93 research outputs found

    Kapitalisme Runtuh Ekonomi Syariah Berkah (Napaktilas Constitutum Menuju Constituendum)

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    Constitutum means discuss, evaluate and assess the role of the law that had been in force in the community, whether in accordance with the needs of society or is precisely the opposite. While constituendum interpreted efforts to create a progressive law, the law is deemed effective welfare society. To develop and promote Islamic banks are at least teen pillars that must be considered, namely: improving service and professionalism, product innovation, human resources, expansion of branch network, which supports the legislation, Shari'ah compliance, continuous education, synergy, the results competitive, and reorientation to the real sector. If the government carry out its role effectively, it will be a positive contribution to the development of the community because of the need will be met, they will be motivated through the hard work of careful and efficient. However, if it is not done, then there is destruction. The resources needed for the country's interests, acquired through the tax system fair and efficient. Similarly, if the world economy has been restless uneasy with capitalism and socialism, then ekomoni sharia in Indonesia should seriously empowered to oversee the welfare of the people

    Pengaruh Provenan dan Komposisi Media terhadap Keberhasilan Teknik Penunasan pada Stek Pucuk Pulai Darat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh provenan dan komposisi media terhadap pertumbuhan stekpucuk pulai darat (Alstonia angustiloba Miq.) dengan teknik penunasan. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakanadalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang disusun secara faktorial dengan 2 faktor, yaitu: provenan (Banten,Pendopo, Lubuk Linggau dan Solok) dan komposisi media (pasir, serbuk sabut kelapa, arang sekam, pasir : arangsekam (4:1) dan pasir : serbuk sabut kelapa (4:1)). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interaksi perlakuanprovenan dengan komposisi media tumbuh pengaruhnya tidak signifikan terhadap parameter pengamatan. ProvenanPendopo menghasilkan persen berakar (52,71%), jumlah akar (4,56 buah) dan panjang akar (2,40 cm) terbaik. Mediapasir menghasilkan persen berakar (60,89%) dan jumlah akar (4,25 buah) terbaik. Media pasir : serbuk sabut kelapa(4:1) menghasilkan panjang akar (2,74 cm) terbaik

    The Effect of Computer Assisted Language Learning and Students' Learning Motivation Toward Students' Grammar Mastery of the First Year Students at AMIK Selatpanjang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti

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    In learning grammar, appropriate teaching strategy and great motivation can enhance students' grammar mastery. CALL stratey was used as the variation ofteaching and learning toward grammar mastery. The goal of this research was to find out the effect of CALLstrategy and learning motivation toward students' grammar mastery. The design of this research wasquasi experimental research. The population of this research was the students of first year in academic 2016/2017 at AMIK Selatpanjang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti. The techniqueused in selecting the sample was Cluster Random Sampling. The sample of this research was A1 as the experimental class and B1 as the control class. The instrumentsused in this research were grammar mastery test and questionnaire test. The hypotheses were analyzed by using t-test and Two Ways ANOVA. The finding showed that (1) Students taught by using CALL strategy produced better achivementtoward students'grammar masteryas compared to CLT strategy.(2) Students with high learning motivation taught by using CALL strategy produced better achievement toward grammar mastery than high motivated learning students taught by using CLT strategy. (3) Students with low learning motivation taught by using CALL strategy produced lower achievement toward grammar mastery than low motivated learning students taught by using CLT strategy. (4) There was nointeraction between teaching strategies (CALL and CTL) and students' learning motivation toward grammar mastery. In conclusion, CALL strategy worked effectively to produce better achievement as the teaching and learning strategy toward grammar mastery at AMIK Selatpanjang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti

    Kemampuan Bertunas Stool Plants Meranti Tembaga (Shorea Leprosula Miq.) Dari Beberapa Populasi Di Kalimantan

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    Vegetative propagation has an important role to produce high quality of seedling. Through vegetative propagation, the genetic potential of a mother tree will totally be inherited to the off-springs. Therefore, the success of stool plants preparation from selected mother tree is very important. The aim of study was to investigate the effect of populations and height of topping to sprouting ability of Meranti tembaga (Shorea leprosula Miq.) stool plants. This study was arranged in completely randomized block design with factorial. The two treatments used in the study were three populations (Muara Wahau, East Kalimantan; Kenangan, East Kalimantan and Ketapang, West Kalimantan) and four height of toppings (20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm and 80 cm). The results of study showed that population were significantly different for the number of sprouts, length of sprouts, diameter of sprouts and number of nodus. While the height of topping were significantly different only for the number of sprouts. The best number of sprouts (6.82 buds), length of sprouts (18.41 cm), diameter of sprouts (2.14 mm) and number of nodus (7.10 nodus) was found at Muara Wahau population. While among the height of toppings, the best number of sprouts was found at 80 cm height (8,06 buds), followed by 60 cm (6,00 buds), 40 cm (5,08 buds) and 20 cm (3,86 buds). There were no significant differences on the interaction between population and height of topping for all measured characters

    Estimasi Parameter Genetik Pada Uji Keturunan Alstonia Scholaris Umur Dua Tahun Di Gunungkidul, YOGYAKARTA

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    Estimates of genetic parameter were observed at two years old of Alstonia scholaris progeny trial in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. The experimental design of the trial was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design consisting of 48 families, 5 replications, 4 tree-plot and spacing of 4 x 2 meters. This study is aimed to observe the growth variation (height and stem diameter) and the estimates of heritability and genetic correlation among the two growth traits. The results of study showed that the tested families were significantly different for height and stem diameter. The estimate of individual heritability was high at around 0.53 and 0.44 for height and stem diameter, respectively. While the corresponding of family heritability was at around 0.67 and 0.63 for height and stem diameter, respectively. Positive and strong genetic correlation were found between height and stem diameter of this species at two years of age (rg = 0.94)

    MEMBUMIKAN HUKUM ISLAM PROGRESIF: Respons Konsumen Muslim terhadap Undang-Undang Jaminan Produk Halal

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    The law on the guarantee of halal products authorized by the House of Representatives on 25 September 2014 is a legal umbrella for the Indonesian people about food products, drugs, and cosmetics that have been started for a long time and have been postponed several times. The existence of this law is a progressive law that places humans as the primary object. Furthermore, this provides an opportunity for the role of society (especially Muslim consumers) in promoting and educating halal products. The law on the guarantee of halal products born through law is the “ijtihad” (private examination of Islamic law) through which living law in society becomes the source of national law concerning food products, medicines, and cosmetics. Efforts to legal ground is through various models such as promoting it to the parties through law enforcement, realizing halal as a culture of life, etc.---Undang-undang tentang jaminan produk halal yang disahkan oleh DPR RI pada tanggal 25 September 2014 merupakan payung hukum bagi masyarakat Indonesia tentang produk makanan, obat-obatan terlarang, dan kosmetik yang telah dimulai sejak lama dan telah beberapa kali mengalami penundaan. Keberadaan undang-undang ini merupakan hukum progresif yang menempatkan manusia sebagai objek utama. Lebih jauh lagi, ini memberi kesempatan bagi peran masyarakat (terutama konsumen Muslim) dalam mempromosikan dan mendidik produk halal. Hukum tentang Jaminan produk halal yang lahir melalui undang-undang merupakan “ijtihad” (ujian pribadi tentang hukum Islam) yang melaluinya hukum hidup di masyarakat menjadi sumber hukum nasional mengenai produk makanan, obat-obatan, dan kosmetik. Upaya membumikan hukumnya adalah melalui berbagai model seperti mempromosikannya kepada para pihak melalui penegakan hukum, mewujudkan halal sebagai budaya kehidupan, dll

    Pertumbuhan Tanaman Pulai Darat (Alstonia Angustiloba Miq.) Dari Empat Populasi Pada Umur Satu Tahun Di Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah

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    This experiment aims to identify the effects of population sources and parent trees on the growth of Alstonia angustiloba of one year old. This experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design. The research used two factors, i.e. population sources (Carita-Banten, Pendopo-Muara Enim, Lubuk Linggau-Musi Rawas and Solok-West Sumatera), and parent trees (43 parent trees). In this experiment, parent trees factor was nested in the population sources. The result showed that population sources and parent trees significantly affected the parameters measured, i.e. height and stem diameter. Pendopo and Carita were the best two populations in terms of height (1,612 m and 1,597 m, respectively) and stem diameter (2,567 cm and 2,686 cm, respectively). The best ten parent trees for height were parent trees number 13 (1.884 m), 16 (1.808 m), 17 (1.773 m), 8 (1.688 m), 6 (1.684 m), 15 (1.682 m), 20 (1.677 m), 36 (1.652 m), 18 (1.652 m) and 14 (1.630 m). The best ten of parent trees for stem diameter were parent trees number 16 (3.171 cm), 7 (3.116 cm), 13 (3.105 cm), 8 (3.027 cm), 36 (3.022 cm), 27 (2.974 cm), 15 (2.925 cm), 30 (2.787 cm), 6 (2.766 cm) and 18 (2.757 cm)
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