36 research outputs found

    Provided Leadership and Selected Outcomes of Trainings in Public Organizations

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    Trainings as well as their impact on employability and employees’ performance have been the subject of interest of theoreticians and practitioners of management for a long time. However, according to the literature study, the outcomes of employees’ trainings also depend on the applied style of leadership as well as on the quality of relationships between supervisors and subordinates. This paper tries to answer the question: what are the relationships between transformational leadership, the quality of supervisors’ relationships with subordinates, employees’ trainings and employability, employees’ quality and effort of work in public organizations? This aim will be achieved by presenting the results of literature study and empirical research carried out in public organizations

    Różne cechy struktur organizacyjnych a zatrudnialność w wybranych organizacjach publicznych

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    Związek zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi ze strukturalnym wymiarem organizacji jest od dawna przedmiotem zainteresowania badaczy. Struktura organizacyjna tworzy uwarunkowania zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi (ZZL), opisuje alokację zadań i odpowiedzialności, określa stosowane narzędzia ZZL, a w efekcie decyduje także o możliwościach rozwoju zatrudnialności pracowników w organizacji. W artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie: „Jaka jest zależność między określonymi cechami struktury organizacyjnej a zatrudnialnością pracowników organizacji publicznych?”. Cel ten zostanie zrealizowany poprzez zaprezentowanie wyników badań empirycznych cech struktur organizacyjnych i ich związków z zatrudnialnością pracowników przeprowadzonych w urzędach pracy, ośrodkach pomocy społecznej oraz urzędach miasta i gminy

    Prawdziwość wiedzy naukowej i pseudonauka w percepcji studentów

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    We współczesnym społeczeństwie pseudonauka coraz silniej oddziałuje na postawy i zachowania społeczne. Zmusza to szkoły wyższe do kształtowania wśród studentów odpowiednich kompetencji, pozwalających im na ocenę prawdziwości wiedzy i identyfikację pseudonauki. W artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie: jakie elementy tworzą wypowiedzi studentów na temat prawdziwości wiedzy naukowej jako jej cechy? Założono, że odpowiedź na to pytanie stanowi podstawę procesu kontroli efektów edukacji akademickiej w zakresie radzenia sobie z pseudonauką. Cel ten zrealizowano poprzez zaprezentowanie wyników badania, w którym zastosowano analizę treści 33 losowo wybranych pisemnych wypowiedzi studentów na temat prawdziwości jako cechy wiedzy naukowej. Badanie wykazało, że mimo znajomości i posługiwania się kategoriami wiedzy naukowej i jej prawdziwości studenci przejawiali ograniczone kompetencje w radzeniu sobie z problemem pseudonauki.We współczesnym społeczeństwie pseudonauka coraz silniej oddziałuje na postawy i zachowania społeczne. Zmusza to szkoły wyższe do kształtowania wśród studentów odpowiednich kompetencji, pozwalających im na ocenę prawdziwości wiedzy i identyfikację pseudonauki. W artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie: jakie elementy tworzą wypowiedzi studentów na temat prawdziwości wiedzy naukowej jako jej cechy? Założono, że odpowiedź na to pytanie stanowi podstawę procesu kontroli efektów edukacji akademickiej w zakresie radzenia sobie z pseudonauką. Cel ten zrealizowano poprzez zaprezentowanie wyników badania, w którym zastosowano analizę treści 33 losowo wybranych pisemnych wypowiedzi studentów na temat prawdziwości jako cechy wiedzy naukowej. Badanie wykazało, że mimo znajomości i posługiwania się kategoriami wiedzy naukowej i jej prawdziwości studenci przejawiali ograniczone kompetencje w radzeniu sobie z problemem pseudonauki

    The opportunities and threats resulting from robotic process automation in public service development

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    Objectives: This study aims to identify the opportunities and threats of automation and robotisation process automation in the development of public services. Research Design & Methods: In this study, the method of deduction was used as well as auxiliary methods and techniques such as logical analysis, analysis and study of literature, and classification and scientific description. The reasoning process was based on knowledge of management sciences and the existing findings with regard to digital transformation, in particular the robotic process automation of the public sector and services. Findings: The study revealed opportunities and threats related to the automation and robotisation of public services concerning three entities/groups: citizens, administration employees, and public organisations. Implications: The issues presented in the article might constitute the basis for practitioners, mainly public authorities and all other persons responsible for creating and implementing automated and robotic public services. Applications can be of particular interest to local government officials and management staff of various public institutions. Therefore, the robotisation and automation of services will gain in importance in the coming years, and many entities will be involved in their introduction and operation. This paper can also be useful for the economic and non-governmental sectors, whose recipients will be more aware of the opportunities and threats of service automation and robotisation. Contribution / Value Added: As a result of the analysis, the synthesis of the theoretical findings on the processes of automation and the robotisation of public services as well as certain consequences of these processes for further development of these public services were identified. They were then classified as opportunities or threats to the further automation and robotisation of public services, which may serve as a basis for the establishment of subsequent empirical studies

    Plastid differentiation during microgametogenesis determines green plant regeneration in barley microspore culture

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    Developing plants from in vitro culture of microspores or immature pollen grains (androgenesis) is a highly genotype-dependent process whose effectiveness in cereals is significantly reduced by occurrence of albino regenerants. Here, we examined a hypothesis that the molecular differentiation of plastids in barley microspores prior to in vitro culture affects the genotype ability to regenerate green plants in culture. At the mid-to-late uninucleate (ML) stage, routinely used to initiate microspore culture, the expression of most genes involved in plastid transcription, translation and starch synthesis was significantly higher in microspores of barley cv. ‘Mercada’ producing 90% albino regenerants, than in cv. ‘Jersey’ that developed 90% green regenerants. The ML microspores of cv. ‘Mercada’ contained a large proportion of amyloplasts filled with starch, while in cv. ‘Jersey’ there were only proplastids. Using additional spring barley genotypes that differed in their ability to regenerate green plants we confirmed the correlation between plastid differentiation prior to culture and albino regeneration in culture. The expression of GBSSI gene (Granule-bound starch synthaseI) in early-mid (EM) microspores was a good marker of a genotype potential to produce green regenerants during androgenesis. Initiating culture from EM microspores that significantly improved regeneration of green plants may overcome the problem of albinism

    Creation of a TILLING population in barley after chemical mutagenesis with sodium azide and MNU

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    Since the development of the Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genome (TILLING) strategy, it has been applied in both plants and animals in many studies. The creation of an appropriate population is the first and most crucial step of TILLING. The goal is to obtain a highly mutagenized population that allows many mutations in any gene of interest to be found. Therefore, an effective method of mutation induction should be developed. A high mutation density is associated with saving time, costs, and the labor required for the development of a TILLING platform. The proper handling of the mutated generations, the establishment of a seed bank, and the development of a DNA library are essential for creating a TILLING population. The database in which all of the data from the molecular and phenotypic analyses are collected is a very useful tool for maintaining such population. Once developed, a TILLING population can serve as a renewable resource of mutations for research that uses both forward and reverse genetic approaches. In this chapter, we describe the methods for the development and maintenance of a TILLING population in barley


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    The article presents the analysis of the dead time measurement using two sources for a non-paralyzable detector. It determined the optimum division of count rate measurement time between both source measurement and a single source one. Results of the work can be used to optimize dead time measurement for systems which count photons or particles.W artykule zaprezentowano analizę pomiaru czasu martwego detektora nieparaliżowalnego metodą dwóch źródeł. Wyznaczono optymalny podział czasu pomiaru częstości zliczeń dla pomiaru jednym i dwoma źródłami. Wyniki pracy mogą być wykorzystane do optymalizacji systemów zliczających fotony lub cząstki

    Expression of microRNA (miR126*, miR155, miR21, miR29a) in breast milk cell fraction in women with hypertension: a comparative analysis with women without hypertension

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    Objectives: The ideal option of food for a newborn's nourishment has traditionally been human breast milk (HBM). Previous studies have demonstrated a connection between the length of exclusively breastfeeding and its preventive effects on several conditions in neonates. Considering the significance of HBM, the study aimed at detecting the expression of microRNA (miR126*, miR155, miR21, and miR29a) in the breast milk cell fraction of women with hypertension. This was a cohort study of 35 postpartum women. Material and methods: Five ml of milk was collected into a sterile container from patients in the morning on the second and third days after the labor. The collected milk has been centrifuged, total cellular RNA has been isolated from cell fraction from the collected milk, isolated RNA has been subject to qualitative and quantitative analysis, next reverse transcription has been conducted, followed by that, evaluation of the expression of the selected microRNA has been conducted using the synthesized cDNA. Finally, the tested microRNA’s relative expression level has been calculated. Results: Among patients with hypertension, the analysis of cell fraction of breast milk reported lower mean expression of miR126*, miR155, miR21, and miR29a as compared to patients without hypertension. Strong and very strong positive correlation between the expression of miR126* and miR155, miR126* and miR21, miR155 and miR21, miR 155 and miR29a, and miR 21 and miR29a have been noted. Conclusions: Comparing patients with and without hypertension, it has been noted that patients with hypertension had lower mean expression of miR126*, miR155, miR21, and miR29a