172 research outputs found

    Atlas emocional del Bidasoa

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    The research performed on the territory around the Bidasoa region, in which multiple political, linguistic and social characteristics converge in the years before, during and after the pandemic, has generated the inevitable task of highlighting the multiple discourses that coexisted and coexist around the region. A work that begins with a research and manifests itself as a piece of art elaborated through scientific processes and artistic reflections. This article offers a path from the conception of the idea of the project, the elaboration of the object of study, its methodology and its artistic process, culminating in the metamorphosis as a dynamic to approach the discourses from different perspectives.; La investigación realizada sobre el territorio que abarca la comarca del Bidasoa en el que convergen múltiples características políticas, lingüísticas y sociales, en los años pre, durante y post pandemia, ha generado la inevitable labor de poner en relieve los múltiples discursos que convivieron y conviven en torno a la región. Un trabajo que parte de una investigación y se manifiesta como una pieza de arte elaborada a través de procesos científicos y reflexiones artísticas. El presente artículo ofrece un recorrido desde la concepción de la idea del proyecto, la elaboración del objeto de estudio, su metodología y su proceso artístico culminando en la metamorfosis como dinámica para abarcar los discursos desde diferentes perspectivas

    Spring and summer pruning in Apricot and Peach orchards

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    Spring and summer pruning are based on the possibility to manipulate the physiological control of axillary sylleptic growth and carbon allocation in the shoot through alteration of the apical dominance and light distribution in the canopy. The practical result in modern orchards is a higher flower bud differentiation for apricot and an easier training system maintenance for peach with more efficient use of labor. Cultivated apricot varieties show diverse tree architectures, habit and fruiting branches. The effect of pruning intensity at different times during spring and summer seasons is specific for the singular growth habits. Differences among the peach varieties are less evident than in the apricot. The ease with which peach water sprouts produce axillary sylleptic shoots makes the use of mechanical topping possible in the first two years of intense growth in order to train the tree as a bush and then to open it as a vase with manual pruning (Catalonian open vase). In all modern peach orchards, pruning in late summer results very useful to obtain a better light distribution in the canopy and a more efficient carbon allocation to fruiting shoots, preventing and reducing the need for winter pruning

    Soil nitrogen and weed biodiversity: An assessment under two orchard floor management practices in NVZ (Italy).

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    none6openMd Jebu Mia, Elga Monaci, Giorgio Murri, Francesca Massetani, Jacopo Facchi, Davide NeriMia, MD JEBU; Monaci, Elga; Murri, Giorgio; Massetani, Francesca; Facchi, Jacopo; Neri, David

    Pain perception in Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental studies

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    While hyperalgesia (increased pain sensitivity) has been suggested to contribute to the increased prevalence of clinical pain in Parkinson’s disease (PD), experimental research is equivocal and mechanisms are poorly understood. We conducted a meta-analysis of studies comparing PD patients to healthy controls (HCs) in their response to experimental pain stimuli. Articles were acquired through systematic searches of major databases from inception until 10/2016. Twenty-six studies met inclusion criteria, comprising 1292 participants (PD = 739, HCs = 553). Random effects meta-analysis of standardized mean differences (SMD) revealed lower pain threshold (indicating hyperalgesia) in PD patients during unmedicated OFF states (SMD = 0.51) which was attenuated during dopamine-medicated ON states (SMD = 0.23), but unaffected by age, PD duration or PD severity. Analysis of 6 studies employing suprathreshold stimulation paradigms indicated greater pain in PD patients, just failing to reach significance (SMD = 0.30, p= = 0.06). These findings (a) support the existence of hyperalgesia in PD, which could contribute to the onset/intensity of clinical pain, and (b) implicate dopamine deficiency as a potential underlying mechanism, which may present opportunities for the development of novel analgesic strategies

    Bud functionality in fruit plants

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    I software gestionali a supporto del credit management: un'analisi empirica

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    Nella situazione economica attuale la gestione del credito commerciale sta diventando sempre più un punto cruciale, quasi strategico, nella gestione complessiva aziendale assumendo ormai una grandissima importanza al pari della funzione commerciale: con la carenza di liquidità ormai un fattore tristemente diffuso tra le imprese, la capacità di affiancare ad una proficua gestione economica la trasformazione dei ricavi in flussi di cassa è divenuta condizione essenziale per la sopravvivenza dell’azienda stessa. A questo proposito le imprese hanno iniziato a porre grande attenzione a tutto il processo di credit management cioè attività di gestione, pianificazione e monitoraggio del credito specie cercando di ridurre il rischio aziendale incassando al più presto e per l’importo dovuto tutto l’ammontare dai propri debitori. Per svolgere al meglio tutto ciò il mercato mette a disposizione sempre migliori e più evoluti software gestionali che permettono di usufruire di una molteplicità di benefici. L’obiettivo di questa trattazione è quello di specificare le caratteristiche generali del credit management compresi i vantaggi e gli svantaggi e il ruolo del credit manager oltre che descrivere le varie tipologie di software gestionali comparando le varie specificità di ognuno di questi attraverso la creazione di una molteplicità di quadranti, sia per caratteristiche funzionali che operative, con i quali sarà possibile approfondire le opportunità offerte dal mercato alle varie realtà aziendali

    Plant Architecture in Different Cultivation Systems.

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    The architecture of the strawberry plant reflects the high plasticity of this species due to its sensitivity to temperature and photoperiod, and also to several agronomic and nutritional factors that affect its reproductive and vegetative behaviour. Different cultivation systems can provide yields in different seasons and areas, allowing an overall year-round production, but they require the use of plants that fit into the appropriate growing cycle and have the expected productivity. The choice of appropriate plant is related primarily to genotypic sensitivity (remontant and non-remontant types) and then to the type of nursery production system, which affects the ability of the plant to establish after transplanting, the quality of the plant itself, its crop potential and timing of harvest, and finally the plant architecture. Knowledge about the response of flowers, shoots and runners to environmental and abiotic factors allows plant manipulation during propagation in the nursery and during cultivation in the field or in protected systems. The optimal control of plant behaviour is possible only by monitoring the different vegetative and reproductive structures (plant architectural analysis) over space and time. The growth and development of the plants can be monitored throughout the season to estimate the time of optimal sensitivity to external factors, to enable transition of the plants to reproductive behaviour to obtain optimal crop potential, and to predict the best level of production of the crop (time and quantity). Furthermore, growth can be adjusted and controlled to alter the development of the plant. In the nursery, the plants can be programmed by modifying environmental conditions or modulating abiotic factors, including controlled stress conditions, and the architecture can be appropriately adapted for each farming system in different areas, modifying the time of fruit production in the field after transplanting
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