77 research outputs found

    New Heuristic Algorithms for Solving Single-Vehicle and Multi-Vehicle Generalized Traveling Salesman Problems (GTSP)

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    Among numerous NP-hard problems, the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) has been one of the most explored, yet unknown one. Even a minor modification changes the problem’s status, calling for a different solution. The Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem (GTSP)expands the TSP to a much more complicated form, replacing single nodes with a group or cluster of nodes, where the objective is to find a minimum-length tour containing exactly one node from each cluster. In this paper, a new heuristic method is presented for solving singlevehicle single-depot GTSP with the ability of controlling the search strategy from conservative to greedy and vice versa. A variant algorithm is then developed to accommodate the multi-vehicle single-depot condition, which is modified afterwards to accommodate the multi-vehicle multi-depot GTSP

    Mobile Robot Online Motion Planning Using Generalized Voronoi Graphs

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    In this paper, a new online robot motion planner is developed for systematically exploring unknown environ¬ments by intelligent mobile robots in real-time applications. The algorithm takes advantage of sensory data to find an obstacle-free start-to-goal path. It does so by online calculation of the Generalized Voronoi Graph (GVG) of the free space, and utilizing a combination of depth-first and breadth-first searches on the GVG. The planner is equipped with components such as step generation and correction, backtracking, and loop handling. It is fast, simple, complete, and extendable to higher spaces

    Designing Solvable Graphs for Multiple Moving Agents

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    Solvable Graphs (also known as Reachable Graphs) are types of graphs that any arrangement of a specified number of agents located on the graph’s vertices can be reached from any initial arrangement through agents’ moves along the graph’s edges, while avoiding deadlocks (interceptions). In this paper, the properties of Solvable Graphs are investigated, and a new concept in multi agent motion planning, called Minimal Solvable Graphs is introduced. Minimal Solvable Graphs are the smallest graphs among Solvable Graphs in terms of the number of vertices. Also, for the first time, the problem of deciding whether a graph is Solvable for m agents is answered, and a new algorithm is presented for making an existing graph solvable and lean for a given number of agents. Finally, through an industrial example, it is demonstrated that how the findings of this paper can be used in designing and reshaping transportation networks (e.g. railways, traffic roads, AGV routs, robotic workspaces, etc.) for multiple moving agents such as trains, vehicles, and robots

    Fitness landscape analysis of the simple assembly line balancing problem type 1

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    As the simple assembly line balancing problem type 1 (SALBP1) has been proven to be NP-hard, heuristic and metaheuristic approaches are widely used for solving middle to large instances. Nevertheless, the characteristics (fitness landscape) of the problem’s search space have not been studied so far and no rigorous justification for implementing various metaheuristic methods has been presented. Aiming to fill this gap in the literature, this study presents the first comprehensive and in-depth Fitness Landscape Analysis (FLA) study for SALBP1. The FLA was performed by generating a population of 1000 random solutions and improving them to local optimal solution, and then measuring various statistical indices such as average distance, gap, entropy, amplitude, length of the walk, autocorrelation, and fitness-distance among all solutions, to understand the complexity, structure, and topology of the solution space. We solved 83 benchmark problems with various cycle times taken from Scholl’s dataset which required 83000 local searches from initial to optimal solutions. The analysis showed that locally optimal assembly line balances in SALBP1 are distributed nearly uniformly in the landscape of the problem, and the small average difference between the amplitudes of the initial and optimal solutions implies that the landscape was almost plain. In addition, the large average gap between local and global solutions showed that global optimum solutions in SALBP1 are difficult to find, but the problem can be effectively solved using a single-solution-based metaheuristic to near-optimality. In addition to the FLA, a new mathematical formulation for the entropy (diversity) of solutions in the search space for SALBP1 is also presented in this paper

    Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem Based on The Genetic Reactive Bone Route Algorithm whit Ant Colony System

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    [EN] The TSP is considered one of the most well-known combinatorial optimization tasks and researchers have paid so much attention to the TSP for many years. In this problem, a salesman starts to move from an arbitrary place called depot and after visits all of the nodes, finally comes back to the depot. The objective is to minimize the total distance traveled by the salesman.  Because this problem is a non-deterministic polynomial (NP-hard) problem in nature, a hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm called REACSGA is used for solving the TSP. In REACSGA, a reactive bone route algorithm that uses the ant colony system (ACS) for generating initial diversified solutions and the genetic algorithm (GA) as an improved procedure are applied. Since the performance of the Metaheuristic algorithms is significantly influenced by their parameters, Taguchi Method is used to set the parameters of the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm is tested on several standard instances involving 24 to 318 nodes from the literature. The computational result shows that the results of the proposed algorithm are competitive with other metaheuristic algorithms for solving the TSP in terms of better quality of solution and computational time respectively. In addition, the proposed REACSGA is significantly efficient and finds closely the best known solutions for most of the instances in which thirteen best known solutions are also found.Yousefikhoshbakht, M.; Malekzadeh, N.; Sedighpour, M. (2016). Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem Based on The Genetic Reactive Bone Route Algorithm whit Ant Colony System. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 4(2):65-73. doi:10.4995/ijpme.2016.4618.SWORD65734

    Duckietown: An Innovative Way to Teach Autonomy

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    Teaching robotics is challenging because it is a multidisciplinary, rapidly evolving and experimental discipline that integrates cutting-edge hardware and software. This paper describes the course design and first implementation of Duckietown, a vehicle autonomy class that experiments with teaching innovations in addition to leveraging modern educational theory for improving student learning. We provide a robot to every student, thanks to a minimalist platform design, to maximize active learning; and introduce a role-play aspect to increase team spirit, by modeling the entire class as a fictional start-up (Duckietown Engineering Co.). The course formulation leverages backward design by formalizing intended learning outcomes (ILOs) enabling students to appreciate the challenges of: (a) heterogeneous disciplines converging in the design of a minimal self-driving car, (b) integrating subsystems to create complex system behaviors, and (c) allocating constrained computational resources. Students learn how to assemble, program, test and operate a self-driving car (Duckiebot) in a model urban environment (Duckietown), as well as how to implement and document new features in the system. Traditional course assessment tools are complemented by a full scale demonstration to the general public. The “duckie” theme was chosen to give a gender-neutral, friendly identity to the robots so as to improve student involvement and outreach possibilities. All of the teaching materials and code is released online in the hope that other institutions will adopt the platform and continue to evolve and improve it, so to keep pace with the fast evolution of the field.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award IIS #1318392)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award #1405259

    Generalisation, decision making, and embodiment effects in mental rotation: A neurorobotic architecture tested with a humanoid robot.

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    Mental rotation, a classic experimental paradigm of cognitive psychology, tests the capacity of humans to mentally rotate a seen object to decide if it matches a target object. In recent years, mental rotation has been investigated with brain imaging techniques to identify the brain areas involved. Mental rotation has also been investigated through the development of neural-network models, used to identify the specific mechanisms that underlie its process, and with neurorobotics models to investigate its embodied nature. Current models, however, have limited capacities to relate to neuro-scientific evidence, to generalise mental rotation to new objects, to suitably represent decision making mechanisms, and to allow the study of the effects of overt gestures on mental rotation. The work presented in this study overcomes these limitations by proposing a novel neurorobotic model that has a macro-architecture constrained by knowledge held on brain, encompasses a rather general mental rotation mechanism, and incorporates a biologically plausible decision making mechanism. The model was tested using the humanoid robot iCub in tasks requiring the robot to mentally rotate 2D geometrical images appearing on a computer screen. The results show that the robot gained an enhanced capacity to generalise mental rotation to new objects and to express the possible effects of overt movements of the wrist on mental rotation. The model also represents a further step in the identification of the embodied neural mechanisms that may underlie mental rotation in humans and might also give hints to enhance robots' planning capabilities
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