460 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi beberapa permasalahan rendahnya pencapaian hasil belajar pada mata pelajaran IPA yang belum menggunakan metode demonstrasi. Berdasarkan data awal yang didapatkan dari hasil tes menunjukan bahwa siswa kurang memahami apa yang disampaikan oleh guru. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan melalui implementasi metode demonstrasi. Penelitian dilakukan melalui empat tahap yang diadaptasi dari model Kemmis dan Mc. Targgart. Penelitian menunjukan nilai rata-rata hasil belajar IPA siklus I adalah 71,2 dengan presentase ketuntasan belajar yang mencapai 68% dan meningkat pada siklus II dengan nilai rata-rata kemampuan belajar IPA 80,5 diikuti dengan presentase ketuntasan yang mencapai 100%. Berdasarkan data tersebut menunjukan bahwa metode demonstrasi dapat meningkatkan kemampuan belajar IPA siswa setelah mengimplementasi metode demonstrasi. ;---This research is motivated by several problems of low achievement of learning outcomes in science subjects that have not used the demonstration method. Based on preliminary data obtained from test results showed that students do not understand what is delivered by the teacher. This classroom action research is conducted through the implementation of demonstration methods. The study was conducted through four stages adapted from Kemmis and Mc models. Targgart. The research shows the average score of science learning outcomes in cycle I is 71.2 with the percentage of learning completeness that reaches 68% and increases in cycle II with average score of learning ability of IPA 80,5 followed by 100% completeness percentage. Based on these data show that the demonstration method can improve students' learning ability after implementing the demonstration method

    'People try and police your behaviour': the impact of surveillance on mothers and grandmothers' perceptions and experiences of infant feeding

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    Pregnancy and motherhood are increasingly subjected to surveillance. Research has highlighted that public breastfeeding is difficult to navigate within existing constructs of acceptable femininity; but, at the same time, mothers who formula feed are often located within discourses of the failed maternal subject. This paper draws on intergenerational reserach with six mother/grandmother pairs from marginalised urban Welsh locales, which involved eliciations interviews around the everyday artefacts that participants presented to symbolise their experiences of motherhood and infant care. We examine the negotiation of acceptable motherhood in relation to the intrusive policing of lifestyle choices, consumption and infant feeding from family, friends and strangers. The paper argues that the moral maze of surveyed motherhood renders infant feeding a challenging, and challenged, space for women

    IL CONSUMO DELL\u2019USATO IN VENETO. Culture e pratiche di nuove modalit\ue0 di scambio degli oggetti

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    Il presente lavoro intende esplorare il consumo dell'usato in Italia e in Veneto in particolare, con una ricerca empirica quali-quantitativa. L'approccio di analisi si basa sulla cultura materiale dell'usato e sul confronto con il consumo del nuovo quale modalit\ue0 pervasiva di consumo. Attraverso una analisi della letteratura e la costruzione di un primo modello teorico di analisi si proceder\ue0 a descrivere le principali dimensioni implicate nell'usato.The aim of this research is to investigate the material culture of second-hand consumption in Italy. The recent growth of Second-hand consumption in Italy is almost due to financial and economic crisis. But consumers that deals with second-hand doesn\u2019t think that the bargain is the principal motivation for buying used goods. To be more specific, the utilitarian cause is not sufficient to explore and understand second-hand consumption, especially for the consequences that second-hand consumption could have to the mass consumption of \u201cnew\u201d commodities. As a consequence it can be said that second-hand consumption is a practice driven either by economical causes and cultural beliefs. Second-hand culture is characterized by a peculiar social meaning related to the cycle of goods and its system of relations between consumers, and it represents the history of products and people. Second-hand is the opposite of the \u201cnew\u201d, which represents the rational choice of consumers who decide to purchase and consume products regardless of their physical wear and tear. While new goods guarantees a sort of \u201cpurity of consumption\u201d, second-hand goods seems to be \u201cdangerous\u201d. Second-hand consumption brings commodities to an \u201cimpure\u201d and relational way of consumption, not mediated by conventional market and industrial \u201cclean\u201d production. Exploring what other disciplines said about second-hand, and promoting a first theoretical view of the phenomenon, this work propose an explorative research based on participant observation and semi-structured interviews, where we try to better describe and understand second-hand consumption in the Veneto area. The analysis of three form of second-hand consumption: barter (and swap party), second-hand shop and charity shop, through qualitative methods, driven by the theoretical assumptions described before, gives us a first framework of the phenomenon and a firs

    Letters from the Otherworld. Arthur and Henry II in Stephen of Rouen’s Draco Normannicus

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    The poem Draco Normannicus includes a correspondence between King Arthur, now ruler of the Antipodes, and Henry II. Arthur reminds Henry of his deeds to discourage him from conquering Britanny. Henry first laughs at Arthur’s letter, but then, urged by the news of his mother’s death, he replies suggesting that he will hold Britanny under Arthur’s suzerainty.This paper analyses these fictional letters, focusing on two main aspects, closely related to each other. 1) Intertextuality on different levels: Arthur’s letter is modeled on Lucius Tiberius’ letter in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae; Henry suggests a comparison between this correspondence and the one between Darius and Alexander; Arthur claims that the deeds he mentions are true because already told by Gildas and Geoffrey of Monmouth. 2) Political ideology: humour is not the only key to interpret the text, the purpose of the poem is not only to mock the ‘Breton hope’, but also to celebrate Henry II as a glorious monarch, legitimately ruling over his ‘empire’.Le poème Draco Normannicus contient une correspondance entre le roi Arthur, alors roi des Antipodes, et Henri II. Arthur rappelle à Henri les hauts faits qu’il a entrepris pour lui faire renoncer à conquérir la Bretagne. Henri, dans un premier temps, se gausse de la lettre d’Arthur, mais ensuite, poussé par la nouvelle de la mort de sa mère, répond en déclarant qu’il administrera la Bretagne au nom d’Arthur.L’article analyse ces lettres imaginaires, en se concentrant principalement sur deux aspects étroitement liés. 1) L’intertextualité sur plusieurs niveaux : la lettre d’Arthur est écrite sur le modèle de Lucius Tiberius dans l’Historia Regum Britanniae de Geoffroi de Monmouth ; Henri compare cette correspondance avec celle de Darius et Alexandre ; Arthur déclare que les hauts faits qu’il raconte sont vrais parce qu’ils ont jadis été narrés par Gildas et Geoffroy de Monmouth. 2) L’idéologie politique : l’humour n’est pas la seule interprétation possible du texte, le but de l’épisode n’est pas seulement de ridiculiser « l’espoir Breton », mais également de présenter Henri II comme un monarque glorieux, qui règne légitimement sur son « empire ».Il poema Draco Normannicus include una corrispondenza tra re Artù, ora re degli Antipodi, ed Enrico II. Artù ricorda a Enrico le sue imprese per farlo desistere dalla conquista della Bretagna. Enrico inizialmente ride della lettera di Artù, ma poi, spinto dalla notizia della morte di sua madre, risponde dichiarando che reggerà la Bretagna in nome di Artù.Questo articolo analizza queste lettere immaginarie, soffermandosi su due aspetti principali strettamente connessi fra di loro. 1) L’intertestualità su più livelli : la lettera di Artù è modellata su quella di Lucius Tiberius nell’ Historia Regum Britanniae di Goffredo di Monmouth ; Enrico suggerisce un paragone fra questa corrispondenza e quella fra Dario e Alessandro ; Artù dichiara che le imprese da lui narrate sono vere perché già narrate da Gilda e Goffredo di Monmouth. 2) L’ideologia politica : l’umorismo non è la sola chiave per comprendere il testo, lo scopo dell’episodio non consiste solo nel ridicolizzare la « speranza bretone », ma anche nel celebrare Enrico II come un glorioso monarca che regna legittimamente sul suo « impero »

    Studi persebaran klorofil - A menggunakan Aqua Modis dan Landsat 8 di Pantai Surabaya - Sidoarjo dampak Lumpur Lapindo

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    Negara kepulauan merupakan negara yang seluruhnya terdiri dari satu atau lebih kepulauan dan dapat mencakup pulau-pulau lain. Seperti halnya Negara Indonesia dimana dua per tiga luas Indonesia didominasi oleh lautan atau perairan. Lautan menjadi salah satu sumber kehidupan bagi masyarakat Indonesia, termasuk bagi para nelayan. Nelayan mencari rezeki dan peruntungan melalui hasil tangkapan ikan yang didapatkan setiap harinya. Ekosistem ikan tidak terlepas dari produsen makanan yang terdapat di laut, yakni klorofil-a pada fitoplankton. Data yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan persebaran klorofil-a adalah data ground truth, hasil pengolahan citra Aqua MODIS, dan Landsat 8. Data ground truth merupakan hasil pengambilan sampel berupa air laut yang selanjutnya dilakukan uji laboratorium. Proses pengolahan citra satelit menggunakan prinsip remote sensing, dimana masing-masing citra menggunakan algoritma yang berbeda, yaitu ATBD 19 dan algoritma klorofil-a pada Landsat 8. Hasil dalam penelitian ini adalah peta persebaran klorofil-a di Pantai Surabaya-Sidoarjo dan analisa beberapa data diantaranya data citra terhadap ground truth, analisa antar citra, dan analisa konsentrasi klorofil-a secara temporal. Berdasarkan pada proses analisa dapat disimpulkan bahwa Aqua MODIS memiliki korelasi yang kuat terhadap data ground truth dengan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 78,88%. Sedangkan hasil pengolahan citra Landsat 8 mempunyai korelasi yang sangat lemah sebesar 16,24%. Secara temporal, konsentrasi klorofil-a di daerah Pantai Surabaya – Sidoarjo berada pada rentang konsentrasi sedang yaitu sekitar 1,001 – 2 mg/m³. Hal ini dikarenakan beberapa faktor seperti kondisi fisik perairan, musim, dan arus perairan. ====================================================================================================== Archipelago country is the country that all of its region contains one or more islands and can cover another islands. As Indonesia that two third of its wide is domineered by sea or water. Sea is becoming one of living source to Indonesian, especially for fishermen. Fishermen search their livelihood from totally fish catched every day. Ecosystem of fish is coming from food producer in the sea, that is chlorophyll-a in phytoplankton. Data that is used to know the chlorophyll-a distribution is ground truth data, results of Aqua MODIS processing and Landsat 8. Ground truth data is the result of sea water sample which are tested in laboratory. Satellite image processing uses remote sensing principle where each satellite use different algorithm, such as ATBD 19 and chlorophyll-a algorithm in Landsat 8. Result in this research is chlorophyll-a distribution map in Surabaya – Sidoarjo coast and analysis some data that is between image and ground truth, inter image analysis, and temporal analysis of chlorophyll-a distribution. Based on analysis processing can be concluded that Aqua MODIS has a high correlation with ground truth data in 78,88% coefficient correlation. Whereas Landsat 8 processing result has a weak correlation about 16,24%. Temporarily, chlorophyll-a concentration of Surabaya – Sidoarjo Coast is in medium concentration about 1,001 – 2 mg/m³. It is caused by some factor such as physical condition of water, season, and currents


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji serta memperoleh bukti empiris yang berkaitan dengan pengaruh audit tenure, rotasi KAP dan audit fee terhadap kualitas audit. Sampel dalam penelitian yaitu perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2016-2020. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data kuantitatif berupa data sekunder yang diperoleh dari laporan tahunan perusahaan yang dipublikasikan melalui website resmi perusahaan dan website resmi Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) www.idx.co.id. Metode yang digunakan dalam pemilihan sampel yaitu purposive sampling dan memperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 36 perusahaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa audit tenure berpengaruh negatif terhadap kualitas audit, rotasi KAP tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas audit, dan audit fee berpengaruh positif terhadap kualitas audit

    Upper Limb Structural Anatomic Mechanisms of Protection (SAMPs)

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    Introduction Nature has provided living bodies with extraordinarily effective reparative mechanisms. Furthermore, the biological processes involved in anatomical structures are built-up to protect life against external injuries. A series of these protective systems in the upper limb are herein described. Material and Methods From 2009 to 2017, 864 fresh frozen cadaveric upper limbs were dissected from the axilla to the fingers during the Italian Hand Society surgical anatomy dissection course. Results Arrangement of anatomical structures in the upper limb is able to protect major life supporting organs. Conclusions External injuries affecting the upper limb may cause damage to many important structures resulting in severe functional impairments. The layout of the structures and the relationship between them are organized to preserve arteries integrity first, more than muscles and nerves. This means, in our opinion, that these structures are organized to preserve life even if this has functional cost

    Evidence-Based Practice Self-Study Education Program for Staff Nurses on Genomics

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    Nurses routinely obtain genomic data when collecting family health histories. However, they report low confidence in their knowledge and understanding of genomics and the genetically engineered medications prescribed for their patients. The purpose of this project was the development and implementation of an evidence-based online education program about genetics and genomics to increase the nurses\u27 understanding and ability to provide competent care for their patients receiving treatments based on the science of genomics. Knowles\u27s principles of adult learning theory guided the development and delivery of the online education project to 12 medical-surgical registered nurses employed in a hospital in the northeastern United States. The Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice model provided a guideline for organizing and evaluating the level and quality of evidence. A 2-tailed paired t test showed that the nurses\u27 knowledge and understanding about genetics and genomics increased after participating in the evidence-based education program. The increase in nurses\u27 knowledge on genomics has the potential to provide nurses with the competence and confidence to collaborate with physicians and pharmacists regarding treatment plans incorporating genomics, resulting in effective team collaboration and a positive social change that could improve patient outcomes
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