313 research outputs found
Tingkat Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengadaan Jamban Keluarga melalui Community Lead Total Sanitation
Background: The coverage of family toilet at Sub District of Panti is still relatively low (20.28%), morbidity from diarrhea is relatively high (8.89%) and outbreak sometimes occurs in this area. An effort that has been made by Pasaman District Health Office to widen the coverage of family toilet and minimize morbidity from diarrhea at Sub District of Panti is encouraging community participation in the provision of family toilet through Community Lead Total Sanitation (CLTS). However, the result is still far from the expectation. This may be due to limited knowledge, attitude, education, income and participation of the community in the provision of family toilet through CLTS.Objectives: To identify factors related to community participation in the provision of family toilet through CLTS at Sub District of Panti, District of Pasaman.Methods: This was a quantitative approach research cross sectional design. Location of the study was Subdistrict of Panti, District of Pasaman. Subject of the study were heads of the family participating in CLTS activities. The variable employed in this research of knowledge, attitude, education, and income; and was community participation in the provision of family toilet through CLTS. Data analysis used univariable, bivariable with chi square and multivariable with logistic regression.Results: The result of the study showed that there was relationship between knowledge, attitude and income of respondents and participation (p0.05). Out of the three factors related to community participation in the provision of family toilet through CLTS, attitude was most dominant with p=0.000 and â=0.273 and OR=5.3.Conclusion: Knowledge, attitude and income of respondents had significant relationship with community participation in the provision of family toilet through CLTS and attitude was the most dominant
The Economic Relevance Of Chief Marketing Officers In Firms Top Management Teams
Management theory suggests that the presence of the Chief Marketing Officer in the Top Management Team reflects a corporate emphasis on marketing and customer relations. Finance theory suggests that this emphasis should translate into additional shareholder wealth. However, prior research has failed to document such a relationship. Using performance attribution analysis, the authors construct a long-short portfolio that buys (sells) stocks of firms with (without) a Chief Marketing Officer in the Top Management Team and find this investment strategy would have earned risk-adjusted excess returns of approximately 3%. Additional analyses suggest the value of having a Chief Marketing Officer in the Top Management Team manifests primarily among firms with high operating margin, low asset turnover, high profitability, high R&D intensity and high advertising expenses. The authors conclude that having a Chief Marketing Officer in the Top Management Team has a positive impact on shareholder wealth
Proses Kerja Reporter Gaya Hidup di Media Harper's Bazaar Indonesia
Gaya hidup atau lifestyle merupakan sebuah cara yang dipahami sebagai nilai dan perilaku hidup seseorang. Sebuah bentuk ekspresi diri melalui berbagai aspek hidup yang dijalani seperti makanan yang dikonsumsi, transportasi yang digunakan ketika berpergian, tempat tinggal, jurusan pendidikan, hingga cara berkomunikasi. Media memiliki pengaruh dalam pembentukan serta perubahan gaya hidup seseorang, yang tidak merepresentasikan kondisi sosial masyarakat tetapi juga mengartikulasikan kembali kepada masyarakat untuk kemudian diterapkan dalam keseharian masing-masing. Majalah, sebagai salah media di tengah masyarakat, juga beradaptasi dengan perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat serta pertumbuhan media yang mendorong pengembangkan dalam pola distribusi konten yang dilakukan majalah, salah satunya membagi dalam dua versi yaitu majalah berbasis digital yang diterbitkan secara berkala atau berupa laman resmi. Kini, majalah tidak dikategorikan dalam satu bentuk media, tetapi sebuah rangkaian proses yang dibagikan ke berbagai platform. Berdasarkan peran media dalam pembentukan gaya hidup serta proses pendistribusian konten dalam sebuah majalah, penulis memilih dan memiliki kesempatan menjadi Assistant Reporter di Harper's Bazaar Indonesia. Penulis melihat Harper's Bazaar Indonesia sebagai salah satu media gaya hidup internasional yang menyajikan konten gaya hidup seperti fashion, kecantikan, kesehatan mental, gaya hidup sehat, serta hiburan yang beragam. Selama 60 hari, penulis menjalani proses kerja dan menimba ilmu sebagai Assistant Reporter secara profesional di Harper's Bazaar Indonesia
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Search for Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism of Phaseolus Vulgaris in Relation to the Immune Gene to Bean Common Mosaic Virus
A technique involving Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) was used to observe the DNA fragment polymorphism between a bean cultivar with I/I genotype and a bean cultivar with i/i genotype. The I gene encodes immunity to bean common mosaic virus (BCMV)
School Enterprise is an approach in learning that aims to foster students’ entrepreneurial skills and enhance their competence in managing business projects. Thus, the Business Management Programme of Keningau Vocational College decided to launch the School Enterprise Project in order to boost the students’ skills in entrepreneurship. The aim of the project was to provide more opportunities for students to demonstrate their skills in making sales and profits. The funds raised during this project would be used to purchase reference books on topics related to business management since there was shortage of such books at the college. An intact class of 14 students were involved in the study and they were assigned into five teams in which each team set up their own booth to sell their merchandises. The data were collected through observation, survey and an analysis of their business plan including their profits. The findings showed that the result were positive as students gained profits from sales that they successfully made and they displayed optimistic views on their experience. It was recommended that this project should be turned into a regular assignment
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The role of the audit committee as a corporate governance mechanism: the case of the banking sector in Libya
Financial scandals in developed countries such as the USA and the UK have highlighted the need for greater transparency and credibility in order to protect shareholders and stakeholders alike. It has been argued that the audit committee (AC) is a key mechanism for achieving this transparency and protecting shareholders' interests. While there have been numerous attempts to investigate AC practice and effectiveness in developed countries, little is known about how these committees operate in developing countries such as Libya. Therefore, this research aims to: (1) explore the current role of ACs in the Libyan banking sector, (2) investigate the factors that affect their performance and (3) identify actions to enhance their effectiveness.
To achieve these aims, the study employed a combination of quantitative (questionnaire survey) and qualitative (semi-structured interviews) methods to understand how five groups of actors within Libya's banking sector (i.e. board and AC members, executive managers, and internal and external auditors) perceive the role and practice of ACs. The questionnaire survey was designed to collect initial data, while follow-up interviews sought to gain an in-depth understanding of all relevant aspects of the subject. In total, 218 survey responses were analysed, and 20 semi-structured interviews were conducted with senior directors and managers.
Although the findings broadly support agency theory's assumption that ACs play a vital role, they also indicate that ACs in the Libyan banking sector are not performing to a satisfactory standard; they play too limited a role in monitoring financial statements and enhancing the external audit process, and their effectiveness is too dependent on the strength of their relationship with the internal audit department. Institutional theory provides one possible explanation for this: ACs may be primarily designed to create legitimacy outside the organisation rather than to protect the interests of shareholders. The findings also show that a number of factors variously enable (e.g. independence, financial expertise and size) or inhibit (e.g. weak board governance and Government intervention) AC effectiveness. Finally, a number of actions were identified that could be taken to enhance the effectiveness of these committees (e.g. the proposal to strengthen the accounting and auditing profession in Libya).
The study contributes to the ongoing debates about the AC's role by being the first to investigate how this role is performed in Libyan banks, which are in the early stages of implementing corporate governance. It addresses an information gap by providing new evidence from a developing country regarding the AC's role in corporate governance and discussing the impact of fourteen enabling and inhibiting factors on AC effectiveness. Finally, it is the first step towards identifying ways of enhancing the effectiveness of these committees and encouraging regulators and shareholders in Libya to pay greater attention to corporate governance mechanisms, including ACs
Podcast Let's Talk Women Episode "Gangguan Depresi dan Peran Komunikasi Bagi Kesehatan Mental Perempuan"
Kesehatan mental merupakan bagian penting dalam kesehatan dan kelangsungan hidup manusia. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), kesehatan merupakan sebuah kondisi fisik, mental, serta sosial yang baik tidak hanya sekadar sembuh dari penyakit atau gangguan. Dengan peningkatan penderita gangguan mental, khususnya pada masa pandemi ini, penting bagi masyarakat untuk menyadari pentingnya menjaga kesehatan mental masing- masing. Media massa menjadi salah satu pengaruh terbesar dalam perkembangan masyarakat sehingga pandangan tentang gangguan mental dan kesehatan mental, baik positif maupun negatif, ditentukan dari gambaran media. Podcast, sebuah bentuk modern radio yang menjadi medium dalam membagikan informasi seputar kesehatan mental, gangguan depresi, dan peran komunikasi sebagai solusi untuk mengatasi gangguan mental yang dialami tiap-tiap individu. Dalam podcast bernama "Let's Talk Women" fokus membahas beragam hal seputar perempuan, salah satunya membahas tentang gangguan depresi yang lebih banyak dialami oleh perempuan, secara lebih mendalam. Dalam satu episode yang berdurasi 60 menit ini, podcaster akan berbincang dengan narasumber-narasumber kredibel untuk membahas tentang kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia terhadap pentingnya menjaga kesehatan mental, faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya gangguan depresi, serta peran komunikasi dalam proses pemulihan kondisi mental tiap-tiap individu. Podcast ini akan dipublikasikan melalui platform streaming Spotify dan medium Anchor, serta dipromosikan dalam konten visual yang diunggah melalui Instagram
Analisis Sistem Manajemen Persediaan Bahan Baku untuk Peningkatan Efisiensi Biaya di Restoran Malang Village Banjarmasin
Usaha jasa pelayanan penyedia makanan dan minuman (restoran atau rumah makan) hingga saat ini masih diyakini sebagai salah satu bentuk usaha ekonomi yang memiliki prospek cukup bagus, bahkan dalam kondisi krisis sekalipun. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan dari bisnis Restoran. Salah satu faktor penting yang harus diperhatikan, yaitu: komitmen Restoran untuk selalu menyediakan apa yang menjadi keinginan dan kebutuhan konsumen. Terkait dengan hal ini, sebuah Restoran tentu harus memiliki sistem manajemen persediaan bahan baku yang baik untuk dapat selalu memenuhi kebutuhan konsumennya. Kesuksesan suatu badan usaha sangat bergantung pada kemampuan badan usaha tersebut dalam mengelola dan menangani inventory yang dimilikinya dengan efektif dan efisien. Adanya keterkaitan diantara sistem manajemen persediaan dengan efisiensi biaya, memotivasi penulis untuk melakukan penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan sebab akibat antara kedua hal tersebut.
Penelitian dimulai dengan gambaran umum Restoran Malay Village Banjarmasin serta kondisi-kondisi yang terjadi selama ini. Restoran Malay Village Banjarmasin merupakan rumah makan franchise yang menyediakan berbagai macam masakan melayu, yang disesuaikan dengan lidah masyarakat Indonesia. Data-data yang ada kemudian diolah agar dapat digunakan sebagai dasar evaluasi bagi sistem manajemen persediaan bahan baku yang selama ini digunakan, serta penentuan masalah yang berkaitan dengan sistem manajemen persediaan bahan baku. Dari penelitian diketahui bahwa selama ini estimasi perhitungan terhadap jumlah persediaan dan kebutuhan bahan baku di Restoran masih kurang memadai. Hal ini akan berdampak pada pembelian bahan baku Restoran yang tidak efisien.
Penelitian dilanjutkan dengan memberikan rekomendasi yang
diharapkan dapat membantu Restoran dalam meningkatkan efisiensi biaya.
Rekomendasi yang diberikan, antara lain memperbaiki sistem manajemen persediaan bahan baku yang selama ini digunakan serta melakukan penanganan khusus terhadap persediaan bahan baku yang dimiliki
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerima Beasiswa Dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (Studi Kasus Di Fakultas Teknologi Informasi U.K. Maranatha)
Currently, the process of determining a scholarship at the Faculty of Information Technology Maranatha Christian University is still done manually. The existence of several types of scholarships offered, the number of defined criteria for each scholarship and the increasing number of students who enroll in order to receive the scholarship, causing the process of determining admission scholarship lasts longer and not objective. Based on the reasons above, this research is conduct using a decision support system that can provide recommendations to scholarship recipients. The assessment criteria of the applicants that much then used algorithms Fuzzy Multiple attribute Decision Making (Fuzzy MADM) with Simple Additive weighting method (SAW). The methodology used in the study consisted of three phases. The first stage is the preparation which includes the identification and formulation process of determining admission scholarship deploying along with the formulation of a decision support system requirements. At the second stage of implementation includes program development, testing, and implementation. While the last stage is the preparation of reports and research outcome
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