect supply and demand system modulated by the average and standard deviation of each series and combines the sensitivity of the series to changes in magnitude and variance. Our results are a robust assessment of the sensitivity of drought indices to P and ETo variation, and provide advice on the use of drought indices to detect climate change impacts on drought severity under a wide variety of climatic conditions. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.This work has been supported by research project CGL2011-27574-CO2-02 financed by the Spanish Commission of Science and Technology and FEDER and “ENV/ES/000536 - Demonstration and validation of innovative methodology for regional climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean area (LIFE MEDACC)” financed by the LIFE programme of the European Commission. C. A-M was supported by the JCI-2011-10263 postdoctoral fellowship by the Spanish Government.Peer Reviewe

    An operational definition of quantum information scrambling

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    Quantum information scrambling (QIS) is a characteristic feature of several quantum systems, ranging from black holes to quantum communication networks. While accurately quantifying QIS is crucial to understanding many such phenomena, common approaches based on the tripartite information have limitations due to the accessibility issues of quantum mutual information, and do not always properly take into consideration the dependence on the encoding input basis. To address these issues, we propose a novel and computationally efficient QIS quantifier, based on a formulation of QIS in terms of quantum state discrimination. We show that the optimal guessing probability, which reflects the degree of QIS induced by an isometric quantum evolution, is directly connected to the accessible min-information, a generalized channel capacity based on conditional min-entropy, which can be cast as a convex program and thus computed efficiently. By applying our proposal to a range of examples with increasing complexity, we illustrate its ability to capture the multifaceted nature of QIS in all its intricacy.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Comments are welcome

    La terapia chirurgica della malattia diverticolare in fase acuta. Nostra esperienza

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    The treatment of the acute diverticolitis is still a stimulating and complex problem sustained by several anatomopatological and clinical factors and the possibility of different therapeutic options, being the operative mortality among 5% and 45%. With the modern technologies it is possible to follow the evolution of the illness so to perform more appropriate therapeutic plan. From 1997 to 2007 we have observed 278 patients with acute diverticolitis. In 219 (78,7%) patients the inflammatory and sub-occlusive condition has been faced with medical therapy, with resolution of the disease in 170 (61%) cases. In 49 (17,6%) patients we have gotten the resolution of the inflammatory disease, but not of the sub-occlusion and therefore we liked to submit them to surgical treatment in election. In 1 case we have found a colovesical fistula. A total of 59 (21,2%) patients with signs of acute abdomen have been submitted to surgery in urgency, within the 24 hours from the hospitalization. We have performed a primary resection with anastomosis and without stomia in all the patients, except in 3 cases in which we have done the Hartmann procedure for the cheap general conditions. We have not recorded intra and postoperative mortality and only in 3 cases we have had a leakage, that has not needed a surgical treatment. In 9 cases we observed infection of the wound, treated with antibiotic therapy. In our experience, performing a surgical procedure, without derivative stomia and manual anastomosis, it seems to be the fittest and less expensive procedure, also in situation of emergency-urgency, without increase of mortality and morbility

    Pattern of antibiotic consumption in two Italian production chains differing by the endemic status for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome

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    The aim of this case study was to quantify antibiotic (AB) use in Italian weaning (W) and fattening (F) units differentiated for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) occurrence. Farms were classified as either PRRS negative (–) or PRRS positive (+) based on the circulation of the virus among the animals. In all the farms, the modified live PRRS virus (PRRSV) vaccine was provided to all the animals. In the PRRS– farms, the level of circulating antibodies was low, and the disease, in its clinical form, did not occur. In the PRRS+ farms, the level of circulating antibodies against the virus was high, and the disease was recurrent. Data regarding AB consumption were collected from 2017 to 2020, and the active compounds (ACs) were expressed as milligrams of AC/total kilogram of body weight (BW) produced. Each AC was classified into one of four categories according to the EuropeanMedicines Agency classification of ABs for prudent and responsible use in animals: Avoid, Restrict, Caution, and Prudence. Data regarding the ACs in each category were analyzed using a linear model that included production phase, PRRS status, and their interaction as factors. Performance parameters, average age of the pigs at the end of each phase, daily live weight gain, feed-to-gain ratio, total losses, cost index, and medication costs were significantly influenced by the PRRS chain. The use of class B ABs was not affected by production phase or PRRS status. Conversely, for class C ABs, interaction between the two factors (p = 0.02) was observed; W/PRRS+ and F/PRRS+ showed the greatest AB use for this class (p = 0.003). For class D ABs, the interaction was significant (p = 0.01); class C and D ABs were used more in the weaning (p = 0.07) than in the fattening phase (p = 0.003). For the weaning phase, the use of class C and D ABs was greater in the PRRS+ than in the PRRS– chain (p &lt; 0.01). In conclusion, PRRS status affected the growth of pigs and economic performance. Moreover, PRRS status significantly influenced the use of ABs during all the growing periods with the greatest impact being on the weaning phase

    Keratin 5 expression in squamocellular carcinoma of the head and neck

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    Keratin 5 (K5) is present in the basal layer of a stratified squamous keratinized and non-keratinized epithelium. K5 and K14 have been demonstrated in the mucosa and tumors of the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx and larynx, and in the mitotic active basal cells of a stratified squamous epithelium. The aim of the present study was to assess K5 expression in squamocellular carcinoma with various localizations in the head and neck. A total of 13 biopsy fragments were included from patients diagnosed with squamocellular carcinoma of the larynx area (n=2), pharynx (n=2), hard palate (n=1), tongue (n=2), submandibular (n=1), lip (n=1), gingival sulcus (n=1), nasal pyramid (n=1), maxilla (n=1) and zygomatic (n=1). The immunohistochemical staining for K5 was evaluated according to the following score criteria: 0 (0% positive cells); 1 (<10% positive cells); 2 (10–30% positive cells); and 3 (>30% positive cells). K5 expression was observed in all squamocellular carcinomas included in the present study with scores between 1 and 3. For well- and moderately-differentiated histopathological types, a maximum score of 3 was recorded for all of the cases, not including the laryngeal area, which presented a score of 2. The following scores were identified in the regions of the poorly differentiated carcinomas: Jaw, 3; gingival sulcus, 2; and tongue and submandibular area, 1. These observations may aid with an improved stratification of head and neck squamocellular carcinoma, thus improving the diagnosis and treatment strategies for this type of cancer