61 research outputs found

    Understanding small-scale gold mining practices:An anthropological study on technological innovation in the Vale do Rio Peixoto (Mato Grosso, Brazil)

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    Artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the Amazonian countries has undergone important technological improvements in recent decades. Nevertheless, this type of mining is largely associated with the use of rudimentary, low-tech and often manual methods, with inefficient gold recovery. This article aims at investigating how innovations and improvements in the technology used in small-scale gold mines are connected to a broader perception of the miners about the integration of more modern and effective techniques. A technographical approach enabled the understanding of mining practices as embodied cultural knowledge and to fill the information gap between the study of materials and techniques with the study of people and communities. We discuss how the technology of small-scale gold mining in the region of Peixoto de Azevedo (Mato Grosso, Brazil) has changed since the early 1980s, giving particular attention to the recent introduction of two main innovations: the mechanized exploration drill and the cyanidation process. In this region, miners are successfully organized in cooperatives efforts to mutually reinforce the integration of innovative and effective techniques. Finally, we introduce the three notions of foresight (visão), agility (agilidade) and development (desenvolvimento) that emerged during fieldwork and conceptually frame the likeliness of acceptance and promulgation of innovations in this context. Sustainable mining may only succeed if a wider vision of the future of the sector (foresight) joins public policies that facilitate the practical process of innovation during each phase of its realization (agility) in order to achieve an advanced social status of the local community (development)

    Revaluating the miles model: the networks theories lessons for strategic decisons

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    The objective of this work is to revaluate the Miles' strategy model, which was presented in 1970, and insert it in a theoretical frame of business networks, since both the original author and posterior works put the uncertainty of the environment and the relations between companies as the foundation for strategic decision, which are principles of the network theories. The lead proposition is that the option for one of four strategies from the model by small businesses can be explained by its connections in the network in which they are immersed. The argument is sustained by the analysis of the convergence of international articles about the basis and capacities of the model and by the analysis of brazilian researches with small businesses, in which the model was applied, searching for its relations with demographic, economic and companies' resources variables. Our interpretation is that these works have utilized the principles of networks, although not explicitly. The article creates a theoretical benefit with the support of the network theory for the model; it creates a methodological benefit by indicating that the network variables, such as centrality, density, flow content and commitment, would be the main antecedents to determining the strategic position of the company; and it creates a managerial benefit by presenting a model which is applicable to small businesses, with the capacity of distinguishing between the four strategies, in other words, it is possible to determine the strategy that the company is following, even when it is not made explicit by its managers and the possibilities of movement to new positions.O objetivo do trabalho é revalorizar o modelo de estratégias de Miles e colaboradores, que foi apresentado na década de 1970, e colocá-lo num quadro teórico de redes de negócios, já que tanto os autores originais, quanto os trabalhos posteriores colocam as incertezas do meio e as relações entre empresas, que são princípios valorizados nas teorias de redes, como o fundamento para as decisões estratégicas. A proposição orientadora é que a opção dos pequenos empresários por uma das quatro estratégias do modelo pode ser explicada a partir de suas conexões na rede em que estão imersos. O argumento é sustentado pela análise das convergências de artigos internacionais sobre as bases e capacidades do modelo e pela análise de pesquisas brasileiras com pequenas empresas, nas quais o modelo foi aplicado, buscando suas relações com variáveis demográficas, econômicas e de recursos das empresas. A interpretação é que esses trabalhos utilizaram os princípios de redes, embora não o tivessem explicitado. O artigo oferece um benefício teórico, com o suporte da teoria de redes para o modelo de Miles; oferece um benefício metodológico ao indicar que as variáveis de rede, tais como centralidade, densidade, conteúdo de fluxo e comprometimento, seriam as antecedentes principais para a determinação da posição estratégica da empresa e cria um benefício gerencial, ao apresentar um modelo que é aplicável a pequenas empresas, com capacidade de distinção entre as quatro estratégicas, ou seja, é possível determinar a estratégia que a empresa está seguindo, mesmo que não explicitada pelos seus dirigentes e indicar as possibilidades de movimentos para novas posições.Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    The finance research network in Brazil: a small world

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    The study of the role of collaboration networks in the production of knowledge is important and has attracted the attention of a substantial number of researchers and policy makers around the world. This paper aims to analyze the structural properties of relationship networks among Finance researchers in Brazil. By applying Social Network Analysis to data from 532 articles produced by 806 researchers between 2003 and 2012, this article's results suggest that: (a) the Brazilian environment has structural features that indicate the existence of Small Worlds; (b) a small fraction (~3%) of researchers has regular production; (c) the higher the centrality of researchers in the network, the greater the number of articles published by them.O estudo do papel das redes de colaboração na produção de conhecimento é um aspecto relevante, tendo atraído a atenção de uma parcela substancial de pesquisadores e formadores de políticas públicas ao redor do mundo. Este trabalho objetiva analisar as propriedades estruturais das redes de relações entre os pesquisadores na área de Finanças no Brasil. Com base em dados pertencentes a 532 artigos, produzidos por 806 pesquisadores, entre 2003 e 2012, os principais resultados alcançados por meio de Análise de Redes Sociais sugerem que: (a) o ambiente brasileiro possui características estruturais que indicam a existência de Small Worlds; (b) uma pequena parcela (~3%) dos pesquisadores apresenta produção com regularidade; (c) quanto maior a centralidade dos pesquisadores na rede, maior a quantidade de artigos por eles publicados.Fundação Getulio Vargas EAESPUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) EPPENUniversidade PaulistaUNIFESP, EPPENSciEL


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    The objective of this work is to revaluate the Miles’ strategy model, which was presented in 1970, and insert it in a theoretical frame of business networks, since both the original author and posterior works put the uncertainty of the environment and the relations between companies as the foundation for strategic decision, which are principles of the network theories. The lead proposition is that the option for one of four strategies from the model by small businesses can be explained by its connections in the network in which they are immersed. The argument is sustained by the analysis of the convergence of international articles about the basis and capacities of the model and by the analysis of brazilian researches with small businesses, in which the model was applied, searching for its relations with demographic, economic and companies’ resources variables. Our interpretation is that these works have utilized the principles of networks, although not explicitly. The article creates a theoretical benefit with the support of the network theory for the model; it creates a methodological benefit by indicating that the network variables, such as centrality, density, flow content and commitment, would be the main antecedents to determining the strategic position of the company; and it creates a managerial benefit by presenting a model which is applicable to small businesses, with the capacity of distinguishing between the four strategies, in other words, it is possible to determine the strategy that the company is following, even when it is not made explicit by its managers and the possibilities of movement to new positions.O objetivo do trabalho é revalorizar o modelo de estratégias de Miles e colaboradores, que foi apresentado na década de 1970, e colocá-lo num quadro teórico de redes de negócios, já que tanto os autores originais, quanto os trabalhos posteriores colocam as incertezas do meio e as relações entre empresas, que são princípios valorizados nas teorias de redes, como o fundamento para as decisões estratégicas. A proposição orientadora é que a opção dos pequenos empresários por uma das quatro estratégias do modelo pode ser explicada a partir de suas conexões na rede em que estão imersos. O argumento é sustentado pela análise das convergências de artigos internacionais sobre as bases e capacidades do modelo e pela análise de pesquisas brasileiras com pequenas empresas, nas quais o modelo foi aplicado, buscando suas relações com variáveis demográficas, econômicas e de recursos das empresas. A interpretação é que esses trabalhos utilizaram os princípios de redes, embora não o tivessem explicitado. O artigo oferece um benefício teórico, com o suporte da teoria de redes para o modelo de Miles; oferece um benefício metodológico ao indicar que as variáveis de rede, tais como centralidade, densidade, conteúdo de fluxo e comprometimento, seriam as antecedentes principais para a determinação da posição estratégica da empresa e cria um benefício gerencial, ao apresentar um modelo que é aplicável a pequenas empresas, com capacidade de distinção entre as quatro estratégicas, ou seja, é possível determinar a estratégia que a empresa está seguindo, mesmo que não explicitada pelos seus dirigentes e indicar as possibilidades de movimentos para novas posições

    Ilusão de foco e satisfação com a vida entre universitários em São Paulo e Santa Maria

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    Literature shows that there are significant associations between health and happiness. Various countries are considering, contemplating or formally incorporating the happiness variable into their public health policies. Moreover, the private sector has shown interest in the topic. Based on that This article examines the biases in the perception of satisfaction with life among young adults in two Brazilian cities. The study explores the associations between aspects of life and perception of happiness because public policies associated with happiness require an improved understanding of the subjectivity of the sense of well-being. A survey conducted among 368 college students enabled analysis through Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) and linear regression. The results suggest that, although there were no significant differences in general satisfaction with life between the two cities, there were indications of focusing illusion in the perception of happiness caused by expectations arising from the feeling of personal insecurity in a metropolis.La literatura apunta que existen asociaciones significativas entre la felicidad y la salud. Varios países están considerando, contemplando o hasta formalmente incorporando la variable de felicidad en sus políticas de salud pública. Además, la iniciativa privada ha demostrado interés por el tema. A partir de eso, este artículo analiza errores de juzgamiento en la percepción de satisfacción con la vida entre estudiantes universitarios en dos ciudades brasileñas. El estudio explora las asociaciones entre los aspectos de la vida y la percepción de felicidad, ya que políticas públicas asociadas a la felicidad requieren una mejor comprensión de la subjetividad del sentimiento de bienestar. Un survey realizado con 368 estudiantes universitarios posibilitó el análisis por medio del Análisis Multivariado de Covariancia (MANCOVA) y regresión lineal. Los resultados sugieren que, aunque no hayan sido encontradas diferencias significativas en términos de satisfacción general con la vida entre las dos ciudades consideradas, hubo indicios de ilusión de enfoque en la percepción de la felicidad, causada por expectativas provenientes del sentimiento de inseguridad personal en una metrópolis.A literatura aponta que há associações significativas entre a felicidade e a saúde. Vários países estão considerando, contemplando ou mesmo formalmente incorporando a variável de felicidade em suas políticas de saúde pública. Além disso, a iniciativa privada tem demonstrado interesse pelo tema. A partir disso, este artigo analisa erros de julgamento na percepção de satisfação com a vida entre estudantes universitários em duas cidades brasileiras. O estudo explora as associações entre os aspectos da vida e a percepção de felicidade, já que políticas públicas associadas à felicidade requerem uma melhor compreensão da subjetividade do sentimento de bem-estar. Um survey realizado com 368 estudantes universitários possibilitou análises por meio de Análise Multivariada de Covariância (MANCOVA) e regressão linear. Os resultados sugerem que, embora não tenham sido encontradas diferenças significativas em termos de satisfação geral com a vida entre as duas cidades consideradas, houve indícios de ilusão de foco na percepção de felicidade, causada por expectativas decorrentes do sentimento de insegurança pessoal em uma metrópole.Fundação Getúlio Vargas Escola de Administração de Empresas de São PauloUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e NegóciosBuffalo State College -Buffalo Psychology DepartmentUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria Administrative Sciences DepartamentUNIFESP, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e NegóciosSciEL

    Orgulho de Ser Brasileiro Impacta o Nível de Felicidade?

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    Using a comparative approach between Brazil and other Latin American countries, this article aims to analyze the association of the national pride with individuals’ well-being. For this end, we used the Latinobarómetro database for the years 2000 and 2009. The Latinobarómetro is a public opinion survey conducted by a non-governmental organization based in Santiago, Chile, that applies a questionnaire in 18 Latin American countries with about 20,000 respondents representing about 600 million residents. From simulations using binary response (logit) models, the main results suggest that in 2009 in Brazil, pride in being Brazilian started to have an effect on the probability a person reports being very happy, which did not occur in 2000. This was different from other Latin American countries in 2000, where people did report being very happy

    Amphetamine-type stimulant use and conditional paths of consumption: data from the Second Brazilian National Alcohol and Drugs Survey

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate nationally representative prevalence rates of amphetamine-type stimulant (ATS) use and to identify consumption-associated factors, proposing a conditional model of direct and indirect consumption paths. Method: Using data from the Second Brazilian National Alcohol and Drugs Survey, this cross-sectional study analyzed a subsample of 3,828 participants between 15 and 64 years old, gathering information on the use of psychoactive substances in a probabilistic sample of the Brazilian household population. Results: Rates of lifetime and last-year ATS use were, respectively, 4.1 and 1.6%. Economically privileged individuals and users of other substances were more at risk for using ATS. The results suggest that higher education decreases the chances of ATS consumption. The conditional model showed that higher income increased ATS use, higher education lowered the odds of such an increase, and cocaine use cancelled that associative effect. Conclusion: Brazil presents high rates of ATS use. Prevention and treatment strategies should focus on the protective effect of higher education levels and should target polydrug use. Knowledge of ATS-associated factors and user profiles is the starting point for developing effective treatments and tailored prevention strategies.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnologicoCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel SuperiorInst Nacl Ciencia & Tecnol Polit Publ Alcool & Ou, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, UNIFESP, Dept Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilPrevent Res Ctr, Oakland, CA USAUniv Fed Sao Paulo, UNIFESP, Dept Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilCNPqCAPESWeb of Scienc


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    Brazilian corporatism is evaluated in its current and historical aspects emphasizing unionism, reflecting paradigms and other influential models especially in connection with Italian corporatism. This paper discusses the influence of corporatism inBrazil's union system, with the aim of shedding some light on controversial issues and suggest possible alternatives. Specifically, we target the fact that the capacity to promote freedom of association and protection of the rights of self-organization is prevalent in countries of mature economies, but not inBrazil, where well-established strategies to raise funds are not employed