824 research outputs found

    M\ue9moire de la M\ue9moire. Pour une pratique interdisciplinaire d\u2019intervention territoriale sur les paysages fluviaux

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    Following the 2010 overflowing in Italy, the newspapers' headlines showed what was left of the \uabbeautiful country\ubb : a piling up of fringes juxtaposed, often without any standards, to the balance between human premises and natural settings \ue0 traditionally considered as inherent to \uabthe beautiful landscape\ubb of rural Italy. This contribution offers some reflections on the Italian river landscapes and the concepts used to apprehend them. Some fruitful collaborative practises between universities and public organisms may help the reconstruction of a historical memory which, at least, takes into account the latest stages of production of facilities and the feedback between the natural elements and the anthropogenic action

    Development of innovative steels and thermo-mechanical treatments for DEMO high operating temperature blanket options

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    Among the options currently taken into account for the realization of the first DEMO reactor there are the "helium-cooled" and the "dual coolant" breeding blanket. Therefore the high temperature (650 °C) behavior of the proposed innovative martensitic alloys should be improved, namely the frame of the hereby reported activities is the development of martensitic alloys more resistant to creep, suitable to tolerate such a high operating temperature. In order to improve the high temperature mechanical properties, concerning the alloy design strategies, two alternative routes are proposed; the effect of Nitrogen and Tungsten increase are taken into account as well as the addition of carbo-nitride forming elements, like Vanadium, combined with the "ausforming" thermo-mechanical treatments. Two alloys have been designed and a special thermo-mechanical treatment on Eurofer 97-2 is proposed. The "ausforming" treatment, consisting in a sort of hot-working at a lower temperature with respect to the austenitization one after the austenitization stage, is aimed at the achievement of a beneficial dislocation "pinning" at high temperature due to carbide precipitation. Generally the improvement of tensile properties is associated to the hardening of the steel due to dislocation network and precipitation effects. This hardening is accompanied by a DBTT increase to markedly higher values with respect to Standard Eurofer. The proposed materials should be, in any case, at least room temperature ductile in order to undergo safe manufacturing and assembling processes. Therefore the issue of the DBTT increase has been taken into account by tuning the tempering temperature adequately. The two variations from chemical composition of Eurofer 97 have been casted and the thermo-mechanical treatments have been selected by means of SEM and hardness measurements to tune grain size and precipitation of carbides. The outcomes of the preliminary mechanical characterization (tensile, creep and impact tests) will be discussed in this paper. Keywords: EUROFER 97, RAFM steels, Thermo-mechanical treatment, Ausforming, Tensile, Creep, Charp

    Large-scale shifts in phytoplankton groups in the Equatorial Pacific during ENSO cycles

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    The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) drives important changes in the marine productivity of the Equatorial Pacific, in particular during major El Niño/La Niña transitions. Changes in environmental conditions associated with these climatic events also likely impact phytoplankton composition. In this work, the distribution of four major phytoplankton groups (nanoeucaryotes, Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and diatoms) was examined between 1996 and 2007 by applying the PHYSAT algorithm to the ocean color data archive from the Ocean Color and Temperature Sensor (OCTS) and Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS). Coincident with the decrease in chlorophyll concentrations, a large-scale shift in the phytoplankton composition of the Equatorial Pacific, that was characterized by a decrease in Synechococcus and an increase in nanoeucaryote dominance, was observed during the early stages of both the strong El Niño of 1997 and the moderate El Niño of 2006. A significant increase in diatoms dominance was observed in the Equatorial Pacific during the 1998 La Niña and was associated with elevated marine productivity. An analysis of the environmental variables using a coupled physical-biogeochemical model (NEMO-PISCES) suggests that the Synechococcus dominance decrease during the two El Niño events was associated with an abrupt decline in nutrient availability (−0.9 to −2.5 ÎŒM NO3 month−1). Alternatively, increased nutrient availability (3 ÎŒM NO3 month−1) during the 1998 La Niña resulted in Equatorial Pacific dominance diatom increase. Despite these phytoplankton community shifts, the mean composition is restored after a few months, which suggests resilience in community structure

    Obesity and physical activity in children of immigrants.

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    Childhood overweight and obesity have increased in recent decades, reaching alarming proportions. Children with a migrant background seem to be particularly at risk of developing overweight and obesity. This article provides an overview of the prevalence of overweight or obesity among North African (NA) children living in their own countries or as immigrants in Europe. The aim is to show the effect of the migration process on this trend and to discuss its possible contributing factors. Publications were identified by a systematic search of PubMed and the existing literature. Original longitudinal or cross-sectional studies on the prevalence of childhood and adolescent overweight and obesity and of physical activity among ethnic groups from North Africa compared with the native population were reviewed. The results confirmed that children of NA origin in Europe have higher levels of overweight and obesity than the native ones, especially girls. However, this trend can also be detected in urban areas of NA countries. Important factors contributing to the increase of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents are discussed, in particular the westernization of eating habits, the level of physical activity and body image perception. The review shows that factors linked to acculturation in the host society and others maintained from the country of origin come into play in determining childhood overweight and obesity among NA immigrants in Europe. The importance of health promotion targeting the groups most at risk of childhood overweight and obesity, i.e. aspects of a healthy diet and the benefits of physical activity, is underlined

    Improvement in the removal of micropollutants at Porto Marghera industrial wastewaters treatment plant by MBR technology.

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    This paper deals with the case of one of the most important industrial application of membrane technology in the world: the upgrading of the main industrial wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) of the petrochemical site of Porto Marghera, Northern Italy, completed on December 2005 and tested on September 2006. It describes the principal interventions of the plant upgrading and it discusses the removal obtained during the test periods for conventional pollutants as well as for micropollutants. The plant upgrading consisted of a series of improvements of the existing industrial WWTP, in order to increase the removal efficiency of the total suspended solids and the associate removal of ten micropollutant compounds, the so called forbidden substances. The most important intervention was the conversion of the existing activated sludge section into a membrane biological reactor, in order to guarantee adherence to the severe limits imposed by the special law issued to protect the Venice Lagoon, with particular reference to the mentioned 10 forbidden compounds. The experimental results and the numerous test-runs conducted confirmed the respect of the legal limits for the pollutants in the final effluent as well of the required removal rates for the different parameters. Therefore, the upgraded treatment plant was declared agreeing with the approved design
