13 research outputs found

    The genomic landscape of balanced cytogenetic abnormalities associated with human congenital anomalies

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    Despite the clinical significance of balanced chromosomal abnormalities (BCAs), their characterization has largely been restricted to cytogenetic resolution. We explored the landscape of BCAs at nucleotide resolution in 273 subjects with a spectrum of congenital anomalies. Whole-genome sequencing revised 93% of karyotypes and demonstrated complexity that was cryptic to karyotyping in 21% of BCAs, highlighting the limitations of conventional cytogenetic approaches. At least 33.9% of BCAs resulted in gene disruption that likely contributed to the developmental phenotype, 5.2% were associated with pathogenic genomic imbalances, and 7.3% disrupted topologically associated domains (TADs) encompassing known syndromic loci. Remarkably, BCA breakpoints in eight subjects altered a single TAD encompassing MEF2C, a known driver of 5q14.3 microdeletion syndrome, resulting in decreased MEF2C expression. We propose that sequence-level resolution dramatically improves prediction of clinical outcomes for balanced rearrangements and provides insight into new pathogenic mechanisms, such as altered regulation due to changes in chromosome topology

    Pathogenic variants in USP7 cause a neurodevelopmental disorder with speech delays, altered behavior, and neurologic anomalies

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    Purpose: Haploinsufficiency of USP7, located at chromosome 16p13.2, has recently been reported in seven individuals with neurodevelopmental phenotypes, including developmental delay/intellectual disability (DD/ID), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), seizures, and hypogonadism. Further, USP7 was identified to critically incorporate into the MAGEL2-USP7-TRIM27 (MUST), such that pathogenic variants in USP7 lead to altered endosomal F-actin polymerization and dysregulated protein recycling. Methods: We report 16 newly identified individuals with heterozygous USP7 variants, identified by genome or exome sequencing or by chromosome microarray analysis. Clinical features were evaluated by review of medical records. Additional clinical information was obtained on the seven previously reported individuals to fully elucidate the phenotypic expression associated with USP7 haploinsufficiency. Results: The clinical manifestations of these 23 individuals suggest a syndrome characterized by DD/ID, hypotonia, eye anomalies,feeding difficulties, GERD, behavioral anomalies, and ASD, and more specific phenotypes of speech delays including a nonverbal phenotype and abnormal brain magnetic resonance image findings including white matter changes based on neuroradiologic examination. Conclusion: The consistency of clinical features among all individuals presented regardless of de novo USP7 variant type supports haploinsufficiency as a mechanism for pathogenesis and refines the clinical impact faced by affected individuals and caregivers

    Cornelia de Lange syndrome in diverse populations

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    Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is a dominant multisystemic malformation syndrome due to mutations in five genes—NIPBL, SMC1A, HDAC8, SMC3, and RAD21. The characteristic facial dysmorphisms include microcephaly, arched eyebrows, synophrys, short nose with depressed bridge and anteverted nares, long philtrum, thin lips, micrognathia, and hypertrichosis. Most affected individuals have intellectual disability, growth deficiency, and upper limb anomalies. This study looked at individuals from diverse populations with both clinical and molecularly confirmed diagnoses of CdLS by facial analysis technology. Clinical data and images from 246 individuals with CdLS were obtained from 15 countries. This cohort included 49% female patients and ages ranged from infancy to 37 years. Individuals were grouped into ancestry categories of African descent, Asian, Latin American, Middle Eastern, and Caucasian. Across these populations, 14 features showed a statistically significant difference. The most common facial features found in all ancestry groups included synophrys, short nose with anteverted nares, and a long philtrum with thin vermillion of the upper lip. Using facial analysis technology we compared 246 individuals with CdLS to 246 gender/age matched controls and found that sensitivity was equal or greater than 95% for all groups. Specificity was equal or greater than 91%. In conclusion, we present consistent clinical findings from global populations with CdLS while demonstrating how facial analysis technology can be a tool to support accurate diagnoses in the clinical setting. This work, along with prior studies in this arena, will assist in earlier detection, recognition, and treatment of CdLS worldwide.Supplementary Table 1 Participants with photographs in Figures 2-5 from 10 countries. Supplementary Table 2. Geometric and texture feature comparison of Global (combined African descent, Asian, Latin American, Caucasian) CdLS individuals with normal controls using digital facial analysis technology. The ranges of the geometric linear features were normalized by the ear‐to‐ear distance. Geometric angle features are presented in degrees. Texture features were computed at three scales (r1, r2, and r3). Features are presented in order of their relevance for the diagnosis of CdLS. Supplementary Table 3. Geometric and texture feature comparison of African descent CdLS individuals with normal controls using digital facial analysis technology. The ranges of the geometric linear features were normalized by the ear‐to‐ear distance. Geometric angle features are presented in degrees. Texture features were computed at three scales (r1, r2, and r3). Features are presented in order of their relevance for the diagnosis of CdLS. Supplementary Table 4. Geometric and texture feature comparison of Asian CdLS individuals with normal controls using digital facial analysis technology. The ranges of the geometric linear features were normalized by the ear‐to‐ear distance. Geometric angle features are presented in degrees. Texture features were computed at three scales (r1, r2, and r3). Features are presented in order of their relevance for the diagnosis of CdLS. Supplementary Table 5. Geometric and texture feature comparison of Latin American CdLS individuals with normal controls using digital facial analysis technology. The ranges of the geometric linear features were normalized by the ear‐to‐ear distance. Geometric angle features are presented in degrees. Texture features were computed at three scales (r1, r2, and r3). Features are presented in order of their relevance for the diagnosis of CdLS. Supplementary Table 6. Geometric and texture feature comparison of Caucasian CdLS individuals with normal controls using digital facial analysis technology. The ranges of the geometric linear features were normalized by the ear‐to‐ear distance. Geometric angle features are presented in degrees. Texture features were computed at three scales (r1, r2, and r3). Features are presented in order of their relevance for the diagnosis of CdLS. Supplementary Figure 1. Global: Graph of area under the ROC curve (AUC), accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity versus the number of features selected. Supplementary Figure 2. African: Graph of area under the ROC curve (AUC), accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity versus the number of features selected. Supplementary Figure 3. Asian: Graph of area under the ROC curve (AUC), accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity versus the number of features selected. Supplementary Figure 4. Latin American: Graph of area under the ROC curve (AUC), accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity versus the number of features selected. Supplementary Figure 5. Caucasian: Graph of area under the ROC curve (AUC), accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity versus the number of features selectedPK and MM are supported by the Division of Intramural Research at the National Human Genome Research, NIH. Partial funding of this project was from a philanthropic gift from the Government of Abu Dhabi to the Children's National Health System. VS is supported by the Chulalongkorn Academic Advancement Into Its 2nd Century Project and the Thailand Research Fund. We would also like to acknowledge other clinicians who supported this work—MZ, JP, and GC. We would like to acknowledge that IDK, LD, MK, and SR are supported by the CdLS Center Endowed Funds at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and PO1 HD052860 from the NICHD. ES is supported by a fellowship from PKS Italia and PKSKids USA. LD was also supported by a postdoctoral training grant (T32 GM008638) from the NIGMS.http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ajmga2020-02-01hj2019Genetic

    Pathogenic variants in USP7 cause a neurodevelopmental disorder with speech delays, altered behavior, and neurologic anomalies

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    Purpose: Haploinsufficiency of USP7, located at chromosome 16p13.2, has recently been reported in seven individuals with neurodevelopmental phenotypes, including developmental delay/intellectual disability (DD/ID), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), seizures, and hypogonadism. Further, USP7 was identified to critically incorporate into the MAGEL2-USP7-TRIM27 (MUST), such that pathogenic variants in USP7 lead to altered endosomal F-actin polymerization and dysregulated protein recycling. Methods: We report 16 newly identified individuals with heterozygous USP7 variants, identified by genome or exome sequencing or by chromosome microarray analysis. Clinical features were evaluated by review of medical records. Additional clinical information was obtained on the seven previously reported individuals to fully elucidate the phenotypic expression associated with USP7 haploinsufficiency. Results: The clinical manifestations of these 23 individuals suggest a syndrome characterized by DD/ID, hypotonia, eye anomalies,feeding difficulties, GERD, behavioral anomalies, and ASD, and more specific phenotypes of speech delays including a nonverbal phenotype and abnormal brain magnetic resonance image findings including white matter changes based on neuroradiologic examination. Conclusion: The consistency of clinical features among all individuals presented regardless of de novo USP7 variant type supports haploinsufficiency as a mechanism for pathogenesis and refines the clinical impact faced by affected individuals and caregivers

    Cornelia de Lange Syndrome in Diverse Populations.

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    Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is a dominant multisystemic malformation syndrome due to mutations in five genes—NIPBL, SMC1A, HDAC8, SMC3, and RAD21. The characteristic facial dysmorphisms include microcephaly, arched eyebrows, synophrys, short nose with depressed bridge and anteverted nares, long philtrum, thin lips, micrognathia, and hypertrichosis. Most affected individuals have intellectual disability, growth deficiency, and upper limb anomalies. This study looked at individuals from diverse populations with both clinical and molecularly confirmed diagnoses of CdLS by facial analysis technology. Clinical data and images from 246 individuals with CdLS were obtained from 15 countries. This cohort included 49% female patients and ages ranged from infancy to 37 years. Individuals were grouped into ancestry categories of African descent, Asian, Latin American, Middle Eastern, and Caucasian. Across these populations, 14 features showed a statistically significant difference. The most common facial features found in all ancestry groups included synophrys, short nose with anteverted nares, and a long philtrum with thin vermillion of the upper lip. Using facial analysis technology we compared 246 individuals with CdLS to 246 gender/age matched controls and found that sensitivity was equal or greater than 95% for all groups. Specificity was equal or greater than 91%. In conclusion, we present consistent clinical findings from global populations with CdLS while demonstrating how facial analysis technology can be a tool to support accurate diagnoses in the clinical setting. This work, along with prior studies in this arena, will assist in earlier detection, recognition, and treatment of CdLS worldwide.Supplementary Table 1 Participants with photographs in Figures 2-5 from 10 countries. Supplementary Table 2. Geometric and texture feature comparison of Global (combined African descent, Asian, Latin American, Caucasian) CdLS individuals with normal controls using digital facial analysis technology. The ranges of the geometric linear features were normalized by the ear‐to‐ear distance. Geometric angle features are presented in degrees. Texture features were computed at three scales (r1, r2, and r3). Features are presented in order of their relevance for the diagnosis of CdLS. Supplementary Table 3. Geometric and texture feature comparison of African descent CdLS individuals with normal controls using digital facial analysis technology. The ranges of the geometric linear features were normalized by the ear‐to‐ear distance. Geometric angle features are presented in degrees. Texture features were computed at three scales (r1, r2, and r3). Features are presented in order of their relevance for the diagnosis of CdLS. Supplementary Table 4. Geometric and texture feature comparison of Asian CdLS individuals with normal controls using digital facial analysis technology. The ranges of the geometric linear features were normalized by the ear‐to‐ear distance. Geometric angle features are presented in degrees. Texture features were computed at three scales (r1, r2, and r3). Features are presented in order of their relevance for the diagnosis of CdLS. Supplementary Table 5. Geometric and texture feature comparison of Latin American CdLS individuals with normal controls using digital facial analysis technology. The ranges of the geometric linear features were normalized by the ear‐to‐ear distance. Geometric angle features are presented in degrees. Texture features were computed at three scales (r1, r2, and r3). Features are presented in order of their relevance for the diagnosis of CdLS. Supplementary Table 6. Geometric and texture feature comparison of Caucasian CdLS individuals with normal controls using digital facial analysis technology. The ranges of the geometric linear features were normalized by the ear‐to‐ear distance. Geometric angle features are presented in degrees. Texture features were computed at three scales (r1, r2, and r3). Features are presented in order of their relevance for the diagnosis of CdLS. Supplementary Figure 1. Global: Graph of area under the ROC curve (AUC), accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity versus the number of features selected. Supplementary Figure 2. African: Graph of area under the ROC curve (AUC), accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity versus the number of features selected. Supplementary Figure 3. Asian: Graph of area under the ROC curve (AUC), accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity versus the number of features selected. Supplementary Figure 4. Latin American: Graph of area under the ROC curve (AUC), accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity versus the number of features selected. Supplementary Figure 5. Caucasian: Graph of area under the ROC curve (AUC), accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity versus the number of features selectedPK and MM are supported by the Division of Intramural Research at the National Human Genome Research, NIH. Partial funding of this project was from a philanthropic gift from the Government of Abu Dhabi to the Children's National Health System. VS is supported by the Chulalongkorn Academic Advancement Into Its 2nd Century Project and the Thailand Research Fund. We would also like to acknowledge other clinicians who supported this work—MZ, JP, and GC. We would like to acknowledge that IDK, LD, MK, and SR are supported by the CdLS Center Endowed Funds at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and PO1 HD052860 from the NICHD. ES is supported by a fellowship from PKS Italia and PKSKids USA. LD was also supported by a postdoctoral training grant (T32 GM008638) from the NIGMS.http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ajmga2020-02-01hj2019Genetic