108 research outputs found

    operculum annulus persitome

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    Recording of operculum annulus peristome, courtesy of Masaki Shimamura

    Dual colonization of Mucoromycotina and Glomeromycotina fungi in the basal liverwort, Haplomitrium mnioides (Haplomitriopsida)

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    ArticleJournal of Plant Research. 132(6): 777-788. (2019)journal articl

    Activation of invariant natural killer T cells stimulated with microbial α-mannosyl glycolipids

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    Some synthetic and bacterial glycolipids presented by CD1d specifically activate invariant NKT (iNKT) cells bearing an invariant Vα14-Jα18 (mouse) or Vα24-Jα18 (human) TCR. The antigenic glycolipids identified to date consist of two hydrophobic chains and an α-glycoside in which the 2′-OH group is in the cis orientation toward the anomeric group, namely, either an α-galactoside or an α-glucoside. Several microbial α-mannosyl glycolipids, in which the 2′-OH group is in the trans orientation, were herein examined to establish whether they have potential to activate iNKT cells. We found that α-mannnosyl1-3 (6′-O-acyl α-mannosyl)-1-1 monoacylglycerol and cholesteryl 6′-O-acyl α-mannoside, found in Saccharopolyspora and Candida albicans, respectively, induced the activation of iNKT cells, dependent on CD1d. In contrast, α-mannosyldiacylglycerol found in Streptococcus suis or α-mannosylceramide demonstrated markedly less antigenicity for iNKT cells. The potentially antigenic α-mannosyl glycolipids contributed to the protection of mice against infection with S. pneumoniae in which iNKT cells have previously been found to participate. Furthermore, these glycolipids induced the production of proinflammatory cytokines by macrophages, thereby suggesting their recognition by specific pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). Collectively, these results suggest that these microbial α-mannosyl glycolipids are capable of being recognized by both the invariant TCR and PRRs and inducing immune responses


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    Based on the current literature, it remains unclear whether electromyographic onset of the deep fibers of the multifidus (DM) is dependent on the direction of shoulder movement and the position of the center of foot pressure (CFP). In the present study, we re-examined the electromyographic onset of the DM during shoulder flexion and extension and investigated the influence of the CFP position before arm movement. Intramuscular and surface electrodes recorded the electromyographic onset of the DM, superficial fibers of the multifidus (SM), rectus abdominis, and anterior and posterior deltoid. Eleven healthy participants performed rapid, unilateral shoulder flexion and extension in response to audio stimuli at three CFP positions: quiet standing, extreme forward leaning, and extreme backward leaning. It was found that the electromyographic onset of the DM and SM relative to the deltoid was dependent on the direction of arm movement. Additionally, of all electromyographic onsets recorded, only that of the DM occurred earlier in the extreme forward leaning position than in the extreme backward leaning position during shoulder flexion. These results suggest that the electromyographic onset of DM was influenced by the biomechanical disturbance such as shoulder movement and CFP position.首都大学東京, 2015-09-30, 博士(理学療法学), 甲第619号首都大学東

    The Naming of Names: Guidelines for Gene Nomenclature in Marchantia.

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    While Marchantia polymorpha has been utilized as a model system to investigate fundamental biological questions for over almost two centuries, there is renewed interest in M. polymorpha as a model genetic organism in the genomics era. Here we outline community guidelines for M. polymorpha gene and transgene nomenclature, and we anticipate that these guidelines will promote consistency and reduce both redundancy and confusion in the scientific literature

    Anthoceros genomes illuminate the origin of land plants and the unique biology of hornworts

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    Hornworts comprise a bryophyte lineage that diverged from other extant land plants >400 million years ago and bears unique biological features, including a distinct sporophyte architecture, cyanobacterial symbiosis and a pyrenoid-based carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM). Here, we provide three high-quality genomes of Anthoceros hornworts. Phylogenomic analyses place hornworts as a sister clade to liverworts plus mosses with high support. The Anthoceros genomes lack repeat-dense centromeres as well as whole-genome duplication, and contain a limited transcription factor repertoire. Several genes involved in angiosperm meristem and stomatal function are conserved in Anthoceros and upregulated during sporophyte development, suggesting possible homologies at the genetic level. We identified candidate genes involved in cyanobacterial symbiosis and found that LCIB, a Chlamydomonas CCM gene, is present in hornworts but absent in other plant lineages, implying a possible conserved role in CCM function. We anticipate that these hornwort genomes will serve as essential references for future hornwort research and comparative studies across land plants.</p

    Anthoceros genomes illuminate the origin of land plants and the unique biology of hornworts.

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    Funder: National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB) Collaborative Research Program (13-710)Funder: The Forschungskredit of the University of Zurich The University Research Priority Program “Evolution in Action” of the University of Zurich The Georges and Antoine Claraz Foundation (Switzerland)Funder: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (BFU2016-80621-P)Funder: The Georges and Antoine Claraz Foundation (Switzerland) The Research Priority Program “Evolution in Action” of the University of ZurichFunder: Foundation of German Business (sdw), Georges and Antoine Claraz Foundation, URPP Evolution in Action of the University of ZurichFunder: Special Grant for Innovation in Research Program of the Technical University of Dresden (Germany).Hornworts comprise a bryophyte lineage that diverged from other extant land plants >400 million years ago and bears unique biological features, including a distinct sporophyte architecture, cyanobacterial symbiosis and a pyrenoid-based carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM). Here, we provide three high-quality genomes of Anthoceros hornworts. Phylogenomic analyses place hornworts as a sister clade to liverworts plus mosses with high support. The Anthoceros genomes lack repeat-dense centromeres as well as whole-genome duplication, and contain a limited transcription factor repertoire. Several genes involved in angiosperm meristem and stomatal function are conserved in Anthoceros and upregulated during sporophyte development, suggesting possible homologies at the genetic level. We identified candidate genes involved in cyanobacterial symbiosis and found that LCIB, a Chlamydomonas CCM gene, is present in hornworts but absent in other plant lineages, implying a possible conserved role in CCM function. We anticipate that these hornwort genomes will serve as essential references for future hornwort research and comparative studies across land plants