16 research outputs found

    Compendi d’apicultura de les Illes Balears

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    L’apicultura a les Illes Balears es remunta molt de temps enrere, quan els primers colonitzadors varen aprofitar els recursos naturals illencs després d'haver importat amb ells també les abelles. Aquests insectes realitzen la necessària activitat de la pol·linització de la major part de les plantes, i mantenen la relació mútua original amb el medi natural. Causes com la globalització han portat que el maneig de les abelles i les tècniques apícoles, heretades de generació en generació, s'estiguessin perdent. Les causes són diverses, malgrat que les principals són l'abandonament del camp i l'ús excessiu de pesticides i plaguicides. Actualment a les illes l’apicultura es considera una activitat ramadera bastant desenvolupada i amb un gran potencial, si bé esteim lluny de les altes produccions de mel d'altres regions d'Espanya. No obstant també nosaltres, per l'excel·lent qualitat del producte, contribuïm a què Espanya sigui el país més important de la Unió Europea en la producció de me

    Notes florístiques de les Illes Balears (VIII)

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    Palynological and chemical volatile components of tipically autumnal honeys of the western Mediterranean

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    [EN] Twenty-five samples of autumnal honeys from the western Mediterranean (Mallorca and Eivissa, Balearic Islands) were examined for pollen content (qualitative and quantitative melissopalynological analysis), moisture, electrical conductivity, colour, sensorial qualities and volatile components. Quantitative analysis showed that the honey contained Maurizio's Class II: 64%, Class III: 28%, Class IV: 4% and Class V: 4%. Fifty-four pollen types, with an average number of 16.68 per sample, were identified, belonging to 29 botanical families. Only two taxa (Ceratonia siliqua and Erica multiflora) were found in all samples. Seventeen samples were unifloral (68%) - ten (40%) of C. siliqua, six (24%) of E. multiflora and one (4%) of Hedera helix. All honeys have a low honeydew index (<?0.09%), while the values for electrical conductivity and water content were high. The major honey volatile components are: cis- and trans-linalool oxides (64.2%) and hotrienol (10.4%) for the carob (C. siliqua) and trans-linalool oxide (13.4%), p-menthane-1,8-diol (11.1%), safranal (9.7%), limonene (5,4%), -pinene (3.7%) and oxoisophorone (3.4%) for the winter heather (E. multiflora).The authors would like to extend their gratitude to the Mallorca Rural 'Leader plus' programme and the beekeepers of Mallorca and Eivissa for their support and friendly collaboration. The authors also thank an anonymous reviewer for useful comments and suggestions on an earlier version of the manuscript.Boi, M.; Llorens Molina, JA.; Cortés, L.; Lladó, G.; Llorens, L. (2013). Palynological and chemical volatile components of tipically autumnal honeys of the western Mediterranean. Grana. 52(2):93-105. doi:10.1080/00173134.2012.744774S93105522Andrade, P. B., Amaral, M. T., Isabel, P., Carvalho, J. C. M. F., Seabra, R. M., & Proença da Cunha, A. (1999). Physicochemical attributes and pollen spectrum of Portuguese heather honeys. Food Chemistry, 66(4), 503-510. doi:10.1016/s0308-8146(99)00100-4Anklam, E. (1998). A review of the analytical methods to determine the geographical and botanical origin of honey. Food Chemistry, 63(4), 549-562. doi:10.1016/s0308-8146(98)00057-0Bosch, J., Del Pino, F. G., Ramoneda, J., & Retana, J. (1996). FRUITING PHENOLOGY AND FRUIT SET OF CAROB, CERATONIA SILIQUA L. (CESALPINACEAE). Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 44(4), 359-368. doi:10.1080/07929978.1996.10676657Bouseta, A., Collin, S., & Dufour, J.-P. (1992). Characteristic aroma profiles of unifloral honeys obtained with a dynamic headspace GC-MS system. Journal of Apicultural Research, 31(2), 96-109. doi:10.1080/00218839.1992.11101268Cajka, T., Hajslova, J., Pudil, F., & Riddellova, K. (2009). Traceability of honey origin based on volatiles pattern processing by artificial neural networks. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216(9), 1458-1462. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2008.12.066Castro-Vázquez, L., Díaz-Maroto, M. C., González-Viñas, M. A., & Pérez-Coello, M. S. (2009). Differentiation of monofloral citrus, rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender, thyme and heather honeys based on volatile composition and sensory descriptive analysis. Food Chemistry, 112(4), 1022-1030. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2008.06.036Conti, M. E., Stripeikis, J., Campanella, L., Cucina, D., & Tudino, M. B. (2007). Characterization of Italian honeys (Marche Region) on the basis of their mineral content and some typical quality parameters. Chemistry Central Journal, 1(1). doi:10.1186/1752-153x-1-14Custódio, L., Serra, H., Nogueira, J. M. F., Gonçalves, S., & Romano, A. (2006). Analysis of the Volatiles Emitted by Whole Flowers and Isolated Flower Organs of the Carob Tree Using HS-SPME-GC/MS. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 32(5), 929-942. doi:10.1007/s10886-006-9044-9Cuevas-Glory, L., Ortiz-Vázquez, E., Pino, J. A., & Sauri-Duch, E. (2012). Floral classification of Yucatan Peninsula honeys by PCA & HS-SPME/GC-MS of volatile compounds. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 47(7), 1378-1383. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2621.2012.02983.xDe Bolòs, O., & Molinier, R. (1984). Vegetation of the Pityusic Islands. Biogeography and Ecology of the Pityusic Islands, 185-221. doi:10.1007/978-94-009-6539-3_9De Maria, C. A. B., & Moreira, R. F. A. (2003). Compostos voláteis em méis florais. Química Nova, 26(1), 90-96. doi:10.1590/s0100-40422003000100016Guyot, C., Scheirman, V., & Collin, S. (1999). Floral origin markers of heather honeys: Calluna vulgaris and Erica arborea. Food Chemistry, 64(1), 3-11. doi:10.1016/s0308-8146(98)00122-8Herrera, J. (1988). Pollination Relationships in Southern Spanish Mediterranean Shrublands. The Journal of Ecology, 76(1), 274. doi:10.2307/2260469Jerković, I., & Marijanović, Z. (2010). Volatile Composition Screening of Salix spp. Nectar Honey: Benzenecarboxylic Acids, Norisoprenoids, Terpenes, and Others. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 7(9), 2309-2325. doi:10.1002/cbdv.201000021Jones, G. D., & Bryant, Jr, V. M. (2004). The use of ETOH for the dilution of honey. Grana, 43(3), 174-182. doi:10.1080/00173130410019497Kummerow, J. (1983). Comparative Phenology of Mediterranean-Type Plant Communities. Ecological Studies, 300-317. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-68935-2_17La‐Serna Ramos, I. E., & GÓmez Ferreras, C. (2006). Pollen and sensorial characterization of different honeys from El Hierro (Canary Islands). Grana, 45(2), 146-159. doi:10.1080/00173130600578658Del Carmen Llasat, M., Ramis, C., & Barrantes, J. (1996). The meteorology of high‐intensity rainfall events over the west Mediterranean region. Remote Sensing Reviews, 14(1-3), 51-90. doi:10.1080/02757259609532313Louveaux, J., Maurizio, A., & Vorwohl, G. (1978). Methods of Melissopalynology. Bee World, 59(4), 139-157. doi:10.1080/0005772x.1978.11097714Martins, R. C., Lopes, V. V., Valentão, P., Carvalho, J. C. M. F., Isabel, P., Amaral, M. T., … Silva, B. M. (2008). Relevant principal component analysis applied to the characterisation of Portuguese heather honey. Natural Product Research, 22(17), 1560-1582. doi:10.1080/14786410701825004Melliou, E., & Chinou, I. (2011). Chemical constituents of selected unifloral Greek bee-honeys with antimicrobial activity. Food Chemistry, 129(2), 284-290. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.04.047Pendleton, M. (2006). Descriptions of melissopalynological methods involving centrifugation should include data for calculating Relative Centrifugal Force (RCF) or should express data in units of RCF or gravities (g). Grana, 45(1), 71-72. doi:10.1080/00173130500520479Pérez, R. A., Sánchez-Brunete, C., Calvo, R. M., & Tadeo, J. L. (2002). Analysis of Volatiles from Spanish Honeys by Solid-Phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography−Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50(9), 2633-2637. doi:10.1021/jf011551rPersano Oddo, L., Piana, L., Bogdanov, S., Bentabol, A., Gotsiou, P., Kerkvliet, J., … von der Ohe, K. (2004). Botanical species giving unifloral honey in Europe. Apidologie, 35(Suppl. 1), S82-S93. doi:10.1051/apido:2004045Persano Oddo, L., & Piro, R. (2004). Main European unifloral honeys: descriptive sheets. Apidologie, 35(Suppl. 1), S38-S81. doi:10.1051/apido:2004049Piana, M. L., Persano Oddo, L., Bentabol, A., Bruneau, E., Bogdanov, S., & Guyot Declerck, C. (2004). Sensory analysis applied to honey: state of the art. Apidologie, 35(Suppl. 1), S26-S37. doi:10.1051/apido:2004048Piasenzotto, L., Gracco, L., & Conte, L. (2003). Solid phase microextraction (SPME) applied to honey quality control. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 83(10), 1037-1044. doi:10.1002/jsfa.1502Radovic, B. S., Careri, M., Mangia, A., Musci, M., Gerboles, M., & Anklam, E. (2001). Contribution of dynamic headspace GC–MS analysis of aroma compounds to authenticity testing of honey. Food Chemistry, 72(4), 511-520. doi:10.1016/s0308-8146(00)00263-6RAMÓN-LACA, L., & MABBERLEY, D. J. (2004). The ecological status of the carob-tree (Ceratonia siliqua, Leguminosae) in the Mediterranean. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 144(4), 431-436. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2003.00254.xRetana, J., Ramoneda, J., Garcia Del Pino, F., & Bosch, J. (1994). Flowering phenology of carob,Ceratonia siliquaL. (Cesalpinaceae). Journal of Horticultural Science, 69(1), 97-103. doi:10.1080/14620316.1994.11515254Ricciardelli d’Albore, G. & Vorwohl, G. (1979). Mieles monoflorales en el Mediterráneo documentado con ayuda del análisis microscópico de mieles. Actas de XXVII Congreso Internacional de Apicultura, Athens, Greece, 14–20 September 1979, 201–208.Pilar de Sá‐Otero, M., Armesto‐Baztan, S., & DÍaz‐Losada, E. (2006). A study of variation in the pollen spectra of honeys sampled from the Baixa Limia‐Serra do Xurés Nature Reserve in north‐west Spain. Grana, 45(2), 137-145. doi:10.1080/00173130600708537Seijo, M. C., Jato, M. V., Aira, M. J., & Iglesias, I. (1997). Unifloral honeys of Galicia (north-west Spain). Journal of Apicultural Research, 36(3-4), 133-140. doi:10.1080/00218839.1997.11100939Terrab, A., Diez, M. J., & Heredia, F. J. (2003). Palynological, physico-chemical and colour characterization of Moroccan honeys: III. Other unifloral honey types. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 38(4), 395-402. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2621.2003.00713.xTERRAB, A., PONTES, A., HEREDIA, F. J., & DÍEZ, M. J. (2004). A preliminary palynological characterization of Spanish thyme honeys. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 146(3), 323-330. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2004.00335.xTerrab, A., Valdés, B., & Josefa Díez, M. (2003). Pollen analysis of honeys from the Mamora forest region (NW Morocco). Grana, 42(1), 47-54. doi:10.1080/00173130310008580Thompson, J. D. (2005). Plant Evolution in the Mediterranean. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198515340.001.0001Von Der Ohe, W., Persano Oddo, L., Piana, M. L., Morlot, M., & Martin, P. (2004). Harmonized methods of melissopalynology. Apidologie, 35(Suppl. 1), S18-S25. doi:10.1051/apido:2004050VORWOHL, G. (1964). DIE BEZIEHUNGEN ZWISCHEN DER ELEKTRISCHEN LEITFÄHIGKEIT DER HONIGE UND IHRER TRACHTMÄSSIGEN HERKUNFT. Annales de l’Abeille, 7(4), 301-309. doi:10.1051/apido:19640403Vorwohl, G. (1967). The microscopic analysis of honey, a comparison of its methods with those of the other branches of palynology. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 3(1-4), 287-290. doi:10.1016/0034-6667(67)90061-

    Saúde ambiental de parques espanhóis: Abordagem ao potencial alergénico dos espaços verdes urbanos

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    Los parques urbanos son elementos de la infraestructura verde que deben contribuir a mejorar la calidad de vida y el bienestar ciudadano. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de un novedoso índice que estima la alergenicidad potencial de las zonas verdes urbanas. Este índice, que contempla parámetros biológicos y biométricos intrínsecos a las especies arbóreas existentes en los parques, genera un resultado cuyo valor está comprendido entre 0 y 1 según el potencial alergénico del parque sea nulo o de riesgo alto para la población. En una primera fase el índice se ha aplicado a parques de diferente tipología, diseño, tamaño, riqueza específica y biodiversidad ubicados en 20 ciudades españolas. Los resultados han mostrado que algunos de los parques estudiados registran un valor de índice superior a 0,30, umbral suficiente para causar síntomas de alergia a la población expuesta, y por tanto, de riesgo moderado o alto. Por el contrario, en la mayoría de los parques se obtuvo un valor inferior a este umbral. También es posible conocer cuáles son las especies que más contribuyen al valor resultante, que son aquellas con estrategia de polinización anemófila, periodos de floración extensos y alta alergenicidad referenciada. Estos requisitos los cumplen todas las especies de las familias Betuláceas, Cupresáceas y Moráceas, y en menor extensión, Oleáceas y Platanáceas. Puede concluirse que el desarrollo de un índice de estimación de alergenicidad de espacios verdes urbanos constituye una herramienta de utilidad para minimizar el impacto de la alergia polínica en la población.Urban parks are green infrastructure elements that should contribute to improving the quality of life and well-being of citizens. In this work there are presented the results of applying a new index to estimate the potential allergenicity of parks located in 20 Spanish cities. This index, which considers intrinsic biological and biometric parameters of existing plant species in parks, allows the allergenic risk thereof to be calculated on a scale ranging from 0 to 1, depending on whether to the park’s allergenicity is zero or has a high risk for the population. The parks selected for this study have different typologies, sizes, species richness and biodiversities, which has yielded highly variable index values. Almost half of the analysed parks have an index value higher than 0.30, a threshold considered having a moderate to high risk, and therefore, enough to cause allergy symptoms in the population. Conversely, most of the parks had an index value below this threshold, so that the risk of suffering allergies is low or very low. The formula also allows the species that most contribute to the resulting value for allergenicity to be known, which are those having an anemophillous strategy of pollination, extended periods of flowering, and a referenced high allergenicity. These requirements are met by all species of the Betulaceae, Cupressaceae and Moraceae families, and to a lesser extent by Oleaceae and Platanaceae. It can be concluded that the development of an index to estimate the allergenicity of urban green spaces constitutes a useful tool to minimize the impact of pollen allergy on the population.Os parques urbanos são elementos da infraestrutura verde que devem contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos. Neste trabalho apresentam-se os resultados da aplicação de um índice inovador, que permite estimar a alergenicidade potencial dos espaços verdes urbanos. Este índice, que inclui parâmetros biológicos e biométricos, intrínsecos às próprias espécies existentes nos parques, tem como resultado um valor numa escala entre 0 e 1, de acordo com o potencial alergénico do parque, caso este seja, respetivamente e nos seus extremos, nulo ou de máximo risco para as populações. O índice foi aplicado em parques de diferentes tipologias, desenho, tamanho, riqueza específica e biodiversidade, situados em 20 cidades espanholas. Os resultados demonstram que alguns dos parques estudados registam um valor de índice superior a 0,30, limite suficiente para causar sintomas de alergia na população exposta, e por tanto, risco moderado a alto. No entanto, a maioria dos parques apresenta um valor inferior a este limite. Também é possível conhecer quais as espécies que mais contribuem para o valor do índice, que correspondem aquelas com a estratégia de polinização anemófila, períodos de floração extensos e potencial alergénico referenciado. Estes requisitos são aplicáveis a todas as espécies das famílias Betuláceas, Cupressáceas e Moráceas, e em menor medida, Oleáceas e Platanáceas. Pode assim concluir-se que a aplicação de um índice de previsão dos níveis de alergenicidade dos espaços verdes urbanos constitui uma ferramenta útil para minimizar o impacto da alergia polínica sobre a população.peerReviewe

    Environmental health of Spanish parks: An approach to the allergenic potential of urban green spaces

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    Los parques urbanos son elementos de la infraestructura verde que deben contribuir a mejorar la calidad de vida y el bienestar ciudadano. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de un novedoso índice que estima la alergenicidad potencial de las zonas verdes urbanas. Este índice, que contempla parámetros biológicos y biométricos intrínsecos a las especies arbóreas existentes en los parques, genera un resultado cuyo valor está comprendido entre 0 y 1 según el potencial alergénico del parque sea nulo o de riesgo alto para la población. En una primera fase el índice se ha aplicado a parques de diferente tipología, diseño, tamaño, riqueza específica y biodiversidad ubicados en 20 ciudades españolas. Los resultados han mostrado que algunos de los parques estudiados registran un valor de índice superior a 0,30, umbral suficiente para causar síntomas de alergia a la población expuesta, y por tanto, de riesgo moderado o alto. Por el contrario, en la mayoría de los parques se obtuvo un valor inferior a este umbral. También es posible conocer cuáles son las especies que más contribuyen al valor resultante, que son aquellas con estrategia de polinización anemófila, periodos de floración extensos y alta alergenicidad referenciada. Estos requisitos los cumplen todas las especies de las familias Betuláceas, Cupresáceas y Moráceas, y en menor extensión, Oleáceas y Platanáceas. Puede concluirse que el desarrollo de un índice de estimación de alergenicidad de espacios verdes urbanos constituye una herramienta de utilidad para minimizar el impacto de la alergia polínica en la población.Urban parks are green infrastructure elements that should contribute to improving the quality of life and well-being of citizens. In this work there are presented the results of applying a new index to estimate the potential allergenicity of parks located in 20 Spanish cities. This index, which considers intrinsic biological and biometric parameters of existing plant species in parks, allows the allergenic risk thereof to be calculated on a scale ranging from 0 to 1, depending on whether to the park’s allergenicity is zero or has a high risk for the population. The parks selected for this study have different typologies, sizes, species richness and biodiversities, which has yielded highly variable index values. Almost half of the analysed parks have an index value higher than 0.30, a threshold considered having a moderate to high risk, and therefore, enough to cause allergy symptoms in the population. Conversely, most of the parks had an index value below this threshold, so that the risk of suffering allergies is low or very low. The formula also allows the species that most contribute to the resulting value for allergenicity to be known, which are those having an anemophillous strategy of pollination, extended periods of flowering, and a referenced high allergenicity. These requirements are met by all species of the Betulaceae, Cupressaceae and Moraceae families, and to a lesser extent by Oleaceae and Platanaceae. It can be concluded that the development of an index to estimate the allergenicity of urban green spaces constitutes a useful tool to minimize the impact of pollen allergy on the population.Os parques urbanos são elementos da infraestrutura verde que devem contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos. Neste trabalho apresentam-se os resultados da aplicação de um índice inovador, que permite estimar a alergenicidade potencial dos espaços verdes urbanos. Este índice, que inclui parâmetros biológicos e biométricos, intrínsecos às próprias espécies existentes nos parques, tem como resultado um valor numa escala entre 0 e 1, de acordo com o potencial alergénico do parque, caso este seja, respetivamente e nos seus extremos, nulo ou de máximo risco para as populações. O índice foi aplicado em parques de diferentes tipologias, desenho, tamanho, riqueza específica e biodiversidade, situados em 20 cidades espanholas. Os resultados demonstram que alguns dos parques estudados registam um valor de índice superior a 0,30, limite suficiente para causar sintomas de alergia na população exposta, e por tanto, risco moderado a alto. No entanto, a maioria dos parques apresenta um valor inferior a este limite. Também é possível conhecer quais as espécies que mais contribuem para o valor do índice, que correspondem aquelas com a estratégia de polinização anemófila, períodos de floração extensos e potencial alergénico referenciado. Estes requisitos são aplicáveis a todas as espécies das famílias Betuláceas, Cupressáceas e Moráceas, e em menor medida, Oleáceas e Platanáceas. Pode assim concluir-se que a aplicação de um índice de previsão dos níveis de alergenicidade dos espaços verdes urbanos constitui uma ferramenta útil para minimizar o impacto da alergia polínica sobre a população.S

    Dinàmiques convergents per atendre la diversitat dins l’aula

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    [cat] El present treball es focalitza en dues dinàmiques convergents que integren el treball col·laboratiu i la inclusió per atendre a la diversitat dins l’aula, dissenyades durant les pràctiques del màster (IES Pau Casesnoves, Inca). Considerant el fet que el centre escolar ha posat en marxa un Pla d’Innovació Pedagògica (PIP), s’ha volgut dissenyar una proposta de millora educativa en aquest mateix sentit. La possibilitat de profunditzar en la diversitat neix del fet que la classe de 1r d’ESO utilitza el mètode de treball per grups cooperatius i inclusius, especialment a les assignatures de Biologia i geologia i Projectes. Durant el primer període de les pràctiques, s’ha observat que els alumnes no eren considerats com el centre motor i d’atenció a la diversitat dins l’aula; els alumnes asseguts, per exemple, als marges de la classe, passaven desapercebuts i mostraven dificultats per prestar l’atenció requerida i participar dels continguts i les activitats. Així, determinada la necessitat d’una participació amb igualtat dins el grup, al segon trimestre s’ha posat en marxa, per una banda, una dinàmica innovadora centrada en la rotació setmanal dels petits grups dins l’aula. La recerca pretén analitzar les modificacions generades quant al rendiment, la socialització i la inclusió dels alumnes respecte a una disposició estàtica dels grups. Les tècniques d’avaluació proposades es basen en la triangulació, amb anàlisi qualitativa i quantitativa, mitjançant enquestes als alumnes, les famílies i al professorat, tot permetent de valorar el grau de satisfacció i d’èxit d’aquesta dinàmica. Per una altra banda, la segona part del treball, consisteix en una unitat didàctica de Biologia i geologia (El regne vegetal) que, partint de la rotació dels grups ja justificada i proposada a la primera part, es formula per tal de fomentar l’aprenentatge cooperatiu, així com la innovació pedagògica dins l’aula. L’objectiu de les dues dinàmiques és generar un protagonisme clar i actiu dels alumnes dins l’aula, que se sentin entre iguals, millorant l’atenció a la diversitat, la inclusió educativa i, particularment, el seu aprenentatge significatiu

    Notes florístiques de les illes Balears (VIII)

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    [cat] S'amplia la corologia d'algunes especies per a les illes de Mallorca, Menorca i Formentera. Destaca la retroballa d'Otanthus maritimus (L.) Hoffmanns. & Link a Mallorca, i les troballes de Convolvulus valentinus Cavo a Mallorca, Tamarix canariensis Willd. a Menorca i Formentera, i Spergularia heldreichii Fouc a les Pitiüses. [eng] FLORISTIC RECORDS FROM THE BALEARIC ISLANDS (VIII). The chorology 01 some plant species 01 the islands 01 Mallorca, Menorca and Formentera has enlarged. 01 special note is the rediscovery 01 Otanthus maritimus (L.) Hoffmanns & Link in Mallorca and the lindings 01 Convolvulus valentinus Cavo in Mallorca, Tamarix canariensis Willd. in Menorca and Formentera, and Spergularia heldreichii Fouc in the Pitiusic Islands

    Comparative germination ecology and seedling growth of two Ibero-Levantine endemic species belonging to the Silene mollissima aggregate (Caryophyllaceae)

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    The present study was focused on the seed germination and seedling growth of Silene mollissima and S. hifacensis, endemics of the Mediterranean Ibero-Levantine biogeographic province, in order to better understand what environmental factors (e.g. temperature, salinity) influence their ecology and rarity causing their narrow distribution. Inter- and intra-specific variability in the responses to light (12 h light/12 h dark) and darkness, constant and alternating temperatures, salinity tolerance and germination recovery after washing seeds with distilled water were evaluated. Moreover, the biomass production and the growth rate during the early stages of seedling development were measured at several temperatures. Seeds of the two species were non-dormant and light did not affect their germination. For both species, germination was high at the lowest tested temperatures, while at the highest temperatures inter-specific differences were observed. Seeds of the two species were able to germinate up to 250 mM NaCl, furthermore the highest germination occurred in the non-saline control and decreased with increasing salinity. Independently from the tested temperature, S. mollissima and S. hifacensis seeds totally recovered their germination after the NaCl exposure. For both S. mollissima populations the increasing temperature promoted the seedling dry weight and the growth rate, while this pattern was observed only for one S. hifacensis population. This study highlighted that although these species have different needs during their seed germination, they share several common traits in same critical phases of their life cycle. From the ecological viewpoint, our results are consistent with field germination from autumn until spring for S. mollissima and limited to the autumn–winter months for S. hifacensis, when soil moisture is high and salinity levels are low due to the seasonal washout by rainfall. These findings may partially explain the limited distribution of the two species, although further investigation would be needed

    Comparative germination ecology and seedling growth of two Ibero-Levantine endemic species belonging to the Silene mollissima aggregate (Caryophyllaceae)

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    [eng] The present study was focused on the seed germination and seedling growth of Silene mollissima and S. hifacensis, endemics of the Mediterranean Ibero-Levantine biogeographic province, in order to better understand what environmental factors (e.g. temperature, salinity) influence their ecology and rarity causing their narrow distribution. Inter- and intra-specific variability in the responses to light(12 h light/12 h dark) and darkness, constant and alternating temperatures, salinity tolerance and germination recovery after washing seeds with distilled water were evaluated. Moreover, the biomass production and the growth rate during the early stages of seedling development were measured at several temperatures. Seeds of the two species were non-dormant and light did not affect their germination. For both species, germination was high at the lowest tested temperatures, while at the highest temperatures inter-specific differences were observed. Seeds of the two species were able to germinate up to 250 mM NaCl, furthermore the highest germination occurred in the non-saline control and decreased with increasing salinity. Independently from the tested temperature, S. mollissima and S. hifacensis seeds totally recovered their germination after the NaCl exposure. For both S. mollissima populations the increasing temperature promoted the seedling dry weight and the growth rate, while this pattern was observed only for one S. hifacensis population. This study highlighted that although these species have different needs during their seed germination, they share several common traits in same critical phases of their life cycle. From the ecological viewpoint, our results are consistent with field germination from autumn until spring for S. mollissima and limited to the autumn-winter months for S. hifacensis, when soil moisture is high and salinity levels are low due to the seasonal washout by rainfall. These findings may partially explain the limited distribution of the two species, although further investigation would be neede